IPhone sync, iPhoto library disappeared

I took a photo using my iPhone for a friend, then she loaded the photo to her iMac using the usb.
She now cannot find her iPhoto library on her iMac.
Retrospect, yes, I should have just emailed her the photo. The iPhone did sync with her iMac.
Any suggestions.

Please stop with the FALSE statements -- I did not say all problems are the users fault - I said very clearly in English
@Nanabiz. Very, very, very unlikely that iPhoto is losing your library. It has no capability to delete a library. The most common cause is user error. An easy solution is to restore your backup
That is a very specific correct statement about a specific problem
If you have a huge list of issues try asking questions about them rather than just RANTING - it is likely that your list of problems has a list of very simple solutions

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    Hi laurie,
    About a month ago, a friend of mine called and said that his i photo library had suddenly evaporated.  When I took a look at his computer screen, I saw a very small sliver of gray at the bottom of his screen.
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    Do matters improve if you update to iPhoto 9.4.1?
    iPhoto 9.4.1
    From the release notes for the new version:
    What's New in Version 9.4.1
    Improves the reliability of syncing to iOS devices via iTunes 
    Fixes an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when using the Export command 
    Addresses an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when upgrading multiple books, cards, and calendars 
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    Hey there Ronnie,
    It sounds like you have resynced and even gone as far as restoring your iPhone but the photos do not seem to be syncing correctly despite that troubleshooting. It seems to me like your iPod Photo Cache file may need to be deleted and then recreated. This section of the following article will help you do that:
    iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder
    iPhoto or Aperture
    If you're syncing from an iPhoto or Aperture library, use these steps to find the iPod Photo Cache folder in the default iPhoto Library or Aperture Library location:
    From the Finder, choose Go > Home. If you moved your iPhoto Library or Aperture Library to a different location, go to that location instead.
    Open the Pictures folder and locate the iPhoto Library file. (For Aperture, this is called Aperture Library.) 
    Control-click iPhoto Library or Aperture Library and choose Show Package Contents.
    In the next window, drag the iPod Photo Cache folder to the Trash. 
    Important: Don't remove or modify any other file within the library package. Removing or modifying other files may cause data loss.
    Close the Finder window. 
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

  • My iphoto library disappeared. i am trying to restore my library from time machine -- from an external drive -- but everytime it tries to copy my library it tells me it can't do it because i don't have access to my iphoto library??!!!  help!!

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    ...HOWEVER, when she opens iPhoto on the laptop they don't show up in the window.
    I'm sure I'm missing something brainless. I thought it might be that the library needed to be updated but can't figure out how?
    Any ideas? Thanks.

    If you have an external HD connected to the Mac then it's a very easy thing to do. See Apple's KB document on iPhoto: Sharing libraries among multiple users. Trying to get a library in the Shared folder to accept two different users is difficult. There is a site describing how to do that using Access Control Lists in Tiger: Share an iPhoto Library in Tiger Using ACL's. It may not work if you upgrade to Leopard at a later date. By far the easiest way is the external HD method.
    Happy New Year
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Make sure your external hard drive is Mac formated and has a reasonable amount of space available.
    --- Side note:  If you haven't already, you should tell TimeMachine to backup that external hard drive as Time Machine only backs up your internal hard drive by default.
    1. Install all software updates for both your computer and your iPhone and turn both on and off and re-plug the cable between them.
    2. Try importing your pictures and movies using Image Capture found in Macintosh HD > Applications.
    -- If Image Capture sees your iPhone when iPhoto does not, try creating a new iPhoto library on your internal drive to see if that library can see your iPhone.  This is done by launching iPhoto while holding down the option key.
    If those steps do not help, follow this article: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3195

  • How do I sync iPhoto Library between 2 computers?

    Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. I have an iMac and a MacBook Air and want to sync the iPhoto library between the two. I have upgraded both the desktop and laptop to OSX 10.9 and iPhoto '11 (9.5).
    I always had an iPhoto Library file (in Pictures under Finder) on EACH computer. The two did not sync, so if I added photos to one instance of the Library in a particular computer. I had to copy the Library and then paste it into the the other computer. I'm pretty sure I'm missing a fairly easy means of overcoming this, but I don't know what it is.
    I had hoped the new version of iPhoto, with its closer link to iCloud would obviate this, but it only synchronises items in Photo Stream, not the entire iPhoto library. Any ideas on how I can improve this process. I do use Dropbox for all other files, and of course the iMac and MacBook Air are on the same home network.
    Would I be better off putting the iPhoto Library on an external drive and then "point" both computers to that single instance of the library? If so I don't begin to know how to do it.
    Thank you so much

    What do you mean by "Sync".
    The general term means when two Libraries (A and B) are compared and files in Library A are copied to Library B, while files in Library B are also copied to Library A so that both Libraries are identical.
    This is bi-directional copying and you cannot do this automatically with iPhoto. No Syncing software is capable of parsing the iPhoto Library in this manner. One or both of your Libraries will be damaged if you try this.
    You can have uni-directional copying - files in Library A are copied to Library B - this is essentially backing up. Obviously you can also copy from Library B to Library A.
    The nearest you can get to syncing is to use iPhoto Library Manager  to move files/Albums/Events plus associated metadata between Libraries. This process cannot be automated.
    Putting the Library on an external is easy:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

  • Iphoto library disappeared in yosemite

    after upgrading to yosemite ( latest 10.10.1) from 10.6.8
    I also downloaded iphoto 9.6 ( 910.29)
    I looked at my photos, did a bit of cleaning.
    I proceeded to load photos from my iphone (5S) about 1000 photos. all loaded.
    all looked fine.
    I quit
    upon opening iphoto again,
    i am asked to select an iphoto library, with nothing to chose from.
    Iphoto has forgotten my library.
    I looked for my iphoto library. not ot be found where it is supposed to be pictures.
    I looked in the mac.
    Ifind in a folder called blog ( inside pictures) a folder iphotolibry.
    I thought goody!
    but no library.
    I see a folder called masters
    in there I find the photos from the iphone, just loaded earlier.
    No trace whatsoever of all of my other photos.
    In view of the size of my user folder, there are all in there, but lost int the wrong place, with the wrong name
    at this stage , i am stuck.
    read some threads but these are mostly concerned with library not updated correctly.
    in my case, the library seems to have disappeard altogether.
    any suggestions out there?
    I found several

    MediaRecover or Picture Rescue
    will recover images from a card.

  • IPhoto Library 'disappeared' after Yosemite crash and iPhoto upgrade

    I have upgraded my iMac to Yosemite and have been using iPhoto fine since then (although it is a bit slow),  yesterday iPhoto crashed the computer, after several restarts the computer was ok, but iPhoto wouldn't load and then said it needed to be upgraded - So I did this and when I opened this again it crashed then said that it needed to upgrade the library and then it crashed (iPhoto) when I restarted it started with no library and would appear to have overwritten the iPhoto (default) library, I have checked this and although there are other libraries, I am aware of these and these are not my missing library.  I found some information on http://www.scanyourentirelife.com/all-my-pictures-in-iphoto-disappeared-how-to-s afely-get-them-back/ and this talks about looking in the 'Masters' file but to be very careful as altering this will cause problems with edits etc.  Anyway I found that in my directory a file called 'Old Masters' as well as 'Masters' and it would appear that all of my pictures are now in 'Old Masters'.
    So I am opening the right file but how do I make the 'Old Masters' the 'Masters' - is it as easy as shifting the files or changing the name on the file?
    Tech Stuff - My iMac is running 10.10 Yosemite and is about 1 year old 27" version and I keep everything up to date (for my sins) - My library 700+ events and is about 176gb in size
    Your help would be appreciated

    there is unfortunately not yet any known way to repair an iPhoto Library, that got corrupted during the upgrade by a crash.
    You can either restore your iPhoto library from the last backup you made before you tried to upgrade the library, and then try to upgrade again.
    Or if your last backup cannot be restored or is too old, copy all photos you can find in the iPhoto Library package and import them into a new iPhoto Library.
    but I can see my picture in "old Thumbnails".
    The "Old Thumbnails" are only smaller sized versions of your photos. Don't you at least have "Old Originals" or "Old Modified"?

  • Best app (not TM) for syncing iPhoto library

    I have iPhoto 11 on my iMac. I use Time Machine to backup with the HDD conneted to my iMac.
    However I would also like to either backup my iPhoto library to my NAS, or to another HDD for offsite storing. I also want to hold my iTunes library too.
    So I have seena few Mac Apps for syncing, but not one that seems to do what I want to do.
    Is there any apps that can sync iPhto library to another NAS or HDD? I would rather they sync, than having to just copy the whole iPhoto library everytime, as this would take ages.
    Am I right in thinking that I have to have the NAS or HDD in a Mac exteneded format or something? Also I know the iPhoto library is actual a database file, so can sync software actual sync these type?
    any help please

    First off: you need to clarify your terms. You use sync and back up interchangeably and they are not the same thing.
    Syncing: The general term means when two Libraries (A and B) are compared and files in Library A are copied to Library B, while files in Library B are also copied to Library A so that both Libraries are identical.
    Backing up is a one directional copy: The source is copied to the target.
    It sounds like you might mean incremental backing up?
    The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically. Examples of such apps: Chronosync or DejaVu . But are many others. Search on MacUpdate
    Yes the iPhoto Library needs to sit on a disk formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and that will rule out using a NAS.

  • Sync iPhoto library in Aperture

    Is it possible to sync my iPhoto library in Aperture.
    I use my iPhoto library to view and show the images with or without slideshows and my Aperture library to edit the images.
    It would be nice that the edited images will show up in iPhoto and the imported images in iPhoto will be visible in Aperture.

    You cannot "sync" the databases. You can import the iPhoto library into Aperture, and you can use Aperture's JPEG previews to view Aperture files in iPhoto and many other areas of OS X.
    Please, read the other threads on this. It's been discussed at length. Also have a read of the documentation... it details it as well

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