Internet monitoring

Hello all,
I switched to Mac from the PC world and ....OH MY GOSH why didn't I do this earlier?
The only thing I miss is the internet monitoring software that was available. Besides Spectorsoft which works ok but has problems recording more than a couple of days, and the parental controls which aren't the best options for spouses or peers, how can you provide yourself and your spouse some accountability using safari? How difficult would it be to put a password on the history so you COULD NOT delete it without the code? THat would make a secondary program unnecessary and do a better job all round if you could just protect the history from being deleted.
Anybody know of a secondary program to help, or a way to "lock" the history?

Thank you both for the secondary product solutions. I will try out the trial for both of them. I wonder why I didn't find them from my searches? I must need to learn how to "google" a little better.
I have left feedback for apple on the Safari password thing. It would be great if apple would take the initiative to have the first REALLY family friendly web browser. Being able to prevent the history from being erased would be such a helpful tool.
ON a side note is there other sites than the apple listings that show second party software available for the Mac? The only weakness I have found on the Mac is there is less software written for it. Other than that my switching to Mac has been something I am am SO thankful for and suggest to everyone else I know still stuck in Windows land. (aka the molasses swamp of candyland)

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    spysure network version
    spysure network version  is the most dependable, full-featured remote Internet Monitoring Software available. spysure network version  provides both Instant Email Notification & Chat Alerts with Comprehensive Hourly & Daily Activity Reports.
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    Hi James,
    I did some quick searching today and can't find Mac filtering software. I'll ask around and see if I can round up a posse.
    Investigate the multiple user function in OS9. That way, at least the software--if it exists-- would only be active when the kids are logged in to their account. Or you might be able to set up times that each account can be on the computer.
    Ask your ISP if they have any filtering/blocking tools at the server end. Ours does.
    Look at your browser. I know IE has built-in filtering tools, but they don't let you see sites visited if the kid figures out how to erase the history.
    Best internet filter--Mom and Dad, when possible. I know that's seldom 100% possible. What worked for use was this: the kids knew I was techie type; their friends called me the "Ancient Geek." I liked it. I told the kids I'd know if they had been to "bad sites." Knowing that I could take the mysterious Mac apart, make it better, and put it back together impressed them. They assumed I could find out anything related to the computer. In a way, I could.

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    Hi James,
    I did some quick searching today and can't find Mac filtering software. I'll ask around and see if I can round up a posse.
    Investigate the multiple user function in OS9. That way, at least the software--if it exists-- would only be active when the kids are logged in to their account. Or you might be able to set up times that each account can be on the computer.
    Ask your ISP if they have any filtering/blocking tools at the server end. Ours does.
    Look at your browser. I know IE has built-in filtering tools, but they don't let you see sites visited if the kid figures out how to erase the history.
    Best internet filter--Mom and Dad, when possible. I know that's seldom 100% possible. What worked for use was this: the kids knew I was techie type; their friends called me the "Ancient Geek." I liked it. I told the kids I'd know if they had been to "bad sites." Knowing that I could take the mysterious Mac apart, make it better, and put it back together impressed them. They assumed I could find out anything related to the computer. In a way, I could.

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    org.eclipse.xsd.editor (2.1.0) "XML Schema Editor" [Resolved]
    org.jboss.ide.eclipse.serverdefinitions (0.7.0) "Generic server example definitions" [Installed]
    org.junit (3.8.1) "JUnit Testing Framework" [Resolved]
    org.objectweb.lomboz.common.launcher.ant (3.1.0) "Ant Launcher Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.objectweb.lomboz.product (1.0.0) "Lomboz Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.objectweb.lomboz.serverdefinitions (1.0.0) "Lomboz server definitions" [Installed] (3.1.0) "WTP Axis Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.objectweb.lomboz.xdoclet.codeassist (1.0.0) "JOnAS XDoclet Codeassist Plug-in" [Installed]
    org.springframework.ide.eclipse (1.2.2) "Spring IDE" [Resolved]
    org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core (1.2.2) "Spring IDE Beans Core" [Active]
    org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui (1.2.2) "Spring IDE Beans UI" [Active]
    org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.doc (1.2.1) "Spring IDE Beans Documentation" [Resolved]
    org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.graph (1.2.1) "Spring IDE Beans Graph" [Resolved]

    Please clarify the following:
    * "X: is a network drive, but it's actually a network drive on my machine." - Is "X" a mapped drive to one of your shared folder on network?
    * What is the project directory structure with respect to WEB-INF/web.xml? Are you able to see the three pages (from web & pages folder) in NitroX Editor?
    * Does the modified content appear in "Design view" of index.jsp upon restarting NitroX?
    - modify one of the pages in "web" folder > save the file (alert appears)
    - restart NitroX, does index.jsp display the modified content of included page?
    * If possible please send the test case project which exhibits the behavior to [email protected]
    M7 Support

  • WVC54GCA: Video No Longer Displays on Windows 7

    I cannot get the video from my WVC54GCA web cam to display on my Windows 7 box; neither the Web page nor the camera utility will display the video. This began when I ran Windows Update a couple months back. Recently I rebuilt my entire system, but I'm still having the same problem.  Any suggestions?

    When you rebuilt your entire computer system did you also uninstall/reinstall the camera's software, then reset and reconfigure the unit? You may also connect a computer directly to the camera and check if you can access it via Ethernet connection? You can also try using another computer to properly isolate this. I found some links that might help you get it up and running again:
    Resetting Your Linksys Video Camera to Factory Default:
    Setting Up the Wireless-G Internet Monitoring Camera to be Accessed Remotely Over the Internet:
    Adjusting Video Settings on the Camera:

  • Airport Admin loses Express and Extreme, no iTunes, no Network Printer

    Ever since I have upgraded to Tiger, I’ve experienced a strange, random Airport Extreme/Express problem which I have not been able to solve. I can sometimes replicate the problem but never consistently.
    Laptop Configuration: 15” Powerbook G4 running Mac OS Tiger 10.4.3 with most current patches. System is stable and manifests no problems.
    Airport Network Configuration: Network is closed with 128bit WEP encryption. No other laptops attached to the network besides my Powerbook.
    Base Station: Airport Express attached to DSL modem with “Distribute IP Addresses” checkbox enabled, running firmware v6.2, stereo speakers plugged into audio jack. Network access is restricted by MAC address; RADIUS not in use, default IP address scheme is used.
    Remote Base Station: Airport Extreme running firmware v5.6. The Extreme hosts a HP 1012 LaserJet printer plugged into the USB port and an IP phone plugged into the LAN port.
    The Express and Extreme are within 15 feet of each other and enjoy a clear, strong 802.11b/g wireless signal on Channel 1 with a multicast setting of 11, interface robustness enabled and transmit power set to 100%.
    Symptoms: iTunes loses its remote speakers setting; I cannot print to the network printer attached via USB to Airport Extreme; Airport Extreme and Express do not appear in Airport Admin Utility….yet I can access the network via the Powerbook, I have full internet access and IP phone can make calls. I just can’t print to the network printer or use AirTunes.
    Troubleshooting: I can restore all functionality if I perform a hard reset of the Airport Express Base Station then re-import my saved Airport Express base station configuration settings. I typically look at the Airport Admin Utility to determine if functionality has been restored. If both the Airport Express and Extreme appear in the Admin utility, all is well. If they are not there, sometimes a laptop reboot will restore them, other times they will not appear when the Admin Utility is opened or when I rescan. If a rescan fails, I can access the Express and Extreme by typing in the IP address and password. Then each will show up in the Admin Utility and I can make changes and restart the devices. Even with a device restart, they will not automatically appear in the Admin Utility.
    I first thought the problem was associated with the laptop going to sleep but this is not the case. Sometimes when I reset the Base Station, re-import the configs and reboot the laptop, I am able to automatically see the Express and Extreme in the Airport Admin Utility. Other times I can’t. Sometimes my settings will last a few days and I’ll enjoy full functionality then they will disappear. Other times they will disappear immediately, even with a reboot and a reset of the Express and Extreme.
    If I use a 3rd party utility called Cocktail and reboot, I can restore functionality. Cocktail will delete all user, system and kernel caches, delete all log files, rerun disk permissions, and run the daily, weekly and monthly Apple Kron maintenance scripts. If I reboot after running Cocktail, my Airport Extreme and Express appear in the Admin Utility. Thus, I think the problem may be associated with a Airport Extreme cache file becoming corrupted or deleted upon reboot…….but I am not positive.
    If there are any Airport experts out there, let me know what you think. I love Apple, I love my Mac and my little Airport Network…….but this is ******’ me off! Thus my plea for advanced geekery review and assistance.
    Talk to me!

    If the Airport Admin Utility cannot automatically "see" your Base Station, you have a big clue as to the cause of your problems. On a private LAN, it should never be necessary to select "Other" and manually type in the Base Station's IP address.
    The most likely cause for the Airport Admin Utility not being able to automatically "see" an Airport Base Station - is a firewall on the Mac that is blocking it. Any of the following are possible:
    - you have installed non-Apple firewall software on the Mac
    - you have installed so-called "internet protection" software on the Mac
    - you have installed "internet monitoring" software on the Mac (like "Little Snitch")
    - you have installed VPN client software on the Mac - and many of these applications install their own firewall
    All this stuff needs to go, since it will cause all sorts of trouble with communication between a Base Station or Airport Express, and a Mac.
    I'd also be very worried about what this "Cocktail" utility is really doing to your system.

  • Local Database access

    simple idea, impossble method.
    I am training to allow acces to a local database either through Flash, Captivate or other application. The only issues are i need to do it without internet access or the executable being installed on user machine.
    So unless im an missing something, that rules out AS3, Javascript ( as i cannot rely on all user having a virtual server to run php) or use of Abode Air.
    If there is a way or something that i am completey over looking please tell me.

    apg wrote:
    Where does the lag occur?  In the original post you say it's after
    When I initiate pacman -Syu, during the "Synchronizing package database..." dialogue it lags for way too long.
    but then later you say
    Typically that dialogue lasts for like half a second before going straight to the mirror. This lags for about 15-20 seconds or so.
    I'm referring to the same "Synchronizing package database..." dialogue. I'm watching the internet monitor to see if during that time its pinging the mirrors, but there is no internet activity for a good while. Which suggests it could be related to a lag in accessing the local database on my desktop.
    rgedit: I should be more specific. Typically the Synchronizing package database dialogue would take maybe .5 of a second but since about three days ago it is taking much longer. Even after changing the mirrorlist (even switching the top mirror in the mirrorlist file) and issuing the "pacman-optimize && sync" command I still get the same results.
    Last edited by rg_arc (2014-11-07 21:42:39)

  • Convert 2 tier to 3 tier dynamic drop down.

    Hello Everyone,
    I have some code (posted below) that works great to develop a 2 level drop down where the second selection is based on the first.  What I want to do is adapt this to be a 3 level drop down where the second selection is based on the first selection and the third selection is based on the second selection.  I have seen several examples but I am not a coder and do not know java script so I was not able to make them work.  The example below I understand so I would like to use this format. 
    Any help would be much appreciated since my deadline is fast approaching.
                      <cfif isDefined('form.Park')>
                        <cfset page.Park = form.Park>
                     <cfquery name="get_Main_Group" datasource="Landbird_Monitoring">
                        SELECT DISTINCT tbl_Sites.Unit_Code
                        FROM tbl_Sites
                         ORDER BY tbl_Sites.Unit_Code;
                    <form name="DropDown" method="post">
                      <select name="Park" required="yes" onChange="this.form.submit()">
                        <cfloop query="get_Main_Group">
                       <option value="#Unit_Code#" <cfif isDefined('form.Park')><cfif form.Park eq "#Unit_Code#">selected</cfif></cfif>>#Unit_Code#</option>
                 <cfif isDefined('page.Park')>
                          <cfquery name="get_Sub_Group" datasource="Landbird_Monitoring">
                           SELECT DISTINCT tbl_Sites.Unit_Code, tbl_Sites.Site_Name
                                            FROM tbl_Sites
                                            WHERE (((tbl_Sites.Unit_Code)='#page.Park#'))
                                            ORDER BY tbl_Sites.Unit_Code, tbl_Sites.Site_Name;
                <select name="Route" required="yes" >
                            <cfloop query="get_Sub_Group">
                              <option value="#Site_Name#">#Site_Name#</option>
                      <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Click Here" formaction="Sum_Bird_SpeciesList_Route.cfm">

    Hello Dan,
    Hoping you can help me out.  Took your advice and found an example using cfselect bind that I think will work.  It is at:
    So I am trying to get the example to work and I get an error message which states "The path to the CFC must be specified as a full path, or as a relative path from the current template, without the use of mappings."
    I did a little research and it sounds like I need to edit the text in the line of code below to account for a pathway.
    I have tried every pathway I can think of and it does not work.  Do you know what the code for this line should look like?
    the cfc and cfm files are on my computer at:  C:\Internet\Monitoring\vs\Landbird\Data\DataSummaries
    the website address where they are shown is: fm
    I also posted the code below in case you wanted to see it:
      <cfform name = "form1" action="formB.cfm" method="Post">
    State: <cfselect name="states" bindOnLoad="Yes" bind="cfc:data.getStates()" />
    City: <cfselect name="city" bindOnLoad="Yes" bind="cfc:data.getCity({states})" />
    <cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="Search">
    <cfcomponent output="false">
        <cffunction name="getStates" access="remote" returntype="array">
            <cfquery name="states" datasource="Landbird_Monitoring">
                SELECT DISTINCT state FROM data
                ORDER BY state
            <cfset count="1" />
            <cfset results = arraynew(2)>
            <cfloop query="states">
                <cfset results[count][1]="#state#" />
                <cfset results[count][2]="#state#" />
                <cfset count= count+1>
            <cfreturn results />
        <cffunction name="getCity" access="remote" returntype="array">
            <cfargument name="state" type="string" required="true">
            <cfquery name="cities" datasource="Landbird_Monitoring">
                SELECT DISTINCT city FROM data
                WHERE state = '#state#'
                ORDER BY city
            <cfset count="1" />
            <cfset results = arraynew(2)>
            <cfloop query="cities">
                <cfset results[count][1]="#city#" />
                <cfset results[count][2]="#city#" />
                <cfset count= count+1>
            <cfreturn results />

  • Tracking websites visited by employees

    Hello all,
    Need a little advise. Our owner got really upset when he found out about a couple of employees that were spending time surfing on the web and not taking care of bussiness. We are currently running SBS 2008 Premium. The router we have in place is a Netgear
    SRX 5308.  It does not have the capabilities of tracking users.  What I need is a way to be able to track where employees go on the web and how long they stay there.  Do I need to put a proxy server between the network and the router and
    have everyone access the internet through it? Or is there a better way? Cost is a factor but not the whole thing.   Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give me.

    There are any number of ways to attack the issue
    There are software products that can control and track where users go on the web - or google for web monitoring software
    Because your boss may want different rules for himself than anyone else...I prefer hardware that integrates with AD, like the Calyptix Access Enforcer, which is a full UTM device
    Cris Hanna [SBS - MVP] (since 1997)
    Co-Contributor, Windows Small Business Server 2008 Unleashed
    Owner, CPU Services, Belleville, IL
    A Microsoft Registered Partner
    MVPs do not work for Microsoft
    Please do not submit questions directly to me.
    Cris Hanna, Microsoft SBS MVP, Owner-CPU Services, Belleville, IL

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