International versions record report

Dear Gurus,
                        Please let me know if there is  an existing report in SAP  that pulls the vendor name/address from the main record and also from the international versions record. Thank you.

The adress is maintained per country, not per language, so SAP knows which adress it should take beside of the language used.
in case of stock transfers a plant plays the role of a vendor. If you maintain adress versions for vendors in that country, then you should keep the adress versions for the plants as well.  (do they harm your processes?)

Similar Messages

  • Profit center accounting totals records report 2KEE:

    When I am executing Profit center accounting totals records report 2KEE for a specific selection as below,
    Record type: 0
    Version: 0
    Controlling area:
    Company code:
    Posting period :1
    Fiscal year:2007
    Profit center: 1000dummy
    After report is generated and if drill down further, line items total is not matching with the report page, breakup gives different values but not the report value.
    I tried report even after implementing OSS 892779 and 952263 but the result is same.  I am using 4.7
    Request your help in this.
    Lakshmana Rao

    Dear Eugene,
    What do you mean? What is the report?

  • Substitution string used in custom Report column name does not display in PDF version of report

    I am using Apex, Apex Listener 2 via Glassfish4 and have set up all my applications and reports on this system.  We previously used Oracle 10.2, with Apache with a custom fopping document.
    My issue is that I have a report that has custom column headings using a substitution string to pull in the begin or end date for the report.  When the report is run and displayed, the column headings appropriately display the date.  However, when I try to set up the Print to PDF option, the column headings are not displaying correctly.
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    The report column headings in APEX displays correctly (bold is the substitution detail): 
    Fund    Account Description          Balance 07/01/2014     Budget/Goal FY 14-15     YTD Actual 02/28/2015         Ending Balance 02/28/2015
    In the Print Attributes setup, when I get to the Report Columns section, the Heading column displays the headings as set up in the Report Attributes custom and I am not able to edit these names.  See below:
    In the version of the report that is Printed to PDF I get the following for display:
    Fund           Account Description           Balance %26amp;P347_BEGIN_DATE.     Budget/Goal %26amp;P347_FY.     YTD Actual %26amp;P347_END_DATE.     Ending Balance %26amp;P347_END_DATE.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    First, the misspelled word is a test object and not data.
    Second, all data display correctly.
    Third, text object is displaying the old misspelled word.
    Fourth, I have eliminated the possibility that problems in of my pdf export routine cause this issue by exporting directly from Crystal Reports Viewer. I print the report to the crystal report viewer. The report looks good. The text object is spelled correctly. Then I click the Crystal Reports viewer's export button in the left upper corner and I export to both EXCEL and PDF. The excel export looks good. The pdf export is misspelled. All the export occurs internally in Crystal reports.
    Fifth, I found outthat all users who have this problem have the ADOBE PDF writer installed. I am just suspicious that ADOBE writer is interferring with Crystal export
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    One more thing I did was to change the report name in VB.NET project, recreated a new package and installed on end-user's laptop. The same exact problem is still there.
    I have worked with Crystal Reports more than 15 years and I have never such a weird behaviour before. I know this sounds very weird. We are all baffled by what is happening.

  • Read internal table from report.

    Hi all.
    I want to know is it possible to read internal table from report without modifying the report. is there any function module by which we can run the report and read data from internal table?

    hope it will help you.
    Read table doesn't allow ne operator.
    It reads only one record...Either by index or key.
    these are the results for SY-SUBRC checks after read table
    SY-SUBRC = 0:
    An entry was read.
    SY-TABIX is set to the index of the entry.
    SY-SUBRC = 2:
    An entry was read.
    SY-TABIX is set to the index of the entry. This return code can only occur when you use the COMPARING addition. For further detauls, refer to the COMPARING section of the additions
    SY-SUBRC = 4:
    No entry was read.
    The value of SY-TABIX depends on the table type and whether the BINARY SEARCH addition was specified.
    If the table is a SORTED TABLE or a table sorted in ascending order of the type STANDARD TABLE with the BINARY SEARCH addition, SY-TABIX refers to the next-highest index.
    Otherwise, SY-TABIX is undefined.
    SY-SUBRC = 8:
    No entry was read.
    This return code only occurs with a SORTED TABLE or a STANDARD TABLE with the BINARY SEARCH addition. SY-TABIX is set to the number of all entries plus 1.
    Reading records with keys
    Reading lines with Index
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 19, 2008 5:43 PM

  • More issues with - wrong version number reported?

    Fresh build, patched to no problem.
    Then, patch the box to
    exc2-acs-1402/admin# acs patch install 5-2-0-26-3.tar.gpg repository networktools-patch
    Installing ACS patch requires a restart of ACS services. Continue?  (yes/no) yes
    Stopping ACS.
    Stopping Management and View.......................
    Stopping Runtime......
    Stopping Database....
    Stopping log forwarding .....
    Installing patch version ''
    About to install files
    Removing old war
    Removing old war
    Removing old war
    Patch '5-2-0-26-3' version '' successfully installed
    Starting ACS ....
    To verify that ACS processes are running, use the
    'show application status acs' command.
    exc2-acs-1402/admin# show application status acs
    ACS role: PRIMARY
    Process 'database'                  running
    Process 'management'                running
    Process 'runtime'                   running
    Process 'view-database'             running
    Process 'view-jobmanager'           running
    Process 'view-alertmanager'         running
    Process 'view-collector'            running
    Process 'view-logprocessor'         running
    Reload, have a look at show version:
    exc2-acs-1402/admin# show version
    Cisco Application Deployment Engine OS Release: 1.2
    ADE-OS Build Version:
    ADE-OS System Architecture: i386
    Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    Hostname: exc2-acs-1402
    Version information of installed applications
    Version :
    Internal Build ID : B.3075
    Patches :
    Have a look at the version number - patch successful but version shows

    It shows that patch 3 is installed, but as you point out, the version is reported as
    What does the GUI show?
    It may be a cosmetic big, you should open a TAC case so we can confirm.

  • How to get the international version address in Payment Medium

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    Kerry, Were you able to find a solution? If so, can you share your knowledge?

  • An error occurred during local report processing.The definition of the report '' is invalid.The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. he report definition may have been created with a later version of R

    I am trying to create rdlc file programmatically. Using Memory Table as dataset. Here is my code
    ' For each field in the resultset, add the name to an array listDim m_fields AsArrayList
      m_fields = NewArrayList()
      Dim i AsIntegerFor i = 0 To tbdataset.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
      Next i
      'Create Report ''' Open a new RDL file stream for writingDim stream AsFileStream
      stream = File.OpenWrite("D:\MyTestReport2.rdlc")
      Dim writer AsNewXmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)
      ' Causes child elements to be indented
      writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
      ' Report element
      writer.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", Nothing, "")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns:rd", "")
      writer.WriteElementString("Width", "11in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", "5in")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Tablix1")
      writer.WriteElementString("Top", ".5in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Left", ".5in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", ".5in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Width", (m_fields.Count * 1.5).ToString() + "in")
      ' Tablix Columns
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteElementString("Width", "1.5in")
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TableColumnNext fieldName
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixColumns' Header Row
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", ".25in")
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Header" + fieldName)
          ' writer.WriteAttributeString("CanGrow",  True)' writer.WriteAttributeString("Keeptogether", True)
          writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("TextDecoration", "Underline")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingTop", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingLeft", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("LineHeight", ".5in")
          ''writer.WriteElementString("Width", "1.5in")''writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Style
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRun
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRuns
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraph
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraphs
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TexBox
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' CellContents
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCellNext
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCells
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRow'writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRows          Do not close Rows tag here colse it after details'End of Headers'Details Rows'writer.WriteStartElement("TablixRows")         Since Rows tag in header is not closed not need to open fresh tag
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", ".25in")
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, fieldName)
          '  writer.WriteAttributeString("CanGrow", True)'  writer.WriteAttributeString("Keeptogether", True)
          'writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("Value", "=Fields!" + fieldName + ".Value")
          writer.WriteElementString("TextDecoration", "Underline")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingTop", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingLeft", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("LineHeight", ".5in")
          ''writer.WriteElementString("Width", "1.5in")''writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Style
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRun
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRuns
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraph
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraphs
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TexBox
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' CellContents
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCellNext
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCells
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRow
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRows'End of Details Rows
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixBody
      ' Group
      writer.WriteElementString("KeepWithGroup", "After")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMember' Detail Group
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Details")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Group
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMember
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMembers
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRowHierarchy
      'writer.WriteStartElement("TablixMember")ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMemberNext' writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMember
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMembers
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixColumnHierarchy
      writer.WriteElementString("DataSetName", "tbdataset")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Tablix
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportItems
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Body
      ' Page Header Element
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", "1.40cm")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Textbox1")
      writer.WriteElementString("Value", Nothing, "ABC CHS.")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRun
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRuns
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraph
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraphs
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextBox
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportItems
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' PageHeader
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Page
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportSection
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportSections' DataSources
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "tbdata")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSourceReference
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSource
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSources'DataSet
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "tbdataset")
      writer.WriteElementString("DataSourceName", Nothing, "tbdata")
      'writer.WriteElementString("CommandText", Nothing, "/* Local Query */")
      writer.WriteElementString("CommandText", Nothing, "TableDirect")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Query'Fields
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("DataField", fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("rd:TypeName", fieldName.GetType.ToString)
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' FieldNext
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Fields' rd datasetinfo
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSet
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSets
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Report' Flush the writer and close the stream
      'Convert to StreamDim myByteArray AsByte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("D:\MyTestReport2.rdlc")
      Dim ms AsNewMemoryStream(myByteArray)
      'Supply Stream to ReportViewer
      ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh()When I open rdlc in designer I get following error"Data at the root level is invalid."When I run the aspx I get following error
    An error occurred during local report processing.
    The definition of the report '' is invalid.
    The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services.
    The report definition may have been created with a later version of Reporting Services, or contain content that is not well-formed or not valid based on Reporting Services schemas.
    Details: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
    Can anybody guide me?

    Hi Wendy Fu,
    Thanks for your feed back. I could see Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll to add as reference to my project. Actually I can open generated rdlc in designer, at run time I get error. I could not make out where is the exact mistake out of three
    options flashed.
    The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services.
    The report definition may have been created with a later version of Reporting Services
    or contain content that is not well-formed or not valid based on Reporting Services schemas
    Details: Data at the root level is invalid
    My web config has following references
    <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91"/>
    <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91"/>
    May be I have to change these versions to 9 or 10.
    First I will try adding Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll .
    Once thanks for your reply.

  • Internal variables of report painter shouldn't be selectable

    Dear collegues,
    I have created two new internal variables in report writer in order to use them in planning layout of TA KP67:
    - previous year: marked as internal variable: calculated as: &1CGJAHE-1 (2008)
    - future year: marked as internal variable: calcualted as: &1CGJAHE+1 (2010).
    In report painter these variables are assigned to key figures and are not shown on the selection screen again as they are calculated internally.
    But in planning layout of TA KP67 cost activity planning these variables are also assigned to key figures like actual costs or fixed planned costs and are indicated as acceptable for input on the selection screen but shouldn't - so how it is possible to define internal variables in co planning layouts as really internal which do not come up if the planning layout is executed via TA KP06?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hello Christian,
    when I understand your request correctly, you want to plan for several years like 2008, 2009 and 2010 but you just want to enter one year. Right?
    For the column with the current fiscal year you can use a standard variable like GJAHR. For the other columns you define the year in the column as variable with value "GJAHR-1" (last year) and with value "GJAHR+1" (following year). On the selection screen of the planning transaction you will only have one field for the current year and the fiscal year for the other columns is calculated accordingly when you run the planning.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to resolve "Internal error: ABAP Report  cannot be loaded" error

    Hi All,
    I am new to SAP.Please help me out from this problem.
    When I am trying to debug BSP page, in debugging mode it shows "Internal error: ABAP Report  cannot be loaded" error and then dumps.
    In transaction ST22 it shows this dump something like this
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
    The current application program detected a situation which really
    should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
    triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
        2 *"----
        3 ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
        4 *"  IMPORTING
        6 *"  EXCEPTIONS
        7 *"      CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR
        8 *"      CNTL_ERROR
        9 *"----
       10   data: sysubrc like sy-subrc.
       13        EXPORTING
       14             SYSTEM_FLUSH = 'X'
       15             CALLED_BY_SYSTEM = CALLED_BY_SYSTEM
       16        IMPORTING
       17             MESSAGE_NR   = sysubrc
       18             MESSAGE_TEXT = SY-MSGLI.
       20   sy-subrc = sysubrc.
       22   CASE SY-SUBRC.
       23     WHEN 0.
       24     WHEN 1.
       25 *     system_error
       27     WHEN 2.
       28 *     method_call_error
       30     WHEN 3.
       31 *     property_set_error
       33     WHEN 4.
       34 *     property_get_error
       36     WHEN OTHERS.
       37       RAISE CNTL_ERROR.
       38   ENDCASE.
       40 ENDFUNCTION.
    Thanks in advance
    Sunil Choudhury

    Hi Sunil,
    The reason for this could be anything, anyways look up for an OSS note with the error message first.
    As a workaround, you can try to use the classic debugger instead of the new ABAP debugger and see if it works.
    You should be logged into SAP via SAP GUI when you are debugging BSP.

  • Info record report with sub ranges

    Hello there,
    I've been searching the net for a while to find out whether there's already existing program in SAP that shows you info record report. I've found t-codes ME1L, ME1M, etc., but even though you can filter materials by subranges on an entry screen, the report itself does not have the column with subranges. So just before I will apply an IT request I wanted to ask is there's such report in SAP after all or not.

    Yea, I know that, but in our company we're restricted from SQVI use (we have access to SQVI only on test server), so i'm actually looking for program... well, since there's no such report in SAP, looks like i'm gonna apply for it

  • PO Version Log report....Urgent

    Hi Experts,
    I have to create a PO version log report, which should display old values and  new values for each version of PO.
    Values we can get using tables CDHDR and CDPOS but it table CDHDR is not saving version number. Version Number we can get from table EREV.
    We can use FM CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS for ObjectID etc which takes values from cdhdr &
    CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS for old and new values whch takes values from cdpos.
    But the problem is i am not getting how to match these tables to get exact values.
    The code i have written using these FM is giving repeted values. means for each version it is giving same values, which is not right.
    code is like ...
    LOOP AT it_ekko where revno GE '00000001'.
        ebeln1     = it_ekko-ebeln.
        date_from  = p_chadt-low.
        date_until = p_chadt-high.
        REFRESH it_cdhdr.
            ARCHIVE_HANDLE                   = 0
            date_of_change                   = date_from
            objectclass                      = 'EINKBELEG'
            objectid                         = ebeln1
            TIME_OF_CHANGE                   = '000000'
            username                         = ' '
            LOCAL_TIME                       = ' '
            date_until                       = date_until
            TIME_UNTIL                       = '235959'
            NOPLUS_ASWILDCARD_INOBJID        = ' '
            i_cdhdr                          = it_cdhdr
            no_position_found                = 1
            wrong_access_to_archive          = 2
            time_zone_conversion_error       = 3
            OTHERS                           = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        LOOP AT it_cdhdr WHERE username IN p_chaby."
          REFRESH it_cdred.
              ARCHIVE_HANDLE                = 0
              changenumber                  = it_cdhdr-changenr
              EDITPOS                       =
              editpos_with_header           = it_cdred
              no_position_found             = 1
              wrong_access_to_archive       = 2
              OTHERS                        = 3
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE i001(319) WITH 'No change!'.
          LOOP AT it_cdred.
    *------get vendor name in final table by passing vendor code.
                i_lifnr   = it_ekko-lifnr
                e_lifname = it_final-lifnr.
                i_rscod         = it_ekko-rscod
                E_TEXT          = it_final-rstxt
                NOT_FOUND       = 1
                OTHERS          = 2
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *------pass all values to final table to display in ALV
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING it_cdred TO it_final.
            it_final-revno    =  l_erev-revno.
            it_final-werks    =  it_ekko-ekorg.
            it_final-revok    =  it_ekko-revok.
            it_final-ebeln    =  it_ekko-ebeln.
            it_final-ernam    =  it_ekko-ernam.
            it_final-erdat    =  it_ekko-erdat.
            it_final-eruhr    =  it_ekko-eruhr.
           it_final-rscod    =  it_ekko-rscod.
            it_final-netwr    =  it_ekko-netwr.
            it_final-difwr    =  it_ekko-difwr.
            it_final-waers    =  it_ekko-waers.
            it_final-txz01    =  it_ekko-txz01.
            it_final-crnam    =  it_ekko-crnam.
            it_final-fgnam    =  it_ekko-fgnam.
            it_final-fgdat    =  it_ekko-fgdat.
            it_final-fguhr    =  it_ekko-fguhr.
            APPEND it_final.
            CLEAR it_final.
          CLEAR ebeln1.
    Please help me as it is very urgent.

    Hi Nikhil,
    I too need the PO versions information, the old values, new values and which were all the fields changed in every versions.
    I need each and every data changed in all versions.
    Could you please help me by giving the complete logic or what you have done in your case.
    Thanks in Advance.

  • Standard or International version of JRE?

    Is there any way of identifying whehther I'm using the standard or International version of JRE?
    I know this question has been asked before but no one has answered has far as I can see.
    Regards Calle

    Thanks, I thought about doing something like that to force an exception, I think it might be abit crude.
    Nowbody out there that know of any other way to do this?
    I'm making an applet that use an encoding that doesn't exits in the standard version, I would like to tell the user that they have to install the java plugin with international support.
    / Calle

  • Problem in transporting new version of report

    i am trying to transport a report which i had modified and there is a problem that when i generate the request to transport from QLTY to PRD Server the new version of report is not coming i.e. i am trying to transport the includes of the program .but it is not transporting the new version .
    Plzz provide me guidelines how to solve this problem.

    The includes must be added to the same request which is having MAIN of the report.
    If you dont make any changes to any of the includes or Main, then the objects in the requests will be released not all the objects.
    If you wish to transport all the Includes  and MAIN program, then  make some changes in each program

  • Refresh internal table records in web dynpro

    Hi Guru's
    I am facing an issue in web dynpro abap.
    in my application there is a button called OPEN.
    when i click on open button internal table records should be refreshed.
    so i have written code like this
      lo_COMPONENTCONTROLLER =   wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ).
      lo_componentcontroller->clear_info_refresh_visible( ).
    but iam getting an error message Method "CLEAR_INFO_REFRESH_VISIBLE" is unknown or PROTECTED or PRIVATE
    Could you please help me to how do i activate and refresh the things.

    wd.rajue wrote:
    Hi Guru's
    > I am facing an issue in web dynpro abap.
    > in my application there is a button called OPEN.
    > when i click on open button internal table records should be refreshed.
    > so i have written code like this
    >   lo_COMPONENTCONTROLLER =   wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ).
    >   lo_componentcontroller->clear_info_refresh_visible( ).
    > but iam getting an error message Method "CLEAR_INFO_REFRESH_VISIBLE" is unknown or PROTECTED or PRIVATE
    > Could you please help me to how do i activate and refresh the things.
    > Thanks
    > Rajue
    Please clarify this.
    Do you have a method clear_info_refresh_visible  in your component controller. I think not.
    I am not able to relate your request and coding.
    You can simply clear the internal table like this
    clear lt_intern_tab[].
    If it is a context node then you can bind a empty table to the node to make it empty.
         new_items            =   lt_intern_tab
         set_initial_elements = abap_true ).

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