Int/Double workaround with an imported class.

I've been having a heck of a time trying to figure something out. I have a bunch of data that is in double format (eg 10.351). However, I'm importing a class awt.Polygon for a bunch of reasons, and one of it's key methods (addPoints();) only accepts integers.
What I would like to do is take my double value, multiply it by enough so that it can be cast into an int without losing an data, than manipulate it with the addPoint function.
I was thinking it would look something like:
public class chsShape extends Polygon{
public void addPointDoub(Double x, Double y)
     int xi =(int)(x*1000);
     int yi =(int)(y*1000);
     addPoint( xi, yi);
} Obviously, this doesn't work (or I wouldn't be posting). It gives me "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:chsShape.addPointDoub".
Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

Here is a demo using the PathIterator:
import java.awt.geom.*;
public class GeneralPathExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();
        double[] coords = new double[6];
        for (PathIterator i = p.getPathIterator(null);!i.isDone(); {
            switch(i.currentSegment(coords)) {
                case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                    System.out.format("moveTo(%f,%f)%n", coords[0], coords[1]);
                case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                    System.out.format("lineTo(%f,%f)%n", coords[0], coords[1]);
                case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
                    System.out.println("too lazy to code other cases...");
}Perhaps what may prove more useful to you is to have a shape, GeneralPath, plus maintain a separate list of points, for easy access. The thing is, a GeneralPath is more than a list of points: it can include curved segments and gaps, etc...

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  • Int/Double Workaround for an imported class

    I've been having a heck of a time trying to figure something out. I have a bunch of data that is in double format (eg 10.351). However, I'm importing a class awt.Polygon for a bunch of reasons, and one of it's key methods (addPoints();) only accepts integers.
    What I would like to do is take my double value, multiply it by enough so that it can be cast into an int without losing an data, than manipulate it with the addPoint function.
    I was thinking it would look something like:
    public class chsShape extends Polygon{
    public void addPointDoub(Double x, Double y)
         int xi =(int)(x*1000);
         int yi =(int)(y*1000);
         addPoint( xi, yi);
    } Obviously, this doesn't work (or I wouldn't be posting). It gives me "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:chsShape.addPointDoub".
    Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

    Double posted and answered.

  • Importing classes in Jsdk 1.4.2

    I have two swing applications that run perfectly well when compiled and run. But then I am trying to include these two programs as two tabbed panes in a third program.
    I try to import classes from the other two programs using a simple import statement. But when I compile it the compiler return an error statement.
    I tried putting a package line in both the programs and tried importing it as a package in the third one and it says invalid package name.
    Can anybody help.
    Thanks in advance.

    OK here is the code. This is a example code from the book Java2 from scratch
    First file
    // Import the packages used by this class
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    // PortfolioTotalsPanel Class
    public class PortfolioTotalsPanel extends JPanel
    // Define the dark green color
    public final static Color darkGreen = new Color( 0, 150, 40 );
    // Create our labels
    JLabel lblDollarChange = new JLabel( "Dollar Change:", JLabel.CENTER );
    JLabel lblPercentChange = new JLabel( "Percent Change:", JLabel.CENTER );
    // Constructor
    public PortfolioTotalsPanel()
    // Set the layout manager
    setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1 ) );
    // Add the labels to the JPanel
    add( lblDollarChange );
    add( lblPercentChange );
    // setDollarChange( fDollarChange )
    // Set the Dollar Change label to the dollar amount in fDollarChange
    public void setDollarChange( Float fDollarChange )
    // Set color based off of value
    if( fDollarChange.floatValue() > 0 )
    // Green for positive
    lblDollarChange.setForeground( darkGreen );
    else if( fDollarChange.floatValue() < 0 )
    // Red for negative
    lblDollarChange.setForeground( );
    // Black for no change
    lblDollarChange.setForeground( );
    // Set the label text
    lblDollarChange.setText( "Dollar Change: $" + fDollarChange.toString() );
    // setPercentChange( fPercentChange )
    // Set the Percent Change label to the percent in fDollarChange
    public void setPercentChange( Float fPercentChange )
    // Set color based off of value
    if( fPercentChange.floatValue() > 0 )
    // Green for positive
    lblPercentChange.setForeground( darkGreen );
    else if( fPercentChange.floatValue() < 0 )
    // Red for negative
    lblPercentChange.setForeground( );
    // Black for no change
    lblPercentChange.setForeground( );
    // Set the label text
    lblPercentChange.setText( "Percent Change: " + fPercentChange.toString() + "%" );
    // Main application entry point into this class
    public static void main( String[] args )
    // Create a JFrame object
    JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Portfolio Totals" );
    // Create an PortfolioTotalsPanel Object
    PortfolioTotalsPanel app = new PortfolioTotalsPanel();
    // Set the values of the labels
    app.setDollarChange( new Float( "-150.50" ) );
    app.setPercentChange( new Float( "15" ) );
    // Add our PortfolioTotalsPanel Object to the JFrame
    frame.getContentPane().add( app, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    // Resize our JFrame
    frame.setSize( 600, 100 );
    // Make our JFrame visible
    frame.setVisible( true );
    // Create a window listener to close our application when we
    // close our application
         new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
    System.exit( 0 );
    Second Program
    // ===========================================================================
    // File:
    // Description: Sample file for Java 2 From Scratch
    // ===========================================================================
    // Import the libraries this application will use
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    // Main application class: StockTablePanel
    public class StockTablePanel extends JPanel
    // Create a new Stock Table Model object
    StockTableModel stockTableModel = new StockTableModel();
    // Create a new JTable and associate it with the StockTableModel
    JTable stockTable = new JTable( stockTableModel );
    // Constructor
    public StockTablePanel()
    // Set the size of the table
    stockTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize( new Dimension(620, 350) );
    // Set the column widths for the table
    TableColumn column = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    column = stockTable.getColumnModel().getColumn( i );
    column.setPreferredWidth( stockTableModel.getColumnWidth( i ) );
    // Create a scroll pane and add the stock table to it
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( stockTable );
    // Add the scroll pane to our panel
    add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    // float getDollarChange()
    // Computes the total dollar change for the current portfolio
    public float getDollarChange()
    // Create a variable to hold the total change for all stocks
    float fTotal = 0;
    // Loop through all rows in the table
    for( int i=0; i<stockTable.getRowCount(); i++ )
    // Retrieve the dollar change for this stock
    Float f = ( Float )stockTable.getValueAt( i, 10 );
    // Add that value to our total
    fTotal = fTotal + f.floatValue();
    // Return the total value
    return fTotal;
    // float getPercentChange()
    // Computes the total percentage change for the current portfolio
    public float getPercentChange()
    // Create a couple variables to hold the total the user spent
    // on the stocks and the current value of those stocks
    float fMoneySpent = 0;
    float fMoneyWorth = 0;
    // Loop through all rows in the table
    for( int i=0; i<stockTable.getRowCount(); i++ )
    // Extract some pertinent information for the computations
    Float fLastSale = ( Float )stockTable.getValueAt( i, 2 );
    Float fNumberOfShares = ( Float )stockTable.getValueAt( i, 6 );
    Float fPricePaidPerShare = ( Float )stockTable.getValueAt( i, 7 );
    // Add the amount of money the user spent on this stock
    // to the total spent
    fMoneySpent += fNumberOfShares.floatValue() * fPricePaidPerShare.floatValue();
    // Add the value of this stock to the total value of the
    // stock
    fMoneyWorth += fNumberOfShares.floatValue() * fLastSale.floatValue();
    // Compute the percentage change:
    // TotalValue/TotalSpent * 100% - 100%
    float fPercentChange = ( (fMoneyWorth / fMoneySpent) * 100 ) - 100;
    // Return the percentage change
    return fPercentChange;
    // Main entry point into the StockTableApplication class
    public static void main( String[] args )
    // Create a frame to hold us and set its title
    JFrame frame = new JFrame( "StockTablePanel Application" );
    // Create an instance of our stock table panel
    StockTablePanel stockTablePanel = new StockTablePanel();
    // Add our tab panel to the frame
    frame.getContentPane().add( stockTablePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    // Resize the frame
    frame.setSize(640, 480);
    // Make the windows visible
    frame.setVisible( true );
    // Set up a window listener to close the application window as soon as
    // the application window closes
         new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
    System.exit( 0 );
    // Table Model Class - holds all of our row and column information
    class StockTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
    // Create the columns for the table
    final String[] strArrayColumnNames =
    "Company Name",
    // Create the rows for the table - hard coded for now!!
    final Object[][] obArrayData =
    // Row One
    "SAMS", // Symbol
    "Sams Publishing", // Company Name
    new Float( 10 ), // Last Sale
    new Float( 12 ), // High
    new Float( 8 ), // Low
    new Double( 2000000 ), // Volume
    new Float( 100 ), // Number of Shares Owned
    new Float( 7.5 ), // Purchase price per share
    new Float( 1000 ), // Total Holdings
    new Float( 33 ), // Percent change (increase!)
    new Float( 250 ) // Dollar change
    // Row Two
    "Good", // Symbol
    "Good Company", // Company Name
    new Float( 50 ), // Last Sale
    new Float( 52 ), // High
    new Float( 45 ), // Low
    new Double( 4000000 ), // Volume
    new Float( 100 ), // Number of Shares Owned
    new Float( 30 ), // Purchase price per share
    new Float( 5000 ), // Total Holdings
    new Float( 33 ), // Percent change (increase!)
    new Float( 250 ) // Dollar change
    // Row Three
    "BAD", // Symbol
    "Bad Company", // Company Name
    new Float( 20 ), // Last Sale
    new Float( 22 ), // High
    new Float( 18 ), // Low
    new Double( 2000000 ), // Volume
    new Float( 500 ), // Number of Shares Owned
    new Float( 50 ), // Purchase price per share
    new Float( 10000 ), // Total Holdings
    new Float( -60 ), // Percent change (increase!)
    new Float( -25000 ) // Dollar change
    // Return the number of columns in the table
    public int getColumnCount()
    return strArrayColumnNames.length;
    // Return the number of rows in the table
    public int getRowCount()
    return obArrayData.length;
    // Get the column name from the strArrayColumnNames array for the "col"-th
    // item
    public String getColumnName( int col )
    return strArrayColumnNames[col];
    // Return the value, in the form of an Object, from the obArrayData object
    // array at position (row, col)
    public Object getValueAt( int row, int col )
         // We will compute columns 8, 9, and 10, so if the column number is
         // below eight, we can just return it without computing or retrieving
         // anything.
         if( col < 8 )
         return obArrayData[row][col];
         // Retrive the necessary values from the object array to compute all
         // of the remaining columns
         Float fLastSale = ( Float )obArrayData[row][2];
         Float fNumberOfShares = ( Float )obArrayData[row][6];
         Float fPurchasePrice = ( Float )obArrayData[row][7];
         switch( col )
         // Total Holdings = Last Sale(2) * Number of Shares Owned(6)
         case 8:
         // Build a new Float object with the product of the two
         Float fTotal = new Float
         // Note, these have to be converted to type "float" to
         // perform the multiplication
         fLastSale.floatValue() * fNumberOfShares.floatValue()
         // Return the result
         return( fTotal );
         // Percent change =
         // (Last Sale Price (2) / Purchase Price (7)) * 100% - 100 %
         case 9:
         Float fPercentChange = new Float
         ((fLastSale.floatValue() / fPurchasePrice.floatValue ()) * 100) - 100
         return fPercentChange;
         // Dollar Change =
         // LastSale*NumberOfShares - PurchasePrice * NumberOfShares
         case 10:
         Float fDollarChange = new Float
         ( fLastSale.floatValue() * fNumberOfShares.floatValue() )
         ( fPurchasePrice.floatValue() * fNumberOfShares.floatValue() )
         return fDollarChange;
         // We have included every case so far, but in case we add another
         // column and forget about it, let's just return its value
         return obArrayData[row][col];
    // Return the class type, in the form of a Class, for the c-th column in
    // the first (0-th indexed) element of the obArrayData object array
    public Class getColumnClass( int c )
    return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
    // Return true if the "col"-th column of the table is editable, false
    // otherwise. The following columns are editable:
    // Cell Description
    // 0 Symbol
         // 6 Number of Shares Owned
         // 7 Purchase Price per Share
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
         // Check the column number
         if( col == 0 || col == 6 || col == 7 )
         return true;
         return false;
    // Set the value of the (row, col) element of the obArrayData to value
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
         // Symbol
         if( col == 0 )
         // We need a string value - we can convert any
         // value to a string, so just assign it
         obArrayData[row][col] = value;
         // Number of Shares owned
         else if( col == 6 )
         // We need a number - either float or int
         obArrayData[row][col] = new Float( getNumberString( value.toString() ) );
         // Purchase Price per share
         else if( col == 7 )
         // We need a float
         obArrayData[row][col] = new Float( getNumberString( value.toString() ) );
         // Cell is not editable
         // Notify our parent of the change
         fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
    // String getNumberString( String str )
    // Read through str and return a new string with the numbers and decimal
    // points contained in str
    public String getNumberString( String str )
    // Get str as a character array
    char[] strSource = str.toCharArray();
    // Create a buffer to copy the results into
    char[] strNumbers = new char[strSource.length];
    int nNumbersIndex = 0;
    // Boolean to ensure we only have one decimal value
    // in our number
    boolean bFoundDecimal = false;
    // Loop through all values of str
    for( int i=0; i<strSource.length; i++ )
    // Check for a digit or decimal point
    if( Character.isDigit( strSource[i] ) )
    strNumbers[nNumbersIndex++] = strSource;
    else if( strSource[i] == '.' && !bFoundDecimal )
    // Append the character to the String
    strNumbers[nNumbersIndex++] = strSource[i];
    // Note that we found the decimal value
    bFoundDecimal = true;
    // Build a new string to return to our caller
    String strReturn = new String( strNumbers, 0, nNumbersIndex );
    // Return our string
    return strReturn;
    // Return the column width of the column at index nCol
    public int getColumnWidth( int nCol )
    switch( nCol )
    case 0:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 6:
    case 7:
    case 9:
    return 50;
    case 1:
    return 125;
    return 75;
    Third one that imports the previous two programs Classes
    // Import the packages used by this class
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    // Import our other components
    import StockTablePanel;
    import PortfolioTotalsPanel;
    // StockTableTabPanel
    public class StockTableTabPanel extends JPanel implements TableModelListener
    // Create our panels
    StockTablePanel stockTablePanel = new StockTablePanel();
    PortfolioTotalsPanel portfolioTotalsPanel = new PortfolioTotalsPanel();
    // Constructor
    public StockTableTabPanel()
    // Set our layout
    setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
    // Initialize the portfolio panel
    // Add the child panels to our JPanel
    add( stockTablePanel );
    add( portfolioTotalsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
    // Add our class as a table model listener for the stock table
    // model so that we can update the portfolio totals panel
    // whenever the table changes.
    stockTablePanel.stockTableModel.addTableModelListener( this );
    // TableModelListener: tableChanged
    public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e)
    // Make sure it is our table that changed
    if( e.getSource() == stockTablePanel.stockTableModel )
    // Call our method to update the portfolio totals
    // public updatePortfolioTotals
    // Updates the portfolio totals panel labels based off of the values
    // in the stockTablePanel
    public void updatePortfolioTotals()
    // Get the values from the stockTablePanel and send them
    // to the portfolioTotalsPanel
    portfolioTotalsPanel.setDollarChange( new Float( stockTablePanel.getDollarChange() ) );
    portfolioTotalsPanel.setPercentChange( new Float( stockTablePanel.getPercentChange() ) );
    // Main application entry point into this class
    public static void main( String[] args )
    // Create a JFrame object
    JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Stock Table Tab" );
    // Create an StockTableTabPanel Object
    StockTableTabPanel app = new StockTableTabPanel();
    // Add our StockTableTabPanel Object to the JFrame
    frame.getContentPane().add( app, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    // Resize our JFrame
    frame.setSize( 640, 440 );
    // Make our JFrame visible
    frame.setVisible( true );
    // Create a window listener to close our application when we
    // close our application
         new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
    System.exit( 0 );

  • Replacing " (double quote) with ' (single quote)

    Hi there,
    I have the following method to manipulate user input. All I want to do is, to replace the double quote with a single quote. The implementation I tried was,
    this.replace(desc, "\"", "'");
    This does not work for me. It jsut removes the double quote and does not introduces the single quote. Could any one please advise?
    public static String replace(String line, String oldString, String newString) {
              if(line != null && oldString != null && newString != null) {
                   int index = 0;
                   while ((index = line.indexOf(oldString, index)) >= 0) {
                        line = line.substring(0, index) +
                             newString +
                             line.substring(index + oldString.length());
                        index += newString.length();
              return line;

    Bad luck.. I am unable to get it still.
    This is the code I am using (implemetation is in a JSP. I am using this code to test it).
    public class Test{
    public static void main(String args[]){
         String s = args[0];
         Test t = new Test();
         String doubleQuote = "\"";
         System.out.println(" output :"+ t.replace(s,doubleQuote,"'"));
         //System.out.println(" output :"+ t.replace(s,"\"","'"));
         //System.out.println(" output :"+ t.replace('"', '\''));
    public static String replace(String line, String oldString, String newString) {
              if(line != null && oldString != null && newString != null) {
                   int index = 0;
                   while ((index = line.indexOf(oldString, index)) >= 0) {
                             System.out.println(" line count :");
                        line = line.substring(0, index) +
                             newString +
                             line.substring(index + oldString.length());
                        index += newString.length();
              return line;
    The main problem is I am stuck with the server's version of Java (which I have no control on it). I could not use 1.4.2

  • How to call a Derived call fucntion with a base class object ?

    Hi all
    i am working on a JNI interface to Java, and in the process of simulating a C++ behaviour in java
    so i need some help form you people, in this regard.
    here is a c++ code, i need a equivalent fucntionality in java , to put it one word, the question is
    how to implement the dynamic_cast functionality in java, as java also has virtual fucntions, i think
    this should be possible, if it is not, what is the alternative
    class Base
         virtual void F1()
              cout<<"The BASE::F1() is called"<<endl;
         virtual void F2()
              cout<<"The BASE::F2() is called"<<endl;
    class Derived : public Base
         virtual  void F3()
              cout<<"The Derived::F3() is called"<<endl;
         virtual void F4()
              cout<<"The Derived::F4() is called"<<endl;
    Base * GetDerived()
         return new Derived();
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
         Base *ptr = NULL;
                    ptr  = GetDerived();
         Derived *dPtr = dynamic_cast<Derived *>(ptr);

    Just to clarify a point that I consider important--the distinction between references and objects:
    Your subject is: How to call a Derived call fucntion with a base class object ? The answer to that is: You cannot. It is completely impossible in Java. If you have a base class object, the derivced class' methods are not present. On the other hand, if you have a compile-time reference of the parent type, but at runtime it happens to point to an instance of the derived class, then, as pointed out, you can cast the reference. (Note that casting does not apply to objects.)

  • Help with designing basic class

    Ok, I'm trying to learn java by implementing a Recipe program that I will eventually put up on my web page. My thought was to create a base class called recipe that would essentially be a collection of strings and such. This would then be tied to a database with getFromDatabase() methods etc... However I'm I just want to clarify a few things and make sure I'm headed in the right direction.
    I figure I should create my class something like this:
    public class Recipe
      public String recipeName;
      // more strings like serves source, etc...
      public int rating; // 1-5
      // Ingredient list
      // Category list
      public String directions;
      public Recipe(String recipeName)
      this.recipeName = recipeName;
    }The above is pretty much what I think is right with what I have so far. For the ingredients, I created a special class called ingredient that looks like:
    public class Ingredient
      public String qty;
      public String amt;
      public String desc;
      public Ingredient(String quant, String ammount, String description)
        this.qty = quant;
        this.amt = ammount;
        this.desc = description;
      public Ingredient()
        this.qty = "";
        this.amt = "";
        this.desc = "";
      public String toString()
        String tempstring = new String(this.qty + " " + this.amt + " " + this.desc);
        return tempstring;
    }Then in my recipe class I have:
    public List ingredients = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());and then I have two overloaded addIngredient methods to add an Ingredient object to this list.
    So am I on the right track? Should I not even bother with a special class just for ingredients?
    Also while I have your attention, if I were to try and get a list of recipes in the database (ie, SELECT recipename FROM recipes;) where should I put this method? Thank you for any help.

    You only use get() and set() methods for data you need to change, I didn't think that I had to point that out.
    The guy is obviously a beginner, there is no need to saturate him with loads of information that isn't too important to him right now; however, it is good to get him used to the get and set methods for the variables that might need changing, and keeping (most of) the variables private (or protected as the case may be).
    Please tell me how setting variables to private does not contribute to information hiding? @_@
    Because, the last time I heard, private variables can't be accessed by other classes.
    Not only that, the get() and set() methods DO hide information, mainly the inner workings of the code. Consider:
    public class Foo {
      private int x;
      public int getX() {
        return x;
      public void setX(int anInt){
        x = anInt;
    public class Bar {
      private Foo mFoo = new Foo();
      public int process(){
        int intialValue = myFoo.getX();
        return initialValue * 4;
    }And say for whatever reason the way Foo handled the way x was stored had to change:
    public class Foo {
      public String x = "0"; // x no longer an int
      public int getX() {
        return Integer.parseInt(x); // convert when needed
      public void setX(int anInt){
        x = new Integer(anInt).toString(); // convert back
    public class Bar {
      private Foo mFoo = new Foo();
      public int process(){
        int intialValue = myFoo.getX(); // none the wiser
        return initialValue * 4;
    }Note, because of the get and set methods, we didn't have to change Bar. I'd say this was a kind of data hiding, no?
    I do know a bit about what I'm saying. I may not be an expert, but what I said was on the wholecorrect, especially considering the OP is a beginner. I never claimed what I told him was the WHOLE of tight encapsulation, but it is a part of it. He doesn't need to know more than what I told him ATM.

  • Importing Class

    I was reading the tutorial on importing class's. This is what
    I read
    Importing classes
    To reference a class in another script, you must prefix the
    class name with the class's package path. The combination of a
    class's name and its package path is the class's fully qualified
    class name. If a class resides in a top-level classpath
    directory--not in a subdirectory in the classpath directory--then
    its fully qualified class name is its class name.
    To specify package paths, use dot (.) notation to separate
    package directory names. Package paths are hierarchical, where each
    dot represents a nested directory. For example, suppose you create
    a class named Data that resides in a com/xyzzycorporation/ package
    in your classpath. To create an instance of that class, you could
    specify the fully qualified class name, as shown in the following
    var dataInstance = new com.xyzzycorporation.Data();
    My Question is about com/xyzzycorporation/ . would the full
    class parth be c:/com/xyzzycorporation/ . Why do they never state
    the drive letter when teaching about directories.

    Because there is no need. you don't need to reference the
    drive letter.
    Here's the basic jist of what they are saying....
    Single Class File...
    If you create your own custom class and want to use it in
    your flash file, save it into the same directory as the fla file
    and call the classes constructor. By default flash will look inside
    the folder where the fla resides in for the class files if it
    cannot find it inside the default directory.
    Multiple Class Files - 1 Project (often referred to as
    Use your qualified domain name but backwards.....
    my domain is so if I was going to include a
    package of utility class files in my document I would do the
    Create a folder in the same folder with my fla name it com
    and inside that a folder called sddezign and inside that utils and
    all my as files would be in there...the folder structure might look
    like this....
    To call the constructor for each class, I have two options.
    The first which is by far the easiest looks like this
    In whatever frame you need to call that class constructor
    include "com.sddezign.utils.*";
    var myBox:Box = new Box();
    The second method requires more typing and can get tedious
    var myBox = new com.sddezign.utils.Box();
    Hope this helps you a bit better.

  • Import collides with another import statement

    Suppose I have 2 packages, train and plane. Each package has a class called Engine. In addition, train.Engine and plane.Engine have nothing in common. In a 3rd class, I import both of these:
    import train.Engine;
    import plane.Engine;Doing so results in the following error:
    The import plane.Engine collides with another import statement
    How do I do this?

    One of these imports have to be commented. The imports are reside in the source code, not just in jar or other class path entries. If the imports are in different files then you'd browse the sources and find import with the same name but in different name spaces. This is happened if you you don't wanna add a big jar to the class path instead you created a class file with the same name because of huge references. And you just wanted route it out of the jar and possibly remove dependency.

  • Audio sync problem with videos imported from iPod Touch

    I have an iPod Touch 4th Generation that I used to shoot video at a family birthday party. When I imported the footage into iMovie '11, the audio is not in sync with the video (video is about two seconds behind audio) and there is only the left channel of audio. I verified that the video on the iPod plays just fine--no audio sync problem, both left and right channels work. I just upgraded to iOS 5 on the iPod Touch. The iMac is running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
    As a workaround, I can import the video into iPhoto instead. When I play the video in iPhoto, there are no audio sync problems and both channels of audio can be heard. I have imported other iPod Touch videos successfully into iMovie '11 in the past few months, but this has been the first time these problems have occurred. Any help would be appreciated.

    Premiere cannot handle clips with variable framerate.
    Your converted clips need to have constant framerate.
    Otherwise use a converter like Handbrake.

  • Please help with the URL class

    I am trying to write a Java app that will take a url and download it.
    I believe you can do this with the URL class but I don't understand how to. For example, if the http url location points to a picture file, how would I code the app to retrieve this picture and save it to a specified directory?
    Also, is there a way that my java app could open another program, let's say Microsoft Internet Explorer?
    Please be as specific as possible, thanks!

    You'll see below an example to download a file
    private static String copyFile (String url, String nomFichier){
         // construction du fichier de sortie
         File outputFile = new File(repertoire + "\\fichiers\\" + nomFichier);
         // si le fichier existe d�j�, il ne sert � rien de le t�l�charger !
    if (outputFile.exists())
         return "fichiers/" + nomFichier;
              try {     
         HttpURLConnection connect = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(url).openConnection();
    boolean connected = false;
    while (!connected){
    try {
    connected = true;
         catch ( e1) { System.out.print("...Tentative de connection"); }     
    DataInputStream reader = new DataInputStream(
         FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
         int length = 1024;
         byte[] buf = new byte[length];
         int offset = 0;
         long offsetCourant = 0;
         int nb=0;
         while ((,offset,length))!= -1) {
         catch ( e) { System.out.println("pb d'url"); }
         catch ( e1) { System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); }
         return "fichiers/" + nomFichier;

  • Compilation Error for import classes not found in generated Proxy Class

    We are generating java classes for the COM dll using JCOM com2java compiler.
    We are getting a compilation error for import class not found when compiling the
    generated Proxy java source code. It can't find the com.bea.jcom.Dispatch class that
    the generated Proxy java source code extends. It also can't find com.bea.jcom.Variant
    or com.bea.jcom.Param. These are interfaces or data types or classes used by COM
    I added weblogic.jar to my class path and the only Dispatch class i found inside
    the weblogic.jar is com.linar.jintegra.Dispatch;
    We have com objects for which we want to develop an EJB client to interface with
    the COM object using JCOM with Native Mode disabled.
    Any help on the compilation error..I tried changing the extends for Dispatch to com.linar.jintegra.Dispatch
    but the other errors are still there.
    To begin with, I think the generated code should not refer to any of the COM data
    Any help please.
    Thank you in advance,
    Rahul Srivastava
    [email protected]

    I resolved the other errors by changing all references from com.bea.jcom.Variant
    etc to com.linar.jintegra.class name..all were present under the com.linar.jintegra
    Thank you all anyways,
    "Rahul Srivastava" <[email protected]> wrote:
    We are generating java classes for the COM dll using JCOM com2java compiler.
    We are getting a compilation error for import class not found when compiling
    generated Proxy java source code. It can't find the com.bea.jcom.Dispatch
    class that
    the generated Proxy java source code extends. It also can't find com.bea.jcom.Variant
    or com.bea.jcom.Param. These are interfaces or data types or classes used
    by COM
    I added weblogic.jar to my class path and the only Dispatch class i found
    the weblogic.jar is com.linar.jintegra.Dispatch;
    We have com objects for which we want to develop an EJB client to interface
    the COM object using JCOM with Native Mode disabled.
    Any help on the compilation error..I tried changing the extends for Dispatch
    to com.linar.jintegra.Dispatch
    but the other errors are still there.
    To begin with, I think the generated code should not refer to any of the
    COM data
    Any help please.
    Thank you in advance,
    Rahul Srivastava
    [email protected]

  • Working with AS3 External Classes

    Ok... trying to work with AS3 external classes. I have a movieClip that I want to also function as a button. Instance name is "_onDemand". This movieClip is on the stage of my Home.fla.  "_onDemand" movieClip properties   Class:HomePage  Base clase: flash.display.MovieClip
    I want the user to click this movieClip and take the user to an external URL within a new browser window or tab.
    Can anyone help me? Or at least point me to a really really good tutroial that does exactly this using external classes?
    Thanks so much,
    My code:
    package com.cox4college.pages
    import com.gaiaframework.templates.AbstractPage;
    import com.gaiaframework.debug.*;
    import com.gaiaframework.api.*;
    import flash.display.*;
    import com.greensock.TweenMax;
    public class HomePage extends AbstractPage
    public function HomePage()
    alpha = 0;
    //new Scaffold(this);
    override public function transitionIn():void
    super.transitionIn();, 0.3, {alpha:1, onComplete:transitionInComplete});
    override public function transitionOut():void
    super.transitionOut();, 0.3, {alpha:0, onComplete:transitionOutComplete});
    public class _onDemand extends Sprite
    // Link Navigation button handlers
    public var _onDemand:Sprite;
    // if you want a hand cursor
    _onDemand.buttonMode = true;
    _onDemand.useHandCursor = true;
    _onDemand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDemandClickHandler);
    _onDemand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onDemandRollOverHandler);
    _onDemand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onDemandRollOutHandler);
    public function onDemandClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));
    public function onDemandRollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
    public function onDemandRollOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
    Getting the following errors:
    1120: Access of undefined property _onDemand.

    Ok. I admit it... I had some wonderful help to resolve this issue. You ever feel like you are on an island learning AS3 External Classes? I feel that way all the time... so far... I plan on not feeling that way soon. I hope this helps someone get off that island.
    package com.domainname.client {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.utils.*;   
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        public class Main extends MovieClip {
            private var coverDelay:Number = 4;
            public function Main():void {
            private function initMain():void {
                mc_form.visible = false;
                btn_onDemand.buttonMode = true;
                btn_listings.buttonMode = true;
                btn_ppv.buttonMode = true;
                btn_rhapsody.buttonMode = true;
                function navOver(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                function navOut(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                function navClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                    var url;
                    switch ( {
                        case 'btn_onDemand':
                        url = new URLRequest("");
                        case 'btn_listings':
                        url = new URLRequest("");
                        case 'btn_ppv':
                        url = new URLRequest("");
                        case 'btn_rhapsody':
                        url = new URLRequest("");

  • Problem importing classes and beans

    Hey there. Im having one major fustrating problem! When I code supporting classes and beans for my JSPs I get a code 500 internal server error when trying to import (via <%@ page import="class" %> and <jsp:useBean/>) Im storing my classes and beans in the WEB-INF folder and the calling JSPs are located in /ROOT/tests/8/jsp.jsp. Im using the following to import a class or bean:
    <%@ import="aClass" %>
    Seen as tho its in the WEB-INF folder I won't have to explicitly refer to where the class is located, just the class name.
    I never had this problem when I was using my hosting service. Its only on my localhost server in which I get the Internal Server error.
    Help appreciated, thx.
    PS: Im quite new to JSP/Java Servlet.

    import (via <%@ page import="class" %> and
    <jsp:useBean/>) Im storing my classes and beans in the
    WEB-INF folder try put your class file in WEB-INF/classes.
    or first put bean in the package, like WEB-INF/classes/packagename/beanclass
    in jsp page:
    <jsp:useBean id="Mybean" class="packagename.beanclass" scope="request" />
    Question: is /ROOT a context entry in your server.xml?
    Which JSP Container (version) you use? Maybe your localhost server's set up is different with your hosting.

  • Problems with VLM Import Utility

    We I are using NI Volume License Manager 3.0 together with NI Volume License Manager Import Utility for importing users data.
    The problem is that we can't import .xml data into VLM when the user types his name into Full Name field and his name contains characters like ČŠĆŽĐ čšćžđ. These characters are not correctly written into .xml file with VLM Import Utility and we have to manually replace them with Microsoft Expression Web before we can load .xml file into VLM server.
    Do you have better solution? Is there some new version of NI Volume License Manager Import Utility that correctly handles non English characters?
    Thank you
    Bojan Gergič
    Go to Solution.

    Sorry for not having a god news. This issue is a known bug (You can refere to it by a number CAR - Corrective Action Request - #320545). Unfortunatelly, I have no knowledge about a workaround for this.

  • Cannot import classes

    I have one class calling another, like this:
    import CloseWindowListener;
    import DatabaseSearchControls;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class DatabaseSearch {
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              DatabaseSearchControls frame = new DatabaseSearchControls();
              frame.addWindowListener ( new CloseWindowListener() );
    I get these errors when I compile DatabaseSearch:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Korbel\My Documents\benmay\ '.' expected
    import CloseWindowListener;
    C:\Documents and Settings\Korbel\My Documents\benmay\ '.' expected
    import DatabaseSearchControls;
    The other 2 files complied correctly and are in the same directory. Anyone ever seen this and know what I am doing wrong?
    Thank you!

    Are you compiling with version 1.4? If so, it is now invalid to import classes that don't belong to a package. It is not necessary to do so anyway, so just remove the import statements. Better yet, follow the Java standard and put each class you write into a named package, using the package statement.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Safari doesn't show the keyboard on my webmail text field

    So..... I go away for a weekend - wonder which hardware to take - choose iPad - wifi at my mates place, can read email - fill in to and cc fields on the reply but bounce cursor to the text body - no keyboard. Errrrr how do I send an email - no key (I

  • MacBook Louder in XP than in OS X

    I have a new 13" Aluminum MacBook on which I installed Windows XP using Boot Camp yesterday. I am noticing that the MacBook is much louder when running XP than it is when running OS X. It sounds like a fan spinning. (does it even have a fan? maybe it