Intellisyn​c Message

I get this window pooping up after each sync with the text: "during syncronisation, some of the records were invalid. The following 1 records were skipped: Address Book: Device: - 0, Micrsosoft Outlook - 1. Do you want to view the syncronisation log for more details?" How can i get rid of it?
If I select "Yes" - I get the following:
On 2011/05/03 03:05 PM
One-way sync from Microsoft Outlook Notes to Device MemoPad
First System:             Device
Second System:            Microsoft Outlook
Second System File Name:  MemoPad
Conflict Resolution:      Notify
Device Data Source:       ""
Input From First System:
   READ "Gym Program"
   READ "Liz migraine"
   READ "Filing Cabinet Lock No."
   READ "Tau/Twickenham Trip - 30 Mar 10"
   READ "Twickenham"
   READ "Visit COLET"
   READ "Christmas Wishlist"
Total Inputs From First System:  7
Input From Second System:
   READ "Christmas Wishlist"
   READ "Visit COLET"
   READ "Twickenham"
   READ "Tau/Twickenham Trip - 30 Mar 10"
   READ "Filing Cabinet Lock No."
   READ "Liz migraine"
   READ "Gym Program"
Total Inputs From Second System:  7
Summary of Data Analysis:
   Gym Program                     -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
   Liz migraine                    -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
   Filing Cabinet Lock No.         -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
   Tau/Twickenham Trip - 30 Mar    -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
   Twickenham                      -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
   Visit COLET                     -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
   Christmas Wishlist              -  Same Record Exists on Both Systems
Records Added or Changed - Conflicting: 0
Records Added - Not Conflicting:        0
Records Changed - Not Conflicting:      0
Records Deleted:                        0
Records Unchanged:                      7
Updates To First System:
Total Updates To First System:  0
Updates To Second System:
Total Updates To Second System:  0
Field mapping used for translation:
   Device                            Microsoft Outlook
   Note - Title -------------------- Subject
   Note - Body --------------------- Body
   Categories ---------------------- Categories
Translation successful.
Go to Solution.

Hey WildWill,
Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
What that message means is that an address book entry has no name, no company name.  So it just skips the entry.
Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Attempting to copy to the disk "old iPod name" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to.
    It is complaining that it can not read the old dead iPod that is NOT hooked up to the computer!
    Okay, that can sometimes be caused by a Windows drive letter confusion. For troubleshooting advice on that possibility, see the following document:
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive or hard drive and may keep iPod from mounting or songs may seem to disappear

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    I still don't get it, how can I put it in disk mode if I CANNOT see the iPod in iTunes..?
    Did you read the document i linked you to? here's another link to it:
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
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    PC   Windows XP  

    And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist.
    let's just doublecheck this. folks get this message if they have "automatically update selected playlists only" selected in their itunes "ipod" preferences tab. so bring up that tab ("edit > preferences", click "ipod" while the ipod is showing up in the source list), and do a playlist by playlist crosscheck of the playlists selected in that tab, and the playlists showing up in the itunes sourcelist.
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    love, b

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    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    doug87510 wrote:
    The recent problem is the entire outline of the cursor (including the crosshair in the middle) was missing at any size of cursor. All I had was exactly what I'd get if I used a real spraygun.
    Well, that issue is simply a matter of hitting the Caps Lock key.  When Caps Lock is on, you'll see the cursor outline, and when it is off you'll see a crosshair.  That's a feature, not a bug.
    Glad to hear the 11.1 drivers are out.  I will download them and try them now myself.
    Regarding "Adobe QT" crashing...  QT brings to mind QuickTime, though that is Apple, not Adobe.  Do you have Apple QuickTime installed?
    Regarding memory usage, with 12 GB of installed RAM, you should be able to set Photoshop to use 90% or more in Edit - Preferences - Performance.

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    Is this something serious? Will I be able to fix it myself or will I need to send it in to be fixed by Apple? Will that be expensive? We didn’t get the Apple replacement plan. D=
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. ^_^
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   15" PowerBook 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4, 1.5GB RAM - Windows XP with iPod 5 Generation

    Okay I went thru that entire list and here's what I got...
    (1) My OS is XP and is running fine.
    (2) I've updated my windows
    (3) I don't know of any software that might be interfering.
    (4) There are no damaged files.
    (5) My Windows hard-drive is not damaged and I've tried restoring my iPod's disk thru iTunes but it still doesn't work.
    (6) I don't have an iPod photo and I can't find the folder to delete the cache if if I did.
    (7) The USB cord is firmly connected into my USB port and my iPod
    (8) My music is on my external hard-drive so I need to keep 3rd-party hardware connected
    (9) I will try another USB cord to see if that works.
    Is there anything else that I can do? Can Apple fix this?
    Please let me know.

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    Error: an error has been detected and activation cannot continue. Please restart your computer and reinstall application. l

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