Installation license Muse

I purchased the license to Muse after trying for a month the program. the expiration of the trial period I purchased the license. At the time the program tells me that the trial period has expired and the program does not start. What can I do to avoid this?
Thanks for any suggestions you can give me
I apologize for the translation from Italian, I used Google translator

In the trial expired window click on License this software option and choose not my Adobe ID option, then sign in
If it is asking for serial number, then check your hosts file entries once
Open below link and refer step 3
Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later

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  • Messy Installation of Muse v. 2014.3.0

    Idea for the future:
    Clean up (again) the Adobe Muse installation; organize Muse's application-relevant files into their own folder.
    What happened to the installed MUSE files on this release?
    What's the advantage of "spilling" files all over a user's Applications folder?
    Why the mess?
    This is what I've observed after the update to Adobe Muse 2014.3.0 (on 4 different Macs) and what needs to be corrected.
    The Mac OS X Applications folder itself acquires the Adobe Muse standard App icon (?!)
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    Why did Adobe (or at least the Muse team) change the installation in this (messy) way?
    Thank you.
    A. Cathalifaud

    Same exact issue here. It's been happening with every update to Muse CC 2014, but no other Adobe CC product.

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    Mainly Access to TeamSite(Document library), WiKi, BI reports view(SSRS Reports integration)
    We have a Visual Studio Ultimate license that covers SQL Server 2012 and Share Point server 2013.
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    Are the licenses above sufficient to go ahead with setting up the SP Server? or do i need any other licenses ?
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    to share and access docuemnts without any network issue etc..
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    System requirements for single server installation (with or without BI reports)
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    Is there any better solution?
    Much appreciate your help 

    MSDN subscription licenses for SharePoint aren't, as far as i know, for use as production devices. This means that whilst you can use it for testing and development you can't use that license for the SharePoint server that you'll all be using.
    As such I think you will need to buy a SharePoint 2013 server license. The same goes for SQL, Windows etc.
    There is also the question of user licenses, ie. CALs. I don't remember if those come included as part of an MSDN subscription.
    2) Possibly. As long as Amazon can host a domain for you it should be possible.
    3) Pass. Microsoft prefer you to use Azure and most of my training and experience is with that.
    4) High. 4 cores, 24GB of RAM minimum.
    You'll either need a 2XLarge or a memory orientated box, in which case you won't have much storage space.
    Internal team infrastructure is still important. If you're using it enough to make it worth having then you need it there and running.
    Have you considered using Office 365?

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    I install Muse and it doesn't work. In the top I can only quit or close Muse. I cannot open a document or have a new document. it seems that it's incomplete and I install it 2 times and it's still the same. Other apps work.

    Just to rule out most of the common issues you can go true the steps in the KB: An unexpected error occurred I -200 this include a fresh installation after manual removal. It solves most of the common issue. Can you please check if your software works correctly on a new admin account. Log in using built in-administrator | Create local administrator account | Windows 7, 8, Vista or Install or run Adobe applications in new user account | Mac OS X
    Good luck!

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    Please post this in the correct forum. This one is not for XI

  • Acrobat installation license key problem

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    However, when I try to install Acrobat 9 from the same DVD that Adobe supplied, I just get "Invalid License Key" (using the same key that worked fine this morning for FrameMaker etc).
    Calls to both Adobe Technical Support and Adobe Customer Service have so far produced no useful information. Does anyone have any suggestions, or at least recognise the problem?

    I've had this type of problem before :-(, although not with TCS.
    The simple solution is to invest in one of those handy-dandy CD marker pens (Faber-Castell 1513 works fine) and carefully write the install key(s) on the original Adobe CD/DVD. When installing/re-installing, copy the install key off the media using your neck-top computer and a pencil. No problems.
    Guard the CD's with your life, preferably in a CD rack in a locked cabinet, with an ID tag/bar code on the case. You do have a Master Software database with all the current CD/DVDs and the required [update from] CD's, don't you? Of course you do! And all those lovely extras that came with earlier versions, like the 220 FREE Adobe Type 1 Typefaces that came with FrameMaker 5.5.6 - you didn't throw that out, did you?
    And you do update your asset register with each new item before tax filing time? Smart operator!!!

  • Cannot upgrade second installation of MUSE

    I have Muse at my work and at home, I upgraded the home version, worked on my site and cannot open it at my work Muse version which is an older version. My creative cloud apps info says I have the latest version (at home I assume)
    I comptely removed Muse at my work, but I cannot download it anymore.
    Please help.
    Duco de Rijk

    I kept retrying and after about 10 tries it finally worked.

  • SAP Trial version installation/Licensing

    Hello there,
    I have installed trial version of SAP on my laptop computer and sent the information to SAP at for extending the license. But I have received very long key back from [email protected] It believe it has to be 24 charaters.
    Has anyone seen this problem?

    Just don't change anything, first save that file in your desktop as a notepad. And
    To get an SAP License you have to complete the
      following steps:
      1) Find out the machine on which the SAP message server is running.
      2) Get your hardware key by running "saplicense -get"
         on the machine where the SAP message server is running.
      3) Logon to SAPnet and send a license request to SAP.
      4) On receipt of your license key from SAP, install it
         using "saplicense -install".
         As a more convenient way to install the license please
         use the transaction SLIC in the SAP system.
    Refer also,
    license renewal procedure please
    Note: Points always encourage me to reply!!

  • Lync 2013 client Installation License Key Problem

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    it went through and installed on 700 machines successfully.
    now the problem arised, Lync client is now asking for License Key and I don't know what to be done :(
    how to push License Key on all those lync clients?
    kindly help and suggest.
    BR, Phaixan

    It depend on you Lync License. If you use a VLK License or MAK you have to import the Lyncense to you License server. You have to activate the License on your KMS server
    regards Holger Technical Specialist UC

  • Installation Problem - MUSE

    just uploaded site page for first time - but somehow on the index page - the MUSE "Universalis" banner appeared on the top of the page -  vharwood

    Yesterday’s problem got fixed by Adobe chat folks this morning - there was a leftover default in our home page from when we were originally trying out MUSE - it wasn’t in our layout - it was somewhere else that got deleted this morning - thanks, Victor
    Victor Harwood
    President, Digital Hollywood
    [email protected]

  • Warum funktioniert der FTP upload nicht mehr nach Installation von Muse 2014.2  ? Datei "htaccess" lässt sich nicht hochladen. Fehler:550

    Ich habe die neue Muse Version 2014.2 installiert (aktualisiert). Nach einigen Änderungen an meiner Webseite "" wollte ich die Änderungen hochladen. Das Hochladen auf den Host bricht aber mit obengenannter Fehlermeldung ab. Woran liegt das?

    das gleiche ist bei mir heute morgen, nach dem update auch passiert.
    habe bis jetzt nur gelesen, das der Server wegen diese .htacess Datei  z Bsp. bei Telecom nicht zulässig ist.
    lade ich jedoch meine Dateien mit einem externes ftp-prog. geht alles.
    finde auch keine Einstellungsmöglichkeit in Muse, um dieses unterbinden zu können.

  • Muse installation/update neverending story

    I have CC subscription, and all the products works well ... except for MUSE!!
    First I was unable to install Muse, when I started to install it the program was installend on the machine ... but nowhere
    So I found a possible solution, by:
    - closing CC
    - uninstalling Muse
    - uninstalling Adobe Air
    - cleaning the registry for any problematic entry
    - downloaded from here the latest installer
    - reinstalling Muse
    At this time the program run but there are few problems:
    - in the CC/Apps panel Muse is still not installed, if I install Muse from there the program is reinstalled ... but it isn't anywhere, so I have to restart from beginning!
    - as soon as I start Muse a splash screen says there is an update (april 2, 2014) with "install now" or "install later", if I click on "install now", the progress bar start and at the end the program simply close; at the next restart of the program the splash screen with the same information appear again, and again and again
    Please, do something radical to this program to fix this mess, we are paing every month for this.
    Best regards
    technical information:
    Windows 7 64 bit
    Tell me if you need more

    I just had the same thing happen on Windows. Altho 2.0 seems to run ok, so wondering if I should let it be.

  • Licensing & Installation Concept in SAP

    Hi Gurus,
    Our company has purchased a complete Software Package of Netweaver 2004s SR2 with ERP 2005 SR2, IDES ERP 2005 SR2, SRM, CRM, SCM, Solution Manager 4.0
    We've already installed the IDES ERP 2005 SR2. Now my question is as you all know we have been given one Installation number & the customer number. So with the same software how many total systems can we install, Do we have to apply for the license for each installed SAP System. Also do SAP charge for each License. Also when we create any users in any client in a system, do we need to pay for that aswell, also what about the development users. In short I'm looking for the Installation & Licensing concept in SAP.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nitin Goyal

    You must apply for a separate license for each system, however based on the agreement with SAP you can have multiple systems i.e Multiple Utilization means the installation of the Software on more than one Designated Unit for Productive Use, or the setting up of more than one Application Database on one Designated Unit for Productive Use. Multiple Utilization of the Software may subject Licensee to payment of additional license fees.please read End User License Agreement on this if you have a copy with you or with IT/business.
    There can be many license types as negotiated by the Business with SAP. You need to discuss with your IT/business group what type of licenses were negotiated and what defines each type of user? Then you can set the user accounts properly.
    For each license you have to send the SAP audit report(system generated) with the required inputs yearly once which will be evaluated by SAP.Only users created in productive client will be charged, the users license applies to the development users also.
    -Unique System Number (New as of SAP Web AS 6.10)
    You have got advice to contact SAP because the info you are seeking is more of confidential and based on customer to customer.
    Thank you,

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