Integer division and remainder operators help

I am trying to write a program to that inputs angle measurements for two angles (each measurement requires you to input 3 values) and then adds the two angles together and prints out the resulting angle. I am having problems with the math I can't use the "If" statement just integer division and remainder operators here is what I have.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Angles
     public static void main (String[] args)
          Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
          // takes the first angles from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Degrees of the first angle < 360: ");
          int Angle1 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the first minutes from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Minutes of the first angle < 60: ");
          int Minutes1 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the first seconds from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Seconds of the first angle < 60: ");
          int Seconds1 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the second angles from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Degrees of the second angle < 360: ");
          int Angle2 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the second minutes from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Minutes of the second angle < 60: ");
          int Minutes2 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the second seconds from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Seconds of the second angle < 60: ");
          int Seconds2 = scan.nextInt();
          // adds the seconds
          int SecondsTotal = (Seconds1 + Seconds2);
          SecondsTotal =      SecondsTotal % 60;
          // adds the minutes
          int MinutesTotal = (Minutes1 + Minutes2 + (SecondsTotal % 60));
          MinutesTotal = MinutesTotal % 60;          
          // adds the angles
          int AngleTotal = (Angle1 + Angle2 + (MinutesTotal % 60));
          AngleTotal = AngleTotal % 360;
          // prints the angles, minutes, seconds to the user
          System.out.print(Angle1 + "deg" + Minutes1 + "'" + Seconds1 + "'' + " + Angle2 + "deg" + Minutes2 + "'" + Seconds2 + "'' + " + " = " + AngleTotal + " " + MinutesTotal + " " + SecondsTotal);

Ok I changed my code everything is working except for the roll over when angle reaches 360 it should go to 0.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Angles
     public static void main (String[] args)
          Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
          // takes the first angles from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Degrees of the first angle < 360: ");
          int Angle1 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the first minutes from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Minutes of the first angle < 60: ");
          int Minutes1 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the first seconds from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Seconds of the first angle < 60: ");
          int Seconds1 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the second angles from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Degrees of the second angle < 360: ");
          int Angle2 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the second minutes from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Minutes of the second angle < 60: ");
          int Minutes2 = scan.nextInt();
          // takes the second seconds from the user
          System.out.print("Enter the Seconds of the second angle < 60: ");
          int Seconds2 = scan.nextInt();
          // adds the seconds
          int SecondsTotal = (Seconds1 + Seconds2);
          // adds the minutes
          int MinutesTotal = (Minutes1 + Minutes2);
          // adds the angles
          int AngleTotal = (Angle1 + Angle2);
          // calculates the minutes
          MinutesTotal = MinutesTotal + SecondsTotal / 60;
          // calculates the angle
          AngleTotal = AngleTotal + MinutesTotal / 60;
          // caculates the final angle, minutes, seconds
          MinutesTotal = MinutesTotal % 60;
          SecondsTotal = SecondsTotal % 60;          
          AngleTotal = AngleTotal % 360;
          // prints the angles, minutes, seconds to the user
          System.out.print(Angle1 + "deg" + Minutes1 + "'" + Seconds1 + "'' + " + Angle2 + "deg" + Minutes2 +
               "'" + Seconds2 + "'' + " + " = " + AngleTotal + " " + MinutesTotal + " " + SecondsTotal);
}[Edit]I got it all I had to do was add:
AngleTotal = AngleTotal % 360;Thanks for the help.
Edited by: KillerZ123 on Oct 7, 2009 7:04 PM

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    제품 : PL/SQL
    작성날짜 : 2000-06-29
    ROLLUP 과 CUBE Operator에 대해 설명하고자 한다.
    ROLLUP operator는 SELECT문의 GROUP BY절에 사용된다.
    SELECT절에 ROLLUP 을 사용함으로써 'regular rows'(보통의 select된 data)와
    'super-aggregate rows'(총계)을 구할 수 있다. 기존에는 select ... union select
    를 이용해 구사해야 했었던 것이다. 'super-aggregate rows'는 'sub-total'
    (중간 Total, 즉 소계)을 포함한다.
    CUBE operator는 Cross-tab에 대한 Summary를 추출하는데 사용된다. 모든 가능한
    dimension에 대한 total을 나타낸다. 즉 ROLLUP에 의해 나타내어지는 item total값과
    column total값을 나타낸다.
    NULL값은 모든 값에 대한 super-aggregate 을 나타낸다. GROUPING() function은
    모든 값에 대한 set을 나타내는 null값과 column의 null값과 구별하는데 쓰여진다.
    GROUPING() function은 GROUP BY절에서 반드시 표현되어야 한다. GROUPING()은 모든
    값의 set을 표현합에 있어서 null이면 1을 아니면 0을 return한다.
    아래와 같이 테스트에 쓰여질 table과 data을 만든다.
    create table test_roll
    (YEAR NUMBER(4),
    DEPT CHAR(2),
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'West' , 'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'West' , 'A2' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1996 ,'West' , 'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1996 ,'West' , 'A2' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'Central' ,'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'East' , 'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'East' , 'A2' , 100);
    SQL> select * from test_roll;
    1995 West A1 100
    1995 West A2 100
    1996 West A1 100
    1996 West A2 100
    1995 Central A1 100
    1995 East A1 100
    1995 East A2 100
    7 rows selected.
    예제 1: ROLLUP
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    from test_roll
    group by rollup(year, region);
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    700 7
    7 rows selected.
    위의 내용을 tabular로 나타내어 보면 쉽게 알 수 있다.
    Year Central(A1+A2) East(A1+A2) West(A1+A2)
    1995 (100+NULL) (100+100) (100+100) 500
    1996 (NULL+NULL) (NULL+NULL) (100+100) 200
    예제 2: ROLLUP and GROUPING()
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year) "Y", grouping(region) "R"
    from test_roll
    group by rollup (year, region);
    1995 Central 100 0 0
    1995 East 200 0 0
    1995 West 200 0 0
    1995 500 0 1
    1996 West 200 0 0
    1996 200 0 1
    700 1 1
    7 rows selected.
    참고) null값이 모든 값의 set에 대한 표현으로 나타내어지면 GROUPING function은
    super-aggregate row에 대해 1을 return한다.
    예제 3: CUBE
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    from test_roll
    group by cube(year, region);
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    Central 100 1
    East 200 2
    West 400 4
    700 7
    위의 내용을 tabular로 나타내어 보면 쉽게 알 수 있다.
    Year Central(A1+A2) East(A1+A2) West(A1+A2)
    1995 (100+NULL) (100+100) (100+100) 500
    1996 (NULL+NULL) (NULL+NULL) (100+100) 200
    100 200 400 700
    예제 4: CUBE and GROUPING()
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year) "Y", grouping(region) "R"
    from test_roll
    group by cube (year, region);
    1995 Central 100 0 0
    1995 East 200 0 0
    1995 West 200 0 0
    1995 500 0 1
    1996 West 200 0 0
    1996 200 0 1
    Central 100 1 0
    East 200 1 0
    West 400 1 0
    700 1 1
    10 rows selected.
    Release 8.1.5 PL/SQL에서는 CUBE, ROLLUP 이 지원되지 않는다. 8i에서는 DBMS_SQL
    package을 이용하여 dynamic SQL로 구현하는 방법이 workaround로 제시된다.
    Ordacle8i에서는 PL/SQL block에 SQL절을 직접적으로 위치시키는 Native Dynamic SQL
    (참고 bul#11721)을 지원한다.
    Native Dynamic SQL을 사용하기 위해서는 COMPATIBLE 이 8.1.0 또는 그 보다 높아야
    SVRMGR> show parameter compatible
    compatible string 8.1.0
    예제 1-1: ROLLUP -> 위의 예제 1과 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollup as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count
    from test_roll
    group by rollup(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show errors
    10/8 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/18 PLS-00201: identifier 'ROLLUP' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollup as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by rollup(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||
    nvl(my_region,' ') ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_rollup
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    700 7
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    예제 2-1: ROLLUP and GROUPING() -> 위의 예제 2와 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollupg as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year), grouping(region)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region
    from test_roll
    group by rollup(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    12/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    17/13 PLS-00201: identifier 'ROLLUP' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollupg as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*), ' ||
    'grouping(year), grouping(region) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by rollup(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||my_region ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count ||
    ' ' || my_g_year || ' ' || my_g_region);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_rollupg
    1995 Central 100 1 0 0
    1995 East 200 2 0 0
    1995 West 200 2 0 0
    1995 500 5 0 1
    1996 West 200 2 0 0
    1996 200 2 0 1
    700 7 1 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    예제 3-1: CUBE -> 위의 예제 3과 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cube as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count
    from test_roll
    group by cube(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    10/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/13 PLS-00201: identifier 'CUBE' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cube as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by cube(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||
    nvl(my_region,' ') ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_cube
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    Central 100 1
    East 200 2
    West 400 4
    700 7
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    예제 4-1: CUBE and GROUPING() -> 위의 예제 4와 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cubeg as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year), grouping(region)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region
    from test_roll
    group by cube(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    12/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    17/13 PLS-00201: identifier 'CUBE' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cubeg as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*), ' ||
    'grouping(year), grouping(region) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by cube(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||my_region ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count ||
    ' ' || my_g_year || ' ' || my_g_region);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_cubeg
    1995 Central 100 1 0 0
    1995 East 200 2 0 0
    1995 West 200 2 0 0
    1995 500 5 0 1
    1996 West 200 2 0 0
    1996 200 2 0 1
    Central 100 1 1 0
    East 200 2 1 0
    West 400 4 1 0
    700 7 1 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Reference Ducumment

    As previously posted you should use export and import utilities.
    To execute exp or imp statements you have just to open a command line interface, for instance,
    a DOS box on Windows.
    So you don't have to use SQL*Plus or TOAD.
    About export/import you may care on the mode, to export a single or a list of Tables the Table mode
    is enough.
    Please, find here an example to begin:
    Hope this help.
    Best regards,

  • Replace quotient and Remainder with Scale by power 2

    I want to replace quotient and Remainder function with Scale by power 2 to reduce resource usage on FPGA.
    Here is my problem, I want to achive the same result, but no sure if the code will allow me to input the value I need, i also am not sure what that value should be?
    quotientProblem.png ‏37 KB

    Florian.Ludwig wrote:
    The problem is I don't know what's expensive in RT.
    The OP is asking about FPGA, not RT.
    RT is fine with the Quotient & Remainder.  It'll take a few clock cycles of your processor, but that is nothing in the rates for an RT system.
    An FPGA is a different beast since you need to look at how much of your FPGA hardware you are using up.  Bit shifting (which is what the power of 2 actually does) is dirt cheap in an FPGA.  But divisions are really expensive to do.  But since you are dealing with powers of 10, you are kind of stuck.  Hardware (FPGA in this case) works best when dealing with binary (ie powers of 2).
    So what device is this one?  How fast do you need these outputs?  It might make sense to pass some of the data up to the RT system and then the RT can pass the results back down to the FPGA for actual output.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Pls see attached... is that ur problem?
    Ian F
    Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010
    Attachments: ‏18 KB

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    What is the use of maintaining divisions and material groups in material master since both group materials?

    Material group in the material master is used to group the materials having same attributes.This is used in searching material master records via search help. Division is used for determination of Business Area & Sales area. This helps in extracting different financial statements based on the business area.
    Swapnil Iyer.

  • Moving constructors and assignment operators

    Do moving constructors and assignment operators have been implemented in the latest (july) beta or SolarisStudio 12.4?
    Thanks in advance.

    Please help because it's still not working for me:
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;
    class Thing {
        Thing(const Thing&);
    Thing f() {
        Thing t;
        return t; // OK: Thing(Thing&&) used (or elided) to return t
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        Thing t2 = f();
        return 0;
    Here's the build window output:
    dmake: defaulting to parallel mode.
    See the man page dmake(1) for more information on setting up the .dmakerc file.
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/bin/dmake" -f nbproject/ QMAKE= SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/bin/dmake"  -f nbproject/ dist/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/thing
    mkdir -p build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86
    CC    -c -g -std=c++11 -o build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/main.o main.cpp
    mkdir -p build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86
    CC    -c -g -std=c++11 -o build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/main.o main.cpp
    "main.cpp", line 30: Error: Thing::Thing(const Thing&) is not accessible from f().
    1 Error(s) detected.
    *** Error code 2
    dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/main.o'
    Current working directory /home/prime/NetBeansProjects/thing
    *** Error code 1
    dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `.build-conf'
    Current working directory /home/prime/NetBeansProjects/thing
    *** Error code 1
    dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `.build-impl'
    BUILD FAILED (exit value 1, total time: 4s)
    Thanks in advance.


    Dear Mates,
    My client wants to add a Division and its Description to the Z report -Daily Collection Report from Customers.
    Can anybody help out for table name and its fields for Division and Description
    Thanks in anticipation

    I guess your question is about divisions within a Sales Organization. The related tables are listed below:
    TSPAT - organizational unit: Sales Divisions (Text)
    TVTA - Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s)
    TVKOS -Organizational Unit: Divisions per Sales Organization
    Hope you find the information relevant and useful. If so, please close the message.

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    my itunes will not open at all. it occasionally will open but when i plug my iphone into it the program freezes and crashes. please help as soon as possible

    i think i might have a solution... i have windows vista and after i installed to latest itunes update everytime i tried to open it it would freeze. I tried everything, including uninstalling itunes and all of its components and reinstalled it numerous times. So i went to the itunes folder in my folders, not on itunes, and i deleted my itunes library and playlists. After that it worked just fine, all of my music was deleted but luckily i had my files saved elsewhere.
    I hope this helped! I know its frustrating and APPLE/ITUNES NEED TO FIX THE PROBLEM!!!!

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    ey How Do I Get Group Message On The IPhone 4s because some reason it doesn't want to show . First i did is setting then messages  it only show imessage and message count )HELP)

    At the bottom of the page Settings > Messages you should have a section headed "SMS/MMS" Turn MMS messaging on then you can turn group message on.

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    I get error message: not enough space to download when I try to buy a tv series on Itunes. It tells me to delete photos or videos to make space, but I have no photos and videos. Help?

    I would guess that a TV series takes up a fair amount of storage capacity. It is just a standard message I think that may indicate that you are actually running low on storage space.
    If you go to Settings>General>About how many GBs are specified as being available?  If you are low on space maybe deleting some apps may help.

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    i cant update my iphone 3gs to a more newer ios? it says here error! and the phone flashes some connect to itunes.. an if i connct nothing happens.. help me.. the ipgone wont open . and work pls help me thank you!

    Hello AlexCornejo,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    The screen you're seeing on your iPhone indicates it is in recovery mode.  Now since the device is not appearing in iTunes on your PC, first follow the steps in this article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    After following those steps, you should be able to restore your iPhone.
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    I can't open a doc in Pages, msg says I need "newer version of Pages" but it's already downloaded and updated. Help plse

    You have 2 versions of Pages on your Mac.
    Pages 5.2 is in your Applications folder.
    Pages '09/'08 is in your Applications/iWork folder.
    You are alternately opening the wrong versions.
    Pages '09/'08 can not open Pages 5 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5.2 can open Pages '09 files but may damage/alter them. It can not open Pages '08 files at all.
    Older versions of Pages 5 can not open files from later versions of Pages 5.
    Once opened and saved in Pages 5 the Pages '09 files can not be opened in Pages '09.
    Anything that is saved to iCloud and opened in a newer version of Pages is also converted to Pages 5 files.
    All Pages files no matter what version and incompatibility have the same extension .pages.
    Pages 5 files are now only compatible with themselves on a very restricted set of hardware, software and Operating Systems and will not transfer correctly on any other server software than iCloud.
    Apple has removed almost 100 features from Pages 5 and added many bugs: 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick

  • I continually get a Java error. I've uninstalled and reinstalled firefox and nothing has helped. I've updated flash and Java.

    I have used Firefox as my default browser for many years. I've recently started getting a Java error message. It pops up continually. I have updated flash and java. I have uninstalled and re-installed Firefox and nothing has helped. I have had to start using Chrome instead of Firefox which I don't care for but I don't have the java error with Chrome. How do I fix this problem? The error reads as follows:
    Java Script Application
    Error: syntax error

    Your '''JavaScript''' error has nothing to do with the Java plugin . It is likely caused by an added extension (the earlier forum threads [/questions/944619] and [/questions/943088] mention disabling or updating the Social Fixer extension will resolve the problem).
    You can read this article for help troubleshooting your extensions: [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]

  • My ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    my ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    Hey erinoneill24,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sounds like you can't update your device. You don't mention an error that it gives you. Take a look at both of these articles to troubleshoot.
    iPod displays "Use iTunes to restore" message
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    If you started your device in recovery mode by mistake, restart it to exit recovery mode. Or you can just wait—after 15 minutes the device will exit recovery mode by itself.
    Have a nice day,

  • Users of imovie experience a lot of problems and crying for help and no one at Apple did not respond I do not understand how a company like Apple puts experts to help users Please note that anonymous experts in Internet offer their help for money

    Users of imovie experience a lot of problems and crying for help and no one at Apple did not respond
    I do not understand how a company like Apple puts experts to help users
    Please note that anonymous experts in Internet offer their help for money

    Users of imovie experience a lot of problems and crying for help and no one at Apple did not respond
    I do not understand how a company like Apple puts experts to help users
    Please note that anonymous experts in Internet offer their help for money

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