IPhone 6+ refuses to send s/mime encrypted e-mails

i am experimenting with s/mime encryption of e-Mails on the iPhone 6+ ios 8.1 and got as far as being able to send signed e-Mails, but not encrypted e-Mails from the iPhone.
Encrpytion fails with the message "Verschlüsseln nicht möglich" (encryption not possible) in the e-mail header without telling me why this is not possible.
Here is what i did:
-in addition to my existing e-Mail accounts i created an iCloud e-Mail account.
-for all accounts i got myself free Class 1- certificates from StartSSL.com.
-i added the certificates to my mac osx 10.6.8 and os x 10.9.5 keychains
-next i downloaded the iPhone configuration app v 3.5 (289) from Apple to my desktop mac running os x 10.6.8.
-i noticed that my keychain app shows the iPhone Configuration Utility certificate in red as not being trustworthy - i verified that i downloaded the latest version from Apple (support.apple.com/kb/DL1465) - i ignored the warning
-i connected my iPhone 6+ via usb cable to my mac and installed the certificates on the iPhone - i can see new Profiles with a green tick on the iPhone.
-i turned s/mime on (+default signing +default encryption) in my e-Mail account settings on the iPhone.
using Mail (os x 10.6.8 + 10.9.5) on my desktop macs i am able to send signed+encrypted e-Mails between my accounts.
I am also able to read the encrypted e-Mail on my iPhone on the non-iCloud accounts (i see the blue tick + blue lock). Trying to reply from the iPhone with an encrypted message results in the error described above - cannot encrypt.
Sending a signed+encrypted e-Mail to my iCloud account from one of my desktop macs makes it disappear in Nirwana - it is nowhere to be found. I also do not receive any returned message about any failure - i tried to send from securesmtp.t-online.de and smtp.gmail.com + another smtp server from Belgium - same result.
i turned iCloud keychain sync from off to on, thinking it might have something to do with the problem - same result.
thanks for any tips

i finally figured out the problem:
i thought that the public key would get installed automatically when receiving a signed e-Mail as happens with Mail on the desktop.
This is not the case. On the iPhone I have to click on the signature or lock of the received e-Mail that contains a public key. Then i need to open the received certificate and press the install button. That done, the public key is on my iPhone and i can return encrypted e-Mails.
This also means that the iPhone Configuration utility is still working for iPhone 6+ running ios 8.1 and that the information from Apple support, that i need to use the new Apple Configurator utility is wrong.

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    I've a tricky challenge.
    I try to send powershell generated emails with an attachment and - on top - s/mime encrypted.
    My current state of work:
    send encrypted emails (without attachment) - success
    send unencrypted emails (with attachment) - success
    send encrypted emaisl (with attachment) - failed
    Do anyone have a solution of this?
    Thanks in advance!!!
    regards - Thomminger
    $RecipientCN = $null
    $RootDSE = $null
    $Certificate = $null
    $UserCertificate = $null
    $ExcelFile = "C:\Temp\123.xlsx"
    $SearchForestForPerson = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com")
    $SearchForestForPerson.SearchScope = "subtree"
    $SearchForestForPerson.PropertiesToLoad.Add("mail") | Out-Null
    $SearchForestForPerson.PropertiesToLoad.Add("usercertificate") | Out-Null
    $SearchForestForPerson.Filter = ("(&(objectClass=person)(CN=$RecipientCN))")
    $Recipient = $SearchForestForPerson.FindOne()
    $ChosenCertificate = $null
    $Now = Get-Date
    If ($Recipient.Properties.usercertificate -ne $null) {
    ForEach ($UserCertificate in $Recipient.Properties.usercertificate) {
    $ValidForSecureEmail = $false
    $Certificate = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$UserCertificate
    $Extensions = $Certificate.Extensions
    ForEach ($Extension in $Extensions) {
    If ($Extension.EnhancedKeyUsages -ne $null) {
    ForEach ($EnhancedKeyUsage in $Extension.EnhancedKeyUsages) {
    If ($EnhancedKeyUsage.FriendlyName -ine "Secure Email") {
    $ValidForSecureEmail = $true
    If ($ValidForSecureEmail) {
    If ($ValidForSecureEmail) {
    If ($Now -gt $Certificate.NotBefore.AddMinutes(-5) -and $Now -lt $Certificate.NotAfter.AddMinutes(5)) {
    $ChosenCertificate = $Certificate
    If ($ChosenCertificate -ne $null) {
    Add-Type -assemblyName "System.Security"
    $MailClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient "<Smtp-Server>"
    $Message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $Message.From = "<sender address>"
    $Message.Subject = "Unencrypted subject of the message"
    $Body = "This is the mail body"
    $MIMEMessage = New-Object system.Text.StringBuilder
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"') | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit') | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine() | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine($Body) | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.Append($ExcelFile) | Out-Null
    [Byte[]] $BodyBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($MIMEMessage.ToString())
    $ContentInfo = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.ContentInfo (,$BodyBytes)
    $CMSRecipient = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.CmsRecipient $ChosenCertificate
    $EnvelopedCMS = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.EnvelopedCms $ContentInfo
    [Byte[]] $EncryptedBytes = $EnvelopedCMS.Encode()
    $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream @(,$EncryptedBytes)
    $AlternateView = New-Object System.Net.Mail.AlternateView($MemoryStream, "application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data;name=smime.p7m")

    Hi -
    Since no one here seems to have an y experience with encrypting messages with PowerShell you might want to post in either the security forum or the Net developers forum.
    Unfortunately, I have no encryted mail accounts to use for testing so I cannot easily attempt to help you find a solution.
    Any solution in C# or VB.Net would help provide a template for this.

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    I've a tricky challenge.
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    Do anyone have a solution of this?
    Thanks in advance!!!
    $RecipientCN = $null
    $RootDSE = $null
    $Certificate = $null
    $UserCertificate = $null
    $ExcelFile = "C:\Temp\123.xlsx"
    $SearchForestForPerson = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com")
    $SearchForestForPerson.SearchScope = "subtree"
    $SearchForestForPerson.PropertiesToLoad.Add("mail") | Out-Null
    $SearchForestForPerson.PropertiesToLoad.Add("usercertificate") | Out-Null
    $SearchForestForPerson.Filter = ("(&(objectClass=person)(CN=$RecipientCN))")
    $Recipient = $SearchForestForPerson.FindOne()
    $ChosenCertificate = $null
    $Now = Get-Date
    If ($Recipient.Properties.usercertificate -ne $null) {
    ForEach ($UserCertificate in $Recipient.Properties.usercertificate) {
    $ValidForSecureEmail = $false
    $Certificate = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$UserCertificate
    $Extensions = $Certificate.Extensions
    ForEach ($Extension in $Extensions) {
    If ($Extension.EnhancedKeyUsages -ne $null) {
    ForEach ($EnhancedKeyUsage in $Extension.EnhancedKeyUsages) {
    If ($EnhancedKeyUsage.FriendlyName -ine "Secure Email") {
    $ValidForSecureEmail = $true
    If ($ValidForSecureEmail) {
    If ($ValidForSecureEmail) {
    If ($Now -gt $Certificate.NotBefore.AddMinutes(-5) -and $Now -lt $Certificate.NotAfter.AddMinutes(5)) {
    $ChosenCertificate = $Certificate
    If ($ChosenCertificate -ne $null) {
    Add-Type -assemblyName "System.Security"
    $MailClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient "<Smtp-Server>"
    $Message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $Message.From = "<sender address>"
    $Message.Subject = "Unencrypted subject of the message"
    $Body = "This is the mail body"
    $MIMEMessage = New-Object system.Text.StringBuilder
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"') | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit') | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine() | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.AppendLine($Body) | Out-Null
    $MIMEMessage.Append($ExcelFile) | Out-Null
    [Byte[]] $BodyBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($MIMEMessage.ToString())
    $ContentInfo = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.ContentInfo (,$BodyBytes)
    $CMSRecipient = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.CmsRecipient $ChosenCertificate
    $EnvelopedCMS = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.EnvelopedCms $ContentInfo
    [Byte[]] $EncryptedBytes = $EnvelopedCMS.Encode()
    $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream @(,$EncryptedBytes)
    $AlternateView = New-Object System.Net.Mail.AlternateView($MemoryStream, "application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data;name=smime.p7m")

    You posted to the wrong forum (MDM).  You can try this one:
    Jeff Sanders (MSFT)
    @jsandersrocks - Windows Store Developer Solutions
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    My Blog: Http Client Protocol Issues (and other fun stuff I support)

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    the subject says it all.  I believe all settings are correct.

    Thanks.  I'd like the iPhone to make the sound I've chosen in setting when I receive an email.  Mail is sent and received normally. I looked here: http://email.about.com/od/iphonemailtips/qt/Set_Up_Push_Gmail_in_iPhone_Mail.htm and found some help but I still need more guidance.
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  • Can't send or recieve encrypted e-mail

    Have new Verisign Certificates. P7s put in "login" keychain using the window that prompts where to put it. Intermediate goes in login too (no other choice available I see). Root Cert put in X509 Anchors.
    Keychain and Microsoft Cert manager says certificates are placed in certificate manager automatically. My personal cert is in "Individuals", "Intermediate and Root Certs", are where they should be, but nothing is in "Digital Intities." Without a Cert in "Digital Entities", cannot complete the "Security" entries for signing and decryption in Entourage.
    I had this working with my old, but now expired certs. Cockpit error of some kind is certain. Whadda I do now?
    PB G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Entourage 2004

    Hi BGreg,
    Thanks.  My e-mail has been set up and working fine since I bought the iMac a few years ago.  Problem with e-mail started at the end of March.  I've checked all of the settings per the instructions on setting up the account.  I've been on the phone with Comcast to troubleshoot and they are unable to help.  Not sure why I can't even access Comcast.net without resetting safari.  I have no trouble with the e-mail account on my PC (same Comcast account).  Both my and my wife e-mail on the iMac don't work.  Not sure what else it could be with the iMac.  Comcast blames iMac software update for the problem.  iMac software is up to date.

  • I cannot read S/MIME encrypted Mails on iPhone and iPad

    I have a Certificate for my email address by Comodo. It is installed in Thunderbird on PC and iPhone and iPad with iOS 7.1.2.
    Thunderbird on PC behaves like expected, i can send and read encrypted emails.
    On iPad and iPhone i cannot read encrypted emails.
    I imported my S/MIME Certificate via email attachment (p.12-File) and activated it in the mail section for my account. I also enabled signature and encryption function.
    1. When i receive an email that is signed but not encrypted, the certificate of the sender is trusted & installed.
    2. When i receive an email that is encrypted, the same sender is now shown in red color. I cannot read the email, because my profile allegedly does not contain my identitiy.
    3. When i try to reply to the signed but not encrypted email (1.) then the message i send is signed but not encrypted, even though the address is shown in blue with a lock (which text info: encryption is possible).
    4. When I send an encrypted email to my own account via ipad or iphone, i can read it on both ipad and iphone. This makes me think that the iOS Mail App uses S/MIME encryption a little bit different then Thunderbird.
    All of this does not fit together. It think I correctly installed my certificate but there are problems in the Mail Program on iOS.

    Solved: the problem was that the emails were encrypted with an old public key.

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    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

        Hi Jwhitt
    Rats! Emails should work on our network!  Let's get this fixed. It may be the way the email is set up on your device. Here's an awesome link on apple's site to help you: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1288908?start=0&tstart=0 If that doesn't fix the problem I would recommend reaching out to road runners site. They normally have email set up walkthrus.
    Please reach out to us if you run into any issues.
    Thank you
    Please follow us on twitter @vzwsupport

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    This Apple document tells how to use them: Mail (Mavericks): Use personal certificates in Mail
    You need to get the certificate from a certificate authority (CA) like:
    Sign Up now for Free Secure Email Certificate with Digital Signature
    Digital Certificate Signing | Free Email Certificate
    Symantec Digital IDs for Secure Email – Digital Signature | Symantec
    Email SSL | SSL Certificates for Secure Email Encryption and Digital Signatures

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    If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.
    Also i have the iPad 1 with IOS 4.3.3 installed

    A couple of things that you could try are :
    closing the Mail app completely ? From the home screen (i.e. not with Mail 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

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    So, nearly two months without SMS. Life is different now. Some friends have gone, some have emailed me irate that I don't know they've messaged me…
    Seriously – since posting this original problem I have tried:
    Using a different SIM card – result was everything was the same other than different service operator. messages still not present and still not sending or receiving through imessage.
    Completely reset and reinstalled the system – nothing is changed.
    Downloaded a new app called Textie which does seem to work – sort of – but it's buggy. One bug is that the alerts don't work on the home page.
    All in all – I really want to get imessage working. Surely some other people have had this problem? I don't understand why Apple doesn't seem to care.

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    Assuming she’s supposed to be able to send from that address with that outgoing server and that the outgoing server settings are correct (which I don’t know), here are some things that may be worth looking at.
    Mail keeps information about outgoing (SMTP) servers in a separate list independently of the mail accounts themselves. The account settings just associate one of the available outgoing servers with each account. Deleting an account doesn’t remove from the list the outgoing server that was associated with it. Orphaned or dangling outgoing server entries (i.e. not associated with any account) sometimes cause weird sending problems. Go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Account Information > Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), choose Edit Server List from the popup menu, and delete any servers that shouldn’t be there — the Edit Server List panel shows the account each outgoing server is associated with.
    If the problem persists and you have more than one mail account, try moving the account that has the problem to the top of the list in Preferences > Accounts.
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list. Leave checked (enabled) only the port configuration needed to connect to Internet and Built-in Ethernet (in that order if not the same), uncheck (disable) the rest of network port configurations and see whether that helps — if it doesn’t, turn ON again the ones you want enabled.
    Try using a different method to connect to Internet, if possible, or connecting the computer to Internet as directly as possible (i.e. bypassing any routers that might be present, using an ethernet cable instead of wireless, etc.), or shutting down both the computer and the router/modem used to connect to Internet, restarting, and see whether that makes a difference.

  • IPhone now supports encrypted Yahoo Mail (iOS 4.2.1) with push!

    I was having problems sending email so I took the trouble shooting steps of removing my Yahoo account from the phone and re-adding it (rebooting the phone in between just to be sure).
    After doing so I noticed that the iPhone is now connecting to port TCP port 993 to retrieve mail for Yahoo and TCP port 465 to send mail via Yahoo. These are the ports used to receive and send mail using SSL/TLS respectively. See http://www.auditmypc.com/port/tcp-port-465.asp and http://www.auditmypc.com/port/tcp-port-993.asp
    In iOS 4.1 and earlier, the iPhone was using ports 143 to retrieve email and 587 to send. These are the ports used when receiving and sending non-encrypted email. See http://www.auditmypc.com/port/tcp-port-143.asp and http://www.auditmypc.com/port/tcp-port-587.asp
    There are ways of manually adding a Yahoo Mail account to the phone that sends and receives encrypted mail by going through the other mail settings and entering the servers names by hand, but push mail notifications wouldn't work with that.
    So what this all means, assuming this isn't a fluke, is that as of iOS 4.2.1, the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch now support sending and receiving of encrypted mail while still supporting push! That's big news.
    Message was edited by: Morac

    I've found sending to be hit or miss. It usually works, but frequently fails for reasons I can't figure out. When it fails, sometimes killing the mail app or rebooting the phone will get sending to work. Other times sending email with a different mail provider (MobileMe for example) gets it to work. Other times I have to turn off "Mail" for the Yahoo account and turn it back on.
    I will say that sending email usually works, but I've had 3 instances where it simply stopped working since upgrading to iOS 4.2.1. I don't know if this is a bug with iOS or with Yahoo's servers. I do know that when the server connection fails, that the phone is trying multiple times to reach apple.smtp.mail.yahoo.com on TCP ports 587, 465 or 25. I can telnet to that address on any of those ports while this problem is occurring so it seems likely it's an iOS issue.

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    I have had to turn off iMessage on my phone, because I have friends who have switched to that other mobile OS, and they are not interested in telling Apple about it (as one must do to unregister from iMessage).
    My phone now refuses to send SMS to my wife - my phone insists that she can only get blue iMessages. I cannot find any way to turn the "Send" button green.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Hmmmmm, that does not make any logical sense.
    If I understand correctly, you send a text only message to contact A and it sends fine
    If you send a message containing a picture to contact A it shows as delivered but never appears on their device?
    Has this been tried with multiple contacts?
    Does  basic MMS work?
    Any difference if your are connected to Wi-Fi? Cellular data?

  • Send S/MIME signed email

    Does anybody have experience sending S/MIME signed email with Adobe LiveCycle?

    Hi Casper,
    I don't understand what do you mean by saying "multipart/signed email".
    EWS managed API has already shown how to create and send email, please take a look at this link:
    Or if you like, here is a tutorial about how to encrypt and sign mail in .net:
    If the links above doesn't help, please describe your requirement clearly, and I will be glad to help you.
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Develop and promote your apps in Windows Store
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • IPhone 5 has stopped sending picture messages.

    I have had my iPhone 5 for a couple of months now and it was working great when I first got it. I don't send picture messages very often, but it has to have changed recently to where I can no longer send picture messages. This is over text messages and iMessages. My MMS Mesaging is turned on, but it still refuses to send the message and just puts the error badge next to the failed send.
    Any advice is appreciated.

    for the pictures go to settings> messages and make sure ssm message is on if so reset the network by going to settings> general> reset

Maybe you are looking for