IPhone 4 or iPad 2 - what is more practical for a college student?

So, here's the deal. I'm going soon to a college and, obviously, for a fair amount time I will be needing a laptop. The only problem is that my laptop is incredibly heavy and the battery life absolutely stinks, so I was thinking of getting myself one of these fancy Apple products, which nearly have everything a laptop has. An iPad 2 would therefore be perfect for all my needs as a student. A couple of days ago, however, I ran into a store which is selling an all-new 16GB white iPhone 4 at a price of € 499. The very same iPhone model has been my greatest wish-product for a very long time now. It is cheaper than the 32GB iPad model which I intend to buy (€ 579), so the iPhone 4 would normally be my first choice here. The only "problem" is that I already own an iPhone 3GS, which isn't that bad when compared to an iPhone 4. So, what should I do?

i dont think a college class is a great place to use an ipad unless you can type out a lot of words per minute on it. I use my ipad as something that lays around and i pick it up when im sitting somewhere or am watching tv. This would be great for college but not in the class room. I talk to my sister about this all the time and see if students are using ipads a lot in college classes and she says there is some but they just end up playing games on them. If you do end up going for the ipad itll take a lot more dedication to stay focused in class. My sister has an iphone and uses it for a lot more school stuff than i would use my ipad for, but i do think both would help you they are both the best at what they do its just what you think youll need them for. Imop i think you should go to class for a week or two and then decide.

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    Make the configuration change in setDomainEnv.cmd. Find where the following variable is set:
    and change it to your desired path.
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    You may want to consider upgrading your application server environment to a newer service pack. There are numerous enhancements involving the deployment tool and run time layout of your application that make clear where you're application is loading its files from.
    If you've at a long running application server environment, with lots of deployments under your belt, you might start to notice slow downs in deployment and kjs start time. Generally this is due to garbage collecting in your iAS registry.
    You can do several things to resolve this. The most complete solution is to reinstall the application server. This will guarantee a clean ldap registry. Of course you've got to restablish your configurations and redeploy your applications. When done, backup your application server install space with the application server and directory server off. You can use this backup to return to a known configuation at some future time.
    For the second method: <B>BE CAREFUL - BACKUP FIRST</B>
    There is a more exhaustive solution that involves examining your deployed components to determine the active GUIDS. You then search the NameTrans section of the registry searching for Applogic Servlet *, and Bean * entries that represent your previously deployed components but are represented in the set of deployed GUIDs. Record these older GUIDs, remove them from ClassImp and ClassDef. Finally remove the older entries from NameTrans.
    Best practices for deployment depend on your particular environmental needs. Many people utilize ANT as a build tool. In later versions of the application server, complete ANT scripts are included that address compiling, assembly and deployment. Ant 1.4 includes iAS specific targets and general J2EE targets. There are iAS specific targets that can be utilized with the 1.3 version. Specialized build targets are not required however to deploy to iAS.
    Newer versions of the deployment tool allow you to specify that JSPs are not to be registered automatically. This can be significant if deployment times lag. Registered JSP's however benefit more fully from the services that iAS offers.
    2) In general it is better to undeploy then redeploy. However, if you know that you're not changing GUIDs, recreating an existing application with new GUIDs, or removing registered components, you may avoid the undeploy phase.
    If you shut down the KJS processes during deployment you can eliminate some addition workload on the LDAP server which really gets pounded during deployment. This is because the KJS processes detect changes and do registry loads to repopulate their caches. This can happen many times during a deployment and does not provide any benefit.
    3) Deploying can be a lengthy process. There have been improvements in that performance from service pack to service pack but unfortunately you wont see dramatic drops in deployment times.
    One thing you can do to reduce deployment times is to understand the type of deployment. If you have not manipulated your deployment descriptors in any way, then there is no need to deploy. Simply drop your newer bits in to the run time space of the application server. In later service packs this means exploding the package (ear,war, or jar) in to the appropriate subdirectory of the APPS directory.
    4) If you've changed the classes of objects that have been placed in HTTPSession, you may find that you can no longer utilize those objects. For that reason, it is suggested that objects placed in session be kept as simple as possible in order to minimize this effect. In general however, is not a good idea to change a web application during the life span of a session.

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    when i click yes on the 1st set it renders the 2nd set.
    when i click yes on the 2nd set it renders the 3rd set.
    when i click no on the 1st set now it correctly removes the 2nd & 3rd sets, the method also nulls the values.
    when i click yes on the 1st set, it renders the 2nd set with the old values even though they were nulled. and i can see in the debugger they are still null.
    so there seems to be an issue updating the model, but i dont know what that issue is. im sure it just has something to do with the way i am trying this conditional render. please see below for my first field and my valueChangeListener method.
    any help with what is a best practice for this scenario would be greatly appreciated.
    <h:panelGrid id="grid20a" columns="1">
                             <h:outputText value="Does this consult pertain to a specific "/>
                             <h:outputText value="planned or ongoing research project?: *"/>
                        <h:selectOneRadio id="specificResearch1" value="#{ethicsConsultBacking.bean.specificResearch}"
                             layout="lineDirection" required="true"
                                  <f:selectItems value="#{ethicsConsultBacking.yesNoMap}" />
                                  <a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="form"/>
                        <h:message for="specificResearch1" styleClass="redText" />
    public void processValueChangeSpecificResearch(ValueChangeEvent e) throws AbortProcessingException
              String newValue = e.getNewValue().toString();
              //check condition
              if (newValue.equalsIgnoreCase(this.YES))
               * Clearing validation messages.
               * This will get around the issue with having a field
               * on the form that is both required & immediate.
              Iterator it = this.getFacesContext().getMessages();
              while (it.hasNext())
         }i also tried doing this another way by just using an action method attached to the a4j:support tag, but that introduced a different set of issue. so ill leave that out for now unless that is the direction someone would like to direct my issue in.
    Thanks in advance

    Similar issue is covered and explained here: [http://balusc.blogspot.com/2007/10/populate-child-menus.html]. Not sure if it solves your problem as you're using ajax4jsf whereas I don't, but it might give new insights. To the point you might need to bind the component(s) and use setValue(null) or setSubmittedValue(null).

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    I hope all the 50000 spare parts are maintained as stock items.
    1. Based on the usage of those spare parts, try to define safety stock & define MRP as "Reorder Point Planning". By this, you can avoid petty cash purchase.
    2. By keeping the spare parts (atleast critical components) in stock, Planned Maintenance as well as unplanned maintenance will not get delayed.
    3. By doing GI based on reservation, qty can be tracked against the order & equipment.
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    With Tiger there is a migration assistant that will move everything over from your Powerbook to your new iMac G5. All you need is a firewire cable and when prompted in your first start-up select migration assistant and connect the two computers. You will need to boot up your Powerbook holding down the 't' key before you connect the two together. Good luck, Jack.

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