Ios 8 Video Scrubbing

Running IOS 8.1. I have an issue when using safari. When a video plays, you cant see how much of the video has loaded. There no longer is a scrubbing bar. Once the video has reached the point of where it hasn't loaded to, the video is set into a loop. It will loop the last couple of seconds and never resume playing the video. This happens with all different sites. The frame freezes and never resumes. I end up having to stop the video and try restarting from the point that it stopped at. This is the most frustrating update on IOS 8. This needs to be fixed immediately.

I Believe it's an iOS 8 problem. Didn't have that in iOS 7. It's super annoying. maybe apple is trying to help the service provider earn more money. Cause like in Singapore we only have 4gb data contract. So without the loading bar, u would think that the video is fully downloaded and play video. And u start using more data. Also another big problem, if u use safari, and u tab a link and go to another tab, when u return to the tab, it will refresh. What I notice, comparing previous safari settings, there was a cache but with iOS 8 safari did without the cache, so that u will need to refresh and use more data. this in turn would use alot more data thus helping service provider make more money. Starting to make me hate iphone. apple better fix it soon... It's starting to annoy me and i hope it starts to annoy everyone so that our voice could make a difference.

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    - Nick

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    Hi, Jack:
    My answers are based on what I have done:
    other than stageWebView, you can load native player from native UIWebview, and probably (I guess) directly open a video players.
    If you do it from UIWebview, you can have the full access control of the video player, and interaction between Flex and Objective-c is also supported.
    Regarding what we can do with the native player, I say we can do anything we want if it's loaded on the UIWebview.
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  • Video scrubbing iOS 8
    if u watch this video It is the same problem I have and It is annoying I've reported this to apple a few times before the updates Of 8.0.2 and 8.1 and still no fix

    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.  
    I understand you are experiencing an issue with your iPhone restarting and a native app unexpectedly closing.  Here are the steps that I recommend for this issue.  
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Jason H.

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    I had the same problem(I couldn´t see myself neither the other person, but the other person could see me).
    I have solved it doing this:
    Log into your Gmail account > Settings > Labs. Enable Video Chat Enhancement lab. Save change. Restart Gmail. Test video.
    And now I can see myself and the other person.

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    Yes, it's definitely possible to play video from a server on iOS.
    This page contains code that works: r/
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    Yes its possible.
    Adobe® Flash® Media Server is a real-time media server that delivers adaptive bit rate video on demand (vod) and live video to Adobe® Flash® Player, Adobe® AIR™, Adobe® Flash® Lite™, Apple® iOS, and Mac OS®
    You will get more infomation from ew.pdf

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    Hi Daniel,
    I used flash cs3 Pro
    steps involved were:
    create new as2 document
    set document width, height and frame rate appropriate to the video file you are converting
    select file>import>import to stage
    select your video file from the os file dialog
    in the import video wizard click next
    select embed video in swf and play in the timeline
    click next
    In the embedding step
    symbol type as embedded video
    audio track as integrated
    left checked place instance on stage
    expand timeline if needed
    embed the entire video (up to you really)
    click next
    In the encoding stage
    I ignored the profile tab and clicked on video tab
    on the video codec select Sorenson Spark from the dropdown
    the rest of the setting here are dependant on your video requirements
    on the audio tab I  selected 160 kbs as my desired bitrate
    Crop and resize are again dependant on what you want from your file
    click next
    click finish
    When the encode is finished I published my swf as flash player 8 (not sure if this matters much)
    In director I then simply import the swf (standard import), placed as a single span sprite on the score and added a go  to the frame script in the frame script channel, then published to test on IOS
    Hope this helps

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    Any other solutions out there? Thanks!

    That will work if you don't mind using the simulator and PhoneFinger.
    You might try iSimulate which has worked for me in the past and you can always do what the pros do and point a video camera at the screen on the device. Apple uses an overhead camera for tech lectures, etc.

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    I think you're right about asking where the files are stored. DV is actually pretty compressed, so although the files are not that large (relative to less compressed video such as 10 bit or HD or worse, 10 bit HD) the processors are working hard to decompress the DV so it can be understood.
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    All of the above is why workflow in HD is pretty important and why in many cases original HD media is often converted to a less compressed format before proceeding with the edit. Also why many editing systems use RAID systems with ample throughput such as Firewire 800 at the least, eSATA, or better yet, SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) - so tell us more about your setup. Thanks, Stephen

  • 3.1.2 Video Scrubbing Crash

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    I checked the ipod it seemed fine. The new photos were there and everything. So I update to 3.1.2. At the end, it says "This ipod was proviosly synced, what do you want to do?" and I had to restore it from the most recent backup (that it made when I ran the above sync).
    It restored, and everything seemed fine. But the sync as it always does, forgot where I was in the middle of some videos I hadn't finished watching.
    When I try to fast forward.... or "Scrub" .. I don't see the little silver knob highlight, it skips forward and displays a single frame from later in the video, and instantly crashes back to the home screen. I tried it on a number of videos, same result. I tried rebooting, no joy.
    Anyone else experience this, or have any ideas of what I can try?

    Figured out a workaround. I deleted all the movies off the iPod, and re-transferred them. Now scrubbing works fine.

  • Video scrubbing on 5gen ipod...

    Just got my ipod yesterday- 30 gig black- i've already put some movies on it but was disappointed by the sluggish scrubbing controls in the video feature. It goes sooo slow, almost the same speed as real time. Trying to skip to halfway in a 70 min movie file would take literally half an hour. do we need to tell apple to bump up the scrubbing speed? i also own an archos gmini and when you scrub it starts out slow and gets faster- i tried this on the ipod with no success. i guess my question is, is it just my video file, or does this happen with everyone?

    No problem. This is my fist iPod also. (Only got it for the video option as I don't normally "carry my music around with me.") Had it since Friday evening and have been "playing with it" almost non-stop since then
    btw do you know if there is an automatatic resume function?
    Yes there is. Simply press the pause (bottom) button on the wheel. If you then repeatedly press the menu (top) button and navigate back to the top level menu, you will find a new option add to the list -- "Now Playing." Selecting this option and pressing the center of the wheel will immediately return you to the running movie. If you again press the pause button and follow up by pressing the menu button a single time, you will be transported back to the top level menu with the new location in the movie now "bookmarked" to the "Now Playing" option.
    Be advised, however, that if you start watching another movie and press the pause button, you lose the bookmark for your first movie. In addition, if you fail to press the pause button before pressing the menu button, you will lose the bookmark altogether. Re-syncing the iPod while bookmarked also clears the bookmark.
    Hope this helps and enjoy the new iPod...

  • IOS   video   delete

    Has anyone been able to delete a video from the video library in the iOS version 2.0 of iMovie? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to delete videos from here. I can find how to delete them from the Theater menu, but not the Video menu. HELP!!

    If you sync video, you cannot delete it straight from iMovie.
    You need to use iTunes and un-sync it.
    If you shot video directly with device within iMovie Project, you can manage local media by doing this:
    In iMovie iOS Project
    In Project Timeline DELETE CLIPS that you no longer need
    Open Video Bin
    Tap "All" icon
    Tap "Manage local Media"
    Tap Done
    In the Video Bin you will see two icons to the right of all clips you shot locally on device and those you imported via iMovie Sharing function in iTunes.
    Red icon is a trash can. Tap it. Clip is now gone.
    If you attempt to delete in Video Bin before removing your clips in Timeline, you will get a warning saying that you are about to delete clips that are in USE

  • Video scrubbing too coarse

    I have a collection of mp4 videos that are relatively short (less than 10 secs) and want to have finer control when scrubbing. The scrubbing on Quicktime Player is exactly what I want. Is there some way to get MPMoviePlayerController to give me finer control? On the iPad scrubbing seems to operate in 1 second increments, but on the Mac Quicktime Player I get per frame control.

    I have tried this. The drop down only ever shows "Hi Speed Scrubbing". My guess is the the videos are too short for the half/quarter/fine stuff to kick in. I do see the other options when viewing a longer video. Could this be a property of the video?

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