Integrate JCard commands with Java GUI Applet

Hello everybody.I have just tested some existing applets from the Java Card Toolkit 2.1.1 and I have also created and tested successfully my own applet.
I am thinking to develop a friendly G.U.I in general Java(probably can be an applet or an application) using the Visual Cafe for Java from the Symantec in order to integrate the command Dos line for taking control of the Java Card Toolkit commands into the GUI Java applet.
(e.g.//READ the record
0x00 0xB2 .........//It is assumed that this is contained in the file read_record.scr file
//and from the dos command line you can just write:
//c:\>apdutool read_record.scr )
For example, I will just create a button to send the above APDU to the jcwde.(e.g READ a specific record or add A NEW RECORD,Delete this Record,Store this RECORD)
I was wondering if it is possible to integrate the DOS command line with a Java applet(not a Java Card applet but GUI applet in general Java) and everything can be hidden from the user.
Or can I integrate the DOs line only with a Java application, and how?(probably with the System library...?)
I will appreciate any thoughts and assisstance for this idea.
Thank you.

Hello ! ya I have developed a GUI If you want I can sent the source to u .It's simple You can do fuctions using simply by click of a button you can run the simulator .You need not go to prompt every time .
Bye :)
Neelesh .
[email protected]

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            // Execute a command without arguments
            String command = "ls";
            Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
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            command = "ls /tmp";
            child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        }With Arguments:
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            // Execute a command with an argument that contains a space
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            commands = new String[]{"grep", "hello world", "c:\\Documents and Settings\\f.txt"};
            Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commands);
        } catch (IOException e) {

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    Yes..The sun documentation does seem to be written in such a way to try and impress rather than to inform.
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    import com.trilead.ssh2.Connection;
    import com.trilead.ssh2.Session;
    import com.trilead.ssh2.StreamGobbler;
    public class SshTest
      public static void main(String[] args)
        Connection conn = null;
          String host = "";
          String user = "someuser";
          String user_pass = "somepassword";
          conn = new Connection(host);
          conn.authenticateWithPassword(user, user_pass);
          Session sess = conn.openSession();
          // vusertochange
          sess.execCommand("password_reset vusertochange newpasswordtest");
          /* Read all output with streamgobblers */
          StreamGobbler stdout = new StreamGobbler(sess.getStdout());
          StreamGobbler stderr = new StreamGobbler(sess.getStderr());
          /* Send the password (with a newline!) */
          BufferedOutputStream stdin = new BufferedOutputStream(sess.getStdin());
          //stdin.close(); // This is optional
          /* Wait until the session has ended, maximum 60secs */
          int res = sess.waitForCondition(ChannelCondition.EOF, 60 * 1000);
          if ((res & ChannelCondition.EOF) == 0)
            throw new IOException("A timeout occured while reading the output.");
          /* OK, by now the whole output has been consumed by the two StreamGobblers */
          /* Close the session */
          /* Show the result of STDERR */
          BufferedReader stderr_reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stderr));
          while (true)
            String line = stderr_reader.readLine();
            if (line == null)
            System.out.println("STDERR:" + line);
          /* Show the result of STDOUT */
          BufferedReader stdout_reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdout));
          while (true)
            String line = stdout_reader.readLine();
            if (line == null)
            System.out.println("STDOUT:" + line);
        catch (Exception e)
          if (conn != null)
    The error I get is:
    STDOUT:cshell won't execute arbitrary command 'password_reset vusertochange newpasswordtest'
    any ideas what I am doing wrong?

    orozcom wrote:
    STDOUT:cshell won't execute arbitrary command 'password_reset vusertochange newpasswordtest'It sounds like the permissions with the user you're connecting with won't allow this operation.
    Don't know much about this, but maybe try 'su' and then 'password_reset ...' instead?

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    Is this possible. If yes then how , how we can get the action user done on the web or mobile device.
    Do i have to make any RFC or BAPI for this?
    Kindly help and give suggestion to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Rachit Khanna

    Hi Chandra,
    As mentioned in the doc, I am looking for the below node which is not there in my system.
    From my system:
    I think the reason might be same for not having the node here in SPRO and not having the WF standard services(WFSERVICE andWFHUBSERVICE).
    By the way the package is there.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    your question is hard to understand but:
    an applet always has one definite AID and you cant change it after install as far as i know
    a) you want to test many cards with diffrent AIDs?
    ->send a list of select commands and check the return values
    b)you want one card with the same applet to be available for many AIDs?
    ->install many dummy applets forwarding the commands to one core applet
    c)i think i didnt get your point :/

Maybe you are looking for

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