Invert colors of single window in i3

I am using i3 WM (awesome WM! ) and wanted to invert colors. In this forum I found that I can achieve it thusly:
xcalib -invert -alter
And it works great - skype (oh, how I wish i could replace that buggy and annoying thing with something lightweight and FLOSS) and other random windows are now nice and dark but as I already have the standard gray on black terminal and a dark colorscheme for gvim they both are now too bright. Therefore I could really use a way to invert colors only for specific windows and leave the rest of my system, that is already configured dark, alone. Similarly to the Mod4+N feature in Compiz.
Some applications offer the option to invert colors for their windows but not all and it would be nice to have a quick universal means for doing it.
Can you please point me to a possible solution?
Thank you and sorry for my broken English!

Compositing would be required in order to negate the colors of individual windows. As xcompmgr does not support doing this, I think your only option would be compiz.
However, there is a program that I found a while ago called xcalib (in the AUR) that allows you to negate the colors of your entire display with this command:
xcalib -i -a
There may be a way to do this with the standard X tools, but I'm not aware of it.

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  • [SOLVED] how to invert colors in all windows

    Hi. I've recently switched from lubuntu. In lubuntu I could invert the colors in all windows with customize look and feel configuration, but this does not happen in arch. Some applications don't invert their colors.
    Could someone be so kind and explain me how to invert the color in all windows.
    Last edited by johnx (2014-07-07 00:58:57)

    Are you using KDE, johnx? It sounds like you're using LXDE.
    In KDE, I don't think you can do it automatically for all windows without writing code. But you can do it on demand for individual windows or the desktop as a whole by enabling the Invert effect in Desktop Settings > Desktop effects > All effects. Then to invert a window, you use Ctrl+Meta-U. For the whole desktop, it's Ctrl-Meta-I. I use this all the time when working in Eclipse.
    Why not just use a different theme with the colors you want?

  • New to Graphics, trying to display array output in a single window

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    What I am trying to do is take my packaged array output and list it in a single window. All that ever prints is last array data set. The last keeps overwritting the previous. How do I keep the previous data shown while listing the next in the array?
    Below are my three classes. The Frame Class is the class containing the display method. It is called near the bottom of the Product Class.
    // Inventory Program Part 4
    /* This program will store multiple entries
    for office supplies, give the inventory value,
    sort the data by Product Name,
    and output the results using a GUI */
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //Uses class JOptionPane
    import java.util.Scanner; //Uses class Scanner
    import java.util.Arrays; //Uses class Arrays
    public class Product
         private String productBrand[]; // Declares the array
         public void setProductBrand( String brand[] ) // Declare setProductBrand method
              productBrand = brand; // stores the productbrand
         } // End setProductBrand method
         public String getProductBrand( int counter )  // Declares getProductBrand method
              return productBrand[ counter ]; // Returns data using counter to define the element
         } // End method getProductBrand
         public double restockingFee( double value ) // Declares restocking Fee method
              double fee = 0; // Declares variable fee
              fee = value * 0.05; // Calculates the sum of values
              return fee;  // Returns the restocking fee
         } // End method restockingFee     
         public String inventoryValue( double value[] , int number, String name[] ) // Declares inventoryValue method
              OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies = new OfficeSupplies();  //Creates OfficeSupplies Object
              Product myProduct = new Product();
              double total = 0; // Declares variable total
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < number ; counter++ )
                   total += ( value[ counter ] + myProduct.restockingFee( value[ counter ] ) ); // Calculates the sum of values
                        return String.format( "%s$%.2f", "Total Inventory Value: " , total );  // Returns the total value
         } // End method inventoryValue
         // main method begins execution
         public static void main( String args[] )
              Scanner input = new Scanner( ); //Creates Scanner object to input from command window
              Product myProduct = new Product(); //Creates Product object
              OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies = new OfficeSupplies();  //Creates OfficeSupplies Object          
              //Prompt for maxNumber using JOptionPane
              String stringMaxNumber =
                   JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the number of products you wish to enter" );
              int maxNumber = Integer.parseInt( stringMaxNumber );     
              String prodName[] = new String[ maxNumber ]; // Declares prodName array
              int numberUnits[] = new int[ maxNumber ]; // Declares maxNumber array          
              float unitPrice[] = new float[ maxNumber ]; // Declares unitPrice array
              double value[] = new double[ maxNumber ]; // Declares value array
              String brand[] = new String [ maxNumber ]; // Declares brand array
              String stringNumberUnits[] = new String [ maxNumber]; // Declares array
              String stringUnitPrice[] = new String [ maxNumber ]; // Declares array
              int productNumber[] = new int[ maxNumber ]; // Declares array
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ ) // For loop for the number of products to enter
                   productNumber[ counter ] = counter;
                   myOfficeSupplies.setProductNumber( productNumber ); // Sends the Product name to method setProductNumber                         
                   //Prompt for product name using JOptionPane
                   prodName[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Product Name" );
                   myOfficeSupplies.setProductName( prodName ); // Sends the Product name to method setProductName
                   //Prompt for brand name using JOptionPane
                   brand[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Brand name of the Product" );
                   myProduct.setProductBrand( brand ); // Sends the Brand name to method setProductBrand
                   //Prompt for number of units using JOptionPane
                   stringNumberUnits[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Number of Units" );
                   numberUnits[ counter ] = Integer.parseInt( stringNumberUnits[ counter ] );
                   myOfficeSupplies.setNumberUnits( numberUnits ); // Sends the Number Units to the method setNumberUnits
                   //Prompt for unit price using JOptionPane
                   stringUnitPrice[ counter ] =
                        JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Unit Price" );
                   unitPrice[ counter ] = Float.parseFloat( stringUnitPrice[ counter ]);
                   myOfficeSupplies.setUnitPrice( unitPrice ); // Sends the Unit Price to the method setUnitPrice
                   value[ counter ] = numberUnits[ counter ] * unitPrice[ counter ]; // Calculates value for each item
                   myOfficeSupplies.setProductValue( value ); // Sends the product value to the method setProductValue
              Arrays.sort( prodName, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER ); // Calls method sort from Class Arrays
                   Frame myFrame = new Frame();
                   myFrame.displayData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, maxNumber );
              // Outputs Total Inventory Value using a message dialog box
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, myProduct.inventoryValue( value, maxNumber, prodName ),
                   "Total Inventory Value", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
         } // End method main
    } // end class ----> This is the data container
    // Inventory Program Part 4
    /* Stores the array values */
    public class OfficeSupplies // Declaration for class Payroll
         private int productNumber[];
         public void setProductNumber( int number[] ) // Declare setProductNumber method
              productNumber = number; // stores the product number
         } // End setProductNumber method
         public int getProductNumber( int counter )  // Declares getProductNumber method
              return productNumber[ counter ];
         } // End method getProductNumber
         private String productName[];
         public void setProductName( String name[] ) // Declare setProductName method
              productName = name; // stores the Product name
         } // End setProductName method
         public String getProductName( int counter )  // Declares getProductName method
              return productName[ counter ];
         } // End method getProductName
         private int numberUnits[];
         public void setNumberUnits( int units[] ) // Declare setNumberUnits method
              numberUnits = units; // stores the number of units
         } // End setNumberUnits method
         public int getNumberUnits( int counter )  // Declares getNumberUnits method
              return numberUnits[ counter ];
         } // End method getNumberUnits
         private float unitPrice[];
         public void setUnitPrice( float price[] ) // Declare setUnitPrice method
              unitPrice = price; // stores the unit price
         } // End setUnitPrice method
         public float getUnitPrice( int counter )  // Declares getUnitPrice method
              return unitPrice [ counter ];
         } // End method getUnitPrice
         private double productValue[];
         public void setProductValue( double value[] ) // Declare setProductValue method
              productValue = value; // stores the product value
         } // End setProductValue method
         public double getProductValue( int counter )  // Declares getProductValue method
              return productValue[ counter ];
         } // End method getProductValue
    } // end class ------> Contains the display method
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //Uses class JOptionPane
    public class Frame extends JFrame
         public Frame() //Method declaration
              super( "Products" );
         } // end frame constructor
         public void displayData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
              //Here I attempted to use an array to output all of the array data in a single window
    //          JTextArea myTextArea[] = new JTextArea[ maxNumber ]; // Declares myTextArea array to display output
              JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); // textarea to display output
              // For loop to display data array in a single Window
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ )  // Loop for displaying each product
    //               myTextArea[ counter ].setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n" );
    //                add( myTextArea[ counter ] ); // add textarea to JFrame
                   myTextArea.setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n" );
                   add( myTextArea ); // add textarea to JFrame
              } // End For Loop
              setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              setSize( 450, maxNumber*400 ); // set frame size
              setVisible( true ); // display frame
         public String packageData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int counter ) // Method for formatting output
              return String.format( "%s: %d\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f",
              "Product Number", myOfficeSupplies.getProductNumber( counter ),
              "Product Name", myOfficeSupplies.getProductName( counter ),
              "Product Brand",myProduct.getProductBrand( counter ),
              "Number of Units in stock", myOfficeSupplies.getNumberUnits( counter ),
              "Price per Unit", myOfficeSupplies.getUnitPrice( counter ),
              "Total Value of Item in Stock is", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ),
              "Restock charge this product is", myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ),
              "Total Value of Inventory plus restocking fee", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter )+
                   myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ) );
         } // end method packageData

    Lets pretend that your assignment was to manage a list of employees of a store, and that each employee is identified by their name, position, and hourly wage. If you created a program along the lines of your current product program, I picture you creating three separate ArrayLists (or arrays), one for each variable, something like this:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class MyEmployees1
        private ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        private ArrayList<String> positions = new ArrayList<String>();
        private ArrayList<Double> hourlyWages = new ArrayList<Double>();
        public void add(String name, String position, double wage)
            positions.add( position);
        public void removed()
            // TODO: I am nervous about trying to manage this!
        //.......... more
    }This program tries to manage three separate parallel arrays (arraylists actually). They are parallel because the 3rd item in the names list corresponds to the 3rd item in the positions list and also the hourlywages list. If I wanted to delete data, I'd have to be very careful to delete the correct item in all three lists. If I tried to sort one list, I'd have to sort the other two in exactly the same way. It is extremely easy to mess this sort of program up.
    Now lets look at a different approach. Say we created a MyEmployee class that contains the employee's name, position, and wage, along with the appropriate constructors, getters, setters, toString method, etc... something like so:
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class MyEmployee
        private String name;
        private String position;
        private double hourlyWage;
        public MyEmployee(String name, String position, double hourlyWage)
   = name;
            this.position = position;
            this.hourlyWage = hourlyWage;
        public String getName()
            return name;
        public String getPosition()
            return position;
        public double getHourlyWage()
            return hourlyWage;
        public String toString()
            // don't worry about these methods here.  They're just to make the output look nice
            NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
            return String.format("Name: %-15s    Position: %-15s    Wage: %s",
                    name, position, currency.format(hourlyWage));
    }Now I can create a MyEmployees2 class that holds a single list of MyEmployee objects, like so:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class MyEmployees2
        private ArrayList<MyEmployee> employeeList = new ArrayList<MyEmployee>();
        public boolean add(MyEmployee employee)
            return employeeList.add(employee);
        public boolean remove(MyEmployee employee)
            return employeeList.remove(employee);
        public void display()
            for (MyEmployee employee : employeeList)
        public static void main(String[] args)
            MyEmployees2 empl2 = new MyEmployees2();
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("John Smith", "Salesman", 20));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Jane Smyth", "Salesman", 25));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Fred Flinstone", "Janitor", 15));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Barney Rubble", "Supervisor", 35));
            empl2.add(new MyEmployee("Mr. Spacely", "The Big Boss", 45));
    }Now if I want to add an Employee, I only add to one list. Same if I want to remove, only one list, and of course, the same for sorting. It is much safer and easier to do things this way. Make sense?

  • FrameMaker 8: TIFF imports inverting color

    First let me state that I am not a FrameMaker user. So bear with me please.
    I created a set of TIFF image files for a client that was going to be importing them into hardware manuals created in FrameMaker 8. For reasons that neither of us are able to determine, all of these TIFF files seem to invert image color upon import. ??? This is occurring with both the CMYK and RGB color space files.
    My client is running FrameMaker 8 on the Windows platform. My TIFF files were created in Photoshop CS3 on a Mac. I have never had such a problem before and I wondered if anyone else may have encountered anything remotely similar. I read the thread on TIFFs generating grey boxes in Frame 7, but that didn't seem to relate to our issue.
    I am currently assuming that there must be some setting in either Frame or PS that we are simply not using properly...or is there just a bug somewhere and we should go w/ an alternate file format. We have temporarily started using EPS files, but I would like to be able to go back to TIFFs as that's the format we're using everywhere else and would prefer not to have to keep/update more than one set of files.
    If I can provide more information to help clarify what's going on, please let me know and I will attempt to do so.
    I'd appreciate any insight anyone could offer here.
    Thanks much, Anne.

    You might want to stick with TIFF. FrameMaker cannot output CMYK, only RGB. So, if your TIFF is in CMYK, Frame might convert it to RGB. And Frame does not handle color management to my knowledge.
    That being said, I do not know how Frame handles TIFF images. I always use eps for graphics, especially Illustrator graphics, because Frame just passes eps files through to the printer or PDF creator, whether the eps file contains CMYK or RGB or something else.
    Of course, the above is not the definitive answer, but it might help. I have no idea why the image would invert color.

  • 4S: How do I keep camera in regular mode with "Invert Colors" to on?

    On an iPhone 4S w OS7.1, how do I keep the camera in regular mode (not negative image) and keep the "Invert Colors" swith to active or pink or (1).

    " (1) how do I transfer the files from my PowerBook G4 to the nano? "
    In disk mode the Nano will mount on the desktop like any removable dive, just drag the files you want onto it
    "(2) How would I transfer them back again if I ever need to?"
    Drag them back from the Nano to your computer
    "(3) should I try to go back and find out if "optimizing" was completed, and finish it if it wasn't? How?
    You would probably need to restore it to factory settings to start the process again
    "(4) How do I keep the nano from automatically updating from my music files when I charge it"
    You can use a keyboard command to prevent your iPod auto-syncing with iTunes. While connecting the iPod to the computer on Windows hold down the Shift + Ctrl keys (on a Mac hold down the Option and Command (⌥ and ⌘) keys). This will stop the iPod from auto-syncing with iTunes and the iPod will appear in the source list. Wait until you are sure the iPod has mounted, and that it will not auto sync and then you can let the keys go. This may take between 20 to 30 seconds depending on your computer. Then go to Preferences>iPod and check the "Manually manage songs and playlists" box. It won't update automatically in manual mode. You can also remove the tick from the box which says "Open iTunes when this iPod is attached".

  • Dmenu_themed - Applies the colors of your window manager to dmenu

    Hi everybody,
    i put together a little script named dmenu_themed which reads the window colors from the configuration of the i3 window manager and calls dmenu_run with those colors. Currently, only i3 is supported, but i'll eventually add support for gtk+ colors and other window managers.
    You can use it like dmenu_run and append all dmenu_run options as they will be handed over to dmenu_run.
    Head over to github and check it out:
    Any feedback including questions, suggestions, feature requests, improvements etc is highly appreciated.

    unexist wrote:Well, I must admit the overall idea really sounds like subtle and I don't understand some of the named differences, but I agree that the grid approach nice.
    Perhaps mentioning the idea of the 3x3 grid up front was too distracting, given folks' experience with subtle. The goomwwm grid is really just a guide for fast floating window movement. Tiling functionality is not strongly linked to it, nor limited by it. Don't think of this as a tiling WM with strict grids, but a stacking WM that makes it easy to tile.
    Some screenshots of tiling layouts done on the fly using a few keyboard commands:
    I'm still working on the controls, but the above was done pretty quickly. I'd guess easily as fast as most manual tiling WMs, once one knows the controls...
    unexist wrote:So basically all windows are stacked above each other, how do you plan multiscreen support without a virtual desktop concept? Just span the single desktop across all screens?
    From the EWMH perspective of a desktop, goomwwm tags are the same thing.  Use the desktop pager from any dock or panel to switch tags, just like desktops.  The only oddities are that, like any good tiling WM, goomwwm's windows can have multiple tags and raising a tag does not hide other tags.
    Multiscreen support for Xinerama and Xrandr is done and tested on what hardware I have access to (an Nvidia Twinview box, a regular Xinerama box, and a Laptop using xrandr to run an external monitor). Each physical screen has it's own grid -- that is, a fullscreen app would only fill one physical screen and splash windows center on the active monitor -- but nothing more strict than that. I suppose tags-as-desktop could be limited to each screen, but that is up to the user doing the tagging.

  • FME 2.5 and 3.0 are inverting colors

    Feeding video via a Conexant chipset based capture card.  Tried via both Composite and Svideo, and the application is inverting colors.  For example, if I connect an old VCR, the basic blue screen that every VCR produces comes up blood red in FME.
    I've then used the card in other vide applications (Dscaler, MCE) and it is fine.  It is not a hardware problem: same signal comes up perfectly in all other applications: just FME is screwy.
    I am using 2.5 because 3.0 suddenly doesn't work with soundblaster audigy cards, but both show the same symptom of inverted colors.
    Is there some hack somewhere to put a flag in the profile to have it invert?

    The same thing is happening to me. The colors are not exactly inverted, it's more like hue is shifted all the way down. Red becomes blue, green becomes yellowish etc. As with the original poster, the colors display properly in DScaler, Virtualdub or when I use the embedded encoder. It has to do with FME and it's happening both in the preview and when streaming live. But I really want to use FME, so I can use its functions with aspect ratio.
    Windows XP SP3
    Pinnacle PCTV Rave
    NTSC S-video or Composite inputs with.
    Is there some OS/media settings or some programs that affect just FME specifically and may cause this that I should check/reinstall/remove?

  • Playboy PDF's have inverted colors on iPad? But not on Mac.

    Can anyone tell me why some-of the Playboy PDF's I downloaded have inverted colors when viewed on any iPad PDF Reader, including iBooks? But are not inverted on my Mac. And how would I fix this? Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: JoeTheCoder

    I'm having the same problem.  I've got a ton of pdf documents that I created using a program called Scansoft PDF Creator, from web documents.  They work and look perfectly fine on my Windows PC when viewed with Adobe Reader X.  But when I try to read them on my iPad 2 using iBooks, all of the photos appear to have their colors inverted.
    It's hard to blame this on the pdf creator program, because Adobe Reader X renders them just fine.  This has got to be a bug in the iPad 2.
    Incidentally I did try a system reset (thanks for the suggestion) but it did not change anything.
    I hope Apple can provide a fix other than telling me to do something to modify my pdf files.

  • To complete multiple tasks in a single window without closing individual

    Hi Folks,
    How much it is possible to complete multiple BPM activities in a single window?
    Suppose i have a BPM process which contain 2 swimlanes and 4 steps.
    First 2 and 4th step is assigned to swimlane A and step3 is assigned to Swimlane B.
    Two users are involved in process and users are assigned at swimlane level.
    I want User A which is assigned to Swimlane A to complete first 2 steps in a single attempt without closing windows each time.
    As of now once a particular activity is over BPM prompts user to close window and then again select your task from UWL inbox and proceed. Is there any way to avoid that?
    Thanks in anticipation!
    Mandeep Virk

    It is not a bug, but a new feature.<br />
    Some menu entries in the main menu bar are hidden if you use the mouse and only appear if you use the keyboard to open the menu (Bug 626825).
    You can see the difference if you use Alt+F to open the File menu or other menus like the Edit menu (Alt+E) and Bookmarks menu (Alt+B) and compare that to what you see if you use the mouse to open the menu after you have made the menu bar visible by tapping Alt or by pressing F10.
    *[ bug 626825] - Hide redundant menu commands unless the user invokes the menu using the keyboard (make use of the openedWithKey attribute)
    ''(please do not comment in bug reports; you can vote instead)''
    See also:
    * [[/questions/799856#answer-155765]]

  • [Solved] When I open multiple Firefox windows an orange pull down tab appears and I cannot exit from any single window. I have to exit all of the Firefox windows to close one.

    I like to open several Firefox windows when I am browsing the internet. Since mi reinstall of windows XP with sp3 I installed Firefox 5.0.1. Now when I open multiple windows they kind of window in a window and I get this orange pull down menu. I can no longer close any one single window. I click the lower of the two top right X's to close the window and all the tabs in that window, but nothing happens. I also don't like the look and feel of the orange pull down menu

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    In Firefox 4 and later [ Safe mode] disables extensions and disables hardware acceleration.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    If disabling hardware acceleration works then check if there is an update available for your graphics display driver.

  • How to view multiple files' info in a single window

    I remember I can view multiple files' info in a single window before, but now I have to viewed multiple files' info in each their own window. It's very inconvenient to me, I want to get a solution to resolve it. Please do me favor, Many Thanks!
    Message was edited by: 5imacintosh

    Select them and press the Option, Command, and I keys at once. The resulting window will change its content based on the selection.

  • How to group more than one view in a single window?

    I want to group three or more views in a single window.
    I need a element, which is similar to VIEW SET in webdynpro for JAVA.
    how to do it?

    In wd-abap the concept of viewset is not used instead the viewContainerUIelement is used to achieve the same.
    create a main view say v_main in that add ui control viewContainerUiElement
    create a another view say v1.
    go the the window .. embed this view v_main to the window , u can see then below the view the control viewContainerUielement , in that u can add the view v1 inside this container .  so if u create more containers inside the v_main ,then  u can display more view inside this and the plugs can be created and fired as same as in java.
    Hope this will help u .

  • How to change background color in a window? Please help.

    Please help me to set background color to my window that includes some panels components.
    I have tried
    content.setBackground(; and
    but nothing works?
    Please what should I change in my code? Thanks already in advance for helping!!
    Main parts of my code:
    public void addComponentToPane(Container allComponents) throws IOException
    allComponents.setLayout(new BoxLayout(allComponents, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    try {
    GraphicsDevice device;
    Container content;
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("ImageOrder");
    device = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
    SwingApplication app = new SwingApplication();
    content = frame.getContentPane();
    finally {

    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Test extends JFrame {
         public Test( ){
              setSize(500, 500);
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              new Test().setVisible(true);

  • How to change background color in AutoComplete window ?

    Is it possible to change background color in AutoComplete window ?

    Bob, A.Ankit, you're both chasing a ghost here.
    The screenshot shows an autocomplete enabled textbox with its dropdown list of autocomplete values to choose from. There is no property defining its backcolor. Not in the textbox nor in any class, neither any other baseclass nor _combobox of _base.vcx
    The only way to chnage that color is not recommended, via changing windows theme colors. That would effect any window and control.
    If you need another color even turning off themes won't help as VFP doesn't offer any property controlling that color, so you really would need to implement the autocomplete feature yourself, if you want the specify this backcolor.
    Bye, Olaf.
    Olaf Doschke - TMN Systemberatung GmbH

  • Distributing multiple versions of an app within a single Windows Store app

    The company I work for creates Point Of Sale (POS) software using Software As A Service (SAAS), so we host our clients' databases.  We do not force all of our clients to all be on the same version of our software; i.e. some clients are on version 3,
    others v4, others v5, etc.  As you would expect, the database schema for each of these versions is different, so each of these clients also use a different version of our client-side app.
    We are looking at making a Windows Store app that acts as a light-weight POS app that clients can use to sell their products.  The problem is, we will require having multiple versions of our Windows Store app in production; the version of the app that
    the client uses must correspond to their database version.  We were initially hoping to have our Windows Store app detect which version of the app the client should be using, and then automatically update itself to the correct version, but
    were told on this post that it violates the Windows Store certification criteria, so that's not an option.
    It has been suggested that we put multiple apps into the Store; one for each version of our software. We really don't want to do this though, as when we upgrade a client's database from one version to the next it would require that they uninstall their current
    app and install the newer versions app, causing them to lose all of their custom settings. We would like the updates to remain as transparent to the end users as possible; the store clerk shouldn't need to worry about which version their database is on so
    they know which app to download from the Store.
    As a possible workaround, is it ok for us to package all 3 versions of our app into a single Windows Store app, and then just have the app check at runtime which version it should run?  I assume that this is alright, since we will not be downloading
    any other code or installing any software/apps, as was the case with our original solution that violates the certification criteria.  Essentially we would just have 3 different classes and determine at run-time which classes code we should run. 
    I know that this solution isn't ideal, as it means our app will be 3 times larger than it needs to be, and that an update to any one of the 3 versions of our software will require an update to the Store app (so potentially users may download a new version
    of the Store app, even though it doesn't have any changes for the particular code version (i.e. class) that they will use), but it's one of the best alternatives we have come up with.  I just want to check that this solution doesn't also violate any certification
    criteria before we go down this road.
    If this is not allowed then our only other alternative might be to go with sideloading (as
    I discuss on this thread) and avoid using the Windows Store all together, but we would prefer to use the Store if possible as it eliminates a lot of overhead that we would have to deal with if we use sideloading.
    Any insights or suggestions that you can give are appreciated. Thanks!
    - Dan - "Can't never could do anything"

    Hey Mr_bigworlds, thanks for the reply.  The moderator on this post actually told me that this
    would be a better forum for my inquiries.  I agree that there may be another forum better suited for this question (there are so many that I don't know about), but since this relates to Windows Store certification criteria, I don't think the Windows Desktop
    Development forums are the place for it.
    - Dan - "Can't never could do anything"

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