Intermittent metallic fan noise

Occasionally, I hear this metallic fan-like noise going on in my Mini. I have heard this on and off before, not on a daily basis though; rather it happens every few months. I called Apple Support around a year ago about it (before it was out of warranty), but I can't remember what it is or if I should be concerned about it.
This morning, it occurred upon waking the computer up for the first time from it's overnight sleep. The noise built up slowly, then went on for 5 minutes or so, and eventually stopped. This is the usual pattern; however, it can last much longer. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it happening, as I hadn't done anything other than wake the computer, and there isn't any specific time it begins. Sometimes, it will happen after the Mini has been working for serveral hours, and not necessarily doing anything that's very taxing, such as researching on the internet or while writing a document or email.
Any idea what it is and if I should be worried?

Just to clarify, this is a mid-2007 built Mini that I bought new at my local Apple store, in June 2008. The Optical Drive, SuperDrive 8x, was replaced in Dec 2009, after repeated failures to read discs that worked fine in my MacBook Pro, would not seat discs properly, and would not eject discs after they got stuck inside the drive.
This can't be an Optical Dirve issue, as there was nothing in the drive when this noise happened. It is very much a fan noise, but not sure why it would be happening so sparadically.

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    The serial # starts with W853.
    It has always had an over active fan IMHO, but I've read of this complaint often on these forums, so I never paid it much mind. In June '07 the iMac started intermittently shutting itself down so I brought it in. I had Apple Care thankfully so they swapped out quite a few parts, including some sensors, the Logic Board, and PSU.
    I brought the iMac home, and within a day or too the hyper-active fan noise was back. However, the iMac was not shutting itself down randomly anymore... until today.
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    It happened once, I haven't been able to reproduce it yet, but it of course has me worried.
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    Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your experiences and advice.

    I'm having a similar problem with the sudden shutdowns but not with the fan noise. This just started today after being out for a few hours I noticed that the computer was shut down instead of asleep. I booted it up and it shut down within a few minutes. This continued for several attempts and now I can't even get passed the startup sequence before it shuts down. I can't run any tests on it 'cause it will shut down in the process if not before. I am still under the extended warranty so I guess I will be taking mine in as well. What could be the cause of this? Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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    Hello pinster
    Reset the SMC >
    +1. Shut down the computer.+
    +2. Unplug the computer's power cord.+
    +3. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.+
    +4. Release the power button.+
    +5. Attach the computers power cable.+
    +6. Press the power button to turn on the computer.+

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    I just removed the fan off my x1900 and it's a joy to listen to now. Dead silent.
    Here are some photos of how easy it was. Take off memory heat syncs, take off electric heat syncs, and then the fan off the chip. Wipe it with a tissue. Then take an eraser and rub until all residue is gone. Then just stick and peel the heat syncs where they fit.
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    Anyway hope this helps someone out there.

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    kind regards

    Hi CouchP,
    I know that there have been some reported issues of the fans running unexpectedly with the 15" retina display, but I stand to tell you that I have personally not had any issues. I've had my retina display since January and I use it all day for work and home and have not had any issues at all with my fan. I use istat Pro to monitor my fan levels and there has been no issue. Keep in mind that those who report issues here are because they actually have issues. Just think of the millions who do not report issues. Besides, the issues that have been reported are intermittent issues and have reported that the fans come on for 30 - 60 seconds and then quiet down again. It's no difference than if you were watching a movie or video which causes the fans to come on anyway.
    Just my opinion on the matter. I LOVE my 15" book.

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    So I'm just wondering if anyone knows what could cause this to happen? Thanks in advance.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I have a dual 2.7 G5 machine, and the fans do the same thing on my machine. As far as I can tell, they're simply detecting changes in the processor temperature and spinning up to cool the silicon down. There are various programs that will allow you to monitor the processor temperature (check You should observe increases in the temperature immediately preceding the fan speed increase, then a drop once the fans turn on.
    As far as the cause, that's harder to determine. Programs running in the background (including, of course, the various parts of the OS) may occasionally increase their demands on the processor, causing the silicon to warm up. This may occur even in the absence of direct user input.
    Basically, what you've written makes me think you've got a properly operating G5 cooling system. The alternative would be for Apple to have engineered the fans to run constantly (think of older PCs), or to make a much larger, heavier heat sink so that the heat would dissipate without fans (you'd end up with a huge machine, however).
    Hope that's somewhat useful.

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    What fan should I use to replace them?
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    Will HP send me two new fans for free?
    Where are instructions on fan replacement?
    Chris Maitland Hoare

    Hi Jay,
    please see this blog about Yoga 13 fan hitting the metal housing...
    maybe best to consult Lenovo Tech Support about a possible fan replacement...

  • MDD G4 fan noise - suddenly

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    Sometime ago I had purchased the same model (but in the single-processor configuration) as a "spare" in case my main one encountered problems. After checking the motherboards and making sure they had the same part number, I decided to swap the motherboards over. The dual-processor daughterboard connection to the motherboard is the same for both configurations, and the change-over was successful - the computer works as it did and I have Firewire back. Yay!
    Up until the computer was "shut down improperly" (someone turned off the wrong power switch on the wall, causing sudden loss of power to the computer), it was going with no problems - probably about three hours of normal use. On restarting after this incident, the fans now run at a consistently high speed much faster (and louder) than before. I have tried all the above-mentioned software "tricks", but to no avail. I have run Applejack and I have checked the Firmware version - it is up to date (4.4.8f2). I even suspected a possible lessening of the amount of thermal grease between the processors and the heat sink during the changeover, but the fans had been working normally before the power-off incident. The ambient temperature is normal room temperature, possibly even slightly on the cool side. The fan "ramps up" to high speed (possibly full speed) about 15-20 seconds after pressing the on button and then stays at that speed with no variation.
    Is there anything in these computers which acts as a thermostat and might possibly have been affected by the sudden loss of power. The power supply itself is good and I have had no problems with it. I do have a spare, as well as the one in the "spare" MDD, although I am reluctant to swap over the power supply as it is a fiddly job in confined spaces with many sharp edges to cut one's fingers on.
    As mentioned earlier, everything (including fan operation) had been normal up until the power "went off". After that, the fan speed has been high all the time. Does anybody have any ideas as to what is going on and other things I might try?

    Success - but not complete!
    After cleaning off all the old thermal grease from the CPUs and the heatsink and applying a sufficient amount of new high-quality grease, there was no difference in the fan speed.
    I put in the original motherboard (with the non-working FireWire ports), and the fans returned to operating as they should (ie at a speed proportional to the temperature). There was, however, a temperature increase reported by Temperature Monitor, most likely because of the slower air movement.
    I found yet another motherboard which I had acquired in a non-working MDD G4 (dead power supply, dead hard drive, and a capacitor needing to be soldered back onto the motherboard, but the case was fine!), and tried it out. It has working FireWire ports and normal fan speed, but gives no sound through the front speaker. The front headphone socket and the rear headphone/speaker socket work, at least, although the extra socket for the Apple Pro Speakers appears to also be non-functional.
    I have decided to stay with this motherboard for the time being as FireWire and quiet fans fall into the "must-have" category more than sound from the front speaker (which is mono after all - with a pair of Logitech speakers in either the front or rear headphone socket I can have glorious stereo).
    To summarize the three motherboards:
    1). The original: proper fan control, but non-functional FireWire ports;
    2). First spare: functioning FireWire ports, but fans run (loudly) at full speed all the time;
    3). Second spare: functioning FireWire ports, proper fan control but no sound through the front speaker.
    The temperature readings with the "second spare" motherboard are:
    37-38°C, 32-33°C and 29-30°C for the three drives (of the four) that it reports on, with this motherboard also giving a CPU temperature of 51-53°C (the others only gave readings for the drives). I don't know if these temperatures are "good" or a little on the high side, but the computer is working normally (apart from the front speaker), and the fan noise is mild/normal/acceptable rather than annoyingly loud.
    I will probably investigate purchasing another, fully-functioning, motherboard, but the risk of faults is always present with older secondhand gear. Also, I would still like to work out what caused the fan-speed controller components to malfunction. I have had numerous incidents like this before - power outages, forced restarts by holding down the power button (after a kernel panic), etc. - but never had a hardware problem caused by the sudden loss of power. Maybe, in simple terms, its time was up.

  • MBP 2008 - Odd fan noise

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    Not sure if this is one of the noises that's been annoying MBP owners for years now. Doesn't seem like it, but if anyone else can provide an corroboration, that would be great.

    If there's an Apple Store nearby, make an appointment at the Genius Bar and take it in. The only sound the fans should make is from the air movement/ Having said that, it's pretty difficult to diagnose sounds without actually being able to hear them - thus, get a tech to listen
    Hope this helps...

  • Problems with new Yoga 2 Pro (battery, fan noise, yellow, screen orientatio​n, on-screen keyboard)

    I purchased the Yoga Pro 2 on Thursday October 17. I love the computer for so many reasons, (especially since it replaces my 4 year old Compaq that was 6.5lbs!) however, I am also having a few issues with it.
    It is the i7/8GB/256GB model from BestBuy. I am experiencing the same yellow issue as is mentioned by many on here. I didn't realize it, though, until reading these forums and then comparing to my old computer and my ipad and iPhone. A little disappointed, though it looks like Lenovo may be working on a solution.
    But the real reason I originally came to look at this forum is because of 2 things: my fan and battery.
    The fan (on the right side of the keyboard) is always on! I didn't expect this, and am wondering if mine is a lemon or if others are noticing the same thing. It's pretty noticeable, especially in a quiet room. I was showing off my new computer to a friend and the very first thing she said was that it was loud! She was using a MacBook pro, which wasn't making any noise at all.
    The second thing is the battery... I am attaching 4 photos all taken within a few minutes of each other. If you cant see them, they are all of the battery meter on my screen. I am listing the time of day (to show how much time passed), percent remaining, and time remaining:
    10:04  (88%)  306 hr 15 min
    10:05  (88%)  8 hr 48 min
    10:09  (86%)  4 hr 54 min
    10:29  (81%)  5 hr 12 min
    I feel like my computer just cant make up its mind!!
    Another issue I had... I turned on my computer to show it to a friend (same friend who said it was noisy) and the screen image wouldn't flip when in any of the modes. This means I showed her the stand mode with an upside down image. Even in tablet mode I couldn't get it to flip. I turned the computer off and then on again, and luckily it decided to work, but it was frustrating, and I hope it's not something that becomes an issue.
    Also, when I have the computer in tablet mode, the keyboard automatically pops up when I click somewhere to type... but this doesn't happen in stand mode or tent mode. Is this normal? I would have thought that the keyboard would appear in any of those modes, since the real keyboard is not accessible in any of them. And of course now that I am testing it out while writing this, none of the modes (including tablet) is having the keyboard come on screen. Of course, I know I can always choose the icon on the task bar to bring up the keyboard, but it would be nice if the computer did it automatically since it knows there is no other keyboard accessible in those modes. Is this an issue anybody else has had?
    I really do enjoy using this computer, but some of these issues really need to get worked out if I am going to keep it. I'd love to hear if anyone is experiencing anything similar, and if there are any good fixes!

    I just got a Lemontine Yoga 2 Pro i5/8GB/256GB from and the silver one from BestBuy in the same configuraiton.  The silver one has no issues except for the crazy number of hours remaining on the battery which is fine, doesn't bother me.  The fan noise is very quiet, and you can only hear it if you put your ear up to the vents in a quiet room.  
    Now the Clementine one...It was heating up pretty good.  I put my ear to it on many occasions and can hear nothing at all, the fan is either missing LOL or doesn't work.  I had an issue where I left the thing on for 4 hours, but sleep is configured after 5 hours.  When I tried to use it, it showed me the screen brielfy, then blank.  Tried hard reset, called Support, nothing.  Support says its dead.  Ok, an hour later, it turned on.  I'm guessing it was too hot and was in some mode to protect itself, like a smartphone that is left out in the sun for some time, it won't power on till its cooled down.
    I'm still in process of trying to get a hold of Lenovo to swap it, but since they no longer sell this configuration, I doubt they'll be able to get me a new one. 
    The silver one from BestBuy us solid though, love it, best in class in my opinion...actually got it from Future Shop sorry...from Canada, but they're essentially the same store.

  • HP TouchSmart 610-1280qd CTO Desktop PC Fan Noise

    Can you tell me if a loud CPU fan is normal for this computer?
    The CPU fan is working very hard and the CPU and GPU are all ~38 degrees Celcius. The bios reports 1100 CPU Fan Speed and 3800 system fan speed. It sounds like my CPU fan is actually spnning faster than that.
    SOLVED: I spent some time with technical support and they had a model in the lab and confirmed that the loud fan noise is not by design. I returned my Touchsmart and received a new replacement and it is almost silent. I checked the BIOS and the fan speeds are reporting 1100 CPU Fan Speed and 2100 system fan speed with the same low temps above. I believe in my original machine they did not install fans right by swapping the plugins on the motherboard; I do not have solid evidence of this though.
    I hope this help and just know that these machines should be very quiet most of the time other than some low level harddrive access noise.

    Hello sal4303.   I understand your screen is going blank.
    Have you tried changing the settings for how long it takes your monitor to turn off?  Here are the instructions.
    Let me know if this has an effect on your issue.
    Have a lovely afternoon!
    Please click the white star under my name to give me Kudos as a way to say "Thanks!"
    Click the "Accept as Solution" button if I resolve your issue.

  • Big fan noise problem: the rear fan won't shut off, the BIOS won't update, systemupdate locks up

    I received new ThinkStaion (oh boy, lots of memory and CPU speed, yay!)
    I unfortunately left the originally installed Vista OS on there.  Very much regretting that as I believe it contributes to the following problems (BIOS).
    So the original problem was that after just a month of using my new ThinkStation, the System Board died, and it had to be replaced. Honestly, all I did was choose the sleep or hibernate option in Vista to shut down.  Afterwards,poof! didn't even get the proper Power lights on the system.  I diagnosed this with the online docs and then sat for a few hours on our tech support line doing all the same things to re-diagnose it.  
    So after the replacement, the rear fan will not shut off. Jet engine noise all day. I went into the system settings and selected "Quiet" for the Fan settings but that did not help.
    Research on this forum resulted in the possibility of a BIOS update fixing the problem.  Comparison to my co-workers systems which arrived at the same time shows this BIOS is woefully out of date, so even if it does not fix the fan issue I want to update it.  However, everything I've tried to do is failing for one reason or another. 
    (The fan issue does need resolution since in one week I will end up sharing an office (first time in many years, thanks IBM for nothing!) so since I don't want us both to have to wear noise cancelling headsets, I'd like to fix this without having to just pull the @#$@ power to the fan. Grrrr. )
    I downloaded what I felt were the appropriate Lenovo apps to update both the BIOS and the serial number but none seem to work properly from the command line in Vista.  One of the two (can't recall which) asks me to reboot and it never actually shuts down. Eternal "Shutting Down" message. Ga!  The other throws some gosh awful
    systemupdate le
    eternal reboot
    BIOSD attempt:" 2xjy26usa
    error 1275 no admin priv - I AM the administrator account, there is no other acct to use!
    Then I decided Vista might be the problem and found sites recommending flashing the BIOS from a bootable USB.  So I started down that path and after burning the wrong version, finally geting the AIK Vista tools installed and to the point of trying to make the USB bootable, it won't allow me to put the OS boot on it.  Ah, for the days when a simple "sys a:" took care of that.
    So, after reformatting the USB and pounding my head in the wall, keyboard, etc. I am at my wit's end.  What to do.  I just want the fan noise to go away.
    This does seem to duplicate other forum messages but I can't get anywhere on this.  Help!
    Go to Solution.

    FYI to all the helpful folks here (and any looking to shut their jet engine off as well): Flashing the BIOS did the trick.
    First I had to find a website with DOS OS files and put those on the USB instead of Vista.  Oldie but a goodie, but at least it booted! No other versions would.
    I had been intending to use the WinPhlash utility that Lenovo supplied with the BIOS update but since I was booting from DOS that was useless. However, I found a DOS version of it and used that instead. Boom baby!  Flashed and rebooted. 
    It did take two boots to get it back to normal (first one gave very alarming messages about no operating system being found but I think it was just a remnant of the reboot that was triggered from the DOS session).  A second boot returned life to normal and blissful silence from the server.  And I was finally able to get the model and serial number back in there to get rid of the bootup message it throws for that too.
    Thanks to all for the hints - I believe I had gotten the idea of flashing the BIOS to solve this from some other thread I found here.  This is a very nice forum to have bookmarked.  

  • HT3964 How do I stop my Macbook from overheating and making a fan noise?

    My Macbook Pro 17 Inch keeps overheating and making a fan noise after I use it for... say... an hour.
    I use Windows on my Macbook, is this related to my problem? If not, do I need to get my fan replaced?
    It gets annoying whenever I play a game, and then suddenly my Mac goes to sleep for no reason (probably due to overheating).
    The fan noise is kept to a minimal when I use a web browser, or listen to music, but it goes up when I start an application.

    Since overheating is something the computer tries to prevent, it will shut down if the temps get too hot, thus your experience is not overheating.
    You can have a look at Activity Monitor (Menu Bar > View > Show All Processes) and then sort by CPU to see what the culprit is during downloading.
    A hot Mac is not that big of a problem, the fan takes care of the heat and if you do not mind the noise, then that is it.

  • Macbook pro- OSX lion 10.7.2 fan noise

    I just bought a macbook pro laptop, upgraded it to the Lion version, it is now 10.7.2, with processor of 2.7 GHz intel core i7, memory of 8GB, 1333 MHz DDR3. Whenever I am on a program like imovie, safari, iphoto, charging my smartpen...etc.... the fans goes off like crazy. It lasts for a very long time. Sometimes the noise get so bad, it goes from loud to louder...... I don't know what the problem is.
    I am a new mac user, I have no idea how to install, delete, clean softwares. Please help?? Thank You ... 

    Thanks a lot for replying, but what exactly does the istat widget program do?
    Also, the fan noise seems like a normal noise every time I launch a program, but it's getting to the point where I am frustrated(annoyed) of the fan noise. I would've thought that upgrading to a Mac book would cause less fan noise because of it's high processor. Sometimes I feel like I should go back to a Dell or HP because of this problem, but at the same time, I love my laptop. ;)

Maybe you are looking for