Is iMessage free?

Is iMessage free from one US user to another international user as long as we both have the upgraded ios 5 version?

BonR wrote:
Is iMessage free from one US user to another international user as long as we both have the upgraded ios 5 version?
According to this thread it is. Check it out:

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    Confused on a few things.  I have the iPhone 4 with 3G.  I don't use my phone all that much...use iMessage approx. 3x/week, and I listen to iHeart Radio at home on wifi.  This is my issue:  I got a notice that I was over my data usage and will be billed $15.  My questions iMessage free when you text between iPhones on AT&T?  Does IHeart Radio use data?  I feel that I might have my settings wrong because my sister says she uses iMessage all e time and NEVER goes over her data.   How can I check my data usage so I don't go over again?  Thanks so much for the help!

    It would be hard to imagine breaking your data plan with iMessage, unless you are passing some massive attachments.
    On the other hand, iHeart radio is like Pandora, I think, and streams the music constantly while running. I wonder what happens if your wi-fi drops for a second while you are running that. Will your phone jump over to the cellular connection to keep the app running? If it does, that could easily explain the data overage.
    You might want to play around with disabling cellular data when you know you will be parked under wifi for a while.That way, if wifi does blip on you, you don't start munching on your data plan.

  • Is IMessage free when messaging internationally?

    Is iMessage free when texting internationally?

    If you are on wifi then correct there will be no charge.
    As for the settings in the iPhone I don;t have mine in front of me right now but turning off SMS should limit the messages to wifi. In addition you can also turn off doing any or most data transfers if you are not connected to wifi to limit what data goes over the 4g

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    Yes and no. You will not be charged for an SMS/MMS message, but it does use cellular data. As long as you don't overrun your monthly allowance, it won't cost you anything extra. It does incur data use, though, and data is not "free".

  • Is iMessage to iMessage free to any device thats not using wifi?

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    Eg. iPhone to iphone using only data off a 3G provider like Telstra or Optus or Vodafone.
    Or will it still charge like an SMS ?

    No, you won't get charged like you would for an SMS, but it will use your data plan, if sent over 3G. However, the data usage is miniscule.

  • Is iMessage free for international messaging?

    I live in Detroit, Michigan and I have a close friend that lives in Leeds, Kent, England. I would like to text him but my phone carrier charges 25 cents per international text. I have an iPhone 4 with the recent iOS 5.01 update so my phone is iMessage capable, but I don't want to use it unless it is 100% free for international use. Thanks guys!

    iMessage has no specific charges associated with it from your carrier.  If you're sending over WiFi (and you have the typical unlimited data plan from your ISP), it is free.  If you use cellular data, there may be significant international cellular data charges from your carrier.

  • How is iMessage free?

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    Destinie Harris wrote:
    iMessage uses Apple's iMessage server and a source of internet to send messages. It doesn't actually use your cellular data like a SMS or MMS message would,
    SMS does not use cellular data. MMS uses both cellular data and texting. SMS gets sent over the same part of the bandwidth as voice calls which is why basic phones have been able to do it for years, long before cellular data was common.
    iMessage uses cellular data or wifi for both text and pictures.

  • IMessage free international?

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    It doesn't guess, it pings and knows the other end is an iOS 5 device, sends it as an iMessage and shows you it has been delivered as an iMessage. At this point it is not using SMS at all.
    I've sent a number of iMessages back and forth to several people and none of them have been listed as a text message with AT&T. So if Apple "screws up" how would it be working with AT&T but not with 3? Call them.

  • Is international iMessage free?

    I have a friend who went to England for a few weeks and we want to know if imessage
    is free.

    Your friend may get charged if they were sending iMessages using a cellular connection, especially as they would have been "roaming" at the time.  That would be a charge levied by the carrier and the UK mobile network that they were logged onto at the time.  If your friend was using a wi-fi connection however, then there would have been no charge.

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    Sorry folks is this an idiot of a question, but when you going oversees and out of the UK, for example to Spain, does iMessage still remain free no international charges ect..

    Obviously ur trying to be a smart arse and have played on words so i will leave you to contiune to very unconstructive support. If you took the time to read between the lines of my questions you would see that is clearly what i have been saying.
    Its only now not through you i have discovered it uses a very small amount of data even for heavy user hence why it appeared as "free" as I have never really got any data usage against my account, as im mainly on wifi...hence why i thought it has appeared to be free.
    1. There is no "iMessage app."   iMessage is a function of the Messages app, which also does SMS and MMS.  iMessage requires 2 iOS devices running iOS 5 or later, with both connected to either cell data (i.e. 3G) or WiFi.
    Pandantic or what! That's whay i have been saying all along, obvioulsy you just wanna play on words
    3. iMessage is "free" everywhere - UK, USA, Tierra del Fuego, or Mars. There is no extra charge for international iMessages. The only caveat is that if the cell data network is used instead of WiFI, some of your data allotment is consumed and you're paying for that.
    It cant be free everywhere if  "The only caveat is that if the cell data network is used instead of WiFI",

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    Anybody know?

    Hmmm... maybe that does answer the question.  Is it always correct to say that if your outgoing message will be (or is) SMS (colored green, indicated as 'Text Message' in the input box) because of your texting partner's non iOS 5 device, then any incoming messages from that partner must also be SMS?
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    YOu should have apple id to send messages from imessage free with wifi
    for creating appleid go
    and if you also have apple id you should go to the setting,Messages,enable iMessage,enter your apple id and password.
    it takes a several minutes to verify and after that you are able to start messaging with iMessage.
    hope i help you

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    I have never seen a router like you have and I wouldn't dare advise you about changing the settings. It appears that it is a router/modem that was provided by your ISP. If this is the case, I recommend that you call your ISP and ask them for Port Forwarding assistance. You need to forward port 80 to the LAN IP address of your camera. The LAN IP address of your camera is the IP address that you use to log into the web interface. You should not need to change any settings on the camera. After you have had the ISP help you forward the port to the camera, go to and you will see your WAN IP address. Write that address down and then go to a remote location and type it into your web browser. You should get the login page of the camera. Note that your WAN IP is subject to change. You can ask your ISP to provide you with a static IP address which will be an additional charge each month but your IP address will not change. Another option is to use a service such as dyndns to create a unique URL that you can use to access the camera remotely even if your WAN IP address changes. We can discuss that after you get access to the camera if you have further questions.

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    somebody please help me!!!

    thanks so much, randers4!!
    removing the email address fixed the problem and imessaging is working again!!  

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