Iphone 4 case broken

does apple replace iphone casses and how do i make this happen?

are you kidding me?  why would Apple replace a broken Otterbox case?  Contact Otterbox support.

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    If you don't have a backup then the only possible solution is to go back to the store and see if they can get your old phone and create a backup of that. I know very often that Apple employees will wipe the returned iPhones clean before shipping them back to wherever they ship them.
    When you say your old phone was "broken" does this mean it is dead and won't turn on?
    Do you have a Time Machine backup of your computer, or a clone that might have this info on it?
    Other than that I hate to say you may be out of luck. Time Machine and/or a cloning program performed regularily will inevitably save your a** in situations like this.
    Good luck

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    Contact Apple Support.

  • For iPhone Case Lovers and their concern of Magnet Closers!!

    I recently learned that some have had issues with their iPhone when used with a cases that includes magnets for closing. Sorry mwhitted for your woes.
    While looking for a nice case for myself I became concerned of this, and decide to contact Sena about their Dockable iPhone case. This case seemed to be exactly what I was looking for, but after reading mWhitted and a few others problems I wasn't sure.
    So I sent them a e-mail with the links and question their knowledge about their product.
    This was late last night (about 1:39 am). How about 10:09 in the a.m. I get a response! A Long and thoroughly explained response (read Below).
    Great customer service! I am going to give this company a try and see how well this works.
    I have included my original e-mail to them and their response by Ronda so that you may judge for yourself.
    PS. mWhitted, aparently the case you used may not have had the proper magnets and maybe not assembled appropriately for this phone which may have caused the problem. What do you think, maybe this may have been the cause?
    Thanks for the info by the way.
    Below is my email to them.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Stephan Singh
    Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 01:39 am PDT (GMT-07:00)
    Subject: Pre-Order Dockable iPhone case
    I have looked up many cases for my iPhone and I have found your Dockable one to be just the style and function I am looking for. Although recently there has been a buzz going around that the magnetic closing cases such as these have caused many iPhones to malfunction.
    I was curious as to if you had any information on this? I also wanted to send you this so that you may look into this to avoid any potential problems with your sales.
    Another question, I would like to know if it would be possible to replace the magnets in this case and apply velcro to it instead as an option for your customers?
    As far as the info that I had on the magnets, you can read tease threads from apple support forums for reference.
    Please contact me asap on this issue, for I would like to know my options on a purchase through you.
    Thank you
    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Sena Cases <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:09:26 AM
    Subject: Case Update: 1086 - Pre-Order Dockable iPhone case
    Update for Case #1086 - "Pre-Order Dockable iPhone case"
    We use only non Neodymium magnets that do not interfere with the device. We have done extensive testing with many devices to assure that the magnet use will not harm the internal applications or antenna on the devices which we manufacture cases for. Also we have long created cases for use with the IPOD nano, Ipod 3rd,4th and Ipod Video devices using the non Neodymium magnets in our cases without any interferance at all after selling thousands upon thousands of cases. Sena Cases are designed by Engineers with PhD, they are all handcrafted by skilled craftsmen who have been in the leather industry for many years making them expert leather craftsmen, our cases are not just designed by a purse maker or a designer who is thinking of only fashion and style, because of the engineering focus of the design staff they are detail oriented making sure that each and every feature and function of the device has been addressed and is accessible as well as taking wevery precaution to protect the devices and information which belongs to our loyal customers, and new customers as we hope that each person who finds their way to Sena Cases will become loyal to our products for all devices which they own now and in the future. Because our company's entire focus is PDA, Smartphone and Computer cases Sena Management and Design staff have extensively researched magnets available in the industry and magnetic substrates, with a solid plan to avoid any magnet which would harm any device we have created a case for, So the selection of the magnets available and the possible strengths that we can use are focused on a very limited type and size of magnet, sometimes even shape takes some precidence in the design of certain cases, in regards to the iPhone magnets the staff have created a new installation making the magnet undetectable on the open face of the case so that the form and shape are very sleek and suitable to the high style devbice which is in the Sena Case. Some case makers off shore may just throw a case together without considering future ramifications, These case manufacturers may be selling cases at a lower price point not created out of fine materials or more novelty type accessory cases that are often offered at a bargain price that is unbelievably inexpensive, They may be thinking when creating their own design that " this company and that company use magnets we will to..." this may be how cases get created for devices which may harm the device that they were intended to protect. Sena Cases has taken every precaution to design a slim sleek sexy iphone case that will protect your device in a very stylish fashion throughout the years that you own this expensive device.
    I will pass your forum links on to our design staff and the research group as well as our company president for review, Customer feedback is highly valued here at Sena Cases. I assure you that serious research has been done to assure that your iPHONE case will fit precisely allow access to all features and functions and to protect your investment in the device and the information which it contains as you as well as your referrals and your future business is our main focus and if we dint sweat all the little details to attempt to create you a perfect case for your device we could not expect your loyalty to our brand.
    We do also stand behind all our products with a one year warranty against any manufacturing defects. The best compliment we can receive is for a customer to refer family, friends, colleagues and strangers that they cross paths with to our cases as your refferral of our product is more valuable to us that a full page color ad in a major magazine, if your happy you will refer many people to our products who will refer their friends and so on and so on....
    Stephan, I reccomend that you avoid Neodymium magnets in what ever case you elect to purchase and you will be fine, I am hopefull that you will elect to protect your iPhone in our cases, as we make a fine product as does many competitors in the market, I am not familiar with their designs for this device so I cannot speak openly about any of them, but the iPHONE cases in our office on display as well as future designer cases to be released before the fall are all incredible. Sena Will have some leathers and designs nwever seen before by similar type device owners ever in the past, as our company has searched out new Leather vendors as well as creating our traditional line of stylish Sena cases will be releasing a designer series of cases for iPHONE because the device is phenomonal the design staff and management felt that the cases could also help carry off the devices style in a ddifferent intrepretation.
    You will love any of the Sena Cases designs which are available now or in the future., We have had customers stop by and try on the prototype cases which we have photographed and were in love with the look and fit. The sensor on the face of the case has been revised the original case designed before the device was available to accommodate the proximity/light sensors! The sensor lies above the ear piece at the top of the screen. so there will be two circular oval type openings above the screen. These cases are really off the hook, crazy cool and distinctively beautiful, I am hopeful you will enjoy owning one to protect your device.
    PC   Windows XP  

    OK. Here it is...
    "Neodymium magnets are very strong in comparison to their mass..."
    A.K.A. "rare-earth magnetS".
    "While most solid state electronic devices are not effected by magnetic fields, some medical devices are not manufactured to mitigate the effects of strong magnetic fields." Maybe phones too?
    These could be the ones that I removed from my case:
    From the above sales site:
    "Never place neodymium magnets near electronic appliances."

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    Ralph - F.Y.I. I would be happy to back up the iPhone if I could turn it on LOL......I am pretty positive I did, but what about Text messages? ANY of those saved too or not? Sorry guys, I don't know a **** of a lot about cell phones, but I do know about memory cards, but not sim cards that act like memory cards or look like them anyway. What is the purpose of a sim card if I may ask a stupid question since they don't hold any data from my phone stuff. I just hope my stuff comes back on the new replacement phone once I get it up and running. Again, thanks to everybody for the edumucation.

  • Will iphone cases work with the touch

    when looking for a case, can you use an iphone case?
    or do you have to buy specific touch cases?

    1G Touch cases also won't work with the 2G Touch that was just released. The case is a slightly different shape and there's a volume control on the side that would be covered by a 1G case.
    The way power is supplied to the Touch through the dock connector changed as well.

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    There are quite a few third party shops that do iPhone repair. Try google to find some in your area.

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    i have a 1st generation iphone(jail broken) ios 3.1.3.the appstore disappeared. how can i retrieve it . 

    Restore your phone as a new device in iTunes, this "should" remove the jailbreak & restore all default apps to your phone.

  • Anybody adapt a iPhone case with or without Cover for a Z

    I recently bought a Zen. I wanted to try out a case before buying out, but haven't been able to find a case in a store.
    Last night I was looking at MicroCenter for a Zen case and I found an iphone case.
    I like it, but I wish it had a cover.
    It comes with a plastic sheet to install on the Zen and is very close to the same size.
    Zen Size WxHxD:? 3.26" x 2.6" x 0.44"
    iPhone Size WxHxD:4.50" x 2.40" x 0.48"
    So, the iPhone is over an inch longer,? just under a quarter of inch taller, and only 4/00ths thicker.
    Since the Zen has a landscape orientation and iPhone has a portrait orientation, you need to switch their definition of height and width. I like it because it comes clip that will work portrait or landscape, but I do wish it had a cover.

    You never stated anything earlier about Compass so I was talking about the magnetic case not having an effect on the iPhone itself. If you are attempting to use Compass of course that will have an effect since there is no way for the weak magnetic field of the earth to override the magnetic field of the case. So if you want to use Compass then don't use the magnetic case. If you want to use the magnetic case then don't use Compass. Simple.
    You can't have it both ways.
    I still stand by my original position the magnetic case will not effect the iPhone.

  • IPhone case design suggestion

    The leather cases for $39.95 are good and I have ordered one based on reader recomendations. But I suspect that if they are soft, leaning on them might accidentally activate a function on the iPhone (a freind of mine has already had trouble with this).
    Hey Apple - howsabout designing one the same size and shape as the leather one, but as a HARD case - like some people have for their glasses? Leave only about 1-2mm space between the lid and the iPhone glass, so it stays slim, but also so that there is no possibility of accidentally activating the screen. Essentially it would be like a case for glasses - when you pop it open, you have the face of the iPhone in front of you. I think that would be awesome.
    (Now Mr. Jobs - I KNOW you are honest enough to pay me a little bonus for this recommendation, if it goes into production... You and I have a mutual acquaintance - we've chatted before, but I don't expect you to remember me offhand with the thousands of things you have to take care of every day).

    Apple does not design, manufacture, nor put their brand on any cases manufactured by others. AFAIK, all iPhone cases are designed and manufactured by 3rd parties not associated with Apple.

  • What iphone case is the best?

    what iphone case is the best?
    I can get a  from here but need a case
    <Link Edited by Host>

    The best case, is the one you like the best.  Seriously, how can we answer that?  Everyone has their OWN favorite case.  You need to find yours.  Not to mention we have no idea what phone you have???

  • Magnetic iPhone Cases, Good or Bad Idea?

    Thinking of purchasing a new iPhone case which has a leather flip cover for the touch screen and has magnetic fasteners.
    Dose anyone know if this can affect the iPhone or it's touch screen?
    here is the site and it is a dock ’able’ case.
    Found it on another thread here.

    How did you replace them?
    Did it come with that option or did you just cut them
    Lastly what case are you using?
    Thanks for the info, I'll be looking for a velcro
    case now.
    It's a cheap generic case that I got at a T-Mobile kiosk in the mall. I cut performed a little surgey and removed the 4 small magnets and used some self-stick Velcro from Office Max.
    I have a Case-Mate cover on order for protection, (http://www.case-mate.com/phones/apple/Perforated-Leather-iPhone-Case) but I HOPE I can still use my case (or something like it) as a carrier and not have to have it hanging exposed from a belt clip.
    Here are a couple of nice looking Velcro pouches that I'm actually considering as a replacement for mine. (The surgery wasn't completely successful, and it WAS a pretty cheap case to start with.)
    I think I like the looks of this one best:
    But this one's not bad either:
    http://dlo.com/Products/HipCase_Prod.tpl?command=showpage&cart=11840120571489758 0
    Good luck!

  • My iPhone is broken, and I would like to edit my contacts. As I have already synchronised it with my computer, what is the procedure to collect this list? Thank you in advance.

    My iPhone is broken.
    I would like to edit my contacts on my computer.
    Is it possible as I already synchorised it with my computer via iTunes?
    What is the procedure?
    Thanks in advance

    In iTunes if you have your contacts synced to Address Book just open address book on your computer and start editing. 

  • My iphone has broken and i cant get my photos off icloud?

    my iphone has broken and i cant get my photos off icloud?

    apparently you can download the tracks one more time free of charge does anybody know how??"
    Not true.  You get one and only one download.
    In some instances, itunes has allowed another download to a few.  This is not the norm.
    You can try contacting itunes support and asking for an exception, but they are under no obligation to allow.
    Hope all goes well.

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