Is an Apple TV right for me?

I have a Macbook Pro, an iPad 1, an iPhone 4, and an iPod touch 1st generation.  I recently saw advertisements for iOS 5 that showed some cool things with the Apple TV and I'm wondering if it is something I'll use. 
I noticed I have to purchase a cord first thing.  If that's the case, why don't they include the cord with the TV?  Will it work at all without it?
I watched the Apple TV video, and it looks to me like after $99 for the TV, you have to pay every time you use it.  For example, NCIS comes on Tuesday nights, but I have class.  The Apple TV advertises that I can watch the show the next day, however it will cost me $.99.  I can watch it for free next day with Comcast OnDemand, so why does Apple charge?  I guess what I'm wondering is what does the Apple TV do for $99, without additional fees?
The airplay looks very cool, but I would like some more details on how that works.  Will it stream anything from my iPad and/or iPhone?  How about my Macbook Pro?
I am hardcore team Apple and love the products, just don't want to spend money on something I won't use.  Thanks for any/all help!

There is a vast range of quality and lengths to HDMI cables, it wouldn't really be possible to include a cable that would cover everyone's wants or requirements.
There is a certain amount of free content available in addition to the paid content you mention, tv shows are all ad free which likely isn't the case with other free services, you can of course watch them whenever you want.
AirPlay doesn't work with all content but the number of websites and apps that support it are growing, essentially it works by playing content on your iPad/iPhone etc, tapping a button which switches the content to be played on your TV screen.

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    Hard to say whether Apple TV is right for you.
    ATV is mostly a TV system -- to that end it's excellent. It will play iTunes files, as long as you have a monitor hooked up to control that process. If your older TV has component video in then you could use that. It has the advantage of displaying info about the song as it is playing on the TV -- it has the disadvantage of requiring that TV interface and not being as flexible in how it plays music.
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    @ capaho
    I have followed your comments with great interest over the past weeks as I am considering changing from my trusty ATV to the new Mini.
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    Hello there MizzouTrojan,
    If I understand correctly you want all 6 devices to have access to a single calendar that each device gets notifications for and can edit. You can do that with an private iCloud shared calendar. First sign into and use these steps from the following article to share a calendar:
    iCloud: Share a calendar with others
    Share a calendar privately
    Click the Share button to the right of the calendar name in the sidebar, then select Private Calendar.
    Note:    You can also share the same calendar publicly. For instructions, see the next task, “Share a calendar publicly.” 
    Type the invitee’s email address in the Add Person field and press Return.
    Click the pop-up menu with the invitee’s name and choose access privileges (View & Edit or View Only). 
    For each person you want to share the calendar with, repeat steps 2 and 3.
    When you’ve invited everyone and set their privileges, click OK.
    Invitation emails are sent from your iCloud email address to the participants you specified.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    MacMost Now 653: Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices For Messages and FaceTime
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    What do yo mean by "is there a place where i can view what is linked to what, "?

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    The technology landscape has changed a lot since 2005 when Aperture 1.0 came out. There are different ways to access files such as sandboxing and iCloud drive. These technologies will become an important way to get photos between a Mac and an iOS device. Tagging files in Aperture was helpful but relying on the tagging system built into the OS would be a much better solution (someone else just mentioned this recently and I strongly agree.) If a new pro photo app made it’s tags available to the Finder and Spotlight those tags should show up along side similarly tagged files that were created in other programs.
    Also Aperture’s competition from Adobe is fundamentally flawed. An all new pro app could address the problems that Adobe’s photography apps have. Anyone who has used Adobe’s solutions should be well aware of their shortcomings.
    1. Photoshop, which came into being in the 1980s, was not built around technology like raw and therefore requires a rather clumsy workflow.
    2. When a document gets exported to Photoshop the user is presented with a confusing array of choices as to how that photograph should be handled. Each option with it’s own series of advantages and drawbacks.
    When a photo gets brought back into LR after being edited in PS it creates a new copy. If that photo then gets edit a second and third time it just keeps creating more copies of the image. The same problem can be said of adobe camera raw.
    4. I always thought it was a little odd that you have to export an image from LR in order to use it in another app. App’s like LR, Aperture, and Photos are file navigation programs so why do I need to bring a photo from one navigation program (Lightroom) into another navigation program (the Finder) in order to work with it? Yes, I realize that at times you may need a smaller resolution file of an image like for a webpage but why can’t I just make a smaller version from within the photo navigation program and keep the images all in the same app? Doesn’t make sense to me.
    It doesn’t have to be this way. Modern apps like Pixelmator are similar to PS except they can handle raw directly from within the app. It seems like it would be possible to team up with Pixelmator so that a raw photo could go between the two apps while keeping all their settings in tact and not requiring users to make unnecessary duplicates of exported files. For an example you could change the brightness in Apple’s Pro app and then it would still stay at the same setting in Pixelmator. And then if you changed the brightness again in Pixelmator the adjustment bar setting would be brought over to Apple’s Photos.
    Since Pixelmator didn’t exist when Aperture 1.0 came out the two companies were not able to unify their two products. When you start over with a new product considerations like this can be taken into account. One of the things I hate about Adobe’s photo apps is the way that a lot of modern technology like raw feels very tacked on (because it is.)

    Well there are standards and they are the IPTC/exif metadata. Across all OSes. And even after Apple adopted Mavericks tags it still uses keywords in its photo applications. And no mav tags in iOS either (but you CAN read IPTC/exif data in photos in iOS). Tags are in extended attributes, and hence may be  inaccessible in another filesystem.Even Apple Mail doesn't use them. You have to put the tag in the form of x-tag or something into the header info (BTW, if you like tags, as I do, check out MailTags. It does this and more).
    If you photo apps don't read standard IPTC/exif data something is seriously wrong. Also you don't have to dig through hundreds of criteria to search for photo metadata. The stuff is already indexed; the categories like aperture, caption, etc are ways to narrow searches. All your LR keywords would be in the Spotlight index, assuming you enable Spotlight on the volumes where they reside, and that you wrote the keyword metadata to the files.
    I think you have a stronger point re tagging/keywording in regards to XMP sidecars. Yet another area for improvement. If you add keywords to a RAW in Aperture or LR they are not gonna write that keyword to the RAW unless you apply some force. The standard way of doing that is by using XMP sidecar files. And short answer is that for some Spotlight indexes the XMPs via the rich text mdimporter; for some this means modifying that same importer. In either case, if Spotlight finds the keyword it can only point you to the sidecar, not the companion RAW. Since a tag is in the extended attributes, it sorta isn't in the RAW, but Spotlight would send you to the RAW if it were tagged. So allowing THAT kind of tagging in Aperture, LR or whatever would be great IMHO.
    And I'd like to ADD tags from Aperture. But I'd always want it to be in addition to photo keywords and other metadata. Just like captions, filenames, and other stuff is separate. I can still search for them at the same time if I want. Or ignore them. And you may already have the "wedding" problem: that word may in the content of files, or in a filename, or in an email header, or a web url, or whatever. Even without photo metadata you sometimes have to tell Spotlight to ONLY search tags and ignore other criteria.
    Since you like tags, check out Leap. I use it to keep lots of stuff together that have tags and keywords, and other searchable attributes. Even email. All in one place.  And HoudahSpot; it has templates you can set up for just photos and it displays all the photo metadata in one panel.
    And although I'd like to see it happen, non-destructive editing can be a problem because edits have to be stored somewhere. A universal format would be cool, but we'll see. Editors like Pixelmator are different tools than DAMs like Aperture, even though they both can say crop or change contrast. You'll find tons of photographers who never use PS, and tons of graphic artists who never use Aperture. Depends on the focus of your work. Even the system wide versioning Apple introduced for stuff like Pages or Text Edit hasn't been universally loved. And BTW, not sure Pixelmator doesn't view Apple as a competitor. Sure, Apple may provide them with some cool tools to sell more Pixelmators...or may develop an application that'll make Pixelmator disappear. And Filemaker is an interesting example: Apple formed Claris, which bought whatever FM was at that point (from MS?). Eventually Apple brought stuff from Claris back in (AW?), and left FM with Claris, which changed its name. Maybe they should Aperture OUT to Pixelmator   I'd LOVE that. Shoot, given Apple's assets they could send it to 'em free.
    And sorry Frank, I shoulda been more specific. I meant "in Aperture" as in the program itself, not a media browser like what you show (and basically iMedia Browser is the same thing, but with LR catalogs in addition to Aperture or iPhoto or file folders).

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    Is it possible to run two different versions of Apple operating system (for ex. 10.6.8 and 10.9) on a MacBook Pro, either on the same disk or from an external hard disk? If so, where would I find the details? (In order to be able to use the older applications no longer supported in 10.9)

    If you want to add a second partition to the internal drive (in Disk Utility, select the drive, then open the partition tab and just click the + button), you should first be sure that you will have enough room to accommodate whatever the second volume will be. I am currently doing this for Snow and Mountain Lion.
    To get to whatever volume is not the startup disk, restart and hold down option/alt at the chime, which will bring up a selection of the two volumes. Use the left or right arrow keys to select it and then hit enter/return.

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    As far as I know, I need access to a Python and C/C++ IDE and compiler, MATLAB, and several CAD applications that my school gives us for certain classes. That's pretty much all I need from now through my bachelors degree. I'll also dual boot Windows 8 since I may occasionally miss Windows, since this will be my only PC from now on (I completely stopped gaming so I sold my custom desktop). I'll also run any programs that are Windows only in Windows of course.
    Sure, I will be doing some software design, but the ULV i5 is plenty powerful. I'm not doing some insane rendering or anything. Just some very basic rendering and programming.
    So I have 3 questions:
    1. Is a Macbook Air right for an Engineering major? How has having a Macbook "changed" you as an engineer?
    2. Is there any way to have a Windows Partition, an OSX Partition, and an exFAT partition to share my music and videos across both OS's? Both Windows and OSX can read and write to exFAT right?
    3. What external hard drive and USB drive formats (other than FAT since I have files larger than 4GB) are best for transferring files to and from OSX and Windows machines?
    Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to purchasing a Mac since they are so competetively priced now. I think Apple mad a great move with these price cuts.

    I second the above opinion, as I am an Electrical Engineering student currently. I've been using an 11" Air for everything (full options, i7, 8gb, 512ssd). I was using a mid 2011 and i just got the new 2013 model and I have to say both have performed outstanding.
    Since you're gonna be an engineer i'll tell you how I run my machine to let you know how powerful it is for school:
    I run 4 desktops that i swipe between constantly with 10+ programs running, most of which are not your normal small programs (Autocad, MotionBuilder, etc.)
    My 5th desktop that i swipe between is Parallels Desktop running windows 7 for the non-mac apps, inside of windows i typically run 3+ programs which include AutoCad, Quartus (electronic modeling) and PSpice.
    Keep in mind that I run all of this at the same time and it's probably too much (I don't need to run everything at once I just love to keep evrything up so between classes I don't have to prepare for the next).
    All I have to say is the machine kills it. i'm serious, no lag, fluid autocad building, low heat, and great battery, i got about 5 hours out of my 2011 model and i expect to see 8+ out of this one when school gets going again.
    You're in the right direction, i think you'll be more than happy with a new Macbook Air if you max out the options, and then you'll increase the resale so in 2-3 years you can grab the latest and greatest as i did.
    Good luck in engineering and don't let it get to you, stick it out and it'll be worthwhile!

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    I think I'd like portability, being I could bring on trips and stuff like that. Here's the link to the one I'm looking at.
    or this mac if I can scrape together some more funds.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    I'm afraid that's to be expected in most cases, you need to turn your TV speakers off.

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