Is Captivate for me?

I've just downloaded the demo of Captivate 2 and I'm really
However, before I can consider using Captivate over the sim
builder that came with our LMS I've a few questions for you
experienced users!
Sorry if these have been answered 100 times before - I've
only been using Captivate for a couple of days so it's tricky for
me to know what to search for!
1. In our existing sim builder, slides have two narration
panels; the first with precise instructions for taking a learner
through the sim for the first time to learn ('show me') and the
second to run through it again with little handholding to
demonstrate learning ('test me'). This is roughly equivalent to the
'Training Sim' and 'Assessment Sim' modes in Captivate.
So, if I record a training sim, can I then run it as either a
training sim or an assessment sim? Or if not, can I make a copy of
the project and convert the training sim to an assessment sim
without having to edit each slide?
2. Can I get a text entry box to grab the focus when its
slide starts? E.g. if the interaction coming out of the last slide
was to click in a click box positioned over the 'enter name' field,
the user would expect the text entry box to have the focus in the
next slide.
3. Is there a keypress interaction - e.g. press 'F10' to go
to the next slide? I 've found I can make F10 the shortcut key to a
text entry box with a blank correct answer, but that assumes that
the the box has the focus which may not be guaranteed.
I'm sure I'll come up with a million other questions, but
those are good to be going on with for the moment!
Thanks :)

Originally posted by:
1. ) Simulation + Demo Answer =1239302&enterthread=y
2.) Yes, the timeline is used to establish the focus, or
3.) See answer # 2. ;)
I use "multiple" outs for the 'next slide' button in my CBTs.
F-10 as an option, as well as a "Next" button. I set them
both up the same way on the timeline, and I set the end result
(continue or go to next slide, etc..)to be the same on both.
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply Shnoogins - I'll
experiment with 2 and 3. It's a shame you can't do multimode
captures but I think the world won't stop turning if I have to do a
bit of editing
I've still got a few reservations about the way text entry
boxes work, plus the issues of right click, drag & drop, and
shift click which I've seen there are 'sort of' answers to, but I'm
really impressed with this software. We've got a few £ left in
this year's travel budget; I wonder if buying it counts as a

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    I have not been sent a serial number after subscribing to Captivate for a year.  Does anyone know how I can get it?  Or how to actually speak to someone in Adobe ??? Very frustrating!

    You have to just sign in with your Adobe Id during the installation process and it will validate your subscription from the activation server. Once your Id is validated then your subscription will be activated. You don't need serial number to activate subscription.
    You may download the product from the link mentioned below.

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    Larry, I realise that this response may be a little late for
    you, however others may come across this with the same question.
    You can use Captivate on a Mac (using a virtual windows
    installation) however this will not allow you to record Mac
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    For details on performance of Captivate CS4 in a virtual
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    (There are also some mention of Mac screencasting
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    Case # 181254378
    Customer said "
    Using the latest version of either Adobe Presenter or Captivate on a Windows system with a web cam (or similar video capture device)
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    I figured it out.
    If you select H.264 as the format you can then select YouTube Widescreen HD for the preset.
    This will set everything up to convert your MTS file to 720p and reduce the file size by around 30% with little quality degradation in my experience so far.
    The only problem I encountered was the video was kind of choppy when the camera panned but that was remedied by upping the frame rate from 24 to 29.97.
    Hope this helps someone and if anyone has any suggestions to improve efficiency or reduce file size post it in here.

  • Is Adobe Captivate for me?

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    Thanks in advance!

    My 2cents. For the software training, Captivate is indeed for me personally the best app around, and I have been trying a lot (Camtasia, Smartbuilder, Viewletbuilder...).
    Of course you have to record the video (that is not possible with Captivate) with a video-recorder. In CP5 importing the video (Adobe Media Encoder will be automatically used for converting if it is not flv) and working with it has become really great. You can spread the video over different slides, readjust the timings, resize, insert Text Captions on the slides with video, add Question slides, audio ...
    Would recommend to go for the eLearning suite if budget allows it, because besides Captivate you will have some other great apps (Flash, Photoshop, Soundbooth, Dreamweaver, Acrobat Pro,...) and moreover very nice roundtripping to Photoshop and Soundbooth.

  • Adobe Flex or Adobe Captivate for an eLearning Platform

    A client of mine would like to build a project where he would like to keep track of students as the go through Math Lessons and Quizes of each Chapter, with the potential to post their achievements to facebook and so on.
    Before I jump into Captivcate, I need to make sure that Captivate can do what we need:
    - Simple Animation explaining a Math problem
    - Interaction with User when Needed
    - Able to track Student on where they're reached
    - Able to continue on a Mobile
    - Quizes
    I am curious to know if I am able to code in Actionscript if need be, say to post to facebook.
    Please do advise me if I am able ot perform all these in Captivate, or Simply build such a platform in Flex?

    I have done stuff with Authorware/Flex/CP. Here's my take:
    - Simple Animation explaining a Math problem:
    - Interaction with User when Needed: I don't understand what you mean ?
    If you mean like drag/drops, hotspots ...etc ...then...YES, SOMEWHAT. Hotspots are very basic. Drag/ can build/buy widget to do this...buying has its limitations.
    - Able to track Student on where they're reached:
    - Able to continue on a Mobile
    MAY BE...if have an LMS and your mobile device supports forget about i-Devices.
    - Quizes
    I dont like the default quiz slides in CP at all. They are very convoluted and too many buttons to do simple things. It's better to build your own quiz templates or use different tools for this.
    You can use Flex to build stuff that you can't do in CP and embed in CP as swf widgets. You would need the lib to have Flex swf to communicate w/ CP.
    I just wish that CP can do stuff like Authorware.

  • Captivate for Soft Skills?

    The short story is that Authorware is officially dead. LAME!
    So we need a new authoring environment / publisher for creating
    CBTs for CD delivery. Adobe is pushing Authorware users toward
    Capitivate and Connect. I know that Captivate does more than screen
    capture, but how much and how easily... that's not clear.
    We would prefer to build content in Flash and import the .swf
    files into a 'publisher' (more or less the same work flow as we
    used in Authorware) so we are looking for a tool that will handle
    (primarily): • assembly • .exe creathion • user
    login / information storage • test creation, tracking and
    other metrics • certificate printing. Can anyone inform me on
    Thanks in advance!
    Eric Hartmann
    Education Specialist
    AZ Supreme Court

    Assembly: should be fairly easy, assuming the import of
    external SWF
    files works well. You just import them to the slide you want
    the SWFs to
    show on and should be fine...if that's all you need by
    .exe creation: is possible too by selecting the 'Standalone'
    setting, which will give you an .exe. I think this is the
    Captivate SWF
    file 'bundled' with the Flash player? Not sure exactly how
    that works.
    User login/information storage: if you're using an LMS, not a
    If you're not using an LMS, problem. There are a few threads
    about how
    to hack Captivate output to record to a standalone database
    which may
    work. There's an article somewhere on Adobe's site by Andrew
    Chemey on
    how to do that...
    Test creation: no problem, especially with CP3 (apparently)
    as there are
    more quiz templates available. You won't have the
    flexibility that
    Authorware provided as you're limited to pre-defined types
    (think KO)
    but probably fine for most needs.
    Tracking: again, to an LMS, no problem...though what you can
    track is,
    again, limited to what Captivate offers...but you can track
    most any
    interaction I think. If you want to track to not-an-LMS, see
    Other metrics? Probably not, but what do you mean...?
    Certificate printing: no way I've seen. That's usually a
    function of
    the...wait for it...LMS. No LMS, not sure how you'd do it
    (maybe use JS
    to open a webpage that has a pre-filled Certificate? Not sure
    how you'd
    pass the user name...)
    If you'd like, contact me directly (erik at capemedia dot
    net). I've
    done work with other state court systems and may have
    alternatives to
    Eric of the Courts wrote:
    > The short story is that Authorware is officially dead.
    LAME! So we need a new
    > authoring environment / publisher for creating CBTs for
    CD delivery. Adobe is
    > pushing Authorware users toward Capitivate and Connect.
    I know that Captivate
    > does more than screen capture, but how much and how
    easily... that's not clear.
    > We would prefer to build content in Flash and import the
    .swf files into a
    > 'publisher' (more or less the same work flow as we used
    in Authorware) so we
    > are looking for a tool that will handle (primarily): ?
    assembly ? .exe
    > creathion ? user login / information storage ? test
    creation, tracking and
    > other metrics ? certificate printing. Can anyone inform
    me on this?
    > Thanks in advance!
    > Eric Hartmann
    > Education Specialist
    > AZ Supreme Court
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

  • Macromedia Captivate for OS X

    I am a pc convert who used to use Macromedia Captivate to create how to videos on different software systems... Now I have converted almost all to OS X but I need software which I can use to create how to's like Captivate does. Anyone know of similar software for OS X?

    Thanks for your reply.  I don't use itunes so that couldn't be it.  Reading about Little Snitch and Hands Off, however,  educated me about the data harvesting in many apps and that when buying from the AppStore one will more likely get Apps with benign data harvesting.

  • Captivate for WBT

    Can someone advise me if Captivate is the best platform for
    developing a training interactive program? I won't to use CS3
    photoshop and flash as graphic builders, then need Captivate or
    Aruhorware to complie for a WBT.
    Next question is how can I track quizz participation and
    sores on a centeral web site?
    Many Thanks

    I would qualify, how suitable Captivate is depends on your
    content. If
    you want to develop training, say, on how to fix a
    dishwasher, Captivate
    may really not be the best tool in favor of other tools, like
    Authorware. However, if you're doing software training,
    Captivate is
    MUCH better suited than Authorware.
    That's not to say you can't do either type of training in
    either piece
    of software, but they are much better suited for particular
    I echo Mark's comment on the need for an LMS as the best way
    to approach
    tracking to a central website. However, with Authorware,
    this isn't a
    requirement. You could easily use Authorware functions to
    post results
    to a web page, which then writes to a database.
    An LMS does make such things easier though, as well as
    providing user
    management, reporting, and other such tools. If you're
    interested in an
    LMS, I suggest you include Inquisiq in that research:
    murf638 wrote:
    > Can someone advise me if Captivate is the best platform
    for developing a
    > training interactive program? I won't to use CS3
    photoshop and flash as
    > graphic builders, then need Captivate or Aruhorware to
    complie for a WBT.
    > Next question is how can I track quizz participation and
    sores on a centeral
    > web site?
    > Many Thanks
    > Steve
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

  • Captivate for ipad apps

    Was wondering if anyone (is it possible) to create educational content and then use them in an ipad application to be submitted to the app store??
    Right now I'm using dreamweaver and phonegap build and was wondering if anyone has created their content for an ipad app on captivate and then used it in an app...???  thanks!

    I'm sorry to have to tell you that the PhoneGap interface has changed since that video was made: you can no longer simply upload files, but instead have to work through a github account.
    I tried to do this, but failed: the Github interface and workflows were completely incomprehensible to me. 
    So, back to square 1: Could you tell us how to convert a Captivate file to an iPad app?

  • Captivate for presentations?

    I need to create a presentation for a client that will play on any system and fit on a thumb drive so the client can plug it in to a computer and run the presentation. It would not require that an application be on the computer (e.g., powerpoint or keynote). Keynote was able to do this by exporting to quicktime with chapter markers so each click advanced the presentation to the next slide but alas the latest update of quicktime for mavericks took away this feature. 
    Could I use captivate to create a standalone html5 (or other format?) presentation that advances to the next slide or action (reveal text, fade out etc) each mouse click?
    Captivate looks interesting to me because I could maybe use the presentation as a foundation for interactive material as well.
    Thank you for your help.

    LOL, actually it was ME that said it gets converted to a SWF. What you do is look at slide properties and you will see that the background cannot be changed and it lists a SWF file. So based on that, I've always understood that the process of importing creates a SWF and configures it magickally to be the background.
    When you said video, I was thinking perhaps we now are seeing a new playing field and maybe each slide would have a camcorder icon or the timeline with a red line through it.
    So bottom line is that nothing changed in that respect.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Captivate for a mac?

    Is Captivate available for a mac, or is available only for a windows pc?

    Hi there
    Presently only a Mac version is available. But stay tuned! Who knows what may emerge in the next version!
    For now, the only products I'm aware of for Mac are ScreenFlow and Camtasia Studio.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Do you recommend Captivate for elearning?

    We just learned of Adobe's decision to discontinue support of
    Authorware. We recently spent several thousands of dollars
    purchasing the software and training courses to learn it. Does
    anyone in this forum have AW and Captivate experience that could
    let me know if Captivate would be worth converting to?

    There's been some reply to your post in the Authorware forum.
    The only
    thing I can add is, if you are doing either software
    simulation or
    fairly basic 'elearning', then Captivate is a suitable - if
    not better -
    piece of software than Authorware.
    As to whether Captivate is worth converting to, it depends on
    you're trying to create. Obviously, if it falls within
    capabilities, then it's a decent replacement. However, I'd
    say Captivate
    will not be a suitable replacement for at least 50% of the
    projects we
    develop simply due to their complexity and Captivate's
    (tracking is limited to SCORM, no complex/custom interaction,
    Xtra/U32 support, no ActiveX control support, limited media
    support, etc.)
    Hotel Accounting wrote:
    > We just learned of Adobe's decision to discontinue
    support of Authorware. We
    > recently spent several thousands of dollars purchasing
    the software and
    > training courses to learn it. Does anyone in this forum
    have AW and Captivate
    > experience that could let me know if Captivate would be
    worth converting to?
    > Thanks!
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

  • Captivate for beginners

    I'm new to Captivate and all I want to do is record sequences for demonstration but it's proving to be a hard thing to do. Any points, is there a way to view a slide as soon as you record it. What are the parameters for recording a slide and how do you rerecord.

    Do you see the camera icon in the filmstrip on every slide? If yes, I think you have recorded in Full Motion Recording mode. That is not a good idea, because FMR is like a video recording and editing a video is not that easy. Please try to record in Automatic mode, and since you are a 'beginner', choose Demonstration mode.
    If you are talking about the camera in the control panel (see screenshot), choose the still camera icon (second) to start Automatic mode (with the video camera icon you would start Full Motion Recording). To start the recording press the red button, to stop use the key END. When you are back in Captivate you will see your recording spread over multiple slides and you will be able to edit the slides. You can insert/delete slides too.

  • Captivate for the iPad

    The Captivate solution for publishing for the iPad seems to be html5.  My questions are:
    1.  Will I retain my interactivity?
    2.  We currently track correct mouse clicks in our simulations for knowledge assessments, will I be able to do this with html5?
    3. Will I still be able to pass tracking information to my lms?
    4.  how does SCORM play into laa of this? and
    5.  Are there specific browers and/or browser requirements to run html5 modules
    Thanks is advance

    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    1) When you create a project in Captivate 6.0, click on Window -> HTML5 Tracker, there are some object which are not supported in HTML5 (Those object will appear in HTML5 Tracker)
    2) This works in HTML5
    3) I am not sure which LMS are you using but I have tested in and, it works
    4) laa ????
    5) IE9 and Firefox 14 and Google Chrome 21

Maybe you are looking for

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