Iphone 4 Apple ID unbekannt

Hallo Community,
habe vor kurzem auf dem Flohmarkt ein Apple-ID gesperrtes Iphone erstanden.
Habe mich schon bei der Polizei erkundigt.
Es ist nicht als gestohlen gemeldet!
Bevor ich mich nun für 35,- EUR an den Telefonsupport wende möchte ich gerne wissen ob man mir dort auch wirklich helfen kann und die Apple ID entfernen kann.
An den Verkäufer komme ich nun nicht mehr ran - dieser ist mir leider unbekannt.
Hat jemand schon mal Erfahrung damit gemacht?
Gruss und Danke schon mal für die Antwort

Hi, Dan323. 
The article below will walk you through the process of changing your Apple ID email address. 
Apple ID: Changing the email address you use for your Apple ID
Jason H. 

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  • Rio de Janeiro, 12 de Novembro de 2011. Assunto:  Garantia iPhone Apple 4 16G      Para  : Itautec  S/A - Área de Garantia iPhone Apple      Prezados, Venho por meio desta informar todos os Protocolos abertos na TIM / ITAUTEC para garantir os meus direito

    Rio de Janeiro, 12 de Novembro de 2011.
    Assunto:  Garantia iPhone Apple 4 16G
    Para  : Itautec  S/A - Área de Garantia iPhone Apple
    Venho por meio desta informar todos os Protocolos abertos na TIM / ITAUTEC para garantir os meus direitos. Meu telefone pifou no dia 28 de outubro e, desde então, estou sem serviço de telefonia móvel. Tentei restaurar via itunes e não tive sucesso. Só na minha família, utilizamos cinco linhas da TIM. Portanto, ficar sem o meu contato está me causando enormes despesas extras. Desde que informei à TIM do meu problema, há quase 15 dias, não tive uma solução. Os atendentes do SAC e da loja própria da TIM no shopping Rio Sul divergiram de conduta todas as vezes que liguei solicitando uma solução para o meu caso. Somente depois de inúmeras tentativas – como se pode ver abaixo, pelo número de protocolos , fui contactado pela área responsável pela garantia do iPhone como deveria proceder.
    De todo modo, já acionei meu advogado, que está ciente de todas as minhas tentativas de comunicação com a TIM /ITAUTEC para resolver meu problema. O iPhone não é um aparelho barato – inclusive, ainda estou pagando por ele – e, como consumidor, estou me sentindo extremamente lesado e mal orientado. Tenho cinco aparelhos da Apple e, em todas as ocasiões em que necessitei suporte da autorizada da empresa no Brasil, fui prontamente atendido. Lamento não estar tento a mesma sorte com o iPhone 4 16G que comprei no Brasil e espero que, a partir de agora, tenha meu direito de consumidor preservado. Conforme solicitado, o aparelho está sendo sem nenhum acessório – confirmo, nenhum arranhão. Desde já, agradeço a atenção e a brevidade na solução.
    Seguem os números dos Protocolos :
    1.          TIM SAC  - 2011236846910, aberto no dia 28/10/2011 as 13:21 – Atendente Jane.
    2.          ITAUTEC 12159036, aberto na loja do Shopping Rio Sul as 19:37 – Atendente Tayllon TIM / junto ao atendente da ITAUTEC Josue – sem ser informado do número de Protocolo da Loja.
    3.          TIM SAC – 2011242336839, aberto no dia 05/11/2011 as 12:23 – Atendente Sandra.
    4.          TIM SAC–  2011242367992, aberto no dia 05/11/2001 as 12:23, solicitando a gravação do Protocolo 2011242336839 – Atendente Sandra.
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    7.          TIM SAC –  2011244042776, aberto no dia 07/11/2001 solicitando a gravação do Protocolo 2011244066887  – Atendente Debora.
    8.          ANATEL – 16059332011, aberto no dia  08/11/2011 informando o descaso da TIM em relação ao Protocolo 2011236846910, aberto no dia 28/10/2011 as 13:21 pela  atendente Jane.
    9.          TIM na Loja do Shopping Rio Sul – 2011244949863, aberto no dia 08/11/2011 as 18:58, solicitando informações sobre o Protocolo com a Itautec de número 12159036.
    10.          TIM SAC – Protocolo não informado, aberto no dia 10/11/2011 – Atendente Nilse , tendo a ligação pederdida.
    11.          TIM SAC  - 2011246801430, aberto no dia 10/11/2011 as 22:04 – Atendente Alber
    12.          TIM SAC – 2011246815029, aberto no dia 10/11/2011 as 22:23, sem atendimento.
    13.          TIM SAC – 2011246820659, aberto no dia 10/11/2011 as 22:32, sem atendimento.
    14.          TIM SAC  - 2011246821405, aberto no dia 10/11/2011 as 22:34 – Atendente Leonardo.
    Este protocolo classificado como Base , originou mais 3 Protocolos, a saber:
    1.          Protocolo informando defeito do iPhone Apple 4 16G – 2011246833800.
    2.          Protocolo informando Reclamação pelo atendimento da Loja da TIM do Shopping Rio Sul Atendente / Gerente – 2011246837963, sobre o Protocolo 2011244949863.
    3.          Protocolo 2011246842552 solicitando a gravação do Protocolo  base e dos demais – 2011246821405.
    Fernando Alves de Oliveira
    Service Transition Management, Vale Account
    Hewlett-Packard Company
    Praça 15, nº 20 - 5º andar
    CEP 20010-010 - Centro
    Rio de Janeiro – RJ
    Telefone: +55 21 3088 - 5404
    Cel : +55 21 7292-5896
    E-mail: [email protected]

    (complementing Fernando`s complaint with another complaint):
    I don`t know if you know this, but the warranty services for the Iphone in Brazil are the worst ever (that I have ever experienced) - something that I have never imagined from a company that is Apple's authorized warranty supplier. I buy Apple's products since 2008 and luckly I have never experienced any malfunction, but still, I always thought that if someday any of your products should show any trouble it would be very well cared by Apple. Unfortunately that's not what has been happening with iPhone warranty in Brazil. I`m sorry to tell you this, but I don`t know who else should I call, before going to the Justice to have my iPhone fixed. My story follows...
    On the August, 28th of this year I bought an iPhone 4 16GB Black from a TIM store (TIM is a mobile company in Brazil) at BarraShoppingSul in Porto Alegre, Brazil. By November 21 or 22, the "Home" buttom stoped working, suddenly, without any drops or accidents - it just stopped working at all. So the following days I did two full formats through iTunes, turned on or off the phone several times and nothing happened.
    I searched in Apple's web page what to do and I found out that I had to contact my phone operator and so I did. At November, 22th by 11:50 pm I called TIM (by the number *144) and asked them about what to do. The attendant told me that he didn't know because their system was off-line and that TIM would make contact the other day (protocol number: 2011254975382). The other day, they didn't call me by the morning and as I was already deeply annoyed by the problem of my phone I decided to call them again. So I called Tim at 1:11 pm at November, 23th (protocol number: 2011255278407), asked the attendant about what should I do to use my iPhone warranty and have it fixed. The atendant said I should go to a Tim store with the iPhone and all my documents, there they would make a call to Itautec (the company responsible for the iPhone warranty in Brazil), and that an Itautec member would make contact by the next following 48 HOURS, and that is what I did. At November, 26th I went to the shopping to exactly the same store that I had bought my iPhone, showed the iPhone with the problem. The attendant called Itautec, she told them all my data (address, iPhone model number, contact information), then she got a protocol number from Itautec. She gave me the number, and told me Itautec would make contact in 5 DAYS. The protocol number from Itautec is 12243392. It has passed 15 days and no contact has been made!
    Deeply unsatisfied, annoyed and ungry with the malfunction in my iPhone, last week I did a google research about iPhone warranty in Brazil, and I`ve got surprised by the huge ammount of people complaining about it, extremely unsatisfied with Tim's and Itautec actions and lack of will to resolve their clients problems. You can look at "www.reclameaqui.com.br" that is a famous and very important brazilian site that allows people to publicise their problems with products, just make a search on the iPhone warranty subject, please (of course, in Portuguese).
    After discovering so many complaints I decided I should not wait for their contact. First I tried the TIM store, I spoke to the seller of the iPhone about my problem, she felt sorry but she said she couldn`t do nothing: it's Itautec's responsibility now. OK, so I searched Itautec's web site about it, then I discovered something very "interesting": they only offer a phone number to speak about problems of iPhone out of warranty!!!
    This is true! I have never seen such a company that only offers a phone number to products that are OUT of warranty! Nevertheless I called them (phone number: 08007727753), because I was deeply in need to speak to a human being of that company about my problem. I spoke with a woman called Rosangela and she repeated to me that she could only help if my iPhone was out of warranty - I told her I was desperate and so she told me that THE ONLY WAY I COULD MAKE CONTACT WITH ITAUTEC TO SPEAK ABOUT MY PROBLEM WAS THROUGH AN E-MAIL: "[email protected]". She also told me that probably a woman called Natalia would answer me. I sent the e-mail last week, until now, no contact.
    I just don't know what else should I do. I spent a lot of money on this phone, I thought I was secure with Apple, but now I think different, and I`m telling everyone this sad story. Please help me, unfortunately Apple's image is being ruined with this too. I don`t trust TIM, nor ITAUTEC, but in Apple I still do. Please  help me!

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    It needs to be dried out. Stop using it.. don't turn it on. Put it in a zip lock bag with some rice or one of those packets of dessicant for a day or two. That might do it.
    (And stop taking it into the sauna... or swimming)

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    POP: yahoo, aol, comcast/time warnder/road runner
    Imap: google, hotmail, and more including icloud.
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    Why is it in someone else's name?
    Did you get this iPhone from that someone else?
    If so they should have released the iPhone form their account before giving it to you.
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    If nothing has been purchased, you can go into Settings->iTunes & App Stores->Apple ID and sign out of their account there , and sign in with your own.

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    All the apps that were downloaded on the device in your husbands Apple ID will always be in his name, unless you delete the app and download it on your name.

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    I have been waiting for a post like this.  Just ordered mine from AT&T and the tax is close to $52. At an 8% mark that also equals to $649.  I think they are charging full retail sales tax.  I called AT&T and they couldn't explain it to easily they started saying that there is an extra luxury tax but I think they don't know it's just full retail tax.  They also said that it's just a hold on my card by final charge will be processed when the phone gets shipped.
    I checked fine print of sprint and AT&T. Ecause when you upgrade online with AT&T you don't pay tax but it states that it will be collected at the time it shipped. Sprint charges $24 which is almost half but also claims that there might be an extra tax when it shipped. 
    I am puzzled by the whole issue.  But 25 bucks won't get me not to order my phone.  I was able to get credit from my carrier because of the competition in the form of statement credits.  Ordered 2 phones and een after crazy high tax I got one for red plus some :). Tax is crazy anyone else order it an have this issue please share

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    iTunes recognize this device and giving option for Restore. i go for it and in the continue process WAITING FOR iPHONE /// at this stage it stuck.. and keep serching like for something and in the iPhone APPLE LOGO and Status bar showing..but not processing further.

    Did you resolve this?  I am having the same problem!  Let me know if you have any suggestions.

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    how do u find out, how long is left on your Iphone apple care?

    This should work: https://selfsolve.apple.com/

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    Here is a starting point.

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    I think I understand what you mean. You were asked if you wanted to merge the contacts with your iCloud account. Contacts take up very little room and are probably not the reason that your iCloud is full. If you're now backing up two devices to iCloud rather than one, that will indeed take up more room.
    You cannot undo the contact merge. You can go to Settings>iCloud on either device and see what categories of stuff you're backing up and make selections. You can also purchase more iCloud space there.

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