Is an Acrobat conversion button available for Chrome?

In Internet Explorer I have a beautiful button on my toolbar labeled "Convert" (on the Adobe PDF toolbar). When I'm on a web page, one click and I'm done. But I use Chrome a lot, and I can't find an equivalent way to do this with one click in Chrome. Does anyone now? Right now I have to "print" to Adobe PDF which takes quite a few steps.

If Adobe PDF is your default printer, all you had to do is use ctrl-P and you get the print menu. As far as I know, PDF Maker is not available beyond IE, except for some versions of FireFox I think.

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    About Flash
    Google Chrome
    27.0.1453.94 (m)
    Windows XP SP3
    Flash plugin
    11.7.700.203 C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\27.0.1453.94\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll
    Flash plugin
    11,7,700,202 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_7_700_202.dll (not used)
    --- Crash data ---
    Crash Reporting
    Enable crash reporting to see crash IDs
    For more details
    --- GPU information ---
    --- GPU driver, more information ---
    Vendor Id
    Device Id
    Driver vendor
    ATI Technologies Inc.
    Driver version
    Driver date
    Pixel shader version
    Vertex shader version
    GL version

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    873376 wrote:
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    I am dealing with multiple language in iStore.There all the messages that which are displaying in iStore site are the FND MESSAGES. For one language itself I am nearly using 100 FND MESSAGES like that I am going to use 5 more languages for the same site. Its really painful thing to create FND MESSAGES for each and every language. Here whats my question is
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