Installing Leopard - Previous Systems

Hi there,
Ages ago, I installed Leopard on my Macbook, and I chose the option to "Archive and Install", so I could back up all of my data incase anything dodgy happened. Thankfully, everythings fine and dandy, and I've found in Finder a folder called "Previous Systems". Am I able to delete this, or is this implemented into the current OS now?
Any help appreciated, thanks

You can delete the "Previous Systems" folder if you have everything out of it that you needed.
It contains some of your old preferences, applications, etc..
If you have everything out you need, then delete it.
   Joseph Kriz

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    G5 1.8   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Here we go, Lance
    Many settings that are used very frequently are also stored in cache files. The associated preference file is only consulted when the cache file is deleted. During the Archive&Install all caches are cleaned. There might have been a different setting in the preferences than in the cache.
    Open Preview, open "Preferences" from the Preview-menu, click the tab "Pictures" and "Open pictures in same window" (or something the like - I use a german system).
    If this answered your question please consider granting some stars: Why reward points?

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    How much space DO you have?
    If you can boot from another fdrive for now, that;d be good.
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    If you want to try to recover them, you should quit using the computer asap. Possibility exists of losing everything. Backup if at all possible.
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    After an Archive and Install, the Previous Systems folder contains the prior OS X system. You will never be able to boot from this previous system folder, and therefore from that aspect it is completely useless. The Previous Systems folder may contain third party items, but when you are satisfied with the performance of your new system it is unlikely that anything of value will remain.
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    This is what Apple says about the Previous System folder: You might wonder, "What do I do with the Previous System folder?" It may contain items that you need. To determine this, once you've finished configuring, installing, and updating your applications, compare the Previous System to the new System. If there are things in the Previous System folder that aren't in the new System folder, just copy them over. If you're not sure what some items are (and don't seem to need them), leave them in the Previous System folder. Once you're comfortable that you've got everything you need out of it, you can delete the Previous System folder (or leave it around if you're not low on disk space).;~)

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    a true horror story. i can only commiserate. I'm not at all sure your pictures and other stuff are actually in one of the packages that are left but you can use [Pacifist|] to open them up and restore anything useful you find inside.

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    Which can I delete and which must I save??

    Hi DrAndy;
    It is my understanding that after testing the installation done with an Archive & Install once you are certain that everything is working correctly the "Previous System" folder can be deleted in it's entirety.

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    "Archive and install" is an option in early versions of OS X installers. It moves some parts of the previous system to a folder called "Previous System" and installs the new OS.
    There is also an option to presever user data and settings. See this document.
    If you have 5 years' worth of photos and you do not want to lose them, then you NEED to have a backup. Hard drives can fail. Suddenly. Particularly on aging hardware. Computers can get stolen, set on fire or have drinks spilt over them.
    If you do not have a backup, you should EXPECT to lose your files.
    You should not need a store to make a copy of your files. Get an external drive, or use DVDs and move the files in the Finder. If you're using Leopard already, then you have Time Machine.

  • Post Leopard Installation - Transfer data from "Previous System" folder

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    There should be no need to sync the files. A previous system folder happens when you do an archive and install, so what's in that folder is identical to what your Mac was when you last did one. Presumably you've changed a lot of things since then and wouldn't want to go back.
    Unless there are a few files you deleted and want back, then just copy them over. Then delete the entire thing, it's using up disk space.

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    You only have two ways to reinstall Tiger. You can do an Erase and Install which will delete everything on your hard drive. Not a problem if you have everything backed up on another hard drive. Or you can do an Archive and Install which doesn't require erasing the drive but does require enough space to perform a normal installation. Tiger requires 6-8 GBs of free space during installation plus you must have some additional free space on the drive - at least another 3-4 GBs. Obviously from your question you don't. Therefore, you need to remove files from the drive to free up space sufficient to install Tiger - roughly 9-12 GBs, and I'd suggest the bigger number to avoid further problems during installation. I'm afraid you have little choice but to take the time or keep Leopard and move your music to another hard drive and delete it from your current drive.

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    If I need to move the receipts back to my sys hd do I have to move all the other folders in Previous Systems folder back too, or just Receipts?

    jimbo60640 wrote:
    I thought future installers need to see these (old) receipts to determine update versions.
    Yes, but the installer only needs to see 1 previous receipt not all of them. (i.e. once you have a receipt for 10.5 you no longer need all the receipts for 10.4). The receipts you will need have been copied to your receipt folder.

  • How do i find previous system after save and install mac os x

    The title pretty much describes my question. Due to the fact that my machine was irritating slow, I re-installed the operating system Mac OS version 10.5.6.
    I choosed the option 'save and install' and followed the prosedure. Afterwards, I got the message that the old system was in a newer version and that I had to upgrade the mashine before I could get hold of the old files. So I upgraded to 10.5.8, but still couldn't and can't find any previous system-map. I then transferred programmes and files from an old PoweBook G4, and the programmes seems to have been transferred all right, but documents are gone and the photos are not recognizable.
    I regret doing the re-installetion! and wonder if its ever possible to recover files from the previous system.
    Oops, I discovered another problem: The word-program doesn't function properly.

    I've just had a look through the MindNode Pro support site, which did actually help (thank you), because it reminded me that Mobile Documents is in ~/Library. I was able to open iCloud files from the Terminal at least (once I remembered to add the .mindnode suffix). MindNode, however, brings up the same error as before. I tried using TextEdit to open a link to a TextEdit document stored in iCloud, and exactly the same thing happened.
    I don't know why this happens, but it seems strange that you can open documents from Terminal in this way, but not from the applications themselves (or cross-application). I've just noticed that the error message I described in the initial post substitutes things like %20 or %22 for certain characters: could that be what's causing the problem, or is that just the way the link is displayed by the error itself?

  • I had to delete everything on my computer and install the operating system again , but I had to install Snow Leopard because it was the cd that came with the computer when I bought it. The problem is that I had already paid for the OS Lion and even h

    I had to delete everything on my computer and install the operating system again , but I had to install Snow Leopard because it was the cd that came with the computer when I bought it. The problem is that I had already paid for the OS Lion and even had upgraded to the Mavericks . I do not think it's fair to have to pay again and I would like to upgrade my operating system without having to pay again for the same system.

    Hi anatuta, 
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like you are trying to upgrade your Mac to a newer version of OS X, after completing a fresh install of Snow Leopard. 
    If you have already purchased and downloaded OS X Lion and Mavericks, you should be able to find these items in the Purchased section of the Mac App Store. 
    You may find the steps in this article helpful with finding the items:
    Mac App Store: Finding your purchased apps - Apple Support
    If you do not see the items in the Purchased section, they may be hidden:
    Hide and unhide purchases in the Mac App Store - Apple Support
    All the best,

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