IPhone Tethering (hotspot) question.

I was thinking about getting an iPhone. I also have a macbook pro and my family has ipads. I was wondering if I would be able to use my phone's online services with my computer and my family's tablets in the form of the iphone's hotspot (just for the record, I am on Verizon). If I were to do this, would using the iphone's hotspot cost any more money. I was also thinking about simply getting a mobile hotspot to use with my ipod I have now, my comuter, and my family's tablets. I was wondering if this would be a better idea (deal) than an iphone's hotspot.

tikirog wrote:
I recently upgraded to the Galaxy Nexus from the original Droid (1) and was "grandfathered" in with the unlimited data plan.  I'm wondering if a) tethering my phone / wifi hotspoting my phone would be included with that unlimited data plan or b) do I have to add tethering/hotspoting to my plan (if so how much extra would this be) and c) if I were to add this feature to my current plan, would it override/nullify my "grandfathered" unlimited data plan.
Thanks for helping,
No the hotspot would be an extra charge. However since you have a 4G device, the hotspot is $30/month for unlimited data for it.

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    Message was edited by: dawgma

    I found this post on another thread and tried it for tethering my iPad 2 to my iPhone 4 and so far it's worked great. Good luck!!
    Mar 13, 2012 1:20 PM (in response to coalxman)
    I have been having that problem for 6 months and my IT guy finally found a solution by mining the web. I don't know the source of the answer to give credit but it works !
    Text of blog posting below:
    t does, thanks! I was getting really frustrated with connecting my iPad to my 4S via Personal Hotspot. After a fresh boot of the phone it would work as expected but if the connection was terminated (say by switching hotspot off and on) or after the two hadn't been connected for a while it got into this state where I could see and connect to the hotspot but it would drop a few seconds later then try again over and over.
    After a lot of experimenting I finally figured out that there seems to be a pretty serious bug in the hotspot's DHCP server. AP discovery and WPA authentication work great but in this weird state the iPhone will not give the connecting device an IP. The only solution to fix the DHCP server is to reboot the phone.
    That being the case, grasshoppertrekker's advice is bang on - you need to give the connecting device a static IP address. This gets around the DHCP issue.
    For the less technically inclined, here's how to do that with an iPad:
    - Reboot your phone and connect to the hotspot as usual and ensure the connection works
    - On the iPad go to Settings - WiFi and tap the arrow to the right of your iPhone's name
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    - Tap the Static tab (or Manual)
    - Enter in the same values you just write down
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    Optional extra: Instead of using whatever DNS values the DHCP server (and by extension your mobile data ISP) gives you, use OpenDNS IP's instead. This will speed up YouTube due to their partnership with Google and prevent your ISP from traking your web usage via DNS interception. To do this enter the following into the DNS field under the Static tab:, (note the comma)
    Like (0)

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    Message was edited by: The Johnx

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    Maybe you are looking to re-purpose this equipment versus getting rid of it if so, the best thing to do is search the internet for tutorials.  And I say this because it's what I would do, there are a lot of tutorials online.    Hope you can find good use for them.  Worse case scenario if you can't find something right now, package them very nicely and when you come across something unbox and enjoy.  I've re-purposed a mac color classic and LOVE IT!!

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    Screenshot here:
    Message was edited by: DominikB

    I got this to work again (in fact, I'm tethered right now
    Here are the steps I followed:
    1) Upgraded to iTunes 9
    2) Upgraded iPhone to OS 3.1
    3) Removed device from Bluetooth Devices list on my MBP
    4) Removed Bluetooth PAN from Network preferences
    5) Restarted iPhone and MBP
    6) Set-up iPhone as a Bluetooth Device on MBP
    7) Enabled tethering on iPhone
    8) Connected to iPhone network via the Bluetooth icon on my MBP menu bar
    9) Verified that the blue "Internet Tethering" bar was on the iPhone
    10) Manually added Bluetooth PAN to my MBP network preferences (connect show as yellow, "IP cannot be assigned" message)
    11) Opened the Advanced pane and clicked the "Renew DHCP Lease" button
    12) IP was assigned!
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    This Method is Only People who couldn't Fix it in this Way, Please try this one before you continue this method. http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2756
    1. Download the Latest iTunes Version & Install It
    2. Now Un-Install Apple Application Support and Apple Mobile Device Support in your Programs
    3. Now Extract the Itunes Setup file (E.g: iTunes64Setup.exe) using 7-zip
    4. Install AppleApplicationSupport.msi (must be installed before AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi)
    5. Install AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi (do not change the installation directory)
    6. Restart the Computer
    7. Reset Network Settings in your iPhone (Settings>General>Reset)
    8. Now Connect to Computer using USB or Wi-Fi. It Must be Work now! If not Just Reset All Settings in your iPhone. Now It will Work

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