Iphone 5 Safari Problem

Why I always get error when I open youtube on my iPhone 5 and iPad2?
The error as follows:
'}function gq(a){return"%"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}var hq=/['()]/g;function iq(a){return a in le?le[a]:void 0}function jq(a){oe(le,arguments)}function kq(a,b,c){c?Cp(a,b):Bp(a,b)}function lq(a,b,c){Math.max(b.length-(c||0),0);for(c=c||0;c"):"";Fg||(a=Kp(a));return a} function oq(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c'+(a.Fa?Hh(a.Fa):"")+""}function wq(a){return""+tp(Bh(a,{style:"_mse"}))}function xq(){this.G=[];this.D=[];this.url=Vh()}A(xq,ym); xq.prototype.send=function(){var a=km(window.bootstrap_data);Nl("WatchBootstrap",this.nC,0,this,a);window.bootst rap_data=null;Em=!1};function yq(a,b){var c=a.split("#")[0].split("?"),d=c.shift(),d="/"===d.substring(0,1)?d.substring(1 ):d,c=Tg(c.join("?"));b.Ea(d,c).send()}function zq(a){return ql(kk(),{Q:a})} function Aq(a,b){var c=ml(a).tick,d=ml(a).span,e=ml(a).info,f=b||ja("yt.timing.reportbuilder_");if(f ){if(f=f.apply(null,[c,d,e,a]))Np(f),nl(a);return NaN}var f={v:2,s:"youtube",action:pe("TIMING_ACTION")},h=pe("TIMING_INFO")||{},l;for(l in h)e[l]=h[l];l=e.srt;delete e.srt;var m;l||0===l||(m=jl.timing||{},l=Op(m),isNaN(l)&&e.pt&&(l=e.pt)); if(l||0===l)e.srt=l;c.aft||(c.aft=c.pbr&&c.pbs>c.pbr?c.pbr:c.pbs?c.pbs:c .vr&&c.cl&&c.cl>c.vr?c.cl:c.vr?c.vr:c.ol);c.vr&&c.gv&amp ;&(d.vl=Math.round(c.vr-c.gv));h=c._start; if(!Pp){m||(m=jl.timing||{});var p;i:if(p=m,p.msFirstPaint)p=Math.max(0,p.msFirstPaint);else{var r=window.chrome;if(r&&(r=r.loadTimes,qa(r))){var r=r(),u=1E3*Math.min(r.requestTime||Infinity,r.startLoadTime||Infinity),u=Infin ity===u?0:p.navigationStart-u;p=Math.max(0,Math.round(1E3*r.firstPaintTime+u)||0 );break i}p=0}0h&&(c.fpt=p);p=m.redirectEnd-m.redirectStart;0'+K(P(a.Ld))+(a.bS ?K(P(a.bS)):K(P(a.me)))+""}function Kq(){var a;return a=""+('AD")}function Lq(){return"An error occurred while performing this operation."}function Mq(){return"Share this video"}function Nq(){return"Add to"}function Oq(a){return'
"} function Pq(a){var b='
';a=a.Ej;for(var c=a.length,d=0;d"+Hh(a[d])+"";return b+"
"}function Qq(a){var b="";a.eg&&(a=J(a.eg)+" views",b+=a);return b}function Rq(a){return""+K(P(a.content))}function Sq(){return"Visit advertiser's site"}function Tq(){return"Please sign in to dislike this video."}function Uq(){return"Please sign in to like this video."}function Vq(){return"Flag as inappropriate"} function Wq(){return"Do you really want to unsubscribe from this channel?"}function Xq(){return"You have received a YouTube video!"}function Yq(){return"Ratings have been disabled for this video."}function Zq(){return"This video is not available on mobile"}function $q(){return"Loading"}function ar(){return"TV Queue"}function br(){return"Save"} function cr(a){var b=Math.floor(a);a=Math.floor(b/3600);var c=Math.floor(b/60%60),b=Math.floor(b%60),d="";0c&&(d+="0"));d+=c+":";10 >b&&(d+="0");return d+b}function dr(){document.removeEventListener("touchmove",eq,!1);dq=!1}function er(){dq||(document.addEventListener("touchmove",eq,!1),dq=!0)}function fr(a){if(null!=a&&a.Rj===No)return String(a).replace(gp,hp);a=Ha(String(a));hq.lastIndex=0;return hq.test(a)?a.replace(hq,gq):a} function gr(a){return-1!=a.indexOf("?")?(a=(a||"").split("#")[0],a=a.split("?",2),Xf(1
"};var ur={vY:"concurrent_viewers",yY:"hlsdvr",qC:"formatted_datetime",cv:"formatted_s hort_datetime",SA:"is_active",lm:"is_upcoming",source:"source",nP:"watch_url"},v r={uY:"comment_count",description:"description",Fi:"dislikes_num",duration:"dura tion",Aa:"encrypted_id",MB:"encrypted_set_video_id",HC:"feed_label",Oe:"feature" ,Jh:"length_seconds",Ag:"likes_num",Mb:"live_event",ES:"longform",privacy:"priva cy",th:"profile_url",Eb:"public_name",BY:"related_feature",pD:"tags_formated",ji :"thumbnail_for_watch", Lc:"thumbnail_info",EC:"time_created_text",title:"title",DY:"user_image_url",Tk :"view_count",Mc:"watch_link",PD:"watched"},wr={height:"height",Mj:"posx",dh:"po sy",xm:"stitched",XR:"stretched",YR:"thumb_height",ZR:"thumb_width",url:"url",wi dth:"width"};function xr(a){var b={};B(arguments,function(a){var d={},e;for(e in a)d[a[e]]=e;Qb(b,d)});return b} var yr=xr(vr,ur,wr),zr=xr(wr),Ar=xr({body:"body",vp:"date",KP:"folder",read:"read", sender:"sender",BP:"sender_external_id",Xu:"subject",uid:"uid",Q:"video",EY:"vid eo_encrypted_id"},vr,ur,wr);function Br(a,b){var c;b&&ta(b)?(c=ma(b)?[]:{},Db(b,function(b,e){b=Br(a,b);e=a[e]||e;c[e]=b })):c=b;return c}var Cr=Aa(Br,yr);function Dr(a){return a&&C(a,Cr)}function Er(a){return a?{tp:a.player_vars,cw:a.fmt_stream_map,Yn:a.stream_url,gR:a.stream_sig,dR:a.hq _stream_url,cR:a.hq_stream_sig,Ei:a.player_type,Jd:a.playability,jm:a.playabilit y_message,xU:a.desktop_get_video_info,yU:a.ttsurl}:a}var Fr=Aa(Br,zr); function Gr(a){var b;a?b={wm:Fr(a.thumbs_info),ya:wh(a.title),url:a.url,Gn:a.username,gd:a.video_c ount,lg:wh(a.description),Aa:a.encrypted_id,bD:a.is_public,type:a.type,pU:a.is_w atch_later}:b=a;return b}function Hr(a){return a&&C(a,Gr)}function Ir(a){var b=a;b&&(b={click:a.click,lv:a.clickthrough,Wv:a.companion_image,duratio n:a.duration,Aa:a.encrypted_id,message:a.message,source:a.source,Yn:a.stream_url ,zs:a.tracking});return b};var Jr={};function Kr(a){if(!a||!a.item_type)return null;var b=a.item_type;return Jr[b]?new Jr[b](a):null}function Lr(a){a=C(a||[],Kr);return cb(a,function(a){return!!a})};function Mr(a){var b="";if(a.$g){b+='
';a=a.$g;for(var c=a.length,d=0;d"}return b}function Nr(a){return''+J(A.LABEL)+""}function Or(a){return''+J(A.LABEL)+""};function Pr(a){this.url=a.url;this.B=a.click_tracking_params;this.Wb=wh('href="'+J(this. url)+'" onclick="return clk(this);"'+(this.B?'data-click-tracking-params="'+J(this.B)+'"':""))};functio n Qr(a){this.text=a.text;this.bold=a.bold;this.italics=a.italics;this.strikethrou gh=a.strikethrough;this.endpoint=a.endpoint&&new Pr(a.endpoint)}function Rr(a){this.runs=C(a&&a.runs||[],function(a){return new Qr(a)})}function Sr(a){var b="";B(a.runs,function(a){b+=a.text});return b} function S(a){var b=new Rr(a);if(b.runs.length){a=wh;var c="";if(b.runs.length){for(var c=c+'',b=b.runs,d=b.length,e=0;e":"")+''+J(f.text)+""+(f.endpoint?"":""));c+="" }a=a(c)}else a=null;return a}function Tr(a){return Sr(new Rr(a))};function Ur(a){Q.call(this,Mr);this.$g=Lr(a);this.$g.reverse()}A(Ur,Q);function Vr(a){Q.call(this,Nr);this.label=S(a.label)}A(Vr,Q);Jr.live_badge=Vr;function Wr(a){Q.call(this,Or);this.label=S(a.label)}A(Wr,Q);Jr.text_badge=Wr;function Xr(a){Q.call(this,tr);this.$g=new Ur(a.badges);this.endpoint=new Pr(a.endpoint);this.bi=S(a.subscriber_count);this.fg=Fr(a.thumbnail_info);this. title=S(a.title);this.gd=S(a.video_count)}A(Xr,Q);Jr.compact_channel=Xr;function Yr(a){return""+(Hf&&a.xf?"":Hh(a.label))+(a.xf?aj({color:"0,0,0"}):"")} function Zr(a){return""+(a.Ud||a.xf||a.bp?'
"):"")};function $r(){return"No item to show"}function as(){return"Show more items"}function bs(a){return'
"}function cs(a){return'"+Hh(a.content)+""}function ds(a){var b='
";a=a.Yg;for(var c=a.length,d=0;d"+J(e)+"");return b+"
"} function es(a){return'
'+(a.Yg&&a.Yg.length?ds(a)+K(Ul("paginator",fs)):a.de?Pq({Ej:a.de}):"")+ "
"}function fs(a){return'
"};function gs(a){var b='
";if(a.Mb&&a.Mb.SA)a='LIVE';else{var d;d=a.PD?'WATCHED':"";a=d+(a.duration?'"+J(a.duration)+" ":"")}c+=a}else c="";return b+c+"
"} function hs(a){return""+(a.xm&&a.XR?'':a.xm?'':'

anyone else have this problem??

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    Restart the phone.

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    I am having a peculiar problem with a website i am developing. The problem *only* happens on the iPhone(safari).
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       * REDIRECT Client page to new URL
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    LOGIN html
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
            var messageToOpener = true;
            var fullMessage = PURCHASE_CONTRACT_ID_PREFIX + "${viewer.purchaseContractId}";
            CBA.Checkout.sendMsg( messageToOpener, fullMessage, '<c:out value="${viewer.merchantUrl}"/>');
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    Any tips would be appreciated.

    I have made  a static script that I try and use to do something similar - it works everywhere else just not on the iphone..
    do something to make 'tok'..the following post message sends the original script 'tok' it just isnt working only on iphone
    alert('wois '+window.opener);
    I use the above after authenticating with google and getting a token back in this case tok and this needs passing back to the original app. I would prefer not to launch a new window and have this mess but becasue the google API wont accept a proper route url for angular I cant get that to work. This way was the closest that I got.

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    You may use your iphone only for internet surfing or only use as phone at one time
    iPhone is innovation device of Class B, becouse calls and internet you may use only as 1 and 2... but no 1+2 at once time
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    Thanks for info.. =)
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    but 3g is coming..
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    thanks very much =)
    Message was edited by: stek

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    I have tried shutting down, closing tabs, with no success.  What's going on and how can I fix it?
    Cindi B
    PS:  I'm not sure of the actual OS level, but I have not allowed it to upgrade to Maverick yet; concerned about it because of a few things I've read...

    A Safari extension or third party plugin may be causing the menu bar issue.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test. If that helped, turn one extension on then quit and relaunch Safari to test until you find the incompatible extension then click uninstall.
    If it's not an extensions issue, try troubleshooting third party plug-ins.
    Back to Safari > Preferences. This time select the Security tab. Deselect:  Allow plug-ins. Quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that made a difference, instructions for troubleshooting plugins here.
    As for which OS X is installed.
    Click the Apple () menu top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click About This Mac.
    The version is noted there.
    v10.6 Snow Leopard v10.7 Lion  v10.8 Mountain Lion
    It's your choice whether or not to upgrade to Mavericks. If you decide to do this, make sure your Mac meets the requirements noted here.

  • IPhone Safari doesn't open links in new page

    Under iPhone Safari Settings, I've got it set to Open Links In New Page, but when I click on links in Safari, that doesn't happen. When I set it to Open Links In Background, that doesn't happen either. Links open in the same page no matter what the setting.
    Anyone know how this can be fixed? Thanks.
    (iPhone 4S running IO5)

    It depends on the website. Some websites have it set up to take you to a new tab, some do it in the same tab.

  • How do I stop iPhone Safari from dynamically resizing the visual viewport?

    Sorry I post this here, but I couldn't access the developer forums (no error given, it just keeps returning me to this page https://developer.apple.com/devforums/) I'm not even sure wether that's been moved here and it's just the redirection non working.
    I need to Stop iPhone Safari from dynamically resizing the visual viewport, or in other words, to stop it from trying to "fit" the layout into the viewport.
    Because any recalculation javascript does on absolutely positioned elements makes the whole site super IRRESPONSIVE.
    I don't know wether the issue is the element going out the already-set layout viewport (which triggers the page resizing to fit the visual viewport) or just the calculations being made constantly, but I can stop the calculations from happening when not "touching" the screen, but I need a way to stop the page resizing.
    I tried setting the viewport width to 1040px, as my layout width, and it fixed the header's width being narrower than the body (or shifted left?), but the whole page is still resized with every motion-frame (one every 3 seconds, due to overloading the redrawing engine)
    Is there a way to prevent that?

    No, that link doesn't solve it. It just says the same is found everywhere online.
    There's probably no way to do it, as per their way they "accidentally" omitted the oposite case: the page being wider than 980. They only mention what to do if the site is narrower. Something I learned is big companies (with reputation management) could let you run in circles for years no answer rather than telling you something is not possible.
    I'm the developer (can't access the dev forums, don't know why) and I DID setup the viewport, scale and other properties but none of them stopped from re-fitting the new re-sized layout in the viewport. They just ensure the "initial" view.
    I think the feature I'm looking for must be achieved with some JavaScript function targeting Safari-proprietary variable/property… if even possible.
    I just had to make things never reaching the edge until somebody contributes something useful

  • I m trying to send a email and sms alert using php and it works fine on all systems except on Iphone,the problem is swedish charcters doesn't show on iphones used by people in sweden but works absolutely fine on iphones in india. plz help

    I m trying to send a email and sms alert to people and it works fine on all systems expect on Iphone,the problem is swedish charcters doesn't show on iphones used by people in sweden but works absolutely fine on iphones in india.
    the code i m using is right below,plz have a look and not into the problem as problem is a bit strange.
    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" ;
                $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n";
                $headers .= "X-Priority: 1 (Highest)\n";
                $headers .= "X-MSMail-Priority: High\n";
                $headers .= "Importance: High\n";
                // Additional headers
                $headers .= 'From: Rakesh <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
                foreach($disemail as $email)
                    $to = $email;
                    $subject = $succMessage['email_subject'];
                    $message = $smsText;
            if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== FALSE) {
            $smsText = utf8_encode($smsText);

    i have tried this new charset combination specifically for iphone and i m waiting for response from sweden alliance.....i hope this works fine as iso works great for 8-bit characters.
    would like to have your thoughts though.
    $headers .= "Content-Type:text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n  format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable";

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    Does the iPhone 4S problem of reducing the signal quality? ("capture of death")

    You make no grammatical sense.

  • With the new IOS 7 mi iPhone has problems with the screen, I go out once stripes, and Apple told me it is the software. help when there is a new update?????

    with the new IOS 7 mi iPhone has problems with the screen, I go out once stripes, and Apple told me it is the software. help when there is a new update?????

    We are users here.  We cannot possibly know when a new update will be available.

  • How to send a feedback to apple about safari problem?

    how to send a feedback to apple about safari problem?
    the problem is with a site of mobile phones, www.190.it
    impossible to log in with safari browser.
    with firefox or others no problem

    Hi Ginada
    Feedback to Apple can be made via the Safari Menu>Report Bugs to Apple selection, or here. Apple doesn't respond to either; rather, uses the information for internal purposes.
    Your alternative, if in the US and machine is under warranty including telephone support, would be to call Apple Care. 800-275-2273

  • When submitting a target survey I get back an error.... I think this may be a safari problem or mountain lion problem as I used to be able to submit surveys on their survey site.

    When submitting a target survey I get back an error.... I think this may be a safari problem or mountain lion problem as I used to be able to submit surveys on their survey site.  This problem occurs if I use my MacBook Pro or my iPad.  I want try  to win a 5000 gift card and can't win if I can't submit the survey.  It lets me fill out everything and only after I hit submit I receive an error.  Target says it's not their problem.  I curious to know if anyone else has tried and receive back an error after hitting the submit button.

    Thanks.....I'll try that the next time I get a new receipt from target.  My old receipts are older than 72 hours now so I can't try Firefox with them.  I appreciate the response and will certainly try this and post a reply if I was successful in submitting the target survey.

  • I recently purchased my first MacBook Air but am unable to set up my @live.ie email account. My emails to this account come through to my iphone no problem. Can anyone help please?

    I recently purchased my first MacBook Air but am unable to set up my @live.ie email account. My emails to this account come through to my iphone no problem. Can anyone help please?

    Open Mac Mail.
    From the menu bar click Mail > Preferencees then select the Accounts tab then the Account Information tab then click + to add the account.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi, I receive Excel files with lists of file names that I need to find on a server (within hundreds of folders), retrieve, put into a new folder and post to a location. Is there a way to set up a workflow in Automator to look for individual files (se

  • Ipod video screen discoloration?

    im not sure if this is normal or not so im checking. i have a 5g 30g ipod video. when i hold the screen at a slight angle, i see a big rainbow colored spot. when you look head on you dont see it but then if you angle it slightly it catches your eye.

  • No jpeg compression in iphoto6?

    There is no compression in iphoto 6 correct? I don't understand why Apple would leave that feature out of a photo app. I have found that I can open up a jpeg and go to file...save as...and decrease the quality and that helps but I would sometimes lik