Iphone 6 armbands

When will Apple come out with an armband for the Iphone 6?

I can't recall Apple having ever made an armband for iPhones. And, even if they were planning on it, no one here would know.
I'm sure an internet search would turn up a number of armband options as the iPhone 6 is similar in size to a number of other phones.
Best of luck.

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    Try the Sporteer from PDO (www.pdostore.com)
    It's very durable and there is virtually no way the iPhone can fall out. I'm a serious mountain biker and runner and I've tried just about every armband out these and this one is one of the best.

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    Try the Sporteer from PDO (www.pdostore.com)
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    They are different sizes with controls in different locations, so one case is unlikely to fit both (at least, not well). But, you may want to look at the Marware Sportsuit Convertible - it's being discuntinues so it's only $5:
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    I've been using the Tuneband for some time now
    http://www.amazon.com/Tuneband-description-Grantwood-Technologys-Protector/dp/B0 019FEZ88/ref=sr14?ie=UTF8&qid=1293545210&sr=8-4
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    I've been using the Tuneband for some time now
    http://www.amazon.com/Tuneband-description-Grantwood-Technologys-Protector/dp/B0 019FEZ88/ref=sr14?ie=UTF8&qid=1293545210&sr=8-4
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    Saw this armband the other day and thought it looks pretty cool. It also supposedly keeps your iphone dry from sweat. Also a good deal, two sleeves for $29.99.

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    Here is one: http://www.amazon.com/i-Blason-generation-Protector-organizer-September/dp/B008U KAY5I
    And here are two in Apple's online store.
    http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_ipod/ipod_accessories/shop_by_type/ip odnano7?n=armbands&s=topSellers

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    I felt if I put in one of the prior ones, already a few pages into it, this would be missed, and for people using the phone at the gym who want protection, indeed this is a larger, different topic.

    Duct tape it to your head.
    If you are paranoid that you will smash it with a dumbbell, then get an armband.

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    It was definitely the best investment I have made - works with my OtterBox, Element Vapor and my iPhon 4 with bumper. http://www.gadgetboost.com/products/Griffin-Stream-Line-Sport-Armband-for-iPod-N ano.html Not too expensive either

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    one of the various threads posted about running with the iPhone

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    My suggestions:
    http://www.marware.com/products/iPhone-3G-3GS-Cases/Eco-Runner-for-iPhone-3GS-to uch-2G
    If you're looking for something cheaper, this one works fine with the iPhone 4:

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