Ios 5.0.1 battery life

is it tru that this version has battery problems cuz iam scared to upgrade it
tell me

I've read a lot of whining about iOS 5 causing problems, but so far I have not seen one piece of empirical evidence to support any of those claims.
With that being said, I upgraded my 32gig 4th gen to iOS 5 and to date I have not encountered any problems.

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  • HT6154 After updating to IOS 7.1 my battery life has gone bezerk.

    After updating to IOS 7.1 my battery life has gone bezerk. I just finished a 6 minute call with my bank and the battery life went from 93%-23%???? Then i pkugged it into the charger and the battery insicator went right to 48%. Found this article and followed it to the T to no avail.:
    Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain
    Please I cannot think of a better phone to use, and this is where apple will make or break me.

    Please be more specific. What have you tried already? Please follow the below steps as described also in another topic by Nathan.
    1. Hard reset hold both buttons until Apple logo appears.
    2. Restore from an iTunes sync and backup.  This made a difference for a lot of peopel, battery life got much better.
    3. Limit push notifications (apps and e-mail accounts - set e.g. e-mail to fetch once an hour) to those you really need.
    4. Limit location services to those you really need, and watch to see if the indicator comes up.
    5. Get the app System Activity Monitor to look for a runaway process that is using a lot of CPU.
    6. Suggestion by others to reset all settings.
    7. Suggestion by others that iCloud may be involved, and to try to turn off some iCloud settings.
    8. Limit or turn off 'background app refresh'.
    9. Add apps back in carefully to identify an offending app that is causing CPU or network activity that kills battery life.
    10 Also make sure that e-mail is fetched (e.g. every hour) or set to manual instead of pushed.
    11 Do you have a good carrier reception? Have you tried to manual set your carrier within your iPhone instead of the 'automatic'?
    12 Have you checked if the timezone is set to manual instead of automatic and see if this makes a difference in battery use?
    In my case it was a bug with an app that caused the battery drain. I also noticed that the use and stand-by time were exactly the same which is ofcourse not correct. This was all caused by this app which was using GPS tracking all the time. Unfortunately an app such as System Activity Monitor did not indicate that in my case but someone posted this solution on a Dutch forum that the previous version of the app 'Scoupy' had a bug and caused this battery drain.
    If you haven't tried every single one of these, please do not post that battery life is terrible.

  • One User's Story: iOS 7.1 and Battery Life on iPhone 5

    I've been reading the messages from folks that have experienced shorter battery life after upgrading to iOS 7.1. It does appear that there is a real problem with some iPhone 5S models. Some of those users are reporting a shorter battery life along with warm iPhones (when the iPhones weren't doing anything) and repeatedly "coming to life" with the lockscreen slider multiple times after being put asleep.
    In my case, the day after upgrading to iOS 7.1 I noticed that my iPhone 5 (not 5S) went from about 90% battery to 55% battery overnight--with no apps open. And since iOS 7, I've disabled background app updates, disabled location services for all but about 4 apps, disabled motion, etc. I also tend to never leave any apps open when I'm done for the day. Anyway, during the second night, my phone went from 40% to about 35%. I suspected that iOS 7.1 may have affected the battery calibration but perhaps not the actual life between charges.
    I then turned on the phone, set it to not sleep, and let it completely use up the battery charge and to turn itself off. It took a very long time--more evidence of a calibration issue. I then completely charged the phone. Since then, it appears that not only is the battery calibration correct again, but the actual battery life might be a little longer after iOS 7.1. I'm now seeing about an 8% to 10% drop in battery charge overnight which is what I had before iOS 7.1.
    I'm not saying that users who are reporting decreased battery life are wrong. I can only report my own experience.

    I love all the Tips out there to save Battery life, turn this off turn this down when the bottom line is you shouldnt have to turn anything off or down because those things are why you bought an Apple iPhone, how about Apple fixes there crap right the 1st time instead of ripping us off,
    And another thing Apple should reveal there iPhone 6 on what the heck there going to release , whats with all this bullcrap all the time that its a big secret....
    Im really getting sick of this Company...

  • Ios 5 caused awful battery life. HELP!!

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    I've had the same problem since upgrading to iOS 5.  I did a Google search and came across a post by someone that did some troubleshooting to find the source of the problem.  The issue appears to be with iCloud.  For some reason it runs a constant data stream to the phone and drains the battery at the same time.  I had to turn off my cellular data connection because iOS 5 somehow burned through 90% of my 200mb data plan in 2 days. I deleted the iCloud account from my phone this morning, so we'll see if that has any effect next time I'm on wi-fi.

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    I"m not at all sure what is the problem when you are describing your battery as holding its charge for 12 hours???
    How long do you want your device to hold its battery charge???
    Please see this article for tips on conserving battery charge. But PLEASE if you are looking for a device to hold its charge for LONGER than 12 hours I would suggest an android.
    Good luck!

  • The new ipod touch update iOS 5 drains my battery life how can I fix it

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    Did you try to set it up as new device without using the latest backup?
    How to back up your data and set up as a new device

  • I updated both iPad and iPhone to iOS 7.06. Battery lif goes extremely fast, maybe a tenth of what it was.

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    On my iPad 3, I noticed with the update to iOS 7.0.6 that it turned on features by default that I had previously turned off, such as Bluetooth. You might want to check to see if active features are now turned on that you previously turned off. Some of them, like Bluetooth, will cause an additional drain on the battery.

  • Will apple fix the ios 5.0.1 battery life soon?

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    Durring my observation I notice i had my ipad sideways and turned on my ipad and i heard a camera sound out of knowhere. Ipad 1 dosent have a camera and i dont have any apps that deals with camers? Just wanted to put that out there.

    These are user-to-user forums, they are not monitored by Apple (there are too many forums/threads/messages for that to happen). If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so here :
    I haven't noticed any battery issues on my first gen iPad with iOS 5.0.1 (nor on 5.0 before that). Have you tried a reset to see if that helps (press and hold both the home and sleep buttons for 10 to 15 seconds until the Apple logo appears), and/or gone through a charge cycle (charge to 100%, run it down so that it powers off, and then re-charge to 100%) ?
    In terms of the camera sound, if you briefly press both the home and sleep buttons then a screenshot is taken - if you look in the Saved Photos album in the Photos app you should find a shot of whatever was on your screen at the time.

  • 5 days old iPhone 5 iOS 6.1.4 battery life please help

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    You have to tell us what your usage pattern is like, what your reception/signal strength is, and what network type you are using (E/3G/4G/LTE)
    To note, the more the screen is on (in long intervals 2+ minutes) the shorter the battery life is.
    Streaming music over 3G will last 6 hours if the screen stays off for most of that time.
    Email, messages, web browsing will last most of the day.
    Since you have GSM, your phone should last 10 hours with light usage.

  • 5S GSM ios 8.1.2 Battery Life rapidly draining

    Hi All,
    This one is a true case of a phone with zero potentail (electrically)
    OK, I've done the rounds on this one, whereby I'm just adding to the list of complaints so that (hopefully) the powers that be, or not, in my phones case, might listen.
    Since updating my just over 12 month old 5s to 8.1.2, it has turned into a bag of spanners in respect of its battery life. Its literally gone from 24 or so hours between charges to less than 8 !!
    I have tried shutting all the apps down and even had it sitting in full airplane mode, where i've left it alone with the screen off, yet its dropping around 1% every 3 to 4 minutes, blinding!! Checked battery usage in settings after 30 minutes, guess what standby 29 minutes usage 1 minute
    Also tried the full restore, but to no avail, still a bag of spanners!
    Does anyone on here remeber the good old days of a fixed land line, where the phone actually had to be plugged into the wall before you could actually use it?
    Nothing like a bit of retro ay, but some how I cant see this one catching on Mr Apple. Thanks

    There is no Apple here to read this.
    If you want Apple set up an appointment with the genius bar and take your phone and have it looked at.

  • It's not my imagination. iOS 6 is depleting battery life at a much faster rate

    I own a black 32GB iPhone 4S. Being a fairly new apple customer ( my first smart phone 4s in feb 2012) I can't say enough about how great I feel apples products are. Top quality all the way and worthy of a higher price than any so called competitors devices. My only complaint is the addiction level that comes with these great devices. My phone is in mint condition having never left its case except for cleaning. However after updating to iOS6 my battery life is depleting much faster. Auto brightness is off with setting at half. Location services are off. Everything and all settings are set the same as always to minimize unessesary activity. Yesterday after unplugging my phone at 7am by 4:00pm it was at 1%. The last 20% was intentional to give it another complete charge which I do once a month for battery maintenance. Usage was just like any average day and I usually plug my phone in at night with anywhere between 20-56% left. This morning I unplugged it at 6am and by 8am it lost 3% with no usage. Not sure why but I'm OCD on all my electronic devices ( studio equipment included) so I am hyper aware of there operating condition. So this happening why?  I have noticed a significant improvement in web page load times as well. Is this increased speed drain faster?  Just a long winded observation. Hope an update can fix this.   

    Hotspot functionality is entirely dependent upon the carrier.
    Do they support Hotspot?
    Is the account properly provisioned for the feature?

  • Ios 7.1 and battery life

    Since downloading the software over a week ago my phone battery life has significantly decreased. This morning it was just under 100% and now it's at 12% despite having my bluetooth off, location services, notifications, screen brightness etc all switched off.
    Really disappointed that to speak with apple tech support I have to pay £25! I wish there was a way I could go back to the old version.
    Anyone else experiencing this issue!?!

    I didn't notice any difference. Battery life on both 7.1 and 7.1.1 is better than I ever had before.

  • 3Gs on ios 5.0.1 battery life way down, really tried everything

    My trusted 3GS is very ill...
    Symptoms: High temperature and very short batter life.
    When: since 2 weeks.  For the best I can say, it was triggered when I spent 2 days at a rural area with poor coverage and in the border between Belgium (home network: "BASE") and France (the phone was jumping between home and roaming every hour)
    Installed both 5.0 and 5.0.1 and they release dates, so it is not directly triggered by the update, although it can be related.
    Treatment so far:
    Soft reset, Hard-reset
    Complete removal of a new Exchange account, which is not yet re-introduced. All other exchange/email accounts have been working perfectly for over 2 years.
    Full Restore!!
    Best hint at problem so far:
    Logs say  Every 3 seconds:  - CommCenter [16] (Notice): Client[[dataaccessd,54]] is telling PDP context 0 to goactive.
    Could not find anything relevant (that is, recent) about this problem on the net.
    Others: This happens even when connected to WifI, my provider supports 3G perfectly on my area.

    An update on this.
    I traced the battery issue on having PUSH enabled for my old Exchange account.
    Note I still have another exchange account + yahoo + icloud  + gmail all with Push enabled, and the battery is perfectly fine now.
    So the whole issue seems related to a recurrent synchronization problem. However it is hard to diagnosis this when the only entry on the log remains the 2s recurrent phone-global message:
    Client[[dataaccessd,54]] is telling PDP context 0 to goactive.
    I agree one must hide technical complexities in the name of user friendliness, but adequate (deep) error reporting remains important ... at least for those users that the technical know how and will to dig deeper.

  • IPod Touch 5th gen suddenly has terrible battery life after updating to ios 8.0.2!

    I updated to ios 8.0.2 around 2 weeks ago and bam! the next day I wake up and use my ipod (I usually leave it on during the night, and battery is still good) and it's down to 50%, then to 20% later! And now the battery is terrible! it goes down much faster than before! I have bluetooth and all the battery killer stuff off before, so my battery was really good...and now it's horrible!
    Have you guys experienced this? Any solutions? Is this some bug?

    Try: life/ 1
    Boost Your iOS 8 Device's Battery Life With This Simple Trick
    % battery is not accurate on an iPod. The test is how long can you play a video on a full charge (charging fro at least 6 hours). The norm is 4-5 hours
    Also update to 8.1.1

  • Why is my battery life shorter on my ipad after downloading iOS 7.02?

    Since downloading IOS 7.02 the battery life on my Ipad 2 is much shorter. Any suggestions?

    See the following:

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