Iphone video wallpaper

are there any video wallpapers coming out for iphone4 or is there a way to create them?

Only possible on the iPhone - Harry Potter edition
(btw, the Maps app on that version is really cool too)

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  • Pre Lion iPhone videos show Thumbnail but can't play - new video generates Unsupported Video Format popup, no thumb but will play via quicktime

    This is really frustrating -
    Over the last year I have been uploading all of my photos and occasional iPhone video to Aperture 3 (latest version all patches in place).    Aperture would recognize the video, create a thumbnale and otherwise treat it nicely.
    Now, since upgrading to Lion I find that though I can "see" the old videos in their folders or projects and the associated Thunbnale, I can't play them - I either get the spinning color wheel and then nothing or Aperture will crash and report an error relating to Quicktime (sorry don't have an error code at the moment).
    If I try and export a video I can - but what I get also can't be played by Quicktime - just a black screen.  When I hit Play - the scroll bar moves, but there is no sound or video.
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    Now upon retstarting Aperture 3 once again I find that I can still see my old movies (their thumbnails show up) but I still can't play them.   The new test movie is there but still generates the popup regarding it being an Unsupported Video Format.
    And it's not just my iPhone.   Video sent via email from another iPhone can play as an attachment, or when dragged and dropped to the desktop, but once imported into Aperture is once again proclaimed to be an Unsupported Video Format.  
    Hoping someone out there knows how to resolve this....

    For some reason it just started to work now. Have no idea what didn't work before.

  • I want to automatically extract my iphone-videos from the iPhoto library since I have way over 25 000 objects in there. Afterwards I would like to import them into iMovie. Anyone having an idea?

    Dear all,
    I want to automatically extract my iphone-videos from the iPhoto library since I have way over 25 000 objects in there. Afterwards I would like to import them into iMovie. Anyone having an idea? Or is there no possibility to do so?
    Thanks in advace

    File -> New Smart Abum
    Photo -> Is -> Movie
    and export those:
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.

  • What's the best way to import and manage iPhone video?

    I don't really want to use iPhoto for importing video - it doesn't seem like it's built with that in mind even though it's the default option for importing both photos and videos. It doesn't have very good (if any) options for filtering just videos or just photos, either when viewing or importing. And I don't want to have videos all jumbled in with photos in my iPhoto library.
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    I considered Clipstart but it commits a cardinal sin when it renames all my videos in the Finder to a sequential numbering that begins at 01.mov for each new day, creating hundreds and thousands of identically titled movies in the video library, albeit in their own folders, but chaos if you want to search in Spotlight or anything.
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    So... what do you do?

    That's exactly the sort of crafty workaround I like. I didn't know they were all tagged, but that would definitely work. I'd still love a dedicated app that did it really well, or more love given to that side of things in iPhoto. iMovie is too hefty for just managing them.
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    It sounds like you to 5 separate videos. If you start recording, then stop it, then start it again, you will have 2 videos. Not 1. As for splicing them together, you will need a video editing package for your PC. I don't know if Windows Movie Maker (or whatever they're calling it now) can handle this or not. On a Mac, I'd say just use iMovie.

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    1 - episode info
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    2- chapters
    With the iphone, when a video with chapter marks is being played back, as part of the play controls, there is a chapter option so you can see what and where the chapter marks are and can easily go to them directly.
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    No idea why the two players can't have the same functionality.
    Hopefully someone from apple can see this and consider it for a future update.
    (is this the best way to get them info/suggestions for future updates???)

    Actually, this is the best way to get feedback to Apple for this. Apple employees only moderate this forum for abuse and violations of the terms of use.

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    You need an app like Toast by Roxio (http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/toast/default.html).  You would use Toast to burn the videos to a DVD-R disc.

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    Or try to search in the App Store.
    I am using ifunia media-converter, the one that got from Mac App Store, successfully converted dvd and HD video for me, seems it support converting mov to flv.

  • IPhone video H.264 will not play in iPhoto '11 Slideshow

            I use iPhoto to organize videos and .jpgs; I take videos both with a Sony camera and my iPhone. I often trim videos in iPhoto and then play them as part of a Event or Album, along with .jpgs, using the SlideShow feature before moving on to iMovie or Keynote. Recently I have encountered difficulties with iPhone H.264 videos, particularly in vertical format -- they simply won't play in the iPhoto simple SlideShow and lock it up (a simple X then ends the SlideShow and iPhoto is no longer locked). The vertical iPhone videos work in iMovie if I simply move them there. I have not detected any problems with the Sony videos, which are invariably horizontal. I am not experiencing any other iPhoto issues although my library is >125GB.
         Any Suggestions?
        Thanks for your thoughts.

         @#$^$%^ Computers!
         After I realized I could not determine the frame rate (to respond to your post), out of frustration I went back, restored the most troublesome video to original, closed iPhoto, re-opened iPhoto, re-trimed the troublesome video, and .... yep, you guessed it .... it worked fine. It had to be something in the trim process.
         I haven't taken time to check the others that were problematic, but I'm confident that was the problem.
         @#% how much of my time; how much of your time.....but, still far better than the years I spent watching a rotating hourglass.
         Thanks for your interest, your offer to help, and my best to you. (And, my apologies for failing to include the accent grave in your name previously.

  • IPhone video upside down in FF4

    When I put landscape iphone video to my .mac gallery is it upside down.
    Looks fine in chrome and safari and imovie.
    I checked the web.
    Some folks say that I should have taken the landscape video with the home button on the right (I did not).
    Others say the problem is the quicktime plug in in FF4.
    Does anyone know for sure?

    In response to Rudegar, I already checked my original movie in different browsers:
    See where I said:
    "Looks fine in chrome and safari and imovie."
    In any case, I did what I should have done before.
    I now made two very short movies, one with the home button on the right, one on the left.
    Then I tested, and it indeed is FF 4.
    All other browsers showed both movies fine.

  • Viewing iphone video on PC

    I'm transferring iphone videos to my windows PC. I have QT 7
    the videoa just shjow a black screen, but the sound plays. Any advice on how to see thie video

    Strange, I swear I did this yesterday at it was horrid, not it is HD quality
    I did a copy paste yesterday vs click and drag, this
    Surly can't be different...thx for the speedy help

  • Upload iphone video to windows power point

    i have quick time 7
    windows vista
    iphone 4
    i need to upload iphone video to my pc then into microsoft power point presentation

    Photos captured by your iPhone or photos that are available in your iPhone's camera roll (a photo saved from a received email or from a website is also stored in your iPhone's camera roll) are not included with the iTunes sync process except for being included with your iPhone's backup, which is created and maintained by iTunes.
    You can transfer photos from your computer to your iPhone via the iTunes sync process, and the sync process for such photos is a one way transfer process only - from your computer to your iPhone. Photos transferred from your computer to your iPhone via the iTunes sync process are stored in your iPhone's Photo Library, which cannot be imported by your computer.
    Do you have another digital camera and if so, have you imported photos by your computer that were captured by this digital camera?
    I believe Windows includes a camera and scanner wizard for importing photos from a digital camera. When your iPhone includes photos in the camera roll, it is also detected as a digital camera when connected to your computer.

  • How do I Transfer iPhone video to iPad photos?

    How do I Transfer iPhone video to iPad photos?

    Copy Photos (& Videos) Between iOS Devices
     Cheers, Tom

  • Burn iPhone videos to dvd

    I was wondering if any1 knows if it is possible to make a movie from videos ive recorded on my iphone on a macbook and then burn them to dvd and for them to be able to be played on a dvd player? i dont have a macbook at the moment i have a packardbell on windows and i havent found any programme that i can make these iphone videos burn to a dvd anyhelp and advice would be greatful Thanks

    Yes, there are programs that will put a movie on a DVD.   I have tried most of the other substitutes including Toast, Burn, and others.  None of them come anywhere near the ease-of-use and power of iDVD. IDVD is specifically designed to work with iMovie.
    With iDVD you can easily and quickly create DVDs with menus and graphics almost on the level of what Hollywood can do.
    IDVD is easy to get. It is available on disk as part of iLife 11.
    IDVD is a wonderful piece of software and well worth the low cost of $40.

  • Editing iPhone Video

    Two short questions:
    1. What is the best thing to do when you end up with a bunch of clips at different frame rates?
    2. When importing video shot on the iPhone into PPCS4, why does Premiere place the video on track one, and force the audio to track 2?
    iPhone video is 640X480, 4:3 and produces .MOV files with the h.264 codec.  The frame rate it produces depends on the lighting - lower light, lower frame rate.  There is no manual override for any of these settings.  So, I shot several clips and they range from 15 to 30 FPS.
    On question 2, this is not exlusive to iPhone produces quicktime files, I've seen it before when importing from other sources.  The iPhone produces a mono audio track, I wonder if that's the problem.

    the audio problem was indeed, it need a mono source track.  I couldn't find a way to change the track, so I just added and deleted.
    This is correct. The user cannot directly change the designation of the Audio Track. Deleting "Empty Tracks" will take care of it for you.
    My default setup for a Sequence is 2 mono, 3 stereo and a 5.1 Master. Should I not need those mono Tracks (SFX for me), I just delete them from the Sequence.
    In PrPro, one cannot drag Tracks, Video, or Audio, one must either plan ahead, or use the Delete/Add Tracks, to get things neat on the Timeline. Some NLE's do allow one to drag Tracks, but PrPro does not.
    The project itself has a defined framerate, so doesn't this basically convert it (even before export)?
    Not directly, but Interpret Footage will do this for you. In CS4, one can do separate Sequences, with different specs/Presets. Earlier, on was stuck with one setting per Project, and ONLY Intrepret Footage would help. For me, I will always convert, outside of PrPro and then Import, but that is my personal workflow.
    And, what happens to the clip when you up-convert?  It seems that it's just adding frames, for example going from 15 to 30 its' just going to make two of each. That makes for some choppy video.  And finally, how does one make the conversion before hitting the timeline with the clip, and what is the benefit?
    This will depend on how much conversion is needed. I use DigitalMedia Converter, and it's quite good. In the end, the editor is the final judge. I'd suggest trying it both ways, and testing what is best.
    Good luck,

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