Interactive calendar component installation

I downloaded a cool looking flash calendar component from the following site:
It is the second one on that page but after looking at the source files I don't have the slightest idea of how to install it. I think I'm in way over my head on this one. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, This is what it looks like...

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    if I change my Lion Server to use opendirectory and not work in standalone mode, I lose the ability of the server for web-calendar for example at the wiki-webpage.
    The error-message tells me, the service calendar is deaktivated and I should activate it at Server App.
    But at Server App:
    a) iCal Service IS ACTIVE
    b) I find NO OPTION for activating the Web-Calender function under iCal like at the Mail-Service (one above) -> activate Webmail
    So, HOW I can BRING the web calendar component BACK TO MY WIKI?
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    I found the solution: Like with the PPTP-VPN problem it depends on the certificate. If you BUY an official public certificate (yes spend money for your Server more than the server price!), at once the Webcalender and the PPTP-VPN working!
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    20.11.2012 11:01:23.139 *ERROR* [ [1353405682764] POST /content/hm/NewsroomSection/en/NewsRoom/test/_jcr_content/par/calendar_3dd7/calendars/def ault/2012/11/22/.form.create.html/libs/collab/calendar/content/eventform HTTP/1.1] handleError: Recursive invocation. Not further handling status 404(No form found)
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    Am i missing something here or is there a proper way of implementing it.

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    needs to be pointed to a Date Object
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    So if we point the selectedDate parameter as a Timestamp object the creator throws an illegal argument exception.
    Can some one clarify how to resolve this issue?

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    I think you want to know, days & time picked by which machine, locally or from server? It does take from server where the application is running.

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    I would like to format the calendar component time slots  to "hh:mm a" (Example 01:30 AM), Is it possible? By default, caldendar component shows  times in hh:mm (Example 24:00) format.

    You mean the Choose date Component or Input Date Component ?
    For InputDate Component its' possible
    Put InputDate Component , Then put a ConverDateTime Component to it.
    Change its TimeStyle to Short  and Type to Time on rules.

  • Calendar Component

    HI Guys,
    I have a small query; which relates o the use of Calendar COmponent in xcelsius. I have to use this and filter my data accrding to the selection made. How can this be achieved?
    Selection - 04-Jul-2009
    Data -
    Date                               Column_Name
    01-Jul-2009                   D1
    01-Jul-2009                   D2 
    04-Jul-2009                   D3
    04-Jul-2009                   D4 
    04-Jul-2009                   D5
    Result should be:-
    04-Jul-2009                   D3
    04-Jul-2009                   D4 
    04-Jul-2009                   D5

    Hi Anil
    You can use the filtered summary property of a ComboBox to achieve it.  No index/match formula are needed, just a simple if statement.
    Want me to send the file?

  • Clicking on 'ADF Calendar Component activity' should navigate to New page

    Jdeveloper Version -
    We implemented the ADF calendar component and it displays fine. However, we have a requirement that by clicking on the activity, it should navigate to another new page. For an activity, there are options like contextMenu, acitivtyHover, activityDetail etc.., where all shows the details in popup of the same page. We want to navigate to new page by clicking on the activity. Is it possible?
    Thanks in Advance.

    I don't think it is possible.
    All the facets you mentioned support only af:popup as child to them.

  • Calendar Server installation gets error "libnmspr20.dll not found"

    Calendar Server installation gets error "libnmspr20.dll not found"
    When installing Calendar Server 3.5 on NT near the end an error
    occurs: "libnmspr20.dll not found " and then it will exit the setup
    without completion.
    This is a bug because it is looking for the libnmspr20.dll in the
    system path but the Calendar Server installation has left it in a
    temp directory. This does not occur if the Netscape Messaging Server
    has been previously installed on the same host. A workaround is, when
    the error message displays, you DON'T press ok, but search your
    computer for the missing file (usually found in temp-directory).
    You then copy the file to a directory in your system path. Now you
    can press the OK button and the installation will fail. Re-install
    the calendar server, this time the installation won't fail.

    Installing Latest JRE on NT4 sp6a produces the same error:
    InstallShield DLL Custom Action:
    File 'C:\TEMP\RegUtils.dll' can not be found. Make sure the file is on the target system or installed already.
    I searched since the error is an installer error and the installer is InstallShield. NO results found there either.
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  • Has anyone here configured a google calendar component?

    I recently bought a flash AS3 Google Calendar component.  I installed in a Flash site I'm building
    It lookd great I'm having no problems with it other than I don't know how to make it work and it came with no instructions.  I guess the developer assumed everyone knows how to use google calendar feeds.  It comes with an xml file that looks like this:
    and a php file that looks like this:
    // PHP Proxy
    // Responds to both HTTP GET and POST requests
    // Author: Abdul Qabiz
    // March 31st, 2006
    // Get the url of to be proxied
    // Is it a POST or a GET?
    $url = ($_POST['url']) ? $_POST['url']: $_GET['url'];
    $headers = ($_POST['headers']) ? $_POST['headers'] : $_GET['headers'];
    $mimeType =($_POST['mimeType']) ? $_POST['mimeType'] : $_GET['mimeType'];
    //Start the Curl session
    $session = curl_init($url);
    // If it's a POST, put the POST data in the body
    if ($_POST['url']) {
        $postvars = '';
        while ($element = current($_POST)) {
            $postvars .= key($_POST).'='.$element.'&';
        curl_setopt ($session, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt ($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postvars);
    // Don't return HTTP headers. Do return the contents of the call
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, ($headers == "true") ? true : false);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    // Make the call
    $response = curl_exec($session);
    if ($mimeType != "")
        // The web service returns XML. Set the Content-Type appropriately
        header("Content-Type: ".$mimeType);
    echo $response;

    never mind I figured it out.

  • Oracle ADF Calendar Component Customization

    I am starting my journey to learn ADF. I am using Oracle ADF Calendar component as read only calendar. We need to further customize the calender to incorporate CUD operations. I am using ADF BC @ business layer and which in turns talk to DB for Calendar entries.
    I am able to implement UI facets (like Hover effect, Detail Calendar Entry, Delete Entry) but I am not clear about how to implement the corresponding events (like delete event, edit event etc).
    I am using Dialog and which refers to a managed Bean component for listeners (e.g Delete Dialog refers to dialogListener="#{CustomCalendarBean.deleteListener}").
    My Question is,
    In the bean, to implement the listener, i would need to make use of Delete operation available in my Data Control (Exposed by ADF BC VO). I am not sure how to do the same. My managed bean is POJO and not sure how it can call Delete operation available in data control.
    Appreciate your help.
    Thanks, Mihir Parekh

    I am able to achieve this functionality with Operation Binding.

  • Announcement: Introducing a Flex Calendar Component

    Hi Everyone,
      I'm pleased to announce the release of the Flextras Calendar Component.  This was a big undertaking for us and we can't wait to have a few people take a look and tell us what we did wrong (or right).
    The Calendar is a great way for you to deal with date based data in a Flex Application and it allows you to build Calendar or scheduling applications.  The component features:
    Views for a Month, Week, and      Day. 
    Extensive renderers so that      you can make the component suit your needs.
    Standard Flex APIs for drag      and drop, itemEditors, and localization. 
    Support for Flex 3 and Flex 4
    You can download our no cost developer edition along with samples and documentation at
    Here are some links to find out more:
    Product Page
    Register and Download
    Flextras Home
    We are here to help and would love to hear your feedback.  Drop us a line! What can we do for you today?

    Take a look at ours and try out our Free Developer Edition:
    We believe it creates a strong foundation for you to extend to build scheduling / Calendar applications with Flex.
    If you want to build a Google Calendar style implementation, you'll need to create a custom DayRenderer with an embedded Gantt chart.  We're working on a sample, but have no ETA for delivery.

  • In Javascript how do I disable a ui:calendar component?

    I've tried
    document.getElementById("form1:arrivalDateField").disabled = true;
    but that does not disable the Calendar from popping up, nor does it
    prevent typing in the Calendar Field.

    Yea , it indeed happen to me as well while we cannot disabled the Calendar Component
    Secondly for AutoComplete TextField
    whenever i set it as readonly / disabled
    it cant read the value even in next rendering the readonly/disabled will become false.

  • JSF Calendar Component JS error

    Hi everyone,
    I have problem with JSF Calendar component. JSP version is 1.2 so we are using com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Calendar class.
    When HTML code is generated some id missing. For example:
    JavaScript tries to find subForm:startCalendar:_datePicker:row5, but there is only subForm:startCalendar:_datePicker:row4.
    This cause JS error at line 249 in calendar.js:
    this.lastRow = document.getElementById(rowId); = "none"; //error is here this.lastRow is nullAfter few reloads and manual date change calendar seem to work fine for a while, but it can stop at anytime. There are no errors in Tomcat logs (we are using Tomcat 5.5, but we have same error with Glassfish 2).
    Here is JSP code:
    <ui:calendar binding="#{Index.startCalendar}" dateFormatPattern="dd.MM.yyyy" id="startCalendar" style="position: absolute; left: 120px; top: 96px"/>

    I had observed that the code for UI:Calendar Component looks up defaulttheme.jar file which will be avaialble with Sun studio creator or with UI tag jars ...... for its JS files, Images and style sheets etc .
    I tried seeing the contents in the JS files and there is a JS file specifically for Calendar Component ie calendar.js ... editing the same i came to see this
    // This does not work for August (08) and September (09) but it works
    // for all the other months????
    function ui_Calendar_setCurrentValue() {
        var curDate = this.field.value;
        var matches = true;
    but cant see Feb month there...
    It the problem with the code in teh JS file that they are using to generate the component...
    sooo the only solution would be to get the latest jars fixing that issue (defaulttheme.jar)
    I tried googling out for teh latest jars for the same i coudnt find any such...
    This is my investigation on this issue.Hope only code fix kills the flaw
    If any one gets a solution or workaround pls post ASAP to help us.+
    Edited by: Shivaji. on Feb 3, 2009 4:44 AM

  • Customizing the calendar component

    I am using jdev
    In calendar component when in the list mode. we are having one button name "Today" and along with date range. My requirment is to display today date when clicking of today button in list mode.
    Is it possible.How can i customize the the toolbar.
    Any help would appreciated.

    Check this out:

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