Ipod freezes windows

im sure this has been covered..im a newbie (but 54 years young!) ok i installed i tunes and i pod installer....i can open i tunes......but when i hook up my ipod to usb (I have tried other usb ports too) the program freezes....as soon as i disconnect the program frees up.......result is i cant load my new music to ipod.........i am running windows xp pentium 4, maybe a complet uninstall/install sequence would help....this WAS working fine on my other computer..... also a pentium four running windows xp.......dont tell me to buy an apple!! lol

I am having the same issue. There is a problem with the update 6.02 and ipod update 1.1. I have gone through 10,000 steps and still no luck. My itunes works great, my ipod works great, together they dont work. stupid. please help if you know how to fix.

Similar Messages

  • Ipod Freezing windows

    Help please!!
    when I Dock the Pod on my computer useing my firewire lead it makes the taskbar freeze. The rest of the desktop is fine. But the start menu and taskbar freeze and it wont load Itunes or "My computer". I have the latest Itunes and Pod softwear.
    I posted this a few months ago with no solution. since then I had restored my pod and it worked ok for afew weeks. But now it has started doing it again. I have run the Pod Hd test and all the others and it passed fine. I have reinstalled Itunes. I am pretty sure its the pod as I tried plugging it in with Itunes uninstalled and the same thing happend.
    Anyone have any surgestions? I have noticed alot of people posting this and similar probs with no replies. surely there must be somthing.. also my cable is new so not that either.....
    Thanks in advance

    If your iPod is displaying a folder icon, you should get a new hard drive. If it's within waranty, Apple will replace your iPod. If not, you can buy a cheaper one. Check out these two websites.
    This is normally with Windows computers. Take a look at the second link below though for more information.
    For buying a new battery
    For taking the iPod apart and replacing the battery
    Josh Highland's Blog / Journal / Whatever
    4th Gen B/W iPod 20gb, iTunes Windows XP

  • Connecting iPod freezes Windows XP

    When I connect my 30GB, 5th generation iPod to my pc, everything freezes. It will not sync. Had it connected for hours at a time and will only be on 3 of 1000 songs. Tried the 5 R's and now I have nothing on my iPod. Everything is still in iTunes but cannot sync without this freezing. Cannot even CtrlAltDelete to get out. Must manually restart computer to use it again. Any suggestions?


  • IPod (with video) freezes Windows XP - POSSIBLE SOLUTION

    Hi everyone,
    I bought a 5g 30gig iPod with video a few days ago, and immediately ran into the "iPod freezes Windows when connected via USB 2.0" problem. I read through every possible post on this website, on iLounge, on Microsoft's forums, etc. There seems to be quite a substantial number of people running into this problem, because I've been seeing posts about this all over the place.
    My specific problem was that whenever I plugged in my iPod, the iPod would display "do not disconnect" and iTunes would begin to recognize it - sometimes it would reach the point where it would begin to update - and then the computer would completely freeze. The iPod would "disconnect" and be completely usable, but the computer would not respond to anything what-so-ever. I had to perform a hard restart to get the computer usable again. No error messages, no "ctrl-alt-del" saves, nothing. It would also lock in the same exact way if I just plugged the iPod in without starting iTunes (iTunes wouldn't automatically start, computer would just lock up after a few moments).
    Anyway, my problem was solved through a procedure I saw in a post somewhere (I'm pretty sure it was on these forums, actually). Basically, it seems as though there is some sort of conflict between iTunes, Quicktime, and Symantec's anti-virus.
    The process is pretty simple - completely turn off whatever version of Symantec you're using (Norton AntiVirus, Firewall, whatever... I'm running Symantec Corporate AntiVirus 10). Then, uninstall Quicktime and iTunes (it might not be absolutely necessary to completely uninstall iTunes - I uninstalled Quicktime and then "repaired" the iTunes installation).
    This seemed to resolve the situation entirely - I've updated my iPod three times now, and charged it, with no problems. Hopefully this continue to work... !
    Incidentally, I think it's disgusting that this seems to be such a prevalent problem, yet Apple so far refuses to acknowlege its existence, much less provide a solution. As a long-time Windows/Microsoft user (notice I didn't say 'fan'), I expected much more from Apple.
    Anyway, good luck!
    - Damion
    IBM Thinkpad x30   Windows XP Pro   Pentium IIIm 1.3ghz, 768mb RAM

    I have the same problem, though using iPod Touch.
    My PC crashes just after charging sound on th iPod sounds.
    I can be loggen on or not.
    I have tried the 5R's two times
    I have removed SP3, didn't help.
    I have updated to iTunes 8.0.1: Didn't help.
    But I have an portable PC (job PC) where it is working fine, both PC's using XP Pro, english version.
    So, just now, I am very dissapointed bu the Apple products (and it took me 20 years of Software Engineering before i bought something from Apple ..... )
    So the stress test will be: Will Apple do anything with this ?

  • IPod Corrupt. Freezes Windows

    Okay, so I have a 160GB iPod classic. It's the newest 160GB model. I bought it back in October. It worked just fine up until this weekend. I went to update it with some new music. It said it was syncing, and then after it was finished, I ejected it from iTunes. I went to check my iPod just to make sure the new stuff got put on was there, however to my surprise, my iPod was completely empty. I went into the About section, and it shows 60GB of unknown data on the iPod.
    So I plugged my iPod back into my PC, however when I did so, iTunes freezes and soon after, Windows freezes and I have to restart my PC. I know I need to reformat my iPod, but it's impossible to do because of iTunes and Windows freezing the second I plug my iPod in. iTunes works just fine by it's self, and so does Windows, but the second I plug my iPod in, everything goes downhill. I've tried it several times, with the same result every time.
    Message was edited by: Flemminr

    1) If it automatically syncs, prevent it from synicing automatically in iTunes in edit,preferences,devices. If it still doesn't work then...
    2) Uninstall iTunes, plug in the iPod, in windows explorer right-click and go on properties, and click format...
    Click start
    When finished, reinstall iTunes and plug in the iPod... it will want to install the iPod software... do so and then resync all the music onto the iPod.
    NOTE: If your music is in more than one place, consolidate it first so it is quick to add back in
    or copy and paste the 'iTunes Library.itl' file from music, iTunes (or wherever your itunes directory is) to another temporary location e.g. desktop and open the file once iTunes is reinstalled.
    3) If it still doesn't work try it on Linux if you have it... its free, you can use a bootable linux disk instead of creating a new partition on your PC
    4) If you don't want to do that and it still doesn't work then go to an apple store, since its in warranty.
    If some of it seems obvious or patronising, its because I don't know how knowledgeable you are about this stuff
    Message was edited by: ACESUS

  • Ipod freezes during sync then error that it cant read file...

    A little pre-info... I have owned a black 30gb 5th gen (video) Ipod for a couple of years now. I plug it in fine, my computer recognizes it fine, Itunes works fine with it... everything works great.
    I just bought another Ipod off ebay that is exact as mine except white- auction states the Ipod works fine, seller has awesome feedback, etc.. I bought this for a gift for my sister for Christmas. It is second hand, so warranty is expired.
    I plug it in the computer, and first tried to transfer some normal text data via explorer. I had put this same data on my own black Ipod with no issues, words fine. The white? Lo and behold I get that "Data Cycle Redundancy" error during copy. My experience is that that has always meant that the original file is messed up, not the destination its being copied too... but in this case I know the original file(s) were/are ok.
    And the Ipod freezes. So I safely unplug, and try to hard reset it. It wouldnt for a bit, and I noticed the Ipod was rather warm (but this might be because it was frozen for several minutes with the backlight still on as well). Finally I get it to reset. Same stuff happens again, again its hard to reset.
    So then I decide screw it, forget adding the stuff via explorer, Ill just try to get the music on my computer at least, over via Itunes, after I first restore the Ipod.
    Itunes opens... recognizes the Ipod... I go to copy music, and it copies until it essentially 'freezes'. I tried many times - its not a bad file because the same file would copy the other times Id try. It would freeze on any random file, during the write process.
    Then Itunes comes up with this error:
    "the ipod cannot be synced. the required file cannot be found"
    I dont think this is referring to my files trying to be copied, they werent deleted or moved from their location since importing into the Itunes library. Im wondering if theres a system type file on the Ipod that Itunes speaks to as it transfers...and when the Ipod freezes... hence it cant be found...
    At the same time I get this error from Itunes, I get a Windows XP bubble pop up that says:
    "Delayed Write Failed - Windows was unable to save all the data for the file x. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere."
    Now again, my computer/windows is NOT the issue. Its the Ipod.
    All the advice I have searched says to fix things on my computer. That includes that Apple support page in regards to those errors - it points the finger at my USB ports, etc - and thats simply not the case. If it was, my other Ipod wouldnt be working either - nor would my flash drives.
    Its the white Ipod.
    I saw one site suggest to format the Ipod via Windows first, then do the Itunes restore, but the Ipod froze and Windows couldnt format.
    I went into Device Manager and compared the two Ipod settings, both share the same settings. They are not set on 'enable write cache'.
    I have tested the HD via Diagnostics, and the BL blinked after the test, showing the HD passed... so right now I can only think of three things... a bad logic board perhaps, or the Ipod system files are corrupt somehow no matter how many times I do the restore... should I revert to an older update; is that even possible. Or the HD is bad after all and its just being missed in the test.
    So now... I need help. Am I missing something important? Is it a simple fix... a corrupt file thats freezing the Ipod somewhere - or did I get a bad Ipod from the seller.
    Its so close to Christmas, if there was some simple fix(instead of it being a bad HD) I could fix it myself, Id rather do that than go through the hassle of returns/refunds. Not to mention, its always a gamble how the seller will react. Will they help, or say its not a problem on their end and try to screw me... then Ill have to go through Paypal for reimbursement and that takes 90 days at least...

    I wish I had good news but all I have is information. I have access to 4 5th gen ipods. 2 black 30s and 1 white 30 and 1 black 80. The one white and one of the blacks work and have worked flawlessly for the past two years. The other black 30 and 80 started having the issue mentioned here some time after upgrading to iTunes 8. I tried to lowlevel format the iPod drive to fix any issues and that didn't cure the problem. I bought a MacBook a couple of months ago and restored my ipod to Mac format and low and behold it would accept files again! However it wouldn't let me fill the ipod beyond about halfway, this was on both ipods. Now the ipods have become slowly less and less fillable. Seems like syncing rather than putting the songs on manually seems to help, but again its getting worse all the time. (the two ipods that don't have any problems belong to my girls and the problem ones belong to my son and i) <- Grasping at straws I know, but my son and I are constantly changing the songs, playlists, videos and such.
    When I bought my Mac the guys at the Apple store were shocked that I was having this problem and practically begged me to bring it in so they could see what it wrong with it. I will post an update when i do that.

  • Do I need to format my iPod on Windows to use it as a hard drive on a PC?

    I use my iPod on a MacBook with my iTunes library, but now want to ALSO use it as a simple hard drive on my PC for files transfer.
    In the Windows explorer, I am told that it is not formatted and I am proposed to format it, which would erase all data on it.
    Do I need to format my iPod on Windows to use it as a hard drive on a PC?
    (I don not have iTunes installed on that PC currently)
    And if I have to format it, will all my music be gone, but can I simply then synch it again on my MacBook with my iTunes library?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    To use the iPod Classic on both the Mac and Windows PC, you need to format it in FAT32 filesystem structure, which both OS can recognise.
    Yes, formatting it in FAT32, using iTunes, will erase all music and data in your iPod, but that is no problem if you have all the music in your Mac iTunes library.
    So to do this,
    Install the Latest iTunes in your windows PC, run itunes and check that all is in order (you can navigate, play some sample songs in itunes.)
    Connect your iPod to the Windows PC, USB 2.0 port (please dont use USB hub with iPod Classic, -my bad personal experience, freezing itunes and windows)
    iTunes will pop a windows asking you to reformat it in FAT32 and Restore
    Click ok. (HERE there maybe some problem, if your iPod hardisk is not in tiptop condition)
    When Restore is complete, eject the iPod
    Connect it to your Mac and sync iTunes library.
    If you want to use the iPod in Windows as an external hd, you have to set it in Disk Mode.  first then Windows will recognise it as a portable HD.
    Good luck! on this big undertaking.

  • Ipod freezes when playing video through dock

    Okay, this is a challenging one. I will be surprised if someone can help me figure this one out, but I will be very grateful!!
    Picked up a brand new 60gb 5th generation video ipod the other day. 1.1 update already installed. Everything worked great. Was able to play videos through the AV dock, no problem, and was able to hook it up to the JBL stereo for the ipod, no problem.
    Here is where it gets interesting. I took an avi video from my digital camera, and used Quicktime Pro to convert it into a .mov Apple Quicktime movie. I am using Windows XP. I then imported that .mov movie into itunes. Then I right clicked on the file and told itunes to convert it into the ipod format. I then hooked the ipod up to the computer, and the video was transferred to the ipod with no problems.
    Then I was able to play the video with no problem on the ipod screen (not hooked up to the AV dock). Then I inserted the ipod into the AV dock that is hooked up to my tv. I played videos this way without a problem, before I loaded this new home made video. When I played the new video, I answered Yes to Tv Out, and right after that point my ipod froze up. No video played at all. Then I had to reset my ipod.
    I tried this again several times, with the same result. This was now happening with regular videos that I downloaded from itunes. Also now, when I hooked the ipod up to the JBL stereo, and just tried to play a song, the ipod would freeze up. However, songs and videos play fine when the ipod is not hooked up to a dock.
    It seems to me like my home made video somehow corrupted the software drivers for the port on the ipod.
    Then to fix the problem, I finally had to do the dreaded RESTORE. I could not update the ipod, because I was already at version 1.1. I tried rolling back to an earlier version, but the updater told me that the update was not compatible with my ipod.
    The RESTORE did fix the problem. The ipod was completely back to normal. I could hook it up to the JBL and the AV dock with no problems. Until...yes, I tried playing the home made video again. I just wanted to see if it was a fluke. Same problem came back....arrghhh!
    He is another weird observation. I can start the video playing on the ipod, without it hooked up to the dock, and answer Yes to tv out. The video starts playing, then I can insert the ipod into the dock, while it is still playing, and the video plays fine on the tv, through the dock! Until the video finishes. Once the video finishes, the ipod freezes up again.
    I wonder if this is a hardware problem, and I should just return my ipod. It seems like a software problem to me. I think if it is my home made video that is corrupting my ipod, I think itunes should be smart enough to not copy something to my ipod that is going to corrupt it.
    Ha..ha...wow, sorry that was very long-winded. Anyone have any suggestions?
    Dell Dimension 2.8ghz P4   Windows XP   2.25GB of RAM

    All I can suggest is to re-encode the video as m4v with QT Pro, there might've been a problem in encoding. Also, try sending this same video (setting TV Out to Yes) with the iPod not plugged into the dock and with an Apple RCA cable, if you have one, hooked up to a TV. If that works, the dock connector might be damaged (unlikely) but it's possible. So once you've re-encoded, see if the dock situation works then. Good luck.

  • IPOD NANO-Windows delayed write failed...

    I just bought an IPOD NANO 4gb yesterday... Downloaded ITunes and have been having problems getting it to SYNC music to my IPOD. It keeps throwing the "windows delayed write failed" error. No other errors present. I havent been able to get any music onto my ipod at all. It freezes up and throws the error at me..then it throws it like every 5 seconds from there on.
    Ive searched and searched and idk what to do anymore! I need music!
    Ive Formatted the IPOD via windows, Restored it Via Itunes.. what else can i do?
    Help me
    MY comp info:
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Gateway C3070
    QuickTime 7.4.1
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Bonjour (118.4)
    iTunes Serial Number 3614F92E2F1F76AF
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2008-02-08 15:46:27.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    Video Display Information
    NVIDIA GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU
    ** External Plug-ins Information **
    No external plug-ins installed.
    ** Network Connectivity Tests **
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name: {A601905F-B0F3-4B9A-AC15-F45D108BC0BC}
    Description: Linksys NC100 Fast Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Fri Feb 08 15:39:24 2008
    Lease Expires: Mon Feb 11 10:13:47 2008
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected: Yes
    Online: Yes
    Using Modem: No
    Using LAN: Yes
    Using Proxy: No
    SSL 3.0 Support: Enabled
    TLS 1.0 Support: Enabled
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to iTunes Store was successful.
    Secure connection attempt to iTunes Store was successful.
    Secure connection attempt to iPhone activation server was successful.
    Last successful store access was 2008-02-08 14:01:53.
    ** iPod/iPhone Connectivity Tests **
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    Connected Device Information:
    JEN'S IPOD (N:\), iPod nano (Second Generation) running firmware version 1.1.3
    Serial Number: YM7350ANV8W
    Bus Speed: 61440
    Message was edited by: Jennifer805
    Message was edited by: Jennifer805
    Message was edited by: Jennifer805

    TrevorQ's idea works great! Thanks! I had already gone and gotten my second nano 4GB and the same thing happened both times after using the updater - called support on first and they had no answer. Thanks a bunch - was starting to lose hope after it happened again on the second one. Must be a problem with the updater 4-23-06 and the newest ITunes upgrade.
    If you have trouble with the right click - after the ipod is highlighted then click on the file menu and play the waiting game again - format should appear in the menu after an extended wait. Good luck all!
    ASUS P4 2.8   Windows XP Pro  
    ASUS P4 2.8   Windows XP Pro  

  • Ipod freezes computer and itunes and has corrupt songs

    a while back I was having problems with my 160gb IPod classic. Every time I plugged it in the entire computer, and iTunes would freeze.
    This ended with a trip to the Apple store and after a lengthy session, the iPod was restored to factory settings. (The guys had a lot of trouble doing this, didn't seem an easy process)
    Recently I plugged the iPod in (Windows 8) and added a few more albums.
    Later on when playing the iPod on my dock, I noticed a lot of the CDs were missing, completely erased. I had heard of a bug on iTunes which removes CDs that haven't been bought via iTunes, but seems strange as NONE of my albums were bought from iTunes.
    I've also noticed that songs appear to be corrupted on some albums. They begin to play, stop, then skip to the next playable song, skipping over the ones that won't play.
    Problem is that when I plug it into my HP laptop, it freezes until it is unplugged again. Same with iTunes, it wont respond while the iPod is plugged in.
    The computer registers it as a removable drive but says it is full. Device manager recognises it and says it is working ok and has the latest driver etc.
    What I want to do it restore it to factory settings but I just can't do it via iTunes and the computer doesn't give me the option as it's not recognisable in 'My Computer' as an iPod.
    Can't take it into the store again as the warranty has expired.
    There must be a way to return it to factory settings, if not manually without a computer, than maybe via device manager?
    I'm not too up on the technical side of things so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Eventually managed to restore to factory settings.
    Anyone heard about that ITunes 'bug/virus' or is it just scaremongering?

  • Screen blips.. wipes.. to black.. then iPod Freezes (version 1.2)

    My Video iPod has been acting up. The screen will blip then wipe to black.. and then freeze.. (sometimes with partial screen showing).
    Is this a software or hardware issue? if it is software, where/how can I reset back to other software or get a patch, etc.?
    iPod 30GB   Windows XP  

    Have you been through these?
    The Five Rs.
    It sounds like the iPod may need service.
    You can arrange online service here.
    Service request.

  • My ipod freeze every time i plug in the computer i need help plz

    my ipod freeze every time i plug on my computer i dont know how to reset and delete all songs plz help u.u

    Does your iTunes see your nano?
    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    If so, then follow through this:
    How to reset iPod
    Restoring iPod to factory settings
    If not, do one or more of the following
    Restart your computer
    Uninstall & Reinstall iTunes [Windows XP] [Windows Vista & 7]
    Reset iPod (will NOT delete everything)
    Go to My Computer (Windows XP) or Computer (Windows Vista & 7) and see if it shows
    Restore iPod (WILL delete everything)
    Make sure iTunes and iOS firmware is up to date.
    Hope all this helps.
    Message was edited by: keeferaf

  • Ipod Freezes now and then (tried 5Rs n more)

    Here's the prob:
    i use Windows XP SP2 with latest iTunes and 1.2.1 ipod firmware,i've bought my iPod 5th Gen 30GB like 2 years ago...
    Last saturday,after chargin' the ipod for 2 days due to low battery,i removed "safely" the ipod usin' window's secure extraction thingy...
    When i went out from home with the ipod,i slide the hold button to unlock the ipod,and the ipod won't appear,but it's..normal?..then i press MENU + Select to start it (apple icon shows then main menu comes)
    Now here's the prob: Whenever i play a playlist,after some minutes the music KEEPS PLAYING but the ipod screen IS FROZEN...like,the song's at 0:30 - 4:25 FROZEN but the song keeps playing..but oh yeah,when next song comes,a lil LIIIIIL part of the next song can be heard,but BANG to ya mouth!,music turns off but ipod screen STILL ON,but nor the keys nor clickwheel works..i tought "****!"
    I've tried usin' MENU + Select to force rebootin' the iPod..then when the main menu comes again the keyboard's FROZEN and the screen TOO!!..
    Oh yeah,sometimes,rarely,the keys works again,but not for long enough..randomly it freezes and here we go again...when i caught again the keys workin',i connected quickly my iPod to my PC and it appeared the "Do not disconnect" logo...i know that whatever **** happens and u connect the ipod to pc and that screen appears,everything works fine again...and it does!...for a time..coz next day i did that it FROZE AGAIN!!!
    I'm DISAPPOINTED...and Apple didn't cared to make a new firmware repairing problems!!..oh yeah,1.3.1 for Apple Mac users..but NOT FOR WINDOWS USERS!!!
    I tried that MENU + Select thing,even restored the iPod through iTunes!! (made a copy of my songs,of course...) and back to 1.2.1..but still "We're not gonna let you enjoy ya ipod anymore"
    Somebody gimmeh an answer to this!!!!

    i tried lettin' the ipod's screen drain it's energy to 0%..then plugged it into an USB and the "Please Wait Very Low Battery" appears...after 2-3 hours of rechargin',i tried pluggin' the headphones in it and it was workin'!..played 20 songs and i plugged in/out the headphones to see if the prob was solved,and it seemed that way...after 3 hours with the ipod off,turned it on and BANG,it happend again!!..
    help PLEASE????

  • IPod freezing my computer

    Whenever I connect my iPod to the computer, anything involving my iPod freezes. iTunes will not run, and if it is running it will freeze. I cannot eject the device properly, again because it freezes my computer. Once I do unplug my iPod, I get a message about not being able to stop the device, and iTunes will open. I can't access my iPod, because I am unable to open "My Computer", because that would require showing that my iPod is plugged in, which: freezes my computer. I mainly would like to just recover the files off of my iPod at this point. I don't mind buying a new iPod, but I do want my files. Please help
    Dell i4600   Windows XP  

    I left my iPod plugged in overnight, and when I came back in the morning, it still had not been recognized. I then tried to press the "Stop device" button so that I could eject my iPod, but again, nothing happened. When I unplugged my iPod, a message came up saying that the device could not be stopped, and iTunes unfroze.
    I have had my iPod for just about over a year (the warranty expired probably two weeks ago), but I have not had this problem until very recently, and have no idea what could have caused it. I don't think that it is just taking to long to load, because If it were, it would have loaded overnight.
    I have noticed that my iPod is basically acting like a "Pause" button for my computer. If I want to Pause my iTunes, I can just plug it in, and iTunes will stop until I unplug it. The same is true for the other 5 or 6 programs that I have been trying to use to recover the data from my iPod (PodUtil, xPodCopy, and CopyPod to name a few).
    Dell i4600   Windows XP  

  • Ipod freezing in the middle of songs, have to wait until the battery dies.

    Help me, my ipod freezes in the middle of songs and i have to wait until the battery goes out until i can do anything with it. And the harddrive has started to click and it sounds like a fan that starts spinning after two clicks. What should i do ?
    Pc   Windows XP   Ipod 5th generation

    you know what its funny because my ipod just did this last weekend. its been freezing on and off for the last couple of months. I have had it for a year and a half. It would freeze and i would try and do the whole thing where you hold down menu and select and that worked for awhile, but then suddenly last weekend it froze and it started making a weird clicking sound too. i got ****** and just left it at home for the weekend. when i got back home the battery was dead of course and i just plugged it into the charger and it turned on again. im guessing that sometimes you just have to leave it alone. when it made that clicking noise, it wouldnt do anything. you just have to let the battery die and then recharge it.

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