Interactive Report Compute Field Creation Computation Formula

I'm trying to create a compute field in Interactive Report in APEX 3.
There are two fields: 'Plan Type' and 'Product Type'.
I want to create Compute Field - 'My Check'
Condition is as follows:
If 'Plan Type' field value begins with 'FY11 AA' and 'Product Type' field value ends with 'ABC' then 'My Check' field value should be 'CHECK' else 'OK'.
'Plan Type'-----------'Product Type'----------'My Check'
FY11 AA123---------123ABC-------------------CHECK
FY11 BB123---------123KKK--------------------OK
FY11 CC123---------123ZZZ--------------------OK
Would appreciate if you can write for me a computation formula for the case above.

Hi Jari,
Thanks for your formula.
When I tried that, I got error as below.
Actual formula entered:
case when BH = 'Y' then
case when SUBSTR(T,1,7) = 'FY11 OU' then
case when SUBSTR(AL,-3) = 'REC' then
else 'OK' end
else 'OK' end
else 'OK' end
Error message:
Invalid computation expression. then case

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    Thanks again Jari.
    I compiled Stew's package and setup a call like this:
       v_variable   VARCHAR2 (5000);
           v_variable := apex_ir_query.IR_QUERY_WHERE (app_id_in => 125,
                                        page_id_in => 2,
                                        session_id_in => 1058992121588043,
                                        base_report_id_in => 6902307847490674);
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Query: ' || v_variable);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Exception :' || SQLERRM);
    END;But this didn't return anything. Did some digging and ran the SQL below:
       SELECT * FROM apex_application_page_ir_cond cond where application_id = 125Which revealed interactive report id values different from the ones returned by $v('apexir_REPORT_ID'); $v('apexir_REPORT_ID') returns 6902307847490674 but in the table its 7.76121620735057E15 (My Apex version is 3.2).
    I'm not going to pursue it further, as I've decided to implement custom filtering functionality using ape_util.ir_query package. Thanks for your valuable help with this issue. Closing the question.
    Edited by: user4368002 on Jul 16, 2010 2:00 PM

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    Thanks & regards

    Its nor working for me .
    1) I created an textfiled item- P2_REPORT_SEARCH
    2) added an interadctive report with the source as
    select     "WSR"."ID" as "ID",
    "WSR"."USER_ID" as "USER_ID",
    "WSR"."TO_DATE" as "TO_DATE",
    'delete' from
    "WSR" "WSR"
    "WSR"."FROM_DATE"=to_char(sysdate+ (2-to_char(sysdate,'D')))
    where (
    instr(upper("USER_ID"),upper(nvl(:P2_REPORT_SEARCH,"USER_ID"))) > 0 or
    instr(upper("ACTIVITIES"),upper(nvl(:P2_REPORT_SEARCH,"ACTIVITIES"))) > 0
    instr(upper("PROJECT"),upper(nvl(:P2_REPORT_SEARCH,"PROJECT"))) > 0
    )3) added the folowing query to html header ,
    apex.jQuery('#report_' + pId + '_catch').trigger('apexbeforerefresh', pId);
    var l_URL =
    if (pRefreshMode) {
    if (pRefreshMode === 'current'){
    // do nothing to url here
    } else if (pRefreshMode === 'reset') {
    l_URL += 'reset_R_' + pId;
    } else {
    if (!!pSort) {
    l_URL += pSort+'::RP&fsp_region_id='+pId;
    } else {
    l_URL +=
    l_URL += ':NO::P2_REPORT_SEARCH:' + $('#P2_REPORT_SEARCH').val();
    var lRequest = new apex.ajax.url(l_URL,
    var l_s = pResponse.readyState;
    var l_Id = lRequest.report_id;
    if(l_s == 1){
    }else if(l_s == 2||l_s == 3){
    }else if(l_s == 4){
    var lTemp = $u_js_temp_drop();
    apex.jQuery('#report_'+l_Id+'_catch').attr('id', 'report_'+l_Id+'_catch_old');
    apex.jQuery('#report_' + pId + '_catch').trigger('apexafterrefresh', pId);
    }else{return false;}
    lRequest.report_id = pId;
    4) a dynamic action:
    Name: Instant Search
    Event: Key Release
    Condition: No Condition
    Action: Refresh
    Fire when event result is: True
    Selection type: Region
    Region: WSR(Interactive reoprt region)5) When I enter the query in P2_REPORT_SEARCH , no change happens in the result set of IR
    Edited by: Nice1 on May 16, 2012 1:12 AM

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         "PROJECT"."DEV_DATE" as "DEV_DATE",
         "PROJECT"."CIE_DATE" as "CIE_DATE",
         "PROJECT"."QA_DATE" as "QA_DATE",
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    Here is a threa dealing with a nowrap issue for an IRR, try making the nowrap setting in the css a wrap and see what happens..
    Re: Interactive Report - fields wrapping
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • Decode formula for Interactive Compute field

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    What is wrong with the formula below?
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    Would you please suggest me a correct formula?
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    But according to my second case criteria, it should be marked as 'OK' because...
    BH = 'Y'
    T does not begin with 'FY11 OU'
    AL ends with 'REC'.
    Currently I'm running filtering with your formula. But it is taking too long time. I guess there are too many lines matching with this criteria.

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    'AllTo: ' ||  J || '<br>Dev: ' ||  KOk, code I want is in the image below
    Edited by: bobonacus on Mar 1, 2013 10:19 AM ... Ironically this forum uses the html!!

    bobonacus wrote:
    I am trying to output some html in an Apex (v4. interactive report in a computation field but it just outputs the html
    How can I put something like a br tag or a non breaking space {noformat} {noformat}
    'AllTo: ' ||  J || '<br>Dev: ' ||  KOk, code I want is in the image below
    Edited by: bobonacus on Mar 1, 2013 10:19 AM ... Ironically this forum uses the html!!I do not understand what you are saying. Can you re-explain the problem with different words?

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    I need some help with an interactive report i am trying to produce. What i am trying to do is use to compute function of an interactive report and add the actual count from a week (e.g. week 26) and add it to the forecast count of that week
    The problem that i have is that they are on different rows
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    Week No|Forecast Count|Actual Count*
    Any help would be welcome :)
    Thanks in advance

    Is that the only way that this could be done?
    I have tried to get the values on the same row but it has proved very very difficult.
    The query i use to get the data is this:
    select ROUND(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(rpad(con_add_td_hr, 10),'yyyy-mm-dd'),'ddd')-2)/7)+1 "Week No", 0, sum(cons_total) "Actual Count"
    from corcon01_hour_totals
    where db_name='CSAHEPA' and substr(con_add_td_hr,1,4)='2008' and CON_ADD_USER_ID not like '%LDL%'
    group by ROUND(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(rpad(con_add_td_hr, 10),'yyyy-mm-dd'),'ddd')-2)/7)+1
    select week_no, sum(manual_entry_cons)+sum(citedi_cons)"Forecast Data", 0
    from concount_forecast_data
    where db_name ='CSAHEPA' and year ='2008'
    group by week_no
    The problem that i have is that the 2 tables are not relate and do not have a matching table structure. For the actual count table i have to generate the week number using a data/hour column.
    If you have any suggestions i would be very grateful.
    Edited by: N.S.N.O. on Sep 16, 2008 2:21 AM

  • Interactive Report - Compute columns

    Interactive report query is storing in a apex view - apex_application_page_ir.
    Like, if compute columns added in runtime, APEX is making a new query with compute columns. I want to know in which APEX view is having this query:
    I created a Interactive report (APEX 3.2.0) for the following query:
    from "EMP"
    In the run time, I added a compute column , now the query is as follows:
    ROWID as apxws_row_pk,
    "SAL" *10/100 "APXWS_CC_001",
    count(*) over () as apxws_row_cnt
    from (
    select * from (
    from "EMP"
    ) r
    ) r where rownum <= to_number(:APXWS_MAX_ROW_CNT)
    order by ROWID

    it is not the sql query its all about the report_columns in apex_application_page_ir
    in case anyone landed in this page

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    I created an aggregate, count, on the open status and closed status, but how to use them in the computation? There's no 'count' in the Function list in the Compute box.
    I was hoping that those aggregated columns would be displayed in the Compute sub-menu on the Actions button but they don't appear to be.
    Can someone help me with this?

    Maybe an alternative would be to put this logic into the select.
    select u.object_name,
           count(case when u.object_type = 'TABLE' then 1 end) over () count_tables,
           count(case when u.object_type = 'VIEW' then 1 end) over () count_views
    from user_objects u;This would count the number of tables and views in the data dictionary. And it is returned as a column value.

  • How to add a computed field to a reports

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    I do not want to have this number in the table or view.
    Is it possible to add a computed field to a report like this?
    If so, how?
    Thanks - Jim

    The SQL function rownum should suffice if the report is not too complicated, as this returns the number of the row rather than the database row ie.
    select empno,ename,rownum
    from emp
    add some clauses each time and you should see that each row is always numbered 1 to n.
    However, if you introduce the HTMLDB column sort functionality into the report then it would appear that it is the result set that is sorted rather than a new query being issued.
    Hope this is of help.

  • The symbol '=' is missing in interactive report compute option's keypad

    Hi Friends,
    I am having an interactive report. I am trying to give a compute option like CASE WHEN A = 10 THEN B + C ELSE B
    END . All other sysmbols except *=* is found in the key pad. But if we put '=' symbol manually it is working fine. Is
    there any option to show the *=* symbol in the key pad itself?

    There is no option to add it
    Br, Jari

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    Here is what I have:
      When  C = 'Open' and  I > 15 Then 'True'
      Else 'False'
    End The error I get is: Invalid computation expression. and
    Application Express
    Edited by: cjmartin on Jan 10, 2012 10:57 AM

    I'm surprised no one responded to this. What I did to resolve this issue was create a nested case statement. I don't think this was a good solution, but I can't find anyone else giving input. I know I can create another computational column in the select statement for the report, but the 'Interactive Report' part is where this should be. I want my clients to calculate what they want. Kind of hard when you can not use an 'and' for a range criteria.

  • Own function in computation (Interactive Report)

    I have checked package WWV_FLOW_WORKSHEET_DIALOGUE (it's wrapped, so I've checked it only slightly) and table WWV_FLOW_WORKSHEET_COMPUTATION and found that those two objects are responsible for functions we can see/use at Compute panel of Interactive Report. I need to add my own function to computation but it's not possible. When I write MY_FUNCTION(A) in text box and try to apply then I receive message: "Invalid computation expression. MY_FUNCTION".
    Is any way to add own function to be seen by Compute option in Interactive Report?
    It's important that I don't want to use MY_FUNCTION in query defined in Region Source!
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi, just stumbled over your question and I happened to have the same problem.
    It appears not to be possible to use your own functions although it would definitely be very nice.
    However, I found a solution, but given that I already had my knuckles rapped once for mentioning them-who-must-not-be-named (anything starting with "WWV..." really), I am not going to post it here.
    If you are still interested (and if you didn't fix it already for yourself), drop me a personal mail and I'll get back to you.
    Needless to say, you should think long and hard before you make any modification in any WWV_ object and then decide that you shouldn't.

Maybe you are looking for