Installed packages newer than repo

I am running arch with testing enabled. Pacman -Syu indicates that a number of packages appear to be newer than those in the repo. Is this a problem with my installation or with the mirrors? If it is a problem with my installation how do I auto-select ll the packages for update/downgrade?

it's a out of sync of your mirror problem, see the frontpage news.
wait until your mirrors are fully synced and retry

Similar Messages

  • Local version newer than repo version.

    I got sick of using Enlightenment 16.7.1 (newest in the repo) so I altered the PKGBUILD and made 16.7.2-1 and now I get this whenever I use pacman..
    :: enlightenment: local version ( is newer than repo version (
    Is there a "right" way to make that just.. go away?

    Yes, it is very easy.
    1. Put your pkgbuilds in a heirarchical structure, much like in abs. I have the following structure for mine.
    The pkgbuilds and the related files are in their respective folders..
    2. Move the binary packages that are resultant from building the packages to a folder of your choosing. Like /home/eliott/public_html/archlinux/binary-packages/ for example.
    gensync /var/abs/local/ /home/eliott/public_html/archlinux/binary-packages/cactus_repo.db.tar.gz
    The first part of the db.tar.gz target is the name of the repository that you would put in brackets in pacman.conf.
    4. Put rule in pacman.conf
    If you wan't it to override what is in the archlinux repos, then put it first.
    Server = file:///home/eliott/public_html/archlinux/binary-packages
    #Server =
    The first server is if the repo is on the same machine. The second one, commented out, is if it is on a different machine. This is very useful if you have alot of servers, and want to centrally manage package deployment.
    Now, everytime you update a package or add a new one, you can just rerun the gensync command above, and it will rebuild the repo list for you.

  • Install Package Not In Repo

    I would like to know how you can install a package not in the repos. The reason is my favorite video game is coming back Unreal Tournament. They have a linux version for the game which is nice. Can someone instruct me on how to get pacman to install the game?

    Trilby wrote:
    Which wiki, ours or theirs?  Our wiki can't help you with this - the provided zip file has none of the bits needed to be used on a system other than the one it was built on.  Their wiki does not give any information about the system it was built on, nor the requirements for running it on another system.
    It also uses relative links to the libraries they provide in a non-standard directory structure - so this could never be "installed", it could only be run from wherever you unpacked it (unless perhaps you could relink it).  You can unpack the zip file in your home directory, then just run the binary.  But you'll likely just end up with the same segfault it gives me.
    I'm going to defer to you. Can you give me a description about what is needed? I will bring it to their attention. I have a feeling these guys are primarly windows developers. Can you recommend some good reading to learn more about linux functionality. I have learned alot but, progress is slow. I know there is alot to learn but, I'm a pretty quick study.
    The wiki I was talking about was what they provided in the zip file to what arch wiki described. I couln't put it together. It makes sense I couldn't
    EDIT: I just posted a link to this post for their review. Don't worry about the description. However, I would like the reading.
    Last edited by plat (2014-08-26 00:10:06)

  • Can I Get an Arch Install ISO Newer than 2010.05?

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  • Files in /var/lib/pacman/local newer than in extra? [solved]

    Earlier today tried pacman -Syu and got the following message:
    bash-3.00# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    :: testing is up to date
    :: current is up to date
    :: extra is up to date
    :: unstable is up to date
    :: community is up to date
    :: a52dec: local (0.7.4-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.7.4-2)
    :: arts: local (1.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.4.1-1)
    :: dbus: local (0.50-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.34-1)
    :: eject: local (2.1.2-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.0.13-1)
    :: faac: local (1.24-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.24-1)
    :: ffmpeg: local (20050806-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.4.9.pre1-1)
    :: gnokii: local (0.6.7-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.6.7-1)
    :: gpgme: local (1.0.3-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.0.3-1)
    :: gst-plugins: local (0.8.11-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.8.10-1)
    :: gstreamer: local (0.8.11-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.8.10-1)
    :: gwenview: local (1.3.0-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.2.0-1)
    :: hal: local (0.5.4-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.5.3-1)
    :: jack-audio-connection-kit: local (0.100.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.100.0-1)
    :: jasper: local (1.701.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.701.0-2)
    :: k3b: local (0.12.4a-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.12.2-1)
    :: kde-common: local (3.4.2-6) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdeaccessibility: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdeaddons: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdeadmin: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdeartwork: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdebase: local (3.4.2-5) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-4)
    :: kdebindings: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdeedu: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdegames: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdegraphics: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdelibs: local (3.4.2-5) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-2)
    :: kdemultimedia: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdenetwork: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-2)
    :: kdepim: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdesdk: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdetoys: local (3.4.2-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: kdeutils: local (3.4.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.4.1-1)
    :: libgphoto2: local (2.1.6-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.1.6-1)
    :: libidn: local (0.5.17-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.5.17-1)
    :: libieee1284: local (0.2.10-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.2.10-1)
    :: libmal: local (0.40-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.40-1)
    :: libmpcdec: local (1.2-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.2-1)
    :: libraw1394: local (1.1.0-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.1.0-1)
    :: libsamplerate: local (0.1.2-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.1.2-1)
    :: musicbrainz: local (2.1.1-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.1.1-2)
    :: net-snmp: local (5.2.1-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/5.2.1-2)
    :: openexr: local (1.2.2-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.2.2-1)
    :: openslp: local (1.2.0-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.2.0-1)
    :: pilot-link: local (0.11.8-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.11.8-3)
    :: pth: local (2.0.3-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.0.3-1)
    :: qscintilla: local (1.6-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.5.1-1)
    :: qt: local (3.3.5-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.3.4-8)
    :: sane: local (1.0.16-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.0.15-5)
    :: speex: local (1.1.10-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.1.10-1)
    :: t1lib: local (5.1.0-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/5.0.2-1)
    :: taglib: local (1.4-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.3.1-2)
    :: tunepimp: local (0.3.0-5) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.3.0-4)
    :: Above packages will be skipped.  To manually upgrade use 'pacman -S <pkg>'
    How did this happen and what can I do to fix it. I mean, obviously all the files shown in local were downloaded using pacman, so how can the local version be greater than the individual versions found in current, extra, testing, unstable or community?!!
    Gary :x
    Figured this out. Apparently the first mirror listed in the /etc/pacman.d extra file is out of sync. Commented out the first two. Ftp.arch is working fine. Updated the extra db and found two apps needed updating. No more errors, since the /var/lib/pacman/extra directory was completely updated. Will try the original mirror in a few days. 

    Yep, loads of files were updated earlier today, so the mirrors were mostly out of sync for a while.  Look here for more info:

  • How to install packages on client via VPN

    I have a number of users that use laptops and mostly connect to the office network via an OSX VPN Server. I can see when they connect, copy files to them and control their screens.
    I do not seem to be able to install packages to them. The ARD console goes through the motions but the package never gets to the remote end and is never installed.
    Can anyone shed any light on this? From what I can tell this may be a multicast issue - if this is true how can I get the VPN server to route the multicast traffic, or alternatively how can I stop ARD from using multicast for these clients?
    Any help appreciated. If I can not use the package installation system it will make managing these users quite difficult.
    Kind regards
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hi Jason,
    Have you found anything else that can't be done or is acting strangely using ARD with those connecting via VPN? Another question that comes to mind is the up and down speed of both your office's connection to the net and that of the clients connecting in. You said that you can copy files to them--does that work with large files as well? Have you tried copying the install package rather than installing it to see if that works?
    I ask all of this because I've found in my support role with VPN clients, that viewing/controlling the screen, copying small files, chats, and alerts all work fine. But a large install package? I don't even bother. Sure, it works locally, but the upload speed of the company's internet connection isn't fast enough to do large copies or installs remotely. (Which is why I'm wondering about copying a large file.) I usually get a "Communication Error".
    Power Mac G5 1.8GHz DP, 1.5GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.4.10)    

  • Installed packages by group

    How can I get a list of installed packages grouped by core, test community etc.
    I want to create a text file of all the packages which are there in my system and use it as a reference for re-installation.
    Also is there is a way to find the minimal list of packages to be installed over the core packages, that would be awesome.
    So in shot the requirement is core install+ minimal list of packages which will pull all the dependency to install all the packages which are in my system.
    thank you

    This might help:
    $ #To list all packages on your system:
    $ pacman -Q
    $ #To list all packages you've explicitly installed that are not required by another package
    $ pacman -Qet
    $ #To list all packages that are not required by another package
    $ pacman -Qt
    To get a list of installed packages grouped by repo would be a bit more work... something like this should work, though it's not too efficient
    rm /tmp/repo-pkgs.txt /tmp/local-pkgs.txt /tmp/local-pkgs-sorted.txt
    pacman -Ss | grep -v "^ " | cut -f1 -d' ' | sort > /tmp/repo-pkgs.txt
    pacman -Q | cut -f1 -d' ' | sort > /tmp/local-pkgs.txt
    for pkg in $(cat /tmp/local-pkgs.txt); do
    grep ".*/$pkg\$" /tmp/repo-pkgs.txt >> /tmp/local-pkgs-sorted.txt
    cat /tmp/local-pkgs-sorted.txt | sort
    Last edited by Cerebral (2008-02-25 16:42:47)

  • Dear Mr./Mrs.,  I had an iPhone 4 , then I bought iPhone 5s , I faced a problem when I started installing any new application other than I already had on my iCloud , I was asked to enter my password of my apple account and I entered it correctly , then I

    Dear Mr./Mrs.,
    I had an iPhone 4 , then I bought iPhone 5s , I faced a problem when I started installing any new application other than I already had on my iCloud , I was asked to enter my password of my apple account and I entered it correctly , then I was asked to answer two questions , but I forgot the answers !! I click on forgot the answers , they send me check your email , I check my email and they send me the password that I have already entered not the answers of the questions ! How can this problem be solved ?! Hope to take my message into consideration.
    Yours sincerely,

    Welcome to the user to User Technical Support Forum provided by Apple.
    For your issue...
    See Here > Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
              Ask to speak with the Account Security Team...
         Or Email Here  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • How to get and install the new MSI Bluetooth Software Package

    How to get and install the new MSI Bluetooth Software Package
    This little FAQ will only cover the new version of MSI Bluetooth Software Package.
    First thing too do is unistall any older version of the MSI Bluetooth Software.
    Do this through the Add/Remove program applet in your control panel.
    There seams too be only through Live update you could get the new version of MSI Bluetooth Software Package.
    If you can't see any enter for MSI Bluetooth Software in the Live driver section of Live update then you have too enter the following too your registry.
    Create following code in Notepad and save it as MSILD.reg, then run the file.
    ;-->Code start
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MSI\Drivers\MSI Bluetooth Software]
    ;-->Code end
    Rerun the Live update and hopefully you will now see a entry for MSI Bluetooth Software in Live driver section.
    Install the new version of MSI Bluetooth Software and reboot your computer. Even if the setup program doesnt told you too doit.
    After rebooting the computer you will see the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar. If it's Red then try too start the Bluetooth services by right click on the try icon and the only alternetiv there is.
    If the Bluetooth services is asking for a valid licens.dat then you should do the following.
    Surf to Jon's Bluetooth guide and download the patcher from the link there.
    Unzip the the patcher and then run the BTWPatcher.exe program.
    Now the Bluetooth services will start and you will bee able too configure your own settings for the Bluetooth services.
    If nothing of this work you could try the complete Bluetooth solution at Jon's gudie and install the IBM version of the same program. I havent test this solution and will not do soo.

    I have the MS-6968 device and i want to use driver 1.4.x or 3.0.x. I found the driver but i cannot find any WIDCOMMSecurity code.
    So, can anyone give me a link for BTWPatcher.exe???
    It cannot be found here (Jon's Bluetooth ) anymore.

  • I installed the new Quicktime (7.7), but than was an error. Now I can't open iTunes because error 2095.

    I wanted to install the new Quicktime but than it came an error. I started iTunes but it came just:
    QuickTime failed to initialize (error -2095)
    QuickTime is required to run iTunes. Please uninstall iTunes, then install iTunes again.
    but I don't wanna uninstall it. Will be my Database be away?
    Can somebody help me please?!
    Thanks forward.

    Hey Jack- Where did you find QuicTime 7.7 for Windows download?  I can't find v7.7, all Apple website links lead me to QT 7.6.9 as I noted here:

  • HT2463 Since I installed my new d6300 netgear my downloads on Apple TV have taken a lot longer than previously using a billion router.  Do I need to do something with the net gear set up?

    Since I installed my new d6300 netgear my downloads on Apple TV have taken a lot longer than previously using a billion router.  Do I need to do something with the net gear set up?

    Just connect the new iPod to your computer and setup the iPod via iTunes (instead of via wifi).
    If you want to copy all the infor from an old iPod touch to the inew iPod see:
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device

  • When I try to download OS 10.5.6 from 10.4.11 I get 'software cannot be installed, I havemore than 1GB RAM, enough Hard Drive and a intel core processor. The OS 10.5.6 software is from my newer Mac ibook, any suggestions?

    When I try to download OS 10.5.6 from 10.4.11 I get 'software cannot be installed, I havemore than 1GB RAM, enough Hard Drive and a intel core processor. The OS 10.5.6 software is from my newer Mac ibook, any suggestions?

    Hi Tommy,
    Using install discs created for another computer is the problem. I suggest you get a stand alone install disc for Leopard and give that a try. I know it's a bummer since you have a perfectly good install disc but you can't take an install disc from a new computer and use it to update an older computer. As a matter of fact you would have problems using your install disc on the same type of computer if it didn't have the same build number. In the old days of Power Macs that wasn't an issue. You could take an install disc for one computer and update every Mac you owned. Sorry.

  • HT1222 Hey, I've tried to install the new iOS 7.1 but it says that the installation cannot be completed and doesn't say why. I have more than 50% battery left but it still doesn't work, help?

    Hey, I've tried to install the new iOS 7.1 but it says that the installation cannot be completed and doesn't say why. I have more than 50% battery left but it still doesn't work, help?

    It probably means you don't have enough available storage on your phone.  It takes space to store the download - THEN unpack it.  Best method is to use a computer with iTunes (This allows you to back up on your computer as well). 
    PLEASE:  Do not purchase iCloud storage space - this will not give you more room for the iOS 7.1 installation.

  • I have 17'' 2009 cann't install mac os x newer than 10.6.8

    i have 17'' 2009 cann't install mac os x newer than 10.6.8
    when i try to install using flash drive the latop stop on the apple logo and  circle
    when i try to update via my os x 10.6.8 the laptop hace to restart and then it stops same like booting from install disk
    i tried 10.8 / 10.9 / 10.10 and yusemite stops in the same screen but with half of the bar filled
    any idea about this problem will be very helpful

    Atouraya wrote:
    Will do. But, I noticed something. It says the file size is 1.09 GB, but when I download it, it shows a total of 1.01 GB. Is it supposed to be like that?
    I just downloaded the update on a PC I'm using at the moment and the size is 1,087,020,133 bytes. You can use "Get Info" to see the actual size of the file on your Mac. If it is the same size then it probably means that there is a problem with the update being applied to your Mac. If it isn't the same size, that doesn't necessarily mean you have a bad download. If it isn't the same size, try using Chrome, Firefox, and/or Opera to download the update.
    BTW, Austin Kinsella might be really asking if you have enough free space for such a large download. And even if you do for the file, the update process will require some more while it is running and for the resulting, hopefully, 10.6.8 on your Mac.
    Good luck.  

  • I can't install my new apps (bigger than 50mb) it just says "Will install" on itunes then it wont sync

    I can't install my new apps (bigger than 50mb) it just says "Will install" on itunes then it wont sync
    I've tried to restart itunes and iphone and log out and in on itunes and nothing happends.
    When I do something on my iphone (move a app or such) the itunes will move it to, but if I move it on itunes it doesn't move on the iphone.
    HELP ME ;_;
    found that guy that had the same problem but I don't find "add software"

Maybe you are looking for