Is 10.4.7 really that bad

I just got home from the hospital after several days and software update told me 10.4.7 is now available. Now generally i haven't had issues with updates maybe a few exceptions but generally no problems. However i just read the a previous thread "10.4.7 a disaster" and its growing and it seems there are a lot of users having issues. My machine is stable as it is and i do not want to lose that as this my only computer, i don't have two systems, nor am i in the mood for a re-install at this point in time.
Is it safe to update, also can anyone confirm if Transparent Dock works under 10.4.7?

I repaired permissions both before and after the update, and 10.4.7 has been 100% smooth for me.
I downloaded and installed the "Combo" version for the best chance of success.
I've installed it on two systems, and they've both been perfect.
I downloaded and installed it the day the update was available (well within the hour of it being available to the public), and it's been flawless.
Repair your permissions before the update.
Download the Combo Updater
Repair Permissions again.
Enjoy it
No problems at all here.
I hope this helps.

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    ijoely wrote:
    Is the battery really that bad ?
    You're going to get as many different answers as people who post. Keep in mind that the vast majority of people who post on a technical support forum are people who have problems. It's not exactly an unbiased sample. My battery is fine.

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    Video Creation / Editing for anybody
    I know what you're thinking, "How hard was it to create a video in iMovieHD?". Well, it wasn't hard, not at all. However, it wasn't nearly as fast and intuitive as it is in iMovie '08. The new iMovie fits in more with the current line up of iLife apps. iPhoto, GarageBand, iWeb, and iDVD all handle the basics of their designated jobs. And well, the new iMovie does it as well. And more importantly, for people that aren't very familiar with timeline based editing, it's less intimidating. You select video like you select text. It's pretty cool. And while it would have probably been better to have added the improved features into the current codebase, I understand why they did what they did.
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    Dry those tears, scout. It's really not all that bad. However, that's my opinion. Fire when ready!

    No, it isn't that bad. In fact, it is pretty nice for what it is intended to be.
    It is completely redesigned for a different purpose, and it includes many very useful new features not available in iMovie HD. I have used "the old iMovie" for years and find the '08 version refreshing for light video work, especially if I ned lots of voice overs and clips from my iSight.
    '08 has non-destructive editing, which means your original video stays that way, even if you add quite a few changes; you can always jump back to the original at any time without taking extra hard disk space.
    '08 has a voice-over that is fantastic; it even has a 3 second countdown to let you get ready, which is very useful if you are in a hurry: you don't need to edit out your breath sounds.
    '08 has great skimming and organizing features that make finding clips painless. If you deal with lots of small clips, then '08 is a marvel. In this regard alone it supplants iMovie HD.
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    '08 has support for the latest cameras. With the flash-memory based cameras, '08 is a dream come true.
    Yes, there are a lot of features that are in iMovie HD which are not in '08. HD is still available ('08 installs and creates a new folder with HD in it so it can still be used; Apple also allows a download of HD for free). However, there are many features in '08 that are not in HD. Many people complain about what is missing or stepping backward, etc., but they are just negative. There is tremendous good in '08 and it will only get better; it is a 1.0 version now. In a few months, it will mature.
    Will I stop using HD in favor of '08? Not completely. I have several hundred dollars invested in effect plug-ins for HD that allow me to do some amazing work and I am quite familiar with applying them - but isn't this suggesting that HD is more than just an iApp? However, I have actually found myself over the past week creating clips in '08 and then incorporating them into HD movies because it is much easier to create them in '08.
    Personally, I see great things in both HD and '08 and am excited about where things are going. Lots of people choose to complain, loudly, but I feel that this is non-productive and is also a result of not having done their homework: there was plenty of information available from Apple about '08 for a consumer to make a choice whether to buy the upgrade or not. Also, as Apple is allowing HD downloads, people who get '08 with a new hardware purchase can have the best of both worlds.

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    Go to Solution.

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    My hardware is:
    System: Linux 2.6.36-ck x86_64
    CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 2310MHz MMX+ 3DNow!+ SSE SSE2 SSE3 HTT
    GPU: GeForce 8500 GT PCI Express 260.19.12
    System memory: 2008 Mb
    Video memory:  512 Mb
    (this is what unigine "shows")
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    Renderer: NVIDIA NV50 512Mb
    OpenGL vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    OpenGL renderer: GeForce 8500 GT/PCI/SSE2
    OpenGL version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 260.19.12
    Found required GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
    Found required GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
    Found required GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
    Found required GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
    Found required GL_ARB_half_float_pixel
    Found required GL_ARB_occlusion_query
    Found required GL_EXT_texture3D
    Found required GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
    Found required GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
    Found required GL_EXT_texture_swizzle
    Found required GL_ARB_shader_object
    Found required GL_ARB_vertex_shader
    Found required GL_ARB_fragment_shader
    Found required GL_ARB_draw_buffers
    Found required GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
    Found required GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
    Found required GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
    Found optional GL_ARB_draw_instanced
    Found optional GL_ARB_transform_feedback
    Found optional GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
    Found optional GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
    Found optional GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object
    Found optional GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
    Found optional GL_ARB_gpu_shader4
    Found optional GL_EXT_Cg_shader
    Found optional GL_ARB_texture_rg
    Found optional GL_ARB_texture_array
    Found optional GL_ARB_texture_snorm
    Found optional GL_ARB_texture_multisample
    Found optional GL_ARB_texture_compression
    Found optional GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc
    Found optional GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
    Found optional RGB10A2 render texture format
    Shading language: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    Maximum texture size: 8192
    Maximum texture units: 32
    Maximum draw buffers: 8
    Which, while I'm no expert, for me seems quite OK.
    So where's the problem?
    Is my computer really that old already?
    On the related note, sometimes KDE loses the window decoration or even more it just disappear. So it might be the nvidia driver (as you can see I use nvidia-beta).
    But I'm not sure if it's the driver or is it the graphics card.
    Thanks for any help. If nothing else you could at least tell your frame rate and hardware so I can compare if my computer is "where it supposed to be" or if something really is wrong with it.
    Last edited by Primoz (2010-11-01 01:26:56)

    Well I finally found the glxgears, and the fear I always feared, but didn't mentioned it in my OP came true. FPS is somewhere near the refresh rate of the monitor, and my monitor is also a TV (or should I say primary TV) so my refresh rate is 50hz or up to 60FPS. So I guess the actual and the biggest bottleneck is my monitor and not anything else. Well yeah not that my other hardware is any good, but I could say that the low FPS rate in StarCraft 2 and in Unigine Heaven is due to my bad monitor.
    I can say this is solved, but not removed until I get a new monitor.
    Edit: Actually there is another thing, how come that while my monitor refresh rate is 60; FPS in both Starcraft  and Unigine are so much lover - instead of 60FPS there are from 4-17FPS.
    Last edited by Primoz (2010-10-31 01:39:59)

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    Go to Solution.

    only when you need to talk to someone. 

  • Is the W540 really that bad?

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    1. From a TrackPoint user’s point of view, how is the usability of the new TrackPoint? Is it possible to simply tap on the top corners of the trackpad (where the lines are) in order to left or right click, or does the entire pad necessarily have to be clicked down?
    2. How is the clicking mechanism on the new trackpad? I have used an awfully stiff HP trackpad before, and I never want to do so again. However, watching videos of xx40 ThinkPads makes it look like the pad uses a keyboard mechanism to click, which would be much easier to click. To me, this would make the trackpad suitable.
    3. How is the FHD screen? I have heard nothing but positives about the 3K IPS, but the resolution is too high for me (scaling still sucks in Windows), and it is not worth the increased cost and power consumption to me. How does the FHD compare to the 1680×1050 one on the W500, or the 1600×900 one on the T510 (I have used one for a brief period and was satisfied with its display).
    I understand that the physical TrackPoint buttons will most likely return in the next ThinkPad refresh, but I would rather not wait until February-March to get a new computer. I am also open-ended to new design concepts as long as they work and are usable. As I said, the physical TrackPoint buttons on my W500 are wearing out (the left click in particular does not register unless I press very hard, and I expect even this to fail rather soon), and I cannot stand my current trackpad (the pointing capabilities on the new one look promising, however).

    Thanks for the feedback guys. It looks like I will be going for the W540 after all. After browsing reviews of the new ThinkPads, I think I have come down to this:
    1. Earlier review models and early production batches had hardware issues with the new touchpad, as many reviewers had straight up defective click detection, while others had a working touchpad. This led them to hate the touchpad because it seemed unusable from the beginning.
    2. Some early adopters had a functional touchpad, and they either found it inconvenient or better than the previous one. Either way, it wasn't a big deal for them unless they had some major ergonomics issue.
    3. Once the new ThinkPads had been out for a while, the complaints of touchpads that failed to register clicks kind of died out, and some reviewers who looked at multiple models found that to be the case with their second and third ratings on the trackpad above their originals.
    I'm not really a ThinkPad "purist," and I can probably learn to like the new trackpad.

  • PSE9 Organizer with Win7 - Really That Bad???

    I've just ordered PSE9 hoping to upgrade from 7. However, after reading the nightmare threads on this forum about the organizer (my primary purpose) I want to write "return to sender" on the package and not even open it! Is anyone having a GOOD experience with the organizer and Win7? I'm hoping I just hit a sour patch of experiences. However, I went to look at the reviews and even someone giving it 5 stars said.... a lot of features stop working after the first use, but I don't care..... Nice.
    Should I just send it back and wait for 10 or switch to something else? Thanks for your opinions.

    First a caveat:  "I know virtually nothing about everything"  !!!
    I am not (what I would call) a sophisticated user of PSE9. I have a long way to go....
    For what it's worth....
    I was running PSE6 under Windows XP on an older Dell Inspiron laptop w/ only 40gb drive and an external WD 500 gb passport essential.
    I am replacing that with a  Dell 17R laptop w/650 gb drive running Windows 7.
    I first inquired (via chat) about the converstion process, and was initially advised, the convertion with all metadata could not be done. With thousands of file containing keywords, ratings and captions, my response was "you gotta be kidding"...
    I started the switch around Jan 5th.  I then really commited to using the Organizer.  (I had been utilizing only the editor).
    Long story short: "ultimately" with the assistance of Adobe tech support, a "full PSE backup" from old system, and a "PSE restore" to new system, it seemed OK. but the "folder view" seemed to go flakey with out-of-sequence files within a folder.  Support connected to "both" of my systems such that they could view (and discuss) what I had been describing.  While support was arriving at a technical solution, I re-built my catalogues and re-entered metadata manually.
    Support came back with a solution in a few days, but in the meantime, I was running the organizer on my new system with NO apparent issues, and from what I can tell the organizer is solid in all respects.
    Now  in my conversations with tech support, they DID indicate that the migration under my circumstance had technical  problems. And I would assume that some technical issues have been worked on or resolved.    But as of now, I have moved passed that.

  • Are WD MyBooks really that bad?

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    I know there's a lot of complaints about the WD MyBooks, but I'm wondering if that's just a result of the possible larger population that owns them (hence skewing the perception). 100 people complaining from 100,000 units sold versus 5 people complaining from 10 units sold is very different, though you see the numbers (100) it might appear to be a bad drive.
    Please note that I don't have a Mac yet, but will be picking up an iMac 24" when Leopard is announced.

    Bought a black 1/2 Tb usb one - that stopped working within a week
    A silver firewire model didn't last 24 hours.
    A friend of mine has had no problems with his after a year - but i didn't want to try again so bough an iomega "mac mini" style one as i have been using an iomega 250gb one for years.
    when you are depending on something to store everything you value - saving the cost of a few rounds of drinks seems to be a risky move.
    And -
    Every electrical device WILL fail

  • Creative driver really that bad on vista??

    So, i was thinkin to purchase X-Fi Titanium Fatalty Professional to match my logitech z5500 speakers, but after some research on the card, i found a large amount of complaints on the card's driver. Sayin using Creative driver on vista is a big mistake.
    Is it'strue that creative driver are "crippled" on vista?

    In theory, you should never see a BSOD thats anything to do with sound drivers in Vista.
    Watch the video here and he explains how the audio stack was moved in Vista so that a bad audio driver wouldn't take the OS down as it did with other operating systems.
    Its very wrong to compare that audio in Vista and XP, and it works very differently.
    What hes basically saying is a bad audio driver used to take down the entire OS and there are many badly written audio drivers hence MS deciided to move the audio stack.
    It sort of puts paid to the theorys that MS had done this so people didn't have mix and couldn't record etc.
    I guess writting audio drivers for Vista has been and entirely new ball game for Creative and they are going (yes indeed they did) to get a few wrong.
    The most annoying aspect of audio in Vista is quite simply it's not as flexible as it is in XP and will be much the same as Vista in Windows 7.
    It seems very hard these days to get a sound card in Vista that offers the mix feature that will allow mic and music at the same time.
    I have made of few videos on youtube "how to" IF your sound card supports it. I am still getting asked the same questions about it as I was when I first made the videos as more people have replaced machines and found Vista is not that good (flexible) with audio.
    People at sites like singsnap have been tearing their hair out for ages with this and it's not going to get any easier.
    You would have thought Creative would have jumped on the band wagon there and made a card that had these features, but I guess they realise those people are in a minority so it's not worth bothering with.
    Rant over but for the most part sound works OK in Vista BUT due to the way it works (above) it will NEVER be as flexible in Vista as it was XP.

  • HT4623 This really ***** that they sent out and update to the iPhone ISO6 and I can't send or receive pics! Being that its apple you would think they would know better than to send out a bad update like this! I'm paying for a service and I can even use it

    This really ***** that they sent out and update to the iPhone ISO6 and I can't send or receive pics! Being that its apple you would think they would know better than to send out a bad update like this! I'm paying for a service and I can even use now!!! I'm very upset! Think about canceling my iPhone 5 order! This is terrible!

    Wahhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhh!
    Are you over your little tantrum now?  Do you want help you would like to continue to act like a toddler?
    If you want help, try telling us what happens when trying to send pics.  Any errors?
    If you want to whine... go somewhere else.

  • Glossy Screen isnt all that bad!

    To everyone - I visited an Apple Store and checked out the MacBooks scared to see the glossy screen and have to say, it isnt all that bad. The only problem I have with it is how much fingerprints show, but if you are careful this wont be a problem. The glossy screen isnt at all bad looking straight on and for typical use, but from a HUGE angle it is bad, but from a HUGE angle. The glossy screen also I think looks a lot better watching movies which I plan on doing. Some people are really annoyed, some aren't so dont be scared to order it, id recomend it. Some can disagree, but for me, I enjoy it.

    I bought the basic white MacBook 2 days ago. I also was a bit reluctant becasue of the glossy screen. I must say, however, that it is just beautiful. The picture is very sharp and the colors are bright. I also have an iBook and to me the glossy screen on the MacBook looks much sharper and clearer. I'll tolerate what little reflection there is for a picture this crisp and bright. In addition, the computer works like a dream. Even when Rosetta kicks in, Office, Photoshop, and my other PowerPC apps work just fine. I just love it. I wish I had an excuse to also get the black one.
    G4 and Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Is mac keeper really that good?

    I currently use Tech Tool Deluxe but am considering purchasing Mac Keeper. Is this application really that good? I know that "good" has many interpretations but overall, I'm interested in hearing peoples' feedback on the app in general. Thanks!

    Search the forums, you will find the consensus that Mackeeper is not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.
    As far as I can tell, this product is a combination of new interfaces for standard mac stuff (e.g., they have a Login Items interface for crying out loud) and a bunch of utilities you might need if you were running windows but which, generally speaking, are completely unnecessary for the typical user.
    In fact, it seems to me that, unless you have some very specific problems, "system utilities" are unnecessary and principally aimed at a former windows-user market.

Maybe you are looking for