Ipad limits on activesync folder size

i have a senior user with a brand new 32GB ipad 3g, active sync set to an exchange 2010 server. This user has approx 15-20K messages in his sent, going back to 2006. On the device, he has no limits set for manual sync on his email. What is happening is that after the initial sync of his SENT folder, it stops syncing, usually 2 or 3 days. Are there any limits on folder size, or message count, in iOS. There is plenty of space on the iPad hardware.

I don't know about limits on S40 based phones like the 6230i or 6280, but it doesn't apply to all phones and certainly not any Symbian/S60 based phone.
On S60 based devices you can install as many apps (games or otherwise) using as many MB as you have storage space available. You can also run as many apps simultaneously as you have run-time memory (RAM) available (and switch freely between them).
S60 devices (also non-Nokia):

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    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

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    There's no direct way to set a limit on a folder size.
    The 'simplest' method I can think of is to create partitions on your disk of the appropriate sizes and share these - they will have inherent size limits based on the size of the partition. It's a little messier but should solve your issue.
    :: thinking :: you might be able to use disk images rather than partitions, although I've never tried sharing a mounted disk image, and you'd need to address automounting the disk images when the server starts, so it might not be viable.

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    PowerShell does not support more than 260 char. If you cannot decrease the folder and file names, as workaround, please refer to the articles below to resolve the issue:
    .NET, PowerShell Path too Long Exception and a .NET PowerShell Robocopy Clone
    Best Regards,
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    Firstly, Thanks for taking the time to reply :-) 
    It's not that I want gazillions of apps, I just wanted to put more in each folder so I don't have to have multiple folders with similar names....Weather1, 2, 3,etc.... but I see your point and appreciate the thoughts.

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    I already pay apple for my iphone data
    You pay your carrier for data, not Apple.
    Why are there so many bad reviews
    Where? Regardless, there are always going to be a handful of people having some sort of issue with any given device, but I would not therefore assume that you would be one of them.

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    Outlook mailbox grows as you create and receive items. When you delete items, the size of the Outlook Data File (.pst and .ost) file might not decrease in proportion to the data that you deleted, untill it has been compacted.
    Normally, after you have deleted items from an Outlook Data File (.pst), the file will be automatically compacted in the background when you’re not using your computer and Outlook is running.
    For an exception, when the Outlook Data File (.pst) is somehow corrupt, the compaction might not finish correctly. So the size of the Outlook Data File (.pst) file might remain the same before compaction.
    To solve this, try run the
    scanpst to fix the Outlook Data File (.pst) file first, after that, we can
    manually start the compact command.
    When finished, compare the file size again.
    Max Meng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Finder won't display folder size in "Size" column or Info window

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    Why is this occurring in only this folder? Is it because it's a large folder or a folder with many subfolders?
    I'm running Snow Lep 10.6.2. The folder is on an external drive in FAT32 format. I've already tried deleting the "com.apple.finder.plist" file and rebooting.
    Thanks for any help.

    go to view menu->show view options and check the box 'calculate all sizes". then click "use as defaults".

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    Is this normal? Seems really odd that something so incredibly simple can make my archiving process so difficult.
    Files reside on a network HD.
    Thanks for any help.

    I'd create a disk image of appropriate size, mount it, copy items to it until it tells you there's no more room. Then, burn it.

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    Maybe this could be only one of several features (GUI) that could improve it's performance from being more "conscious" of the system natively provided "toolkit".
    Please, this is only my humble thouhgts on this, and please do shut me up if totally wrong!
    Hope to get some nice and interesting feedback from the OS X community!
    If there's a better spot to start this kind of discussion, please do mention it, i will appreciate it!
    Best regards.

    Properties. Short Cuts, Change Icon resolved the issue after restarting. Problem resolved.. Thank you for all the help Dwain

  • Maximum folder size in 10.5.2?

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    Has anyone had problems with these larger folders?
    My files are extremely important (clients' files) so safety and stability are more important to me than anything else (i.e. the simplicity of fewer partitions perhaps).
    Of course I could simply do a search for specs regarding this on Apple's website, but it would not indicate as to just how stable such huge folders have been for everyone.
    Thanks for any info on this.

    I went to
    And I did carefully read the Apple white paper but still no where do I see a maximum folder size for within a volume
    So I can only assume there is no maximum... that is... that you can actually have literally all of your files and folders in a volume within one folder even if it takes up 90% of the volume's/partition's space.
    I originally posted this because rather than reformatting a couple of my hard drives... I was considering moving a couple of the partitions contents (each with around 40 GB of important files) to a larger partition and place each partition's contents in to individual folders. In-other-words... moving two 40 GB partitions to two separate folders within another 100 GB + partition. Thereby freeing up two 40 GB partitions without having to reformat my drives.
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  • Why does Time Machine folder sizes exceed physical capacity?

    I have a MAC G3 Server Serving multiple MACs as a Storage, Media Server, and Time Machine storage. These other external MACs are all running Version 10.8.3. Only the Storage server is running 10.5.8.
    All of the extenal Macs use Time Machine to backup to the served Storage media volume called "Time Machine".
    The physical size of the "Time Machine" volume is 2.0 TB.
    Yet when I am on the G3 Server, and perform a "Get Info" on the "Time Machine" volume, and also the folder that contains the Server's backups, the stored capacities exceed the physical capacity of the drive to which the volume resides.
    The single physical drive is 2.0 GB and only has one partition called "Time Machine". In the root directory of this volume there is the one folder called Backups.backupdb, and a .sparsebundle DMG file for each of the remote systems that are bing backed up by Time Machine.
    Each of the sparsebundles are well below the dirve's physical capacity, but both the local server's backup folder (Backups.backupdb) and the G3 server's local volume "Time Machine" show a used capcity that well exceeds the physical capacity of the drive on which it resides.
    For example, here is the information from "Get Info" on the Backups.backupdb folder on the "Time Machine" volume when viewed from all systems:
    Kind: Folder
    Size: 3,456,930,478,415 bytes (3.46 TB on disk) for 122,254 items
    But the Physical Volume "Get Info" shows this:
    Kind: Volume
    Capacity: 2.0 TB
    Available: 169.92 GB
    Used: 3,456,930,478,415 bytes (3.46 TB on disk) for 122,254 items
    (NOTE: this is identical to the size
    My guess is that there is some sort of deduplication involved.
    If so, I would like to know the type of deduplication is performed?
    Is it File Level deduplication, Block Level, or Content Level?
    Also, is the deduplication inhererant on the volume (File System) level, or only specifically for Time Machine, via symbolic links?
    Thank you in advance.
    Jeff Cameron

    This is due to the way Time Machine stores files. While there is only one copy of each version of each file stored, there are multple links to that file, and each link is reported in Get Info at its restored size.
    How Time Machine Works its Magic

  • Folder size is twice that of its contents????

    Startup Disk > Users > Username
    My Username folder shows a folder size that is just about double the size of all of its visible folders.  I can see this when viewed in the Finder in List View with Folder Size Shown as my default View setting.    Any idea how I can figure out what is going on?

    Before I saw your reply, I emptied my trash and that brought the folder size down to what it should be to match its contents.  I should have remembered that.  None the less, I did what you suggested once I read your message and here it is:
    total 2240
    drwxr-xrwx  34 brad  503       1156 Feb 27 16:13 .
    drwxr-xr-x   7 root  admin      238 Dec  1 08:00 ..
    -r--------   1 brad  503          7 Dec  1 07:48 .CFUserTextEncoding
    -rw-r--r--@  1 brad  503      12292 Mar  1 16:22 .DS_Store
    drwx------   5 brad  503        170 Mar  1 16:42 .Trash
    drwxr-x--x   4 brad  503        136 Apr 19  2011 .adobe
    drwxr-xr-x@  3 brad  503        102 Apr 27  2011 .autodesk
    -rw-------   1 brad  503        546 Feb 15  2012 .bash_history
    drwxr-xr-x   6 brad  503        204 Aug 28  2014 .blurb
    drwx------   3 brad  503        102 Feb 27  2014 .cache
    drwxr-xr-x   4 brad  503        136 Feb 27  2014 .config
    drwx------   3 brad  503        102 Dec  6  2010 .cups
    -rw-r--r--   1 brad  503    1109647 Sep 23  2011 .fonts.cache-1
    drwxr-xr-x   2 brad  503         68 Jun 18  2013 .gs5
    drwxr-xr-x   3 brad  503        102 Sep  6  2011 .local
    -rw-r--r--   1 brad  503        239 Sep  6  2011 .mailcap
    -rw-r--r--   1 brad  503        368 Sep  6  2011 .mime.types
    drwxr-xr-x   3 brad  503        102 Dec 18  2012 .viewcd
    -rw-r--r--   1 brad  503         90 Apr 17  2013 .vuescanrc
    drwxr-xr-x   8 brad  503        272 Jun 26  2014 .wapi
    drwxr-xr-x   4 brad  503        136 Dec  4 12:23 Applications
    drwx------@  3 brad  503        102 Dec 20 11:44 Creative Cloud Files
    drwx---rwx@ 40 brad  503       1360 Mar  1 16:48 Desktop
    drwx---rwx+  7 brad  503        238 Nov 12 18:30 Documents
    drwx------+  3 brad  503        102 Feb 20 16:42 Downloads
    drwx------@  4 brad  503        136 Feb 22 22:43 Google Drive
    drwxrwxr-x   5 brad  admin      170 Dec  7 18:07 Incompatible Software
    drwx------+ 66 brad  503       2244 Mar  1 15:07 Library
    drwx------+  5 brad  503        170 Sep 21 19:42 Movies

  • Search on Folder size?

    Hi, everyone.
    When I use command-F to search in Finder, the Folder Size option doesn't seem to work at all. Whenever I type some number (ie, greater than 1 kb), nothing was found. Is this function broken? Nor does the Size of Application or the File pathname work also.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Hi Tempura
    I believe that both Mike and I haven't yet to experience a corrupt index. Certainly in one case, I initiated it myself.
    Although there appears a number have, if you analyse the postings, you find that more than not, the issues are not related to corrupt indexes.
    Many issues are simply not understanding Spotlight, setting the Preference pane improperly, not letting Spotlight do a proper and complete indexing, messing around with the System prefs, not running Disk Utility to repair permissions after installing, updating or revising applications and the OS, insufficient ram, trying to index CDs, DVDs, servers, etc.
    Personally, I find Spotlight amazing fast and accurate except when I have forgotten that I had adjusted the Preferance pane. I have tested various third-party products, and have tossed them out. Not that I don't share their unique functionalities, I just haven't found it to be advantageous to have them on board. Note that if you do install any third-party app, check to see how it may affect Tiger and all its utilities. There are some that will reset the preferences including Spotlight's and its ability to index.
    If you haven't as yet, Apple and The XLab (the book especially) have some great stuff on Spotlight that is well worth reading. I say this, because no doubt, Spotlight is not going away and the introduction of Leopard will advance it even further, e.g., as described (http://www.apple.com/macosx/leopard/spotlight.html), and certainly in Time Machine.
    Good luck

  • Sccm Client Cache folder size growing instead of limit set

    Hi Everyone.
    We have noticed that in our sccm environment, the cache folder size (under CCM path) in clients keeps increasing but however it should not as i believe the older contents automatically to be removed while downloading new contents.
    The cache folder to download the contents as by default set to 5GB and we haven't modified anything on that. 
    Please suggest us on this as it would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Jason,
    Yes. However we are using software distribution as well.
    We noticed recently this large size CCM folder (19GB) in one of our server as C drive is running out of space. 
    But when i looked at the contents inside that CCMCache folder, below are the findings.
    The content size of all the advertisements are around 18GB.
    The content size of software updates are around 1GB.
    MS KB patches, Service packs are pushed through software advertisement(present inside folder named as package ID. So it cannot be considered as software updates deployment right?
    Please suggest. Thanks.

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