Is CS6 compatible with VDI offline?? If not, are Acrobat Pro and Indesign?

We have an environment of Ofline VDI's which installs CS6 on a template and then populated out with Citrix and SysPrep. Now lately we have tuned a template only for those with CS6, but suddenly it stops to work. It aks for lic all the time or to use an account on the net. This is a downlocked environement and makes a lot of hazzle.

The update for a Mac retina display requires a subscription to InDesign CC. It is not and will not be available for InDesign CS6, which will not be getting significant updates.

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    Charu: Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
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    That's how Time Machine and iPhoto now work.  Restore the library to one of the external HDs, check it for the photos you want, export them to the boot drive and delete the restored library.
    If you know the file name of the photo you're looking for you can search for them in the TM backup using Find Any File.
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    2 - name the folder to represent the contents and date: 01/03/10-Toads Bday
    3 - use a file renaming app to sequentially rename the photos in the folder to: 2010-01-03-Toads Bday-001.JPG,  -002,JPG, -003.JPG,  etc.
    4 - import the folder into iPhoto creating an Event with the same title as the folder.
    Now I can search for those file by file name with any app of my choosing.

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