Inserting into a linked list

Hello all,
I'm currently studying for a midterm on linked lists and I'm having a little trouble inserting in "order". What I'm trying to do is use a compareTo method to compare serial numbers of items. The compareTo methos is as follows:
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
     StoreItem other = (StoreItem) obj;
     return serialNumber - other.serialNumber;
And the following is my addItem method....which should simply insert the Node into the list in it's proper place according to it's serial number. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
public boolean addItem(StoreItem item){
if (item == null)
return false;
else if (first == null)
{first = new Node (item, null);
            return true;}
else {
Node p = first;
while ( != null && item.compareTo(p.value) > 0){
     p =; = new Node (item,;
return true;
Thanks again!

My error lies in the "else {" section of the code....The code up to there works fine as I've tried adding one element to an empty list and print it and it works. What doesn't work is when there's already one item in my list and I want to add another, which is what the following code was meant to do:
else {
Node p = first;
while ( != null && item.compareTo(p.value) > 0){
     p =; = new Node (item,;
return true;
This code compiles and doesn't give me a runtime error, yet when I execute the program, it only seems to add the first element....
Thanks again for the help:)

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  • Help needed in linked lists...

    I have been working on this computer assignment lately but I still don't understand linked lists yet..I did an assignment on array based implementation and now I am supposed to do the same thing in linked list implementation..
    I need help on how to change this into a linked list implementation..any help would be appreciated. Thank you..below is the code for the array based implementation..the only thing that needs change here is after where is says Array-based implementation of the ADT list.
    public class ListArrayBasedDriver {
      public static void main(String [] args) {
        ListArrayBased myGroceryList = new ListArrayBased();
        myGroceryList.add(9,"red beans");
        printList(myGroceryList); //print out original List
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("adding juice for 5th item...");
        myGroceryList.add (5, (Object) "juice");  //add juice
        System.out.println("item 5 is: " + myGroceryList.get(5)); //get position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("removing juice...");
        myGroceryList.remove (5); //remove item at position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
      public static void printList(ListArrayBased myList)
            //method prints a list, numbering the values,  e.g, "1.  milk" .... "5.  juice".... etc.
            int i;
            for(i=1; i <= myList.size(); i++)
                String tempString = new String((String)myList.get(i));
                System.out.println(i+" "+ tempString);
    // Array-based implementation of the ADT list.
    class ListArrayBased {
        private static final int MAX_LIST = 50;
        private Object items[];  // an array of list items
        private int numItems;  // number of items in list
        public ListArrayBased()
        // creates an empty list
             items = new Object[MAX_LIST];
             numItems = 0;
        }  // end default constructor
        public boolean isEmpty()
          return (numItems == 0);
        } // end isEmpty
        public int size()
           return numItems;
        }  // end size
        public void removeAll()
          // Creates a new array; marks old array for
          // garbage collection.
          items = new Object[MAX_LIST];
          numItems = 0;
        } // end removeAll
        public void add(int index, Object item) throws  ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (numItems > MAX_LIST)
            throw new ListException("ListException on add");
        }  // end if
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems+1)
            // make room for new element by shifting all items at
            // positions >= index toward the end of the
            // list (no shift if index == numItems+1)
            for (int pos = numItems; pos >= index; pos--) {
              items[translate(pos+1)] = items[translate(pos)];
          } // end for
          // insert new item
          items[translate(index)] = item;
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(
             "ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on add");
          }  // end if
        } //end add
        public Object get(int index) throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems)
            return items[translate(index)];
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(
              "ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on get");
          }  // end if
        } // end get
        public void remove(int index) throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems)
            // delete item by shifting all items at
            // positions > index toward the beginning of the list
            // (no shift if index == size)
                for (int pos = index+1; pos <= size(); pos++) {
                    items[translate(pos-1)] = items[translate(pos)];
          }  // end for
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException("ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on remove");
          }  // end if
        } // end remove
        private int translate(int position) {
        return position - 1;
       } // end translate
    }  // end ListArrayBased
    class ListException extends RuntimeException
      public ListException(String s)
      }  // end constructor
    }  // end ListException
    class ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
                extends IndexOutOfBoundsException {
      public ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(String s) {
      }  // end constructor
    }  // end ListIndexOutOfBoundsException

    Could someone check for me if this will work and if it doesn't what I need to do to make it work..Thanks...
    public class ListArrayBasedDriver {
      public static void main(String [] args) {
        ListArrayBased myGroceryList = new ListArrayBased();
        myGroceryList.add(9,"red beans");
        printList(myGroceryList); //print out original List
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("adding juice for 5th item...");
        myGroceryList.add (5, (Object) "juice");  //add juice
        System.out.println("item 5 is: " + myGroceryList.get(5)); //get position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("removing juice...");
        myGroceryList.remove (5); //remove item at position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
      public static void printList(ListArrayBased myList)
            //method prints a list, numbering the values,  e.g, "1.  milk" .... "5.  juice".... etc.
            int i;
            for(i=1; i <= myList.size(); i++)
                String tempString = new String((String)myList.get(i));
                System.out.println(i+" "+ tempString);
    // Linked List-based implementation of the ADT list.
    class ListNode
         //class to represent one node in a list
         class ListNode
              //package access members; List can access these directly
              Object data;
              ListNode nextNode;
              //contructor creates a ListNode that refers to object
              ListNode( Object object)
                   this( object, null );
              } //end ListNode one-argument constructor
              //constructor creates ListNode that refers to
              // Object and to the next ListNode
              ListNode ( Object object, ListNode node)
                   data = object;
                   nextNode = node;
              // end ListNode two-argument contructor
              //return reference to data in node
              Object getObject()
                   return data; // return Object in this mode
              //return reference to next node in list
              ListNode getNext()
                   return nextNode; // get next node
              } // end method getNext
    } //end class ListNode
    //class List Definition
    public class List
         private ListNode firstNode;
         private ListNode lastNode;
         private String name; // string like " list " used in printing
         //contructor creates empty List with " list " as the name
         public List()
              this(" list ");
         } //end List no-arguement constructor
    //contructor creates an empty list with a name
    public List( String listName )
         name = listname;
         firstNode = lastNode = null;
    } //end List no-arguement contructor
    //insert Object at front of List
    public void insertAtFront ( object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and lastNode refer to same object
              firstNode = lastNode = newListNode( insertItem );
         else // firstNode refers to new node
              firstNode = new ListNode ( insertItem, firstNode );
    } // end method insertAtFront
    // insert Object at end of List
    public void insert AtBack ( Object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and lastNode refer to same object
              firstNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
         else // firstNode refers to new node
         firstNode = new ListNode (insertItem, firstNode );
    } // end method insertAtFront
    // insert Object at end of List
    public void insertAtBack ( Object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and LastNode refer to same Object
              firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
         else // lastNode = lastNode.nextNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
    } // end method insertAtBack
    //remove first node from List
    public Object removeFromFront() throws EmptyListException
         if( isEmpty() ) //throw exception if list is empty
         throw new EmptyListException( name );
         object removedItem =; //retrieve data being removed
    // update references firstNode and lastNode
    if (firstNode == lastNode )
         firstNode =lastNode = null;
         firstNode = firstNode.nextNode;
         return removedItem; // return removed node data
    } //end method removeFromFront
    //remove last node from List
    Public Object removeFromBack() throws EmptyListException
         If ( isEmpty() ) // throw exception if list is empty
              throw new EmptyListException( name );
         Object removedItem =; // retrieve data being removed
         // update references firstNode and lastNode
         If ( firstNode == lastNode )
              firstNode = lastNode = null;
         else // locate new last node
              ListNode current = firstNode;
              // loop while current node does not refer to lastNode
              while ( current.nextNode != lastNode )
                   current = current.nextNode;
              lastNode = current; // current is new lastNode
              current.nextNode = null;
         } // end else
         return removedItem; // return removed node data
    } // end method removeFromBack
    // determine whether list is empty
    public boolean isEmpty()
         return firstNode == null; // return true if list is empty
    }     // end method isEmpty
    //output List contents
    public void print()
         if (isEmpty() )
              System.out.printf(�Empty %s\n�, name );
         System.out.printf(�The %s is: �, name );
         ListNode current = firstNode;
         //while (current != null )
              System.out,printf(�%s �, );
              current = current.nextNode;
         } //end while
         System.out.println( �\n� );
    } //end method print
    } end class List

  • Putting a class of objects in a Linked List?

    I copied a program from a book and I want to edit it and put studentRecord class in the Linked List. I've tried to play about with datum, but everything I try doesn't work. Can someone help me out? How could I put studentRecord in the LinkedList?
    class IO
         static BufferedReader keyboard = new
              BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         static PrintWriter screen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    class studentRecord
         private String name;
         private int IDNumber;
    class LinkedList
         class Node
              protected Object datum;
              protected Node link;
              public Node() {}
              public Node(Object item, Node pointer)
                   datum = item;
                   link = pointer;
         private Node head;
         private Node tail;
         private Node temporary;
         private int nodeCount = 0;
         public LinkedList()
              head = null;
              tail = null;
              temporary = null;
         //method to insert an object into the linked list
         public void insert(Object datum)
              if (head == null) // list empty
                   head = new Node(datum, head);
                   tail = head;
                   temporary = new Node(datum, temporary);
          = temporary;
                   tail = temporary;
                   temporary = null;
    Full program can be found:
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi jverd,
    Thanks for replying. I've tried to change the program liked you said but there is 1 error I can't seem to fix(Im sure there are more tho). The error is "cannot resolve symbol" I typed in caps the line it happens on so it's easy to see. Any idea what it could be? Is it cause I'm comparing a String with Object?
    class IO
         static BufferedReader keyboard = new
              BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         static PrintWriter screen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    class sRecord
         private String name;
         private int IDNumber;
    class LinkedList
         class Node
              protected sRecord datum;
              protected Node link;
              public Node() {}
              public Node(sRecord item, Node pointer)
                   datum = item;
                   link = pointer;
         private Node head;
         private Node tail;
         private Node temporary;
         private int nodeCount = 0;
         public LinkedList()
              head = null;
              tail = null;
              temporary = null;
         //method to insert an object into the linked list
         public void insert(sRecord datum)
              if (head == null) // list empty
                   head = new Node(datum, head);
                   tail = head;
                   temporary = new Node(datum, temporary);
          = temporary;
                   tail = temporary;
                   temporary = null;
         //method to delete an object from the linked list
         public boolean delete(Object scrap)
              Node previous = head;
              //for every node in the linked list
              for (Node current = head; current != null; current =
                   //node to be deleted is at the head of the list
                   if (current.datum.equals(scrap) && previous == current)
                        head =;
                        if (head == null) tail = null;
                        return true;
                   //node to be deleted is after the first node and before the last
                   else if (current.datum.equals(scrap) && ( != null))
                        return true;
                   //node to be deleted is at the ned of list
                   else if (current.datum.equals(scrap) && ( == null))
                        tail = previous;
               = null;
                        return true;
                   previous = current;
              return false;
         //method to display the contents of a linked list
         public void displayList()
              Node temporary = head;
              if (head == null)
                   IO.screen.println("linked list is empty");
              while (temporary != null)
                   temporary =;
         //method to return true if the linked list is empty
         public boolean isEmpty()
              return (nodeCount == 0);
         //method to return the number of nodes in the linked list
         public int nodes()
              return nodeCount;
         //method to display a menu to insert data into the linked list
         static private char menu()
              char response = '\u0000';
              IO.screen.println("Do you want to ");
              IO.screen.print("nsert, [D]elete, [L]ist, [E]xit? ");
              boolean done=false;
                        String data = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                        response = Character.toUpperCase(data.charAt(0));
                        done = true;
                   catch (Exception e)
                        IO.screen.println("Please input a single character I, D, L or E");
              } while (! done);
              return response;
         static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
              String datum;
              char choice;
              //get information from menu
              choice = menu();
              for (;;)
                   switch (choice)
                        case 'I' :
                             IO.screen.println("type quit to finish input");
                             IO.screen.print("Enter a word ");
                             datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                             while (! datum.equals("quit"))
    THE ERROR HAPPENS HERE ON THIS LINE          list.insert(;
                                  IO.screen.print("Enter another word");
                                  datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                   case 'D' :
                        //if list is empty deletion not possible
                        if (list.isEmpty())
                             IO.screen.println("linked list is empty");
                        IO.screen.println("type quit to finish input");
                        IO.screen.print("Delete? ");
                        datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                        while (! datum.equals("quit"))
                             if (list.delete(datum))
                                  IO.screen.println(datum+" was scrapped!");
                             //if list is empty deletion is not possible
                             if (list.isEmpty())
                                  IO.screen.println("linked list is empty");
                             IO.screen.print("Delete? ");
                             datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                   case 'L' :
                        IO.screen.println("number of nodes " + list.nodes());
                   case 'E' : System.exit(0);
              //get information from menu
              choice = menu();

  • C/C++ Alphabetical Linked List

    For my programming class, we have to create a linked list, which is arranged in order of when you added them. This was Assignment Six. Assignment 8 is to add an alphabetical list to this program, alongside the list in order.
    My professor wants us to have a "donor struct" and an "alpha struct" that points to the donor, as well as the next in the list.
    He isn't helping me figure this out so I figured I'd ask for help here.
    My 'modifyDonor()' function is broken, it deletes everything after whatever record you are trying to modify. There is also a problem in my 'prepareFiles()' function. Whatever the last entry is, is copied in twice.
    I would rather have this alphabetical stuff figured out before I work on those things.
    I'm not really allowed to use C++ stuff (classes, objects, etc.), because we haven't learned them yet, but if you can do it, and figure it out, then explain it to me. I'll take it.
    (Also, if you could post the edits to my source code, that would rad!)
    Below is a link to my source code and data file.
    Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

    Unfortunately, I can't really pinpoint an exact place where you are doing something wrong. I don't think you really understand the linked list concepts yet. The first thing I changed was getting rid of where you increment "first" in modifyDonation. Resetting "first" effectively destroys your list. You have additional problems with the other pointers.
    So, first of all, you have too many global pointers. You need one global pointer, named "head". Any time you iterate through the list (to print, find, etc.) you create a temp donor pointer, assign "head" to it and increment that temp pointer. The last node in your list should have NULL as its "next" pointer.
    To add a node, create a new node with NULL as its next pointer. Find where you want to insert, make the new node's next pointer point to the next pointer of the node at the insertion point. Then make the next pointer of the node at the insertion point point to the new node.
    To delete a node, find the node to delete. Make the previous node's next pointer point to the dead node's next pointer. Then delete the node.
    You don't change any pointers (other than temp ones) during a modify or print.
    At this point, all you have left is the special case of the first node. The last node isn't special because you can do the same copying of the next pointer as normal, even though that pointer is NULL.
    The first node, however, needs careful handling. If you delete the first node, you have to reset your head pointer. If you insert a new first node, you have to reset your head pointer. Sometimes it is easier to have your head node be a special, empty node. Then, you don't have to re-assign head. Also, when searching through the list, your "current" pointer should be the "previous" node. That way, when you are ready to insert, your "current" pointer is the "previous" node and the insertion is easy. The code looks a bit ugly because you'll have things like "if(current->next && current->next->id == id)". But you'll also need an extra, redundant null check.
    Hopefully this makes some sense. Your code is more complicated than it needs to be. You have too many globals. You are modifying those globals far too frequently. You want lots of:
    void modifyDonation(donor * node);
    donor * current = head->next;
    if(current->id == id)
    current = current->next;
    insert and delete are more difficult
    void insertDonation(donor * previous, donor * next);
    donor * current = head;
    if(!current->next || (current->next->id == id))
    insertDonation(current, current->next);
    current = current->next;
    To maintain a natural order and a sorted order, you'll need two head pointers. After you add or insert into the natural list, you insert into the sorted list according to the sort criteria. Delete is the same for both lists.

  • Linked List trouble

    //I need to add a header node into this Linked list class and
    // i dont understand it. can anyone give me a few pointers.
    // This is the orginal code. What im trying to figure out is below.
    public abstract class LinkedList implements ListInterface
    protected class ListNode
    // Used to hold references tolist nodes for the linked list implementation
    protected Listable info; // the info in a list node
    protected ListNode next; // a link to the next node on the list
    protected ListNode list; // reference to the first node on the list
    protected int numItems; // Number of elements in the list
    protected ListNode currentPos; // Current position for iteration
    public LinkedList()
    // Creates an empty list object.
    numItems = 0;
    list = null;
    currentPos = null;
    public boolean isFull()
    // Determines whether this list is full.
    return false;
    public int lengthIs()
    // Determines the number of elements on this list.
    return numItems;
    public abstract boolean isThere (Listable item);
    // Determines if element matching item is on this list.
    public Listable retrieve (Listable item)
    // Returns a copy of the list element with the same key as item.
    ListNode location = list;
    boolean found = false;
    while (!found)
    if (item.compareTo( == 0) // if they match
    found = true;
    location =;
    public abstract void insert (Listable item);
    // Adds a copy of item to this list.
    public void delete (Listable item)
    // Deletes the element of this list whose key matches item�s key.
    ListNode location = list;
    // Locate node to be deleted.
    if (item.compareTo( == 0)
    list =; // Delete first node.
    while (item.compareTo( != 0)
    location =;
    // Delete node at =;
    public void reset()
    // Initializes current position for an iteration through this list.
    currentPos = list;
    public Listable getNextItem ()
    // Returns copy of the next element in list.
    Listable nextItemInfo =;
    if ( == null)
    currentPos = list;
    currentPos =;
    return nextItemInfo;
    //now heres the part i dont get i need to make list point to a new
    // node say HeaderNode. Now wouldnt just...
    public LinkedList()
    // Creates an empty list object.
    numItems = 0; = HeaderNode; //....this line do the trick???
    currentPos = null;
    I know that i cant use any insert methods to put it in, so what else could i possibly do?


  • Linked List- How?

    I was wondering how i could get my code to insert the tokenized string into a linked list. I would need each word to be a different element so that I could perform a bubble search upon them. Can anyone help me please? Below is my code:
    import java.util.*;
    public class ScanText {
    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
    try {
    File output = new File("printout.txt");
    FileReader scan = new
    BufferedReader in = new
    FileWriter fw = new
    BufferedWriter bw = new
    while (in.ready()) {   
    String str = in.readLine();
    StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(str);
    while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) {
    }catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Error -- " + e.toString());

    I've established a LinkedList but I still can't figure out how to add each token then sort them into alphabetical order...I'm new to java, but I posted this on the wrong forum...I've never done a bubble sort before either. Would i have to do it using a for loop or an if function?

  • Advice needed on linked lists

    I am a college student and I am writing a program for a Data Structures course I am currently taking. The assignment is to write a program that calculates the number of electoral votes each state receives. The program is to read in the name and population of each state from a text file, place it into a linked list, and calculate the number of electoral votes each state gets.
    I have started the assignment, but I am unsure of how to proceed on reading the data in from the text file and placing it into a linked list. Also, I am unsure of how to parse the linked list to get the integer value of the population to be used for the calculation.
    Anyone out there have any ideas or advice to offer? Any information will be greatly appreciated.

    You're basically asking about the entire assignment. I live by the credo "Fish for a man and he'll eat for a day, but teach him how to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." so let's teach you how to fish.
    You're lucky Java has an API on the web where you can look up all these wonderful classes that have already been written for you:
    So like I posted before, RTFM.
    "But there are soooo many classes! Where do I start?"
    Well, lets look at your posting a LinkedList eh? Just so happens java has one of those click on it, look at ALL the methods and fields, see if that works for you.
    Repeat this for all the various classes you'll need. This is how programmers get stuff done. A lot of the time when you start out doing something you don't know how to do it, so you research until you find the answer, cause in the real world it isn't always the case that you can ask your TA for help. (But, then again, that's what these forums are for.)
    So, just so I leave you with something tangible that will get you started, let me suggest looking at the following Java classes:
    You could use all or none of these to do what you want, but using them (properly) will probably get you through your assignment the fastest. And definitely through future assignments faster.
    theSparko strikes again!

  • Elements overwrites each others in Linked List

    hello, my problem is mentioned as the subject.
    i'm trying to add the same object into a linked list each time with different values, however it doesn't work and eventually all objects stored in the linked list become identical.
    here's the sample code.
    public class Object1
         private String s = null;     
         public Object1(){}
         public void setS(String s){this.s = s;}
         public String getS(){return s;}
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
              List ll = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());
              Object1 obj1 = new Object1();
              for (int i=0; i<ll.size(); i++)
                   Object1 obj2 = (Object1)ll.get(i);
                   System.out.println(">>>>>before:: " + obj2.getS() + "\n");
              for (int i=0; i<ll.size(); i++)
                   Object1 obj2 = (Object1)ll.get(i);
                   System.out.println(">>>>>after:: " + obj2.getS());          
    and the result looks like this:
    before:: 111111
    after:: 2222222
    after:: 2222222what i really want is something like this instead:
    before:: 111111
    after:: 111111
    after:: 2222222could any one please help
    thanks in advance

    You need to understand the distinction between references and objects. You're not storing objects in the linked list, but references. All of these references point to the same object. You need to create a new object each time through the loop.

  • Help with linked list code.

    Here's a basic linked list code that I need help on.
    What I need assistance with:
    1. How would I rewrite and delete words/phrases in the file IO section of my code?
    2. How would I make the code recognize all the words on each line of the linked list? Only the words on the first line of the file go into the linked list.
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class LinkedLists {
        public static void delete (LinkedList test)
            int a = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
            "Enter a position to delete"));
            test.remove(a - 1);
        public static void add (LinkedList test)
            String user = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "What to input?");
            int b = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                    "What position to enter it in?"));
            test.add(b - 1, user);
        public static void fileRead(LinkedList test) throws IOException
            BufferedReader fileIn;
            String text;
            fileIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("z:/data.txt"));
            text = fileIn.readLine();
            int b = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                    "What position to enter it in?"));
            test.add(b - 1, text);
        public static void fileWrite(LinkedList test) throws IOException
            PrintWriter fileOut;
            fileOut = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("z:/data.txt",true));
            String user = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "What to input?");
        public static void main(String[] args)  {
            LinkedList test = new LinkedList();
            int x = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                    "Enter \n1 to Delete \n2 to Add \n3 to read data from file \n4 to write into the file and add to list"));
            if (x == 1) {
            if (x == 2) {
            if (x == 3) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
    }Edited by: Johnston on Sep 16, 2007 1:13 AM

    Johnston wrote:
    1. How would I rewrite and delete words/phrases in the file IO section of my code?You want to replace or remove in/from the file?
    First you have to define a file format. This is not a Java technical term, but a thing what you have to keep in mind. Simplest format is:
    - each ListItem is one line in the file closed with newline.
    Now you can read the file line by line and store the lines in a memory structure (LinkedList for ex ;-)). Then replace or remove the designated elements an write the file new by iterate over the list and write each item as line in the file.
    Johnston wrote:
    2. How would I make the code recognize all the words on each line of the linked list? Only the words on the first line of the file go into the linked list.You have to read the file line by line and then add each line as item of the list.
    Examples for reading/writing textfiles:
    Btw: Deal with Generics (see an use this knowledge to declate your List better.

  • Inserting integers in a Linked list/List in Java

    Please solve the following problem using Java.
    Problem: Write a program that inserts 25 random integers from 0 to 100 in order in a linked list object. The program should calculate the sum of the elements and the floating-point average of the elements.

    do the following 25 times
    . insert random value between x and y into my list
    All you have to do is replace x and y with your values and compile using the java -idiot option.

  • Splitting a Linked List at a Given Node, into Two Sublists??

    My code just will not work!! Any help would be appreciated! My problem is in the last method SplitAt. These are the conditions set and my code:
    Splitting a Linked List at a Given Node, into Two Sublists
    a. Add the following as an abstract method to the class
    public void splitAt (LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item);
    //This method splits the list at the node with the info item into two sublists.
    //Precondition: The list must exist.
    //Postcondition: first and last point to the first and last nodes of the first sublist,
    // respectively. secondList.first and secondList.last point to the first
    // and last nodes of the second sublist.
    Consider the following statements:
    UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> myList;
    UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> otherList;
    Suppose myList points to the list with the elements 34, 65, 18, 39, 27, 89, and 12 (in this order). The statement
    myList.splitAt(otherList, 18);
    splits myList into two sublists: myList points to the list with elements 34 and 65, and otherList points to the sublist with elements 18, 39, 27, 89, and 12.
    b. Provide the definition of the method splitAt in the class UnorderedLinkedList. Also write a program to test your method.
    public class UnorderedLinkedList<T> extends LinkedListClass<T>
    //Default constructor
    public UnorderedLinkedList()
    //Method to determine whether searchItem is in
    //the list.
    //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
    // in the list; false otherwise.
    public boolean search(T searchItem)
    LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
    //the list
    boolean found;
    current = first; //set current to point to the first
    //node in the list
    found = false; //set found to false
    while (current != null && !found) //search the list
    if ( //item is found
    found = true;
    current =; //make current point to
    //the next node
    return found;
    //Method to insert newItem in the list.
    //Postcondition: first points to the new list
    // and newItem is inserted at the
    // beginning of the list. Also,
    // last points to the last node and
    // count is incremented by 1.
    public void insertFirst(T newItem)
    LinkedListNode<T> newNode; //variable to create the
    //new node
    newNode =
    new LinkedListNode<T>(newItem, first); //create and
    //insert newNode before
    first = newNode; //make first point to the
    //actual first node
    if (last == null) //if the list was empty, newNode is
    //also the last node in the list
    last = newNode;
    count++; //increment count
    //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
    //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
    // newItem is inserted at the end
    // of the list. Also, last points to
    // the last node and
    // count is incremented by 1.
    public void insertLast(T newItem)
    LinkedListNode newNode; //variable to create the
    //new node
    newNode =
    new LinkedListNode(newItem, null); //create newNode
    if (first == null) //if the list is empty, newNode is
    //both the first and last node
    first = newNode;
    last = newNode;
    else //if the list is not empty, insert
    //newNode after last = newNode; //insert newNode after last
    last = newNode; //set last to point to the
    //actual last node
    }//end insertLast
    //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
    //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
    // deleteItem is deleted from the
    // list. Also, first points to the first
    // node, last points to the last
    // node of the updated list, and count
    // is decremented by 1.
    public void deleteNode(T deleteItem)
    LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
    //the list
    LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent; //variable just
    //before current
    boolean found;
    if ( first == null) //Case 1; the list is empty
    System.err.println("Cannot delete from an empty "
    + "list.");
    if ( //Case 2
    first =;
         if (first == null) //the list had only one node
         last = null;
    else //search the list for the given info
    found = false;
    trailCurrent = first; //set trailCurrent to
    //point to the first node
    current =; //set current to point to
    //the second node
    while (current != null && !found)
    if (
    found = true;
    trailCurrent = current;
    current =;
    }//end while
    if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
    count--; =;
    if (last == current) //node to be deleted
    //was the last node
    last = trailCurrent; //update the value
    //of last
    System.out.println("Item to be deleted is "
    + "not in the list.");
    }//end else
    }//end else
    }//end deleteNode
    public void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item)
    LinkedListNode<T> current;
    LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent;
    int i;
    boolean found;
    if (first==null)
         while(current !=null &&!found)
                   found= true;
                   count = count- i+1;
                   count = i-1;
                   System.out.println("Item to be split at is "
    + "not in the list.");

    I dont have a test program at all. The program is supposed to prompt for user input of numbers. (it does) Take the input and end at input of -999 (it does). Then it asks user where it wants to split list (it does). When I enter a number it does nothing after that. I am going to post updated code and see if that helps along with all the classes. Thanks!
    This is the class to prompt:
    import java.util.*;
    public class Ch16_ProgEx6
        static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
         public static void main(String[] args)
             UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> list
                              = new UnorderedLinkedList<Integer>();
            UnorderedLinkedList<Integer> subList =
                              new UnorderedLinkedList<Integer>();
             Integer num;
             System.out.println("Enter integers ending with -999.");
             num = console.nextInt();
             while (num != -999)
                 num = console.nextInt();
            System.out.println("list: ");
            System.out.println("Length of list: " + list.length());
            System.out.print("Enter the number at which to split list: ");
            num = console.nextInt();
            list.splitAt(subList, num);
            System.out.println("Lists after splitting list");
            System.out.print("list: ");
            System.out.println("Length of list: " + list.length());
            System.out.print("sublist: ");
            System.out.println("Length of sublist: " + subList.length());
    }This is the ADT:
    public interface LinkedListADT<T> extends Cloneable
        public Object clone();
           //Returns a copy of objects data in store.
           //This method clones only the references stored in
           //each node of the list. The objects that the
           //list nodes point to are not cloned.
        public boolean isEmptyList();
           //Method to determine whether the list is empty.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
           //               false otherwise.
        public void initializeList();
           //Method to initialize the list to an empty state.
           //Postcondition: The list is initialized to an empty
           //               state.
        public void print();
           //Method to output the data contained in each node.
        public int length();
           //Method to return the number of nodes in the list.
           //Postcondition: The number of nodes in the list is
           //               returned.
        public T front();
           //Method to return a reference of the object containing
           //the data of the first node of the list.
           //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
           //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
           //               contains the info of the first node
           //               is returned.
        public T back();
           //Method to return a reference of object containing
           //the data of the last node of the list.
           //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
           //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
           //               contains the info of the last node
           //               is returned.
        public boolean search(T searchItem);
           //Method to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
           //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public void insertFirst(T newItem);
           //Method to insert newItem in the list.
           //Postcondition: newItem is inserted at the
           //               beginning of the list.
        public void insertLast(T newItem);
           //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
           //Postcondition: newItem is inserted at the end
           //               of the list.
        public void deleteNode(T deleteItem);
           //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
           //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
           //               deleteItem is deleted from the
           //               list.
        public void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item);
    }This is the linked list class:
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    public abstract class LinkedListClass<T> implements LinkedListADT<T>
        protected class LinkedListNode<T> implements Cloneable
            public T info;
            public LinkedListNode<T> link;
               //Default constructor
               //Postcondition: info = null; link = null;
            public LinkedListNode()
                info = null;
                link = null;
               //Constructor with parameters
               //This method sets info pointing to the object to
               //which elem points to and link is set to point to
               //the object to which ptr points to.
               //Postcondition:  info = elem; link = ptr;
            public LinkedListNode(T elem, LinkedListNode<T> ptr)
                info = elem;
                link = ptr;
               //Returns a copy of objects data in store.
               //This method clones only the references stored in
               //the node. The objects that the nodes point to
               //are not cloned.
            public Object clone()
                LinkedListNode<T> copy = null;
                    copy = (LinkedListNode<T>) super.clone();
                catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
                    return null;
                return copy;
               //Method to return the info as a string.
               //Postcondition: info as a String object is
               //               returned.
            public String toString()
                return info.toString();
        } //end class LinkedListNode
        public class LinkedListIterator<T>
            protected LinkedListNode<T> current;  //variable to
                                                  //point to the
                                                  //current node in
            protected LinkedListNode<T> previous; //variable to
                                                  //point to the
                                                  //node before the
                                                  //current node
               //Default constructor
               //Sets current to point to the first node in the
               //list and sets previous to null.
               //Postcondition: current = first; previous = null;
            public LinkedListIterator()
                current = (LinkedListNode<T>) first;
                previous = null;
               //Method to reset the iterator to the first node
               //in the list.
               //Postcondition: current = first; previous = null;
            public void reset()
                current = (LinkedListNode<T>) first;
                previous = null;
               //Method to return a reference of the info of the
               //current node in the list and to advance iterator
               //to the next node.
               //Postcondition: previous = current;
               //               current =;
               //               A refrence of the current node
               //               is returned.
            public T next()
                if (!hasNext())
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                LinkedListNode<T> temp = current;
                previous = current;
                current =;
                //Method to determine whether there is a next
                //element in the list.
                //Postcondition: Returns true if there is a next
                //               node in the list; otherwise
                //               returns false.
            public boolean hasNext()
                return (current != null);
               //Method to remove the node currently pointed to
               //by the iterator.
               //Postcondition: If iterator is not null, then the
               //               node that the iterator points to
               //               is removed. Otherwise the method
               //               throws NoSuchElementException.
            public void remove()
                if (current == null)
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (current == first)
                    first =;
                    current = (LinkedListNode<T>) first;
                    previous = null;
                    if (first == null)
                        last = null;
                    if (current == last)
                        last = first;
                        while ( != null)
                            last =;
                    current =;
               //Method to return the info as a string.
               //Postcondition: info as a String object is returned.
            public String toString()
        } //end class LinkedListIterator
           //Instance variables of the class LinkedListClass
        protected LinkedListNode<T> first; //variable to store the
                                           //address of the first
                                           //node of the list
        protected LinkedListNode<T> last;  //variable to store the
                                           //address of the last
                                           //node of the list
        protected int count;  //variable to store the number of
                              //nodes in the list
           //Default constructor
           //Initializes the list to an empty state.
           //Postcondition: first = null, last = null,
           //               count = 0
        public LinkedListClass()
            first = null;
            last = null;
            count = 0;
           //Method to determine whether the list is empty.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
           //               false otherwise.
        public boolean isEmptyList()
            return (first == null);
           //Method to initialize the list to an empty state.
           //Postcondition: first = null, last = null,
           //               count = 0
        public void initializeList()
            first = null;
            last = null;
            count = 0;
           //Method to output the data contained in each node.
        public void print()
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            current = first;    //set current so that it points to
                                //the first node
            while (current != null) //while more data to print
                System.out.print( + " ");
                current =;
        }//end print
           //Method to return the number of nodes in the list.
           //Postcondition: The value of count is returned.
        public int length()
            return count;
           //Method to return a reference of the object containing
           //the data of the first node of the list.
           //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
           //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
           //               contains the info of the first node
           //               is returned.
        public T front()
            //Method to return a reference of object containing
            //the data of the last node of the list.
            //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
            //Postcondition: The reference of the object that
            //               contains the info of the last node
            //               is returned.
        public T back()
           //Returns a copy of objects data in store.
           //This method clones only the references stored in
           //each node of the list. The objects that the
           //list nodes point to are not cloned.
        public Object clone()
            LinkedListClass<T> copy = null;
                copy = (LinkedListClass<T>) super.clone();
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
                return null;
                //If the list is not empty clone each node of
                //the list.
            if (first != null)
                   //Clone the first node
                copy.first = (LinkedListNode<T>) first.clone();
                copy.last = copy.first;
                LinkedListNode<T> current;
                if (first != null)
                    current =;
                    current = null;
                   //Clone the remaining nodes of the list
                while (current != null)
                            (LinkedListNode<T>) current.clone();
                    copy.last =;
                    current =;
            return copy;
           //Method to return an iterator of the list.
           //Postcondition: An iterator is instantiated and
           //               returned.
        public LinkedListIterator<T> iterator()
            return new LinkedListIterator<T>();
           //Method to determine whether searchItem is in
           //the list.
           //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
           //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public abstract boolean search(T searchItem);
           //Method to insert newItem in the list.
           //Postcondition: first points to the new list
           //               and newItem is inserted at the
           //               beginning of the list. Also,
           //               last points to the last node and
           //               count is incremented by 1.
        public abstract void insertFirst(T newItem);
           //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
           //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
           //               newItem is inserted at the end
           //               of the list. Also, last points to
           //               the last node and
           //               count is incremented by 1.
        public abstract void insertLast(T newItem);
           //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
           //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
           //               deleteItem is deleted from the
           //               list. Also, first points to the first
           //               node, last points to the last
           //               node of the updated list, and count
           //               is decremented by 1.
        public abstract void deleteNode(T deleteItem);
        public abstract void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item);
    }And this is the UnorderedLinked Class with the very last method the one being Im stuck on. The SplitAt Method.
    public class UnorderedLinkedList<T> extends LinkedListClass<T>
           //Default constructor
        public UnorderedLinkedList()
            //Method to determine whether searchItem is in
            //the list.
            //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found
            //               in the list; false otherwise.
        public boolean search(T searchItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            boolean found;
            current = first;  //set current to point to the first
                              //node in the list
            found = false;    //set found to false
            while (current != null && !found) //search the list
                if ( //item is found
                    found = true;
                   current =; //make current point to
                                           //the next node
            return found;
            //Method to insert newItem in the list.
            //Postcondition: first points to the new list
            //               and newItem is inserted at the
            //               beginning of the list. Also,
            //               last points to the last node and
            //               count is incremented by 1.
        public void insertFirst(T newItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> newNode;     //variable to create the
                                        //new node
            newNode =
               new LinkedListNode<T>(newItem, first); //create and
                                           //insert newNode before
            first = newNode;   //make first point to the
                               //actual first node
            if (last == null)   //if the list was empty, newNode is
                                //also the last node in the list
                last = newNode;
            count++;     //increment count
            //Method to insert newItem at the end of the list.
            //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
            //               newItem is inserted at the end
            //               of the list. Also, last points to
            //               the last node and
            //               count is incremented by 1.
        public void insertLast(T newItem)
            LinkedListNode newNode; //variable to create the
                                    //new node
            newNode =
               new LinkedListNode(newItem, null);  //create newNode
            if (first == null)  //if the list is empty, newNode is
                                //both the first and last node
                first = newNode;
                last = newNode;
            else     //if the list is not empty, insert
                     //newNode after last
       = newNode; //insert newNode after last
                last = newNode;      //set last to point to the
                                     //actual last node
        }//end insertLast
            //Method to delete deleteItem from the list.
            //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
            //               deleteItem is deleted from the
            //               list. Also, first points to the first
            //               node, last points to the last
            //               node of the updated list, and count
            //               is decremented by 1.
        public void deleteNode(T deleteItem)
            LinkedListNode<T> current; //variable to traverse
                                       //the list
            LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent; //variable just
                                            //before current
            boolean found;
            if ( first == null)    //Case 1; the list is empty
                System.err.println("Cannot delete from an empty "
                                 + "list.");
                if ( //Case 2
                    first =;
                       if (first == null)  //the list had only one node
                          last = null;
                else  //search the list for the given info
                    found = false;
                    trailCurrent = first; //set trailCurrent to
                                          //point to the first node
                    current =; //set current to point to
                                          //the second node
                    while (current != null && !found)
                        if (
                            found = true;
                            trailCurrent = current;
                            current =;
                    }//end while
                    if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
                        if (last == current)  //node to be deleted
                                              //was the last node
                           last = trailCurrent;  //update the value
                                                 //of last
                       System.out.println("Item to be deleted is "
                                        + "not in the list.");
                }//end else
            }//end else
        }//end deleteNode
        public void splitAt(LinkedListClass<T> secondList, T item)
         LinkedListNode<T> current;
         LinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent;
         int i;
         boolean found;
         if (first==null)
              while(current !=null &&!found)
                       found= true;
                        count = count- i+1;
                        count = i-1;
              } else  {
                  System.out.println("Item to be split at is "
                    + "not in the list.");
        Any help or just advice would be fine. Im not the best at Java, better at VB. Am completely stumped! Thanks so much!

  • How to insert an HTML link into a page

    We have a list of documents in a external document management system. We would like to present the list of documents to the user for retrieval from within any SRM HTML page.
    I was thinking of two different approaches:
    1) I would like to be able to insert an HTML link to a URL of documents for display to the end user.
    2) Alternatively, we might want to inject some javascript into the screen to handle the presentation of the links.
    We would like this functionality to work on any of the screens within SRM as global functionality.
    Any suggestions on how to customize SRM to handle this functionality request?
    (Will reward points very quickly)
    Edited by: Aaron Jack on Feb 15, 2008 7:02 PM
    Edited by: Aaron Jack on Feb 15, 2008 7:03 PM

    My project has a requirement to show URL in Bid Invitation screen. In turn, when user clicks that hyperlink, it will pop-up a web dynpro screen.
    Maybe this is the same with your need.
    In case this is the same, the trick is to define an additional field in bid invitation custom header with customized data element and customized domain.
    Then, defined conversion exit for the domain with javascript line such as "<html> bla bla </html>" to pop-up the web dynpro screen in modal dialog.
    The result will be as what I have above.
    Hopefully this can help you.

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