IP address of the client

Hi, I'm using Oracle Portal 3.0.9
I trie to get the IP Adress of the client.
There are some functions in portal30, which returns the ip adress
of the client like :
and more.
But all the functions return the ip adress of my server.
What's wrong ?
Can somebody help's me ?
Thanks Carsten

May be it's something between des servlet and the executed pl/sql-procedure or with session-management?
I've got the same/following problems:
I granted execution for portal30.wwctx_api and portal30_sso.wwctx_api to Public.
A PL/SQL-Portlet checks with the following code if user is logged on
if wwctx_api.is_logged_on then
     m_userip := portal30_sso.wwctx_api.get_ip_address;
     m_userip := portal30.wwctx_api.get_ip_address;
end if;
Case 1:
"User is logged on"
a) portal30.wwctx_api.get_ip_address gives back the server-ip.
b) portal30_sso.wwctx_api.get_ip_address gives back the client-ip.
Case 2:
"User is logged on and afterwards logged off and stays in the same browser session (IE5)"
a) portal30.wwctx_api.get_ip_address gives back the server-ip.
b) portal30_sso.wwctx_api.get_ip_address gives back the client-ip.
Case 3:
"User is not logged on / anonymous and in an new browser session."
a) portal30_sso.wwctx_api.get_ip_address gives back an error ("User defined Exception").
b) portal30.wwctx_api.get_ip_address gives back the server-ip.
I've also tried the following, but always get the server-ip:
3) m_IPADDRESS := wwv_util.getip;
So, my conclusion is that may be the page-engine sees server as client?
Or maybe there's something wrong with Session-Cookies? Sees there has to be cookie at the client.
Can someone give me a hint if there is a workaround?
Regards Joerg.

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    SowmyRaj wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am trying to get the IP address of the Client machine and using the code
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    SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') should give you the IP address of the machine from which the client is connected. So you are running sqlplus from Server?
    To check other session's information, you can check V$SESSION view.

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    SowmyRaj wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am trying to get the IP address of the Client machine and using the code
    but this query only return server ip address but i want Client machine IP .
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    SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') should give you the IP address of the machine from which the client is connected. So you are running sqlplus from Server?
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    Hi Brad,
    Go to webdynpro application, of the created webdynpro component, there u find the URL ,the  host name.
    after that add that hostname in c:
    windowssystem32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
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    I think you cannot get the IP address of the client if he uses a proxy server.
    Hope to hear good news from others.

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    Unless the application that is connecting to the database is recording the original client's IP address, Oracle has no way of knowing where the actual client connection is coming from. As far as Oracle is concerned, it only knows about the Citrix box.
    It's the same problem in any 3-tier architecture. The database tier has no idea what client tier machine caused the middle tier to open a connection.
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    Use the below without Proxy detection:
        String ipaddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
    with Proxy detection:
        if (request.getHeader("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") == null) {
            String ipaddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
        } else {
            String ipaddress = request.getHeader("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");

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    Hi Mukunt,
    There is no portable way to do this in the Remote EJB programming model. The bean class
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    CLD (2014)
    Go to Solution.

    Allright, I think I've found somthing.
    Among the Web Wervices VIs, there is a VI called Read Request Variable. One of the variables that you can read is Remote Address and I think this will give you the IP Address. To use these VIs you'll have to use the streaming method of getting data instead of reading terminals (as the example does).
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    Take a look at: http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/2.2/javadoc/index.html and check for the ServletRequest Interface.
    Be aware also if your web server is using proxy, proxyReverse and so because you could end getting the servers' IP and not client one.

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    >You could be getting the IP address of a proxy
              Yes I know this, and since it's for an Internet application I don't care
              about their private address... the IP address of their NAT gateway is fine.
              the HTTP header field is "X-Forwarded-For" for those who would look for
              > Even if you could get an IP address from the client it is not always going
              > to be the real IP address. You could be getting the IP address of a proxy
              > server or some other intermediate network device. So different users would
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              > headers and one of them might be the IP Address
              > Dave
              > "Luc Dewavrin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
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              >> i know it is a common issue but I haven't found any answer in the forum.
              > I would like to get the remote IP address of a client in a servlet. There's
              > Apache server with Weblogic module used in the architecture of our web
              > application. The getRemoteAddress method of ServletRequest class only
              > returns the IP address of Apache. Is the remote address stored in the HTTP
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    Not a problem,
    BTW don't blame me if it doesn't work, as I've found with Java, it never quite works how the documentation says it should.
    I would check that it return the actual IP address and not the IP for localhost.

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    Create an object that describes each client. Something like:
    public class Client
        private Socket socket;
        private WhatEver whatEverDataYouNeed;
        ...whatever methods you need...
    }When a client connects create one of those objects and store it in a suitable data structure, e.g. LinkedList. When a client disconnects remove from list.
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