Iphone will not launch?

I just got a macbook pro a week ago. I started doing an imovie project and imported pictures from iphoto. But now, whenever i try to click on the iphoto icon on the dock, it wont work. I have to hold it for a couple of seconds, it pops  up in a blue outline around it, but whenever i try to do anything, the whole iphoto window goes back to the dock. i need some help?

Try trash the com.apple.iPhoto.plist file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
What's the plist file?
For new users: Every application on your Mac has an accompanying plist file. It records certain User choices. For instance, in your favourite Word Processor it remembers your choice of Default Font, on your Web Browser is remembers things like your choice of Home Page. It even recalls what windows you had open last if your app allows you to pick up from where you left off last. The iPhoto plist file remembers things like the location of the Library, your choice of background colour, whether you are running a Referenced or Managed Library, what preferences you have for autosplitting events and so on. Trashing the plist file forces the app to generate a new one on the next launch, and this restores things to the Factory Defaults. Hence, if you've changed any of these things you'll need to reset them. If you haven't, then no bother. Trashing the plist file is Mac troubleshooting 101.

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        Sammyhunter lets get you back in action! Has there been any physical/water damage to the device? Try pressing and holding the home and power button together. Once the Apple symbol appears release both buttons. Keep us posted!
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    When there are photos in the iPhone's Camera Roll, the iPhone is also detected as a digital camera when connected to a computer.
    He needs to get an iTunes account with iTunes. If iTunes does not launch automatically, manually launch iTunes no different from launching any other application on your computer if not already launched.
    Under the Summary tab for the iPhone sync preferences with iTunes, select open iTunes when this iPhone is connected.

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    WaynePharm wrote:
    OK  Instead of dueling each other, the issue is my Problem.  If you want to 'duel', please take it off-line.
     No one is "dueling" , we are tying to fix your problem.
    Re-stating my Problem:
    1.  I had loaded BB DM6 on a Windows XP PC about 3 months ago with no problems.  In fact, it linked with all aspects of Outlook that I needed  (Calendar, Task and Contacts).  Yeah!!  This did not happen with the 'original' BB DM that I loaded January 2009 when I bought the BB Storm from Verizon, but I lived with this short coming of BB.  Built my calendar and contacts directly into the BB Storm.
     So the original installation of the desktop manager software loaded in January 2009 did not correctly function with Outlook.
    2.  OK.  So something happened last week and the BB DM6 will not launch without getting the error message that I put in my 1st Posting of this Problem.
    "So something happened". We can only go on your description of the problem. If you have no idea what happened  i couldn't possibly know.  The only "guess" would be an there was an auto update to existing software or you have added software.
    3.  I went to BB and loaded the "Fix" for PC.  Also, this did not Launch BB DM6.
    4.  Unloaded the BB DM6 with the Windows XP Control Panel "Remove Program".  Re-Booted the PC.  Then, went to BB and reloaded the BB DM6.  Same error message and no Launch.
    Try using the repair/modify option in the Remove Program function on the DM installation currently loaded on the PC.
    5.  I am far from the "Techie" that the respondants to this Problem are!!  I am a SIMPLE End User of this BB Storm having mucho problems ... all of a sudden ... last week after using BB DM6 without the problems.
    6.  What can a SIMPLE, non-techie End User do?  From the Respondants Postings .. I am reading about Loading Roxio for BB DM from the Roxio website?  Also, reading about that the Unload from the Windows XP Control Panel, Remove Programs, is incomplete for the removal of the BB DM6.  I am being directed to removing 'hidden' files/keys as directed in a BB Problem Solving Posting for the CLEAN Removal of BB DM6--- which is surely not written for the SIMPLE, non-techie End User!!
    The error indicates a problem with some Roxio software. If you were using DM with Media manager prior Roxio was a part of that software, or you are running Roxio software.The Roxio information I gave you was to remove Roxio drivers not load Roxio software.
    In your description of the January 2009 install  there were problems with the install that were never correctly addressed. What we are suggesting is to remove all traces of the Various installation of desktop manager which includes editing the registry. That is why using Windows remove programs is not sufficient.
    Once complete you will be installing a fresh copy of DM on your system, this will ensure that the DM software can correctly integrate wit both Windows and MS Outlook
    The install procedure is SUGGESTED as the best resolution to your problem. Whether you run it or not is your decision.
    7.  In simple non-Techie language for this SIMPLE, non-techie End User ... what can I do to fix the problem and be able to launch BB DM6 from my Windows XP PC??
     This is as plain "non-techie" as I can write it.
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • If iTunes 9 will not launch - read this

    Hi there,
    If iTunes 9.0.2 update has completely messed up your itunes - will not launch or what not, make sure you have the specs that are required to run it.
    Trust me, today, I finally sorted through my problems with the update.
    First off I was running OS X 10.5.8, safari 4.0.4.
    You need at least a 4.0.3 to run iTunes store in 9.0.2 and to run a safari 4.0.3 you need (i think) at least an OS X 10.5.7. And there's a need to have at least a Quicktime 7.6 installed (the quicktime was my major problem).
    So if you have at least these three things iTunes 9.0.2 should run:
    Mac OS X 10.5.7
    Safari 4.0.3
    Quicktime 7.6
    If you're still having problems... I don't know what to tell you except call customer service or continue posting and hope.
    Best of luck!!

    This is the exact same problem i am experiencing, wired pc, into router that also provides the wireless connection for my iphone. I get no device popping up in itunes when trying to add a library in remote.
    I have added the port forwards to my router with no joy, disabled any and all software firewall/av, no joy.
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    Any other info would be great

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    Presumably the configuration fails to complete, so every time you start iTunes it has another go.
    As iTunes works normally when you plug in your iPod, you should be able to work round this by creating a new iTunes short cut.
    Go to Program Files\iTunes and right click on iTunes.exe. Select: Send to>>Desktop(create shortcut). If you are lucky you will be able to open iTunes using this short cut.
    However this work around does not fix the underlying problem that WIndows fails to complete configuring iTunes.

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    Anyone any ideas?

    Other people seem to be having the same problem.
    There was a solution posted in another thread.
    1) Remove iTunes. Instructions can be found here: http://www.tekrevue.com/tip/uninstall-itunes/
    2) Reinstall iTunes. It can be downloaded here: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
    If that doesn't work, I fixed the problem on my system (before seeing the above instructions) by installing Yosemite on an external drive, then booting from the external drive and copying the iTunes app from the new install back over to the main system. This will be version 12 so you will need to go through the normal update process again to get the latest version.

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    then shut down all and unplugged, restarted--no change, iTunes still will not launch after upgrade
    iTunes current version
    on imac w/10.6.8

    I have the same issue.
    Allready uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled it, but the same problem occurs.
    Icon keeps bouncing, and all that's visible is the first menu-item in the top menu bar, named iTunes. Nothing is clickable though.
    The iPhone Configuration Utility doesn't seem to work either, it crashes on uploading an app to my iPhone. I guess it's using some of iTunes' libs or something.
    Does anyone know how to get iTunes working again? I'm getting pretty desperate over here...

  • ITunes will not Launch 10.6 Snow Leopard

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    8/29/09 10:26:15 AM [0x0-0xbddbdd].com.apple.iTunes[9902] [Deprecated] CocoaJava: com.apple.cocoa.foundation.NSRuntime
    8/29/09 10:26:15 AM [0x0-0xbddbdd].com.apple.iTunes[9902] -[NSJavaVirtualMachine initWithClassPath:] FATAL: cannot initialize ObjCJava. Exit
    8/29/09 10:26:15 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[237] ([0x0-0xbddbdd].com.apple.iTunes[9902]) Exited with exit code: 255
    Any ideas?

    OK, this solution worked for me:
    Quit all programs, force-quit iTunes if it is locked up.
    Disconnect any iPhone or iPods
    Go to: Macintosh HD/users/"your user name"/library/preferences, and drag to trash the preference panels: with itunes in the name: including>com.apple.iTunes.plist, com.apple.iTunes.eq.plist
    Download iTunes 8.2.1 from theApple website,
    Run the iTunes 8.2.1 installer
    It will have you set up iTunes as if for the first time.
    Launch iTunes after it is set up, it will take a bit as it creates new prefence files.
    Quit iTunes>restart the mac>Launch iTunes and after it loads plug in your iPod or iPhone.

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    I already deleted and installed it three times. I also shut down and restarted my iphone. But I still can not get Spotify to open. Thanks for help

    So this is the fix finally. Forget the links
     change your Region Format settings to USA.
    iPhone/iPod Settings > General > International > Region Format > then change country
     Obviously 17,000 posts and 5300 Kudos you know what you are talking about. . I don't understand why customer support at the company doesn't just come out and say the new app is screwed. Many others are having the same issue. Technical support is a joke it's a bunch of high school students cutting and pasting the same questions. Someone should have emailed this simple sentence above 2 days ago. Maybe its all  ploy so that when Apple launches its streaming service Spotify will become the next Etoys or Netscape. Anyway Peter thank you for your attention. Tell Spotify they owe you some extra stock options

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    I am having the same problem. Like me, so many posts describe days of work with little to show for it. I have read numerous "solutions" but none work or work fully.
    Here we have two of the most influential computer companies in the world: APPLE and MICROSOFT, and hundreds of posts with people asking for help in connecting their Iphone to Windows7, or in getting Itunes under devices, to show their connected IPhone when it does not do so.
    You would think that Apple and Windows would have solved this problem and developed wizards to help their customers, but if they have done so, none of the many posts I have read make any mention of it.
    Like many who have written on their attempts to solve the problem I have installed and reinstalled Itunes, disabled USB devices, and so one.
    I am as interested in understanding what the technical problem(s) are as I am in solving my problem.
    Windows has managed to recognize literally thousands of devices yet when I connect my IPHONE 4s (presumably one of millions sold) it is silent. That is as amazing to me as it is frustrating.
    If anyone ever gets this figured out a gold star to you, and please contact [email protected]
    Professor Hal

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    I installed updates on my Mac.  In order to complete the process, a window telling me to Force Quit itunes came up.  I did so and now iTunes will not launch??
    Cathy 214

    Try deleting all your music by going into settings>general>usage>music. Then re-download them from iTunes by going in to iTunes on your iPhone>more>purchased>music.

  • Re: iTunes will not launch.

    I have uninstalled all apple products and then re-downloaded itunes and after the installation is said that it installed correctly but it will not launch.

    I have been unsuccessful in utlizing Itunes.
    I have downloaded and followed the Install intructions and even received the message that is was successfully installed, but I can not use it.
    When I plug my Iphone in, nothing happens. Itunes does not seem to recognize that I've even downloaded it. I've deleted and reinstalled on each user (including Administrator) and still no luck.
    Can anyone please help me??!?!?!!!

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    press home button twice, tap and hold Safari - tap the red circle next to safari - try to reopen safari.

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