Interactive Reports in Firefox 3.0.5

When running an interactive report in Firefox 3.0.5, the pull-down menu next to the cog icon does not display right over the icon as it does in IE. Rather, the menu displays at the bottom of the page below the report area.
Anyone knows why is this and how it can be fixed?

...and FWIW, here's the whole page code...
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<tr ><td  align="center"><a href="f?p=275:2:1054298689687563::NO::P2_DOC_NAME,P2_REQUESTING_PAGE:23748023_12032008_Amerigas.pdf%2C1&cs=38C1BA2D898623C6EB90373DC0B42694A" ><img src="/apex_images/download.gif" alt="Download" width="20" height="20"></a></td><td  align="left">23748023_12032008_Amerigas.pdf</td><td  align="left">20-JAN-2009 11:16AM</td><td  align="center"><a href="f?p=275:4:1054298689687563:ELIM:NO::P4_DOC_NAME,P4_RETURNING_PAGE:23748023_12032008_Amerigas.pdf%2C1&cs=3565731C7716F663E9B115B003135A29B" ><img src="/apex_images/del.gif" alt="Delete"></a></td></tr>
<tr ><td  align="center"><a href="f?p=275:2:1054298689687563::NO::P2_DOC_NAME,P2_REQUESTING_PAGE:23761639_12172008_Kathy_Ammon.pdf%2C1&cs=3E678E6956231231F39E6CF9181B6E3D4" ><img src="/apex_images/download.gif" alt="Download" width="20" height="20"></a></td><td  align="left">23761639_12172008_Kathy_Ammon.pdf</td><td  align="left">20-JAN-2009 11:16AM</td><td  align="center"><a href="f?p=275:4:1054298689687563:ELIM:NO::P4_DOC_NAME,P4_RETURNING_PAGE:23761639_12172008_Kathy_Ammon.pdf%2C1&cs=32787E0AB470723DDB5D7159696FD1596" ><img src="/apex_images/del.gif" alt="Delete"></a></td></tr>
<tr class="fielddatasmall" align="left"><td>
<tr><td colspan="5" class="pagination" align="right"><span class="fielddata"> 1 - 15 of 1559 <a href="javascript:gReport.navigate.paginate('pgR_min_row=16max_rows=15rows_fetched=15')"><img src="/apex_images/jtfunexe.gif" title="Next" alt="Next" align="absmiddle" /></a></span></td></tr>
</div></div><script type="text/javascript">
var gReport,gValid;
function init_gReport(){
gReport = new'');
gValid = new apex.validation.v();
<div id="apexir_rollover" style="position:absolute;display:none;"><table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td><span id="apexir_sortup"><img src="/apex_images/ws/dup.gif" alt="Sort Ascending" title="Sort Ascending" onclick="gReport.column.order('ASC')" /></span><span id="apexir_sortdown"><img src="/apex_images/ws/ddown.gif" alt="Sort Descending" title="Sort Descending" onclick="gReport.column.order('DESC')" /></span><span id="apexir_hide"><img src="/apex_images/ws/trash.gif" alt="Hide Column" title="Hide Column" onclick="gReport.column.hide()" /></span><span id="apexir_break"><img src="/apex_images/ws/break_col.gif" alt="Control Break" title="Control Break" onclick="gReport.column.break_on()" /></span><span id="apexir_info"><img src="/apex_images/ws/info_20x18.gif" alt="Column Information" title="Column Information" onclick="" /></span><span id="apexir_computation"><img src="/apex_images/ws/calc.gif" alt="Compute" title="Compute" onclick="gReport.controls.computation(false)" /></span></td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" onkeyup="$d_Find('apexir_rollover_content',this.value,'a');" style="width:95%;" id="apexir_search" /></td></tr></table><div id="apexir_rollover_content"></div></div><span id="apexir_LOADER" style="display:none;"><img src="/apex_images/ws/ajax-loader.gif" /></span></td>
</table><table id="apex_layout_3134323851085756" class="formlayout" summary="" ><tr><td></td><td  colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left"><input type="hidden" name="p_arg_names" value="3134621904094597" /><input type="hidden" name="p_t01" value="" id="P1_SERVER_NAME"  /></td></tr><tr><td></td><td  colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left"><input type="hidden" name="p_arg_names" value="3139106994289054" /><input type="hidden" name="p_t02" value="" id="P1_DEBUG"  /></td></tr>
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Similar Messages

  • Custom pagination for APEX 4.2 interactive report using Page Zero

    I want to implement an «Custom pagination for APEX 4.2 interactive report» using a «page zero».
    I recently migrate from Apex 3.1 to Apex 4.2 and my «Custom pagination for APEX 3.1 interactive report» using a «page zero»  is not working any more.
    So now I try to adapt an excellent example of Jari Laine for 4.0 but using a page zero.
    I put the code JavaScript to Page zero but I must create an dynamic action to fire only for an interactive report region.
    It’s a good idea?
    Thank you

    Thought I would try once more with my DatePicker question.
    On the Apex.Oracle.Com website I have created a 1 page application that has an Interactive Report.
    user = 'test'
    password = 'test'
    I have 2 questions :
    (1) In IE7, press 'Actions', 'Filter'. On the Column dropdown list, select 'Order Timestamp'.
    Notice the prompt icon to the right of the 'expression'. This should change to the Datepicker, but in IE7 it does not. Try the samething in Firefox or Chrome and the Datepicker will appear.
    Is this a BUG, or does Apex 4.02 not support IE7 ?
    (2) In Firefox or Chrome, where you can now see the Datepicker, you will notice that it is the new style picker, not the old style ( called 'classic' ). I want to change it so that it shows the 'classic' datepicker not the new, but cannot see how to do it, if indeed you actually can.
    I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look and let me know if I am going mad, or if we need to get all our users onto IE8. We have now gone live with Apex 4.02 and need to resolve these issues.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: DooRon on 10-Mar-2011 05:13

  • Theme 15 - Click on Splyglass in Interactive Report - broken

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    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Also, If I start with a working 3.2 version and upgrade it to the 4.0 version the theme breaks.
    If I view the page with Firefox or Chrome, it looks ok. Apparently an IE6-8 issue.
    Edited by: user642498 on Nov 2, 2010 12:43 PM

  • Blank csv from interactive report

    I have an interactive report that shows the data just fine. but when I choose download and csv, I get a blank file, zero lenght. there is data in the report, but the download shows nothing. has anyone see this before? its just a standard report, nothing real fancy. it should be able to download data right?

    it is apex is 4.0
    I'm not sure of the database, I believe it is 11g
    I have no clue as to the web server, I'd have to say whatever comes with 11g or apex. I don't have access rights to see that.
    browser is IE 7 and firefox 3. both have the same issue.
    I can't export it to a different instance at this time.. however, I created a new page, created a report in it and used a simple query, it allows me to download it. so something is odd about the actual report I have now. its a simple query, so I'm not sure what it wrong yet.
    something must be interfering with the process.

  • Interactive Report wide Column Sorting hangs in Internet Explorer

    I have an application that contains an interactive report. The Column Sorting and Filtering functions work fine in Firefox. However, if I try to sort a wide (110 byte - it contains a hyperlink) column in Internet Explorer, APEX produces the 'loading data' image and then hangs. Even a sort of a narrow (3 byte) column is noticeably slower in Internet Explorer than in Firefox.
    We are running APEX 3.1.1 on Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production with the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

    I answer you over your post.
    Joe Bertram wrote:
    That's an interesting issue. What kind of images are these? Are they the default images installed or are they your custom set of images?The images are png files included as they were icons into the table.
    You say the images disappear when you sort the report. Does it happen when you sort on demand in the dashboard or when you sort it in the report itself? Or both?Only when sort from the dashboard. From the report itself, the answers works fine.
    What are your environment details?Server:
    Windows 2003 server
    Thin Client:
    Internet explorer 8
    Thanks for the extra info.
    Best regards,
    -JoeIt happens also in other two environments (Development and Pre-production) with the same SW architecture.
    Thanks for your time.

  • Interactive Report CSS question..

    Hi all..
    APEX: 4.1
    Database: 11g
    Please help me with this CSS issue.
    I have a interactive report which is too wide for the region.
    I am using the following CSS to have a scroll bar for that region,
    if it grows more.
    Region Header:
    <div style="overflow:auto;overflow-y: hidden;">
    Region Footer:
    </div>Please check the following page.
    Page: 4
    I have the following issues with the report.
    1) If you scroll the report, ""OBSERVE THE ""GO AND ACTION"" BUTTONS"" of interactive reports.
    Even those button are also moving and messing up the look of interactive report.
    Is there anyway to keep the buttons in the same position?
    Different issue:
    2) Instead of a scroll bar on the bottom of the region, Is it possible to
    ""grow the width of the region"" untill the report grows?
    what CSS changes in the region level that i need to do?
    Please help me

    kumar wrote:
    Yes jari... we are doing the app for IE 7.
    It seems even in the other browsers(not 100% sure), the go and action button are moving..
    Is it the browser issue?
    Do both the following issues are browser related?
    1) If you scroll the report, ""OBSERVE THE ""GO AND ACTION"" BUTTONS"" of interactive reports.
    Even those button are also moving and messing up the look of interactive report.
    Is there anyway to keep the buttons in the same position?I've viewed this page on a range of browsers on Windows XP and OS X. The region scroll bar only appeared on:
    <li>Opera 10.10 (without the crazy button shenanigans)
    There's no region scroll bar in:
    <li>IE8 (even in compatibility mode)
    <li>Firefox 3.5/5.0/8.0
    <li>Opera 11.60
    <li>Chrome 16.0
    <li>Safari 5.1
    Given (a) this is what I would expect from the CSS; (b) the corrections to the rendering in later IE and Opera versions, it is apparent that the presence of a scroll bar on the <tt>div</tt> is an IE7 bug (and thus so is the button glitch, as it follows from the scroll bar).
    <tt>overflow</tt> requires that an element (or an ancestor) have a specified dimension. On your page none of the elements have a dimension that that would cause <tt>overflow</tt> to clip the element and show scroll bars.
    Form region and report region template stops expanding when it reaches to a point.Due to the <tt>max-width: 1920px;</tt> property on the page <tt>body</tt>.
    Is it possible to ""grow the width of the region"" (Report region template or form region template) as the report grows?What exactly is the requirement? Is this example really representative of your data&mdash;that is, one row of multiple columns containing text unbroken by any white space? If so, what is the nature of this data? If not, provide a more realistic example.

  • Interactive report based on complex view

    firefox 24 , apex 4.0 , db11gxe ,
    hi all,
    i created an interactive report with this code :
      select c.client_id , c.client_name , c.age , , ,
    p.payment_date , sum(p.amount) "summary"
    from clients c , payments p
    where c.client_id = p.client_id
    group by c.client_id , c.client_name , c.age , , ,
    but the problem was i could not delete any of the rows of the report , because there was no checkbox existed , so i created one with "apex_application.checkbox" , and i have got it now , but
    i still can not delete any rows ,
    i created a button to submit the page , and a process with this code
    FOR i in 1..APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01.count
       DELETE FROM cp
       WHERE client_id = APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i);
    and sure nothing was deleted , and i am facing this error
    ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view

    What is the object "CP" ?
    It sounds like it is a view. If it's the same you've used for the IR, then check out "key preserved views"
    Oracle doc -
    Tom Kyte -
    There could be another issue once you address the error - depending on how you've defined apex_application.checkbox2 (the other is deprecated)
    You may not be associating the correct value in g_f01

  • Chart in Interactive Report always returns IO Error

    Hi everyone,
    Recently our company has a web application project that utilizes APEX and its powerful Interactive Report.
    However, everytime when we try to generate a chart based on the IR (by going to the "cog" and pick "chart"), we will get this "IO Error".
    For the last couple of days I have been researching on the net for solutions but still no luck on how to fix this problem.
    I have used Firefox to check into the source code of the page.
    To my surprise is that calling just the chart component is fine (the swf file does load up and wait for data), and so is calling that lengthy "...apex_util.flash2?..." xml-file under the variable "FlashVar" (an xml file is returned correctly).
    But when the chart is called in the IR it just keeps displaying "IO Error".
    This web app is hosted behind a reverse proxy server. Moreover, upon testing it is confirmed that the chart will be able to generate if the IP of the server is used to access the app... but not with the proxy domain name.
    Using the plain server IP is not an option as this IP cannot be accessed from outside of the company; all traffic is routed via the domain proxy server.
    It seems as is the proxy server is doing something in the middle, but I can't seem to find any information regarding conflicts between proxy server and anychart anywhere on the net.
    I did find some information about Flash and crossdomain data access, and had created the "crossdomain.xml" file under the root directory of the data server as instructed from Anychart documentation and Adobe Flash Support TechNote ( and
    However it still does not solve the IO Error problem.
    Please help! My team do have a demo approaching next week.

    Try add to dads.conf
    PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList SERVER_PORT=443

  • How to create a fixed-width column within an APEX 4 interactive report?

    This thread is a follow-up to {message:id=9191195}. Thanks fac586.
    Partial success: The following code provided by fac586 limits the column width of the Apex 4 interactive report column as long as the column data contains whitespace within a Firefox 3.6 browser:
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    <style type="text/css">
    width: 300px;
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    width: 300px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    1. The code above is put into the HTML header section for the page.
    2. T_DESCRIPTION is defined as VARCHAR2(2000).
    3. The code above works within the Firefox 3.6.12 browser but does not work within the Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 browser.
    I tried adding "float: left;":
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    <style type="text/css">
    width: 300px;
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    width: 300px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    <font color="red"> float: left;</font>
    1. "float: left;" does not require whitespace and successfully splits the column between characters in lieu of whitespace.
    2. "float: left;" shrinks the cell height and allows the page background to show through... couldn't determine how to fix this.
    3. The code above works within the Firefox 3.6.12 browser but does not work within the Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 browser.
    I've done some more research, but I still haven't discovered how to create a fixed-width column within an APEX 4 interactive report that displays properly within an Internet Explorer 7 browser.
    Any ideas and help will be appreciated.

    Thanks for your help with this!
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    what theme are you using?
    A customized version of theme 15.
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    Floating a table cell makes no sense (to me anyway).
    You are correct. I was just trying a different approach ... trying to think out of the box.
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    Think you'll need to create an example on with sample data
    if there are any further problems.
    Great suggestion! The code your provided works in the Firefox 3.6.12 browser, but still doesn't work within my Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 browser.
    I have recreated the problem at, you can use the following information to check it out:
    Workspace: IR_FIXED_WIDTH_COLS
    Username: GUEST
    Password: Thx4help
    Application: 43543 - CM_RANDY_SD
    Note: Table name is TEST_DATA
    The following code provided by fac586 works in both Firefox 3.6 and IE7 using default theme "21. Scarlet" at; however, it doesn't work when I use a copy of our customized theme "101. Light Blue":
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    <style type="text/css">
    .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA {
    width: 300px;
    max-width: 300px;
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    max-width: 300px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    <!--[if lt IE 8]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* IE is broken */
    td[headers="T_DESCRIPTION"] {
    width: 300px;
    Any idea what in the theme could be causing the fixed width column to be ignored in IE 7?
    Edited by: CM Randy SD on Dec 7, 2010 11:22 AM

  • Selecting a set of rows in an Interactive Report

    What I want to achieve is when a row is clicked in an interactive report that row (via a Primary Key/ROWID) is added to a list of IDs to be edited in one go, I will probably use a collection for this, although a colon delimited list might be quicker and/or easier. The two ways I thought of trying to achieve this was by bending the use of the Link Column and providing a Link to Custom Target or using a row selection technique described below.
    My initial thought was to make it a check box which then called some JavaScript/On demand process, similar to the one shown here. So far I've tricked it by making the image my check box and the link attributes being my function which returns false to stop the page redirecting when clicked. The problem is I can't seem to get the ROWID to appear, I've tried #ROWID# which simply puts that string as the input, so for example, my "image" is this: <input type="checkbox" value="#PK_ID#" name="f01"/>So, if I could get something meaningful in there instead of ROWID it would work a treat I think.
    The alternative method was to use a form of the row highlighting described in this Row Highlighting. The problem here seems to be that for an Interactive Report you cannot change the table row elements to add the onclick. Also when trying this (using Firefox to add the appropriate code to a TR element) it works, as in the function fires, but does not change the appearance of the rows. I lack the CSS/HTML skills to work out why so far.
    Worst case I can simply create a checkbox field in the query as per the example above, the only drawback is that the column might not always be available in the report if the user has hidden the column.
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks,
    Edited by: gaz_stephens on Jan 16, 2009 12:09 PM

    If all of the records are displayed on the report in one go (that is, there is no pagination involved), then you can add the onclick after the table has been created. Add the following into the report's Region Footer setting:
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    function addEvents()
    var t = document.getElementById(gTable);
    var tRows = t.rows;
    var k;
    for (k = 1; k &lt; tRows.length; k++)
      tRows[k].onclick = function() {alert('Here');};
    &lt;/script&gt;If pagination is involved, then any javascript will not be run when the next page is displayed. The alert('Here'); in the code would need to be replaced with some javascript functionality - probably calling a javascript function that works on the TR's "this" object reference.

  • Interactive Reporting is not opening in Hyperion workspace

    I have installed Hyperion Foundation Services and IR
    I am trying to access IR through Workspace
    I could see the procedure like File-> New-> Document_> interactive reporting document.
    Then i have selected a .oce file to make connection. but i am not able to progress to the next window.
    after selecting .oce file a new pop up is getting populated.Then it is closed automatically in a fraction of second...
    I dont know what is the problem.
    Kindly Help.
    Thank you.
    Hi all,
    I have tried the same with Mozilla Browser.
    Here I am ablwe to open a page saying
    Checking Hyperion Interactive Reporting Web Client status......
    then another one new win dow is getting opend.
    In that window It was asking for the
    "Press the 'Begin' button to start the installation."
    asking for a confirmation.
    I hav pressed Begin then an error comes
    "Firefox could not install the file at
    because: Download error
    Please help me
    Thank you.
    Edited by: gatha_vdm on Mar 23, 2009 8:25 AM
    Edited by: gatha_vdm on Mar 23, 2009 8:37 AM

    Hi bhanu,
    Thanks a lot for ur immediate reply
    I couldnt see any service in the name of IR.
    I could see only "Hyperion Annotation Server"
    I have started the service as follows... please check.
    Hyperion Apache 2.0-(Apache/2.0.61 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.25)
    Hyperion Foundation OpenLDAP
    Hyperion Foundation Shared Services - Web Application
    (Hyperion Shared Services that support Hyperion applications, including authentication, user provisioning, task flow management, data and metadata synchronization.)
    Hyperion Workspace - Agent Service
    (HyS9Core1, Provides service infrastructure to run services locally).
    Hyperion Annotation Server
    (HyS9Annotation - Provides Annotation support for Hyperion products).
    Hyperion Workspace - Web Application
    (HyS9Workspace - Hyperion Workspace - Web Application web application for Tomcat 5.)
    For the second error
    I could not see any option named
    programs--Hyperion--Intercative Rporting--Utilities and Administratio--Service Configurator--Local Service Configurator
    i could see only a service configurator under workspace-> utilities and administration.
    Thanks a lot
    Gathatharan K

  • Placing buttons in a region displaying an Interactive Report

    I have a page on which I am displaying an interactive report.I would like to place buttons on this region where the report is displayed-
    - The first button right of the search bar of the interactive report
    - The second button right of the first button.
    - The third (exactly ) below the second button (still right of the search bar)
    I am aware that if this where an HTML region,then I would have had the flexibility to place the third button in a new line without a problem,but can I achieve this in a region displaying an interactive report?
    Is there any way to do this?
    Priya Jetley

    Create the buttons as region buttons in the IR region, with the following properties:
    Button Position: Right of Interactive Report Search Bar
    Button Alignment: Left Right
    Enter *style="display: block; float: right;"* in the Button Attributes of the third button.
    Edited by: fac586 on Nov 11, 2008 8:04 AM
    Changed to fix slight layout glitch in Firefox 2.
    Edited by: fac586 on Nov 11, 2008 9:06 AM
    Changed back as the slight glitch in FF2 is preferable to not working in FF3 and Safari

  • Interactive Reporting Web Client on Apple Mac:  Intelligence iServer?

    Hi All,
    I just installed EPM release along with Interactive Reporting. We were led to believe that Macintosh was supported as long as FireFox was used as a browser. Everything seems to work fine except when I try to create a new Interactive Reporting Web Client document, I get the error message:
    Viewing and analysis with Interactive Reporting Web Client is supported in Windows only.
    For other platforms, use the Intelligence iServer option: ihtml servlet icon
    Contact your system administrator if this option is not available.
    I cannot seem to find much information on this "Intelligence iServer". Does this exist and will it let FireFox clients use Interactive Reporting Web Client? Is it an option that can be installed on the server?
    Thanks for
    any insight.

    I have some knowledge about this Intelligence iServer, which I would like to share with you.
    In Version 8(HPSu 8.5), Hyperion has 5 servers, which we need to install-
    Hyperion Foundation server
    Hyperion SQR server
    Hyperion SQR iserver
    Hyperion Intelligence Server
    Hyperion Intelligence iserver
    Each server had its own specific work and foundation server was base of all other servers.
    Hyperion Intelligence iserver supports the user to access the BQY in ihtml client. It helps user to perform some feature (like drill down-drill up) in html view.
    Later Hyperion Came with System 9 and integrated the entire server into a single bundle (internally I don't know what happened).
    This EPM 111.1.1 is Hyperion System 9.5 only.
    I would like to advice you to log this case to Oracle support (metalink3) and ask more information about this.
    It may be that, EPM 11 doesn't support Web Client in Macintosh environment
    Thanks & Regards,
    Mohit Jain

  • Interactive Reports: Display data on two lines per row?

    Is it somehow possible to display a single row across two lines in an interactive report?
    Something like this:
    Row1 Field 1, Row1 Field 2, Row1 Field 3
    Row1 Field 4 (spanning across the other fields)
    Row2 Field 1, Row2 Field 2, Row2 Field 3
    Row2 Field 4 (spanning across the other fields)
    Row3 Field 1, Row3 Field 2, Row3 Field 3
    Row3 Field 4 (spanning across the other fields)
    ... etc
    For example, I have a "Remarks" column that would look better on its own line, rather than being squeezed into the same row with the other columns.
    I realize that this layout might not be possible out-of-the-box, but I was thinking that perhaps some javascript/jQuery trick could be used. Unfortunately, my jQuery-fu is not strong yet, so I'm asking for help...
    (I also know that this type of layout is possible using a classic report with a custom template, but I would prefer to use the Interactive Report if at all possible.)
    - Morten

    Try this to page HTML header
    .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td{white-space:nowrap!important;}
    </style>At least it work with firefox 3.5 for me
    Br, Jari

  • Is There A Graceful Refresh of an Interactive Report?

    I have created an Interactive Report and then modified it to get the update functionality for one column, thereby following the
    the clever solution of Roel Hartman:
    Now all is working quite nicely, only there is one flaw. When I edit an entry and save it, the Interactive Report is refreshed and reset to the first page.
    Therefore, updating a number of rows can become very tedious when you have to navigate back to the resp. page after each edit action.
    I have tried several methods for refreshing the IR [for instance:'SEARCH'); gReport.pull(); gReport.reset();] but not found a smart solution for a "graceful refresh" up to now.
    I'm using "window.location.reload();" now in my "save" function, which lets me stay on the current page of the IR on saving.
    Does anyone know of a better solution for this problem?
    Kind regards
    PS: I'm using APEX 4.1 and Firefox 9
    Edited by: rbaier on 18.01.2012 04:48

    Hello Tobias,
    yes I have tried using a Dynamic Action. After refreshing, the IR once again displayed the first page.

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