Ipad games to macbook

Can I download ipad games to my MacBook Pro?

iOS applications can be put into an iTunes library but not run on a computer.

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  • Can i use Ipad games to macbook?

    i bought a game from appstore for my ipad2 and ive heard that I can download the same game for five more Times for free and ive been thinking can i use tht for macbook.Its actually silly but is that possible?

    There is no limit for re-downloading the app, the 5 limit is how many computers you can have your iTunes account authorised on at any one time. And no you can't use the app on your Mac (OS X), the iPad (iOS) is a different operating system and they are not compatible.

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    as for playing iOS games on your computer no...not unless the game developer also makes a Mac OSX version.  as for purchasing apps on your computer...as long as you are getting them through iTunes and they are for iOS then there should be no problem, just sync you iDevice like normal, but again they have to be iOS Apps and not for your mac.  So dont go into the Mac app store....make sure you go to itunes and find your iOS apps from there.

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    Melbourne, Australia

    You cannot merge accounts.

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    This talks about iTunes 10, but it should work the same way in iTunes 11. Transferring purchases for an iDevice to your Mac.
    It should be File>Devices>Transfer Purchases, I think
    You must be using the same Apple ID in iTunes on your Mac that your son is using on the Mini or the movie will not transfer.

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    If you do a 2nd item the other items stop loading and never continue!!
    This is so BAD, I don't understand how they don't have this fixed yet!!
    Please tell me I am not the only one!!
    ...and If I am tell me how to fix it!
    Very appreciated,

    Everything is updated!!  iPhone, iPad, iTunes and MacBook Pro...  All I am trying to do is drag content from my iTunes Library to the devices.  iTunes gets stuck EVERY single time!  What usually triggers the Non-Sense is when I am adding a 2nd file!
    Why does iTunes SUCK??
    1) Many items greyed out in the menu bar, for well over 2 years, maybe more!
    2) I Can't drag more than one piece of content from your iTunes library to any device (iPhone, iPad)
    If you do it gets stuck for HOURS and HOURS in "Preparing To Update" and the little activity circle never completes, ever!!
    I used to be able to drag over 1000 tunes, movies, etc. go have breakfast come back and it would all be on my device!!
    Can't do it anymore, one song at a time, maybe an album at a time, or one movie, and that is it!!
    If you do a 2nd item the other items stop loading and never continue!!
    This is so BAD, I don't understand how they don't have this fixed yet!!
    Please tell me I am not the only one!!
    ...and If I am tell me how to fix it!
    Very appreciated,

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    If you purchased Lion for your iMac, just log into the Mac App Store from your MacBook using the Apple ID under which you purchased Lion and go to the Purchases page. You will be able to download and install Lion there. 
    searching the internet i found a link to upgrtade to 10.7
    The only place you get get Lion is from the Mac App Store. If you found some other site, that was an illegal copy and almost certainly tied to someone else's Apple ID and hence unusable by you. If the link was just to the Mac App Store, see above.
    As to the problem with synchronization to iCloud, that's not a 10.6 question, so I'd suggest you take up that specific issue in either the Lion or iCloud forums, providing full details, and someone there can probably help you sort things out.

  • I am working in a school.   Last year we had one ipad cart (holding 30 ipads) with one macbook to work with.   This year we purchased a second Ipad cart (another 30 ipads) but not the second macbook.   Can I use this same macbook to sync all 60 ipads?

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    In theory everything that you are saying sounds right to me.
    I am not sure at all what the limitations are when using the iPad in education as far as how many iPads can sync to one iTunes account. I am going to take a stab in the dark here and guess that you can sync up to 49 iPads with one Mac and one iTunes account since the device that I found has 49 ports. How's that for an obvious guess?
    But seriously, I don't how Apple treats volume licensing with a single iTunes account in education. You were using 30 iPads this past school year so we know that's not a problem. The device that I found has 49 ports so we assume that 49 iPads are OK as well. You would have to check with Apple as to what the limitations/rules arefor using a single iTunes account.
    There has to be a way to sync as many iPads as you have students in those classes or the iPad in education would not be a viable option. What I don't know about is how you go about paying for that volume license or how it is implemented.
    For personal use, you can use up to 10 devices with a single Apple ID/iTunes account. No more than 5 of those devices can be computers.

  • How to transfer songs from an iPad onto a MacBook Pro?

    So I recently purchased a MacBook Pro. Before that though, I had a windows laptop and an iPad mini. The iPad mini was synced to the windows laptop, which broke. I then set up an iTunes account for my Mac with the same apple ID as I'd previously used, and made purchases on the iTunes Store on my Mac.
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    Any ideas on how to sync my iPad with my MacBook without losing anything?

    Your i-device was not designed for unique storage of your media. It is not a backup device and media transfer was planned with you maintaining a master copy of your media on a computer which is itself independently backed up against loss. To use a device with a new computer you transfer the content from the old computer (or its backup) directly to the new computer, not the device to the new computer. Media syncing is one way, computer to device, updating the device content to the content on the computer, not updating or restoring content on a computer. The exception is iTunes Store purchases which can be transferred to a computer. iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1848 - only purchases from iTunes Store For transferring other items from an i-device to a computer you will have to use third party commercial software. See this document by turingtest2: Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device - https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3991

  • How do I transfer audiomemos on ipad to my macbook pro

    I have been using audiomemo vs 3.1.7 on ipad.  trying to sync or transfer my audio records to macbook pro.  Tried in itunes but cannot find a way to transfer over.

    I'm sorry did not work. When I attach my ipad to MacBook Pro-iTunes is open.  
    1st iPhoto pops up and does its loading. It recognizes my device on left col but there no tab to select music. This only shows my photos & some videos I made as I look around in iPhoto.
    iTunes is open. So i select music (from a drop down)
    No where is there a way to  check "include voice memos"
    I looked all around still could not find that selection!
    I even selected Apps from drop down scrolled down to bottom - nada.
    I hope I am making it clear what I see & happens is not same as you - any help is appreciated I need those audio memos downloaded  from my ipad to my MacBook they are too large to email. Thanks

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    Only one of my earbuds on my bose headphones works with my ipad, iphone and macbook- if I hold them there the right earbud will work, but for the life of me, I can't get them to both work. Why is this? And is Apple doing anything about this? While Apple's headphones have (finally) admittedly gotten better of late, I still prefer the much more comfortable headphones & sound quality that Bose makes and that I spent the money for.

    Bose Product Support

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    Can someone connect in FaceTime if they are using a friends Macbook Pro, yet, doens't have an Apple ID??  For example, I have an IPAD and a Macbook Pro.  Can I connect to FaceTime on my Macbook Pro and connect with a friend using my IPAD????

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  • How can I play iPad games like Clash of Clans on my iMac or MBP

    I have watched a bunch of videos on YouTube that allegedly state that by installing an application such as (but not limited to) XCode I can play iPad games on my Macs. I have not been able to get ANYTHING to work. Has Apple or any 3rd party ever came up with a way to play IOS games on OSX? Xcode specifically was stated in the videos as only being able to run on OSX 10.7 or later. Another video said that it requires 10.8.4 or later. I run 10.8.5. After the 30 minute download and install (big file) it told me that my OSX was not compatible with the application. I got Xcode from the App store.

    Thank you xcfdanyboy; however, I already checked out this guys youtube video (blip.tv/simonvideo). The problem for me is I do not have a google account, and will never voluntarily give google any information about me that would be needed to secure a google account. I do not even visit youtube using the traditional internet (WWW). I have not and will never again trust google after they released their updated "privacy" policy on March 1 2011 (or 2012). I do not even their search engine any more (sadly because I loved it).
    I will check out your 2nd suggestion. Thank you again for responding to me though.
    Nope, the 2nd suggestion also requires me to divulge info to google. Thank you again for both of your suggestions, they will just not work for me. I guess I may be relegated to playing on my Lady's game on her Ipad unless I buy my own Ipad some day. Although I really do not want to drop another $700+ for another Ipad simply so I can play a free game. Who knows.

  • ICloud - have two iPads and one Macbook and want to sync reminders on all three

    iCloud - have two iPads and one Macbook and want to sync reminders on all three. I have managed to get the Macbook and one iPad to sync, but wjat about the other iPad?

    First check that all your settings are correct, that reminders syncing (calendars on a computer) is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the reminders you are adding are added to your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone'  or other non iCloud account (you can do this by checking in accounts on an iOS device by tapping the icon with three lines in the top left corner of the screen, or the right side panel by clicking on the small triangle to the right of the word 'Reminders' in iCal on a computer), non iCloud reminders will not sync.
    If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your reminders are in the iCloud group, you might try unchecking reminders syncing (calendars syncing on a computer) in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling notes syncing.

  • How can i transfer my music files from iPad 2 to MacBook Pro?

    I got my mp3 files from PC and transfer to iPad 2. it works good.
    And I want to transfer this mp3 files from iPad to MacBook Pro.
    I don't know how to do it and it seems like I should 'buy some tranfer program from other website'.
    Should it word that way? or iTunes program can't deal this issue?
    I have changed some music file information (such as Album, Artist, etc) of mp3 files in iPad from iTune in MacBook. Of course, the iPad was connected to the MacBook. However after I disconnected the iPad from the Mac, those changes were not shown in the iPad (edited album name, artist name...). When I connect the iPad to the Mac again, I can see the changes in iTune in the Mac.
    Another issue.
    Does Anybody know how to set calendar from Japanese calendar to Gregorian calendar in iPad 2? When I setup the iPad first time, I might choose wrong calendar but I can't change/see the calendar option from iPad settings...
    I have been used PC for 20 years but to transfer myself to Apple, it's not easy....
    Issue 1 - music file transfer from iPad 2 to MacBook Pro
    Issue 2 - music file info udate in iPad 2 through MacBook and it doen's implied after disconnected.
    Issue 3 - Change calendar from Japanese to Gregorian in iPad 2
    Please advise,
    Have a great day!!

    A free app that can deal with music files is Songbird.
    There are two paid apps that can transfer just about any type of file; TouchCopy and PhoneView

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