Invalid Item Descriptor

Hi All,
My requirement is to add a configurable sku to another configurable Sku.For that,i've created a childSubSkuCommerceItem(which can hold child skus by implementing commerce item container) in order tools,commerceItemType map.
It is giving me a invalid item descriptor name
For eg:
cim.createCommerceItem("-childSubsSkuCommerceItem-",other parameters)
So, it is saying that childSubSkuCommerceItem is invalid item descriptor name.
If anyone can help on this,kindly,tell me.

check for spelling mismatch - i see an extra "s" here
cim.createCommerceItem("-*childSubsSkuCommerceItem*-",other parameters)

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    Hi All,
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    Aravindh K

    This was due to an invalid default Point of View for the user that was incompatible with the particular report.
    Change the Preferences to User Point of View Preview and run the report again.
    File > Preference > Financial Reporting > Select Preview "ON" under USer Point of View box.
    Re-run the report and select the desired POV.
    This will prompt the user to change their POV every time he or she opens a report. They can select the correct POV and the report runs correctly.
    You can turn off later. Let me know if it fixed this issue.

  • HFR - 5200: Error executing query: Invalid Item ID

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    Aravindh K

    Did anything change on the database side? Alias, member name? "Error executing query" usually is associated with a change in the database.

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    If you're trying to modify the Merchandising view and you have custom item types in customCatalog.xml that don't extend the out of the box types (Category, Product, etc.), you may find the two links below to be helpful.
    Customizing the "Browse" view:
    Customizing the "Find" view, i.e. search.

  • Item descriptor property attribute ?

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    If I declare like this is it throw any Error , where exactly it will effect I mean while server start up or at that time of Inserting Data ?

    You should either make required="false" or put a not null constraint on DB column.
    You should put the property and column in sync.
    The issue will not come in startup, but definitly when you will be updating the data from BCC and trying to save.
    It will give you exceptions and not save data.
    It will not give you problem when you are having only one item present in BCC and trying to save it.
    The issue will come when you have multiple items of the above type, and you are trying to save one item, then it will give exception.
    As a workaround, In that case you ll have to update all items at once via import XL, otherwise you ll not be able to do directly via BCC.
    But this is not recommended that you have one property as required and in DB you have no not null constraint.

  • Retail Datawarehouse batch INVALID ITEM/STORE REPORT

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    when open itemfile, appers the following:
    This report indicates items that were sold at stores not stocking the items lis
    All items listed were processed but one of the following actions should be take
    1) items should be set up in Retek at the stores listed
    2) items should be physically removed from the stores listed
           STORE                           ITEM
      0000000012                      100385251
    This report indicates items that were sold at stores not stocking the items lis
    All items listed were processed but one of the following actions should be take
    1) items should be set up in Retek at the stores listed
    2) items should be physically removed from the stores listed
           STORE                           ITEM
      0000000013                      100385251when open vatfile, appers the following:
    APPLICATION ERROR: Record#=0000006420: Table vat_item has no entry for item=100385251 *region=0001* related to store=0000000012
    APPLICATION ERROR: Record#=0000001720: Table vat_item has no entry for item=100385251 *region=0001* related to store=0000000013Since explicity seems to be a problem with record of item=10038525 on table VAT_ITEM
    I run the following query in RMS
    select *
    from vat_item
    where item = 100385251and it gaves me this results
    *100385251;1*;20/07/2011;B;0;0;19/07/2011;LBARBOSA;19/07/2011 05:15:19 p.m.;19/07/2011 05:15:19 p.m.;LBARBOSA
    *100385251;1*;19/07/2011;B;1;12;19/07/2011;LBARBOSA;19/07/2011 04:35:37 p.m.;19/07/2011 04:35:37 p.m.;LBARBOSA
    100385251;2;19/07/2011;B;0;0;19/07/2011;LBARBOSA;19/07/2011 04:35:37 p.m.;19/07/2011 04:35:37 p.m.;LBARBOSA
    also I look for data related in RDW database, and some of it appears. Now I don't have no idea what cause the problem, neither its implications. I write you to know if something similar happened to any of you, and If you any idea of it
    Edited by: luisurea on 27-jul-2011 14:46

    luisurea: I'm not sure that the itemfile and vatfile records you indicate are being produced by RETL DWI batch code such as slsildmex.ksh. I assume you're running version 13 of DWI/RDW? What matters to RDW is that every row from the incoming RDWT file which slsildmex.ksh consumes, is output to slsildmdm.txt file, and that every row from slsildmdm.txt file is consumed and properly loaded to RDW target table sls_item_lm_dm table. DWI modules like slsildmex.ksh do have reject processing, for instance if an RMS.ITEM_LOC_SOH/ITEM_LOC record is not found for data in the RDWT file. In that case, the batch log and error (rfx/log and rfx/error) output of the run of slsildmex.ksh should have noted such a reject. I'm wondering if your itemfile and vatfile are artifacts of an RMS batch process such as posupld. If you're doing proper data validation from the RDWT file, to slsildmdm.txt file, to SLS_ITEM_LM_DM table in RDW, and the F_SLS_AMT (i.e. retail value) facts match how you have RMS/ReSA configured, then your sales integration to RDW is fine... and thsoe files might be more related to RMS sales uploading. Hope that helps,

  • Getting an invalid Item error when resizing(maximizing) the form.

    Hi Experts,
                      I have an error when in click sales A/R invoice...i have added some functionality in that as extra...all r working fine but some times when i minimize the window & again maximize(resize) it this error message is being displayed(only after 10-15 clicks).can anybody tell me some suggestions...
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComException(oXFFFFF7F9):Item -Invalid
    item[6600-3].form Unique id:'F_173',Item Unique ID:'100000330'
    at SAPbobosCOM.ItemClass.Item(Object Index)
    at SampleProject.clsARInvoice.FormResize(String FormUID,ItemEvent & pVal,Boolean&
    BubbleEvent) in D:\sampleproject
    Here is my coding for resizing the form
      Sub FormResize(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
                Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
                Dim objCopyFromBtn As Object
                Dim objBtn As SAPbouiCOM.Button
                objForm = objSBO_Application_ARINV.Forms.ActiveForm
                Select Case pVal.Before_Action
                    Case False
                        If addFlag = True And bCMFlag = False And bBGFlag = False And bOAFlag = False And bCHFlag = False Then
                   "<----In this line the error occurs------------------>"
                            objCopyFromBtn = objForm.Items.Item("10000330")
                   "<----In this line the error occurs------------------>"
                            objForm.Items.Item("btnSaleQtn").Left = objCopyFromBtn.left - 5 - 200 '- 275
                            objForm.Items.Item("btnSaleQtn").Top = objCopyFromBtn.Top
                            objForm.Items.Item("txtQtnNo").Left = objForm.Items.Item("btnSaleQtn").Left - 5 - 100 '- 275
                            objForm.Items.Item("txtQtnNo").Top = objCopyFromBtn.Top
                            objForm.Items.Item("lblQtnNo").Left = objForm.Items.Item("txtQtnNo").Left - 5 - 100 '- 275
                            objForm.Items.Item("lblQtnNo").Top = objCopyFromBtn.Top
                        End If
                        bCMFlag = False
                        bBGFlag = False
                        bOAFlag = False
                        bCHFlag = False
                End Select
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub

    okey. catch the Form_resize event for Form 133 (A/R invoice) and inside it, call FormResize procedure .
    If pVal.FormType = "133" And pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_RESIZE And pVal.Before_Action = True Then
                        FormResize(pVal.FormType, pVal.EventType, pVal.FormTypeCount, BubbleEvent)
                    Catch ex As Exception
                    End Try
                End If
    you will  have to modify the procedure's receiving arguments accordingly.
    within this procedure, as I mentioned before,
    Sub FormResize(ByVal FormType As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByVal FormTypeCount As Integer, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
                Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
                Dim objCopyFromBtn As Object
                Dim objBtn As SAPbouiCOM.Button
    objForm = objSBO_Application_ARINV.Forms.GetForm(FormType, FormTypeCount)
                '---------rest of the code
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub
    GetFormByTypeAndCount is Deprecated so to be on safe side , use 'GetForm'. it does the same thing .
    try this.
    for your question about Count of the form, in SAP we can have multiple instance of standard forms and in that case, to uniquely identify each instance, it is better to refer to that form by not just its type but also with its count. so if you open three A/R invoice Form, you will have three form with Type 133 but with different count.
    Edited by: Binita  Joshi on Aug 22, 2008 8:57 AM

  • Open KM folder via WebDav - Invalid Item ID

    In our KM SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.0 we have some folders where a ! is in the name. There was no problem accessing these folders via WebDav since we installed SP 18. If I will access this folder now via WebDav, paste WebDav Url from flder into IE7 and open the link 'Navigation user interface' afterwards I will get an message like this: Invalid Item ID - the item you are attempting to access does not exists. Check wether the name of the associated repository is correct. In the Portal Log i found the following information: Syntax error in URI placeholder: <path to folder>
    Any idea?
    Thanks, Daniel

    Hi Nitsan,
    It depends from where you want to open the webdav folder.
    1. From explorer:
       Go to My network places, and add a new one with the URL you used before. Now it should open directly as a webdav folder. You can also map this to a network drive.
    2 From a website:
       Insert a link in the website using the following format:
    <a style="behavior: url(#default#AnchorClick)" title="Webmap" href="" folder="http://<hostname>:<port>/irj/go/km/docs/<km path>">Webfolder</a>
    This should open directly from the website as a webdav folder.

  • AIR ADL invalid application descriptor

    Hi, everyone.
    I have problem with running AIR aplications when installed Ruby under Windows 7.
    If I try to run adl for my program "adl application.xml bin", I get the next result:
    C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\New Project>adl application.xml bin
    NOTE: Gem.cache is deprecated, use Gem::source_index. It will be removed on or after 2011-08-01.
    Gem.cache called from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sprout-0.7.246/lib/sprout.rb:365
    invalid application descriptor: Unknown namespace:
    C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\New Project>
    Similar problem on the two different computers.
    When I uninstalled Ruby AIR applications  worked normally.
    But I need Ruby and I need AIR.
    When I type just "adl" in command promt, I get result:
    Adobe (R) AIR (R) Debug Launcher (ADL)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
    application descriptor file not specified
    adl ( -runtime <runtime-dir> )? ( -pubid <pubid> )? -nodebug? ( -profile PROFILE )? ( -extdir <extensions-dir> )? ( -screensize SCREEN_SIZE )? <app-
    desc> <root-dir>? ( -- ... )?
    adl -help
    PROFILE : mobileDevice|extendedMobileDevice|desktop|extendedDesktop|tv|extendedTV
    SCREEN_SIZE : ( <width>x<height>:<fullscreen width>x<fullscreen height> )|PREDEFINED_SCREEN_SIZE
    PREDEFINED_SCREEN_SIZE : iPhone|iPhoneRetina|iPod|iPodRetina|iPad|Droid|NexusOne|SamsungGalaxyS|SamsungGalaxyTab|Q VGA|WQVGA|FWQVGA|HVGA|WVGA|FWVGA|108
    Thank you!

    I haven't seen this reported before and I'm not sure why there's a conflict.  Very odd that doing it without arguments does not cause the error.  Could you please open a bug report on this over at and let me know the bug number?  I'll follow up internally.

  • FU4.1RC2 - "invalid application descriptor" when using AIR 2.5

    I discovered today when attempting to use AIR 2.5 with FlexUnit4.1 RC2 that you will get the following error when adl.exe is invoked:
    [flexunit] Setting up server process ...
    [flexunit] Starting server ...
    [flexunit] Opening server socket on port [1024].
    [flexunit] Waiting for client connection ...
    [flexunit] Found AIR version: 2.5
    [flexunit] Created application descriptor at [C:\EclipseWorkspace3.5\report.renderer_tests_2\build\flexUnitDescriptor.xml]
    [flexunit] Executing 'C:\Flex\AIRSdk2.5\bin\adl.exe' with arguments:
    [flexunit] 'C:\EclipseWorkspace3.5\report.renderer_tests_2\build\flexUnitDescriptor.xml'
    [flexunit] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
    [flexunit] not part of the command.
    [flexunit] invalid application descriptor: versionNumber must have a non-empty value.
    From what I can tell, the flexUnitDescriptor.xml file that FlexUnit is producing has this:
    I guess AIR 2.5 changes the element name to <versionNumber>. When I manually changed 'version' to 'versionNumber', I could get adl.exe to launch and run the tests manually from the command line.
    Something to be aware of - hopefully you all are aware of this apparent API change.

    Hi Trevor,
    This issue has actually been resolved in the RC3 build of FlexUnit.  At least I have applied code to resolve this isssue
    Can you please try utilizing the libraries provided in our RC3 build? t/
    Let me know if you still have issues with this.  Does the fact that this is running now, mean that you made progress on your other post?

  • Invalid extension descriptor - Licensing AIR for Android devices

    I'm trying to do licensing app according to this article
    If i try to generate the ANE file in ADT command prompt then displays this error - Invalid extension descriptor: extension.xml
    My file extension.xml I copied the whole of the AIR 3.1 SDK.
    <extension xmlns="">
        <platform name="Android-ARM">
            <initializer></ initializer>
            <finalizer></fi nalizer>
        <platform name="default">
    In what may be the reason, tell me please?

    Never mind, I was using the wrong runtime.  My devices are on eclair and I was using froyo.  Grrr.

  • Error At Essbase Startup: Fatal Error: Invalid item index in security file

    I'm newbie in ESSbase
    A Essbase startup, i got this message: Fatal Error: Invalid item index in security file
    I do a copy a the Essabse.bak to Essbase.sec and get the same message.
    Need some help : it's a Production Application
    Thanks in advance

    Please try to restart Essbase once do rename Essbase.bak to Essbase.sec and check now

  • How to fix the error "Invalid Item ID /index.xml The item you are ....?

    I'm working with collaboration at NW2004 EP 6 SP19. When using some pre-defined pages I get the following error:
    Invalid Item ID
    The item you are attempting to access does not exist. Check whether the name of the associated repository is correct.
    If I duplicate an existing default template everything works fine, but when customizing I get the error when I execute it from the room.
    Thanks a lot for your time on this thread.

    Hello experts,
    I have the same error with SAP standard iview announcements.
    How did you fixed it?

  • Invalid item /users/biadmin/_prefs/volatileuserdata.

    After I used a user I restarted Oracle BI Server inclusive OS Windows Server 2008 (Oracle BI 11g) I received the following message:
    Invalid item /users/biadmin/_prefs/volatileuserdata.
    In the Log-File.
    Oracle BI said in the Browser      
    Sign In Enter your user id and password.
    Unable to Sign In      Unable to Sign In
    An error occurred during authentication. Try again later or contact your system administrator.
    But: After dropping the User in the Catalog I'm able to sign in and everything is fine and all the items stored in my own folder are deleted.
    Do you how to avoid such behavior?
    Oracle BI Presentation Server Log:
    Meldung Invalid item \\?\D:\Oracle_FMW\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog\SampleApp\root\users\biadmin\_prefs\volatileuserdata.atr.
    Zusätzliches Detail File:catalogimpl.cpp
    ecid: 0000IuMKnw45yW^5xV_AiW1DT_d_00000O,0:1:1
    ThreadID: 2264
    Beziehungs-ID 0:1:1
    Komponente OBIPS
    Host WIN2K8OBIEE11
    Thread-ID 5932
    ECID 0000IuKsOfI5yW^5xV_AiW1DTVLG00001o
    Meldung Error loading \\?\D:\Oracle_FMW\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog\SampleApp\root\users\biadmin\_prefs\volatileuserdata.atr
    Zusätzliches Detail File:catalogimpl.cpp
    ecid: 0000IuKsOfI5yW^5xV_AiW1DTVLG00001o,0:1:1
    ThreadID: 5932
    Edited by: stefanhess on Mar 8, 2011 5:49 PM
    Edited by: stefanhess on Mar 8, 2011 5:51 PM

    after deleting
    volatileuserdata and cacheduserinfo with there atr-Files the user is working.
    But how can I avoid this behavior.

  • Invalid item ID error

    Hi everybody,
    we are using EP 6.40 SP 15.
    Since a few days I am no longer able to change an iView within the PCD which is based on a collaboration room template created by my own.
    When I am trying to preview the iView I get the following error display (in a gray box)
    Invalid Item ID
    The item you are attempting to access does not exist. Check whether the name of the associated repository is correct.
    This problem is not specific to one special iView but all iViews created by using any template.
    Any ideas or hints which help me to track the problem are welcome…

    Hello experts,
    I have the same error with SAP standard iview announcements.
    How did you fixed it?

Maybe you are looking for

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