Ios 7 calendar second alert

ios calendar obviously has this alert function for upcoming events. Now, no matter whom I ask, evrybody tells me that there also is an second alert function. Accordingly, I set a standard alert only to find that a second alert window would not pop up. With my friends phone setting up second alert function is not a problem at all.
I do not know why the interface differs on my iphone??!
I am looking forward to reading your cmnts - thx in advance

It seems that there are quite a few glitches in iOS 7. So far the typical solution is going intot he settings and turning the sliders off and then on again for the applicable glitch.  In your case go to settings, then to mail, contacts, calendars.  Try turning off your calendars. When asked if you want to remove it, confirm and wait for it to finish. Then slide it back on again to add it back.
You may also want to check your default calendar by scrolling further down in the same settings area. Make sure your default calendar is the one you want if you have more than one calendar. For me it appears that an outlook calendar only supports one alert. When I put my default calendar to gmail I got my two alerts back.
As a side note A lot of my preferences got changed when I went to ios7. I'd go through all of them. Turn off the stuff you don't need. In my case Bluetooth, push notifications and background app refresh are things I modified back to my previous settings.  PS. I also turned on reduce motion to get rid of the constant zooming.

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    Settings > Mail Contacts, Calendars.
    Scroll down to Calendars and this sets default alert times.
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    Either turn off default alert time or set the default alert time to when you want you want & don't add alert to the event when you create it

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    tammy313 wrote:
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    See the longer discussion of this issue at:
    It is unresolved. Please send a bug report to Apple at:

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