Is it a web service instance?

Now let's take following scenario into consideration:
Some customers want to get information(product list, price,inventory etc) from their supplier thru. their own information system. Their system may be developed by different language.
How to implement it? Is it an instance of web service? If so, how to develop the system?
Please give me some instruction....
Thanks in advance

Yes there is use web services. Web services is to intergrated all the application which writen in diffrent to comunicated each other. They are 2 way to do the web services. One, is use .NET to write it and the second one is use Java language to write to web services.

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    Hi all, I'm studying Jax-WS specification in general and its implementation on Glassfish 3.1.2. I built a simple standard example where a jax-ws soap based web service is called from a jsp page by using the artifacts generated through wsimport (the webservice and the jsp page are both deployed on Glassfish in the same EAR but in 2 different wars).
    Everything works as expected but I have a question: looking at the application log, it seems that Glassfish creates a new instance of the webservice each time it is called. I would like to know where Java offically defines how a web container should manage webservice instances and if developers can customize this behaviour.
    I read jax-ws 2.1 specification here
    but I found only a clue when speaking about how to publish a webservice using the Endpoint class by hand (section 5.2.2 "Publishing", page 69):
    "An endpoint consists of an object that acts as the Web service implementation (called here implementor) plus some configuration information...
    An Endpoint will be typically invoked to serve concurrent requests, so its implementor should be written so as to support multiple threads. The synchronized keyword may be used as usual to control access to critical sections of code. For finer control over the threads used to dispatch incoming requests, an application can directly set the executor to be used..."
    This note is present even in Jax-WS 2.2 specification (used by Glassfish 3).
    Actually, if I build a webservice using only JavaSE 7 (which includes Jax-WS 2.2), this description is true because there is only one instance of the webservice. Is there any reason why JavaEE doesn't follow this policy?
    Thanks a lot for your help,

    Hi, I found the answers on this specification (JSR-109):
    It describes how Jax-WS works on JavaEE:
    "4.1 Client Programming model (page 18)
    a client must assume that the methods of a Web service have no state that is persistent across multiple Web service method invocations. A client can treat the Web service implementation as stateless.
    The client has no control over the life cycle of the Web service implementation on the server. A client does not create or destroy instances of a Web service, which is referred to as a Port. The client only accesses the Port. The life cycle of the Ports, or instances of a Web service implementation, are managed by the run-time that hosts the Web service. A Port has no identity. This means that a client cannot compare a Port to other Ports to see if they are the same or identical, nor can a client access a specific Port instance. Web container programming model for JAX-WS (page 42)
    A Service Implementation must be a stateless object. A Service Implementation Bean must not save client specific state across method calls either within the bean instance’s data members or external to the instance. A container may use any bean instance to service a request.
    5.3.4 Service Implementation Bean Life Cycle (page 43)
    Before a request can be serviced, the container must instantiate a Service Implementation Bean and ready it for method requests.
    A container may pool method ready instances of a Service Implementation Bean and dispatch a method request on any instance in a method ready state."
    Moreover, the specification states that JavaEE must not use the Endpoint class to publish a webservice:
    "5.3.3 Publishing Endpoints – (page 43)
    JAX-WS provides functionality for creating and publishing Web Service endpoints dynamically using API. The use of this functionality is considered non-portable in a managed environment. It is required that both the Servlet and the EJB container disallow the publishing of the Endpoint dynamically, by not granting the publishEndpoint security permission."

  • Certificate error while connecting to multiple web service

    I am having a web service test client through which I can connects and get reports from multiple web services.
    In Development unix box, we are using "self-signed certificate" using keystore type JKS. In Production server, we are using certificate from CA.
    The web service is running in Development and in Production.
    Now I have developed single test client with a drop down selection for different web services. For example, if we select "Development", the request will go the development web service and if we select "Production", the request will go to Production web service.
    Now while connecting to Develpment service, we are settings the below certificates details Because we are using the self signed certificate.
    System.setProperty("", keyStoreType);
    I am clearing the System properties using the System.clearProperty() while pointing to Production service. because in Production we are using the CA certificate from Thawte so these details are not required at all and our JRE (java 5) is pre configured to support that CA certificate.
    I am using Resin-2.1.12, axis1.2 and java5.
    Now the problem is
    (1) for the first time, when I send the request to Production Service URL, the report gets generated. For the next time when we are running against Development, it's giving below certificate error. PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
    (2) Now restart resin and run the test client against Developemnt service URL, here report gets generated and for the next time, run the test client against Production, it's giving the certificate error.
    So for the 2nd request, it always gives the error irrespective of the web service instance selected.
    Please suggest ....thanks in advance.

    Hi  ,
    No, due to the issue is happening only on one computer.
    The error "(401) Unauthorized" usually indicates that the connection has been established but the permission check fails.  InfoPath Form Services uses the application pool identity of the web
    application to connect to resources.
    Does the account  which login the computer have permission to connect to User Profile Service Application?
    For a workaround, you can go to IIS Manager , set the User Profile Application Pool to Anonymous Access and try again.
    Also you can have a look at the blog:
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Simple Web Service fails

    This one is clearly me doing something stupid.
    in c:\inetpub\wwwroot I have these two files:
      <cffunction name="NewOrder" returnType="string" access="remote" output="false">
        <cfargument name="Version" type="string" required="yes">
        <cfreturn "Ack">
      webservice = "http://localhost/DropShip.cfc?WSDL"
      method = "NewOrder"
      returnVariable = "request.WebOrder">
      <cfinvokeargument name="Version" value="1.0" />
    and the result I get back is:
    Web service operation NewOrder with parameters {Version={1.0}} cannot be found.
    If I remove the <cfargument> and <cfinvokeargument> it works.
    So what silly thing am I doing wrong?  Pile on, I can take it!

    Not sure where I found this but I think its designed to accomplish what you're after...
    <cfcomponent displayname="BaseWebService" output="false" hint="This handles core web service features.">
        <cffunction name="Init" access="public" returntype="any" output="false" hint="Returns an initialized web service instance.">
            <cfreturn THIS />
        <cffunction name="RebuildStubFile" access="remote" returntype="void" output="false" hint="Rebuilds the WSDL file at the given url.">
            <cfargument name="Password" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfif NOT Compare( ARGUMENTS.Password, "sweetlegs!" )>
                <cfset CreateObject
                                GetPageContext().GetRequest().GetRequestUrl().Append( "?wsdl" ).ToString()
            <cfreturn />
    AND then to use it ...
    <cfcomponent displayname="Essence_WebServices" output="false" hint="Interactivity is handled exclusively in this CFC." extends="BaseWebService">
        <cffunction name="RebuildStubFile" access="remote" returntype="void" output="false" hint="Returns an initialized web service instance.">
            <CFSet super.RebuildStubFile('sweetlegs!') />
    Message was edited by: GrandNagel

  • Dynamic Logical Port for Web Service Client

    Hi *!
    We want to use the same Web Service Client code with different Web Service instances running on different systems. So I need to configure the logical port (especially the URL of the endpoint) dynamically at runtime.
    Please give me a hint, how this is done.
    (we are using WebAS 6.40 SP7)...
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Frank,
    I hope you were able to solve your issue on you own in the meantime.
    I was looking for the answer to this question today. This was the only thread I found on SDN. Unfortunately, it did not contain an answer yet. I was able to figure out a way to set the endpoint address dynamically after searching and after examining the interfaces offered by the Stub (logical port in this case) classes.
    Here's an extract from my code:
    // Connect to JNDI context
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    // Get reference to web service proxy from JNDI context
    Z_MSC_GET_SCHEDULE_WSDService service =
         (Z_MSC_GET_SCHEDULE_WSDService) ic.lookup("wsclients/proxies/");
    // Get reference to logical port from web service proxy
    Z_MSC_GET_SCHEDULE_WSD logicalPort = service.getLogicalPort();
    // Set URL of web service Endpoint
    logicalPort._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "http://<FQDN>:8010/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/Z_MSC_GET_SCHEDULE_WSD?sap-client=100");
    This is explained on
    You can also set the credentials (username / password) with the method _setProperty.
    Best regards

  • Need help with Sharepoint foundation web application stuck on "STOPPING" error job-service-instance-GUID Number already exists

    Hi All,
         I cant get to stop SharePoint foundation web app service. Its stuck on status stopping
    I have tried the following:
    reset IIS
    restarted the Timer Service
    When I try to use powershell command to stop I get the following error:
    Can anyone who went through this help PLEASE
    Stop-SPServiceInstance : An object of the type
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServiceInstanceJobDefinition named
    "job-service-instance-1ff39eb2-12d2-457d-a749-265e350eb1b1" already exists
    under the parent Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerService named
    "SPTimerV4". Rename your object or delete the existing object.
    At line:1 char:127
    + ... pplication"} | Stop-SPServiceInstance
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...ServiceInstance:
    SPCmdletStopServiceInstance) [Stop-SPServiceInstance], SPDuplicateObjectEx
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletStopServ

    It seems that the issue is in the timer job definition for executing this operation.
    My suggestion is to start the service again and delete the job definition from the error and again try to stop it.
    This might be helpful: 
    I had a lot of issues in the past when try to stop this instance after the Web apps are provisioned.
    As general rule now If I have multi-server Farm topology that has servers that should not serve Web App requests I turn off the service prior to provisioning any Web Apps in the Farm. 

  • Issue in calling a web service from Apps instance

    Hi ,
    I have created a procedure to call a function which gives response by calling a web service URL.
    Requirement is,
    While calling this procedure , the response data has been stored in the table. This is working fine in the back end.
    Now , i call the same through concurrenet program . It is also getting stored but partially.. The exact data is missing ..other default tags are displayed in the column.
    create or replace procedure cv_test_GetCityWeather_PROC(cityName in varchar2, country in varchar2 ,errbuf OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,retcode OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) is
    xmlResponse XmlType;
    xmlResponse := CV_Test_GetCityWeather(cityName,country);
    insert into xx_cv_test values(xmlResponse);
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'hghghgh');
    retcode := 'insert failed';
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'response of the request is ' );
    --dbms_output.put_line('xmlResponse ' ||xmlResponse);
    end cv_test_getCityweather_proc;
    CREATE OR REPLACE function APPS.CV_Test_GetCityWeather( cityName varchar2, country varchar2 ) return XmlType is
    --// URL to call
    SOAP_URL constant varchar2(1000) := '';
    --// SOAP envelope template, containing $ substitution variables
    SOAP_ENVELOPE constant varchar2(32767) :=
    '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
    --// we'll identify ourselves using an IE9/Windows7 generic browser signature
    C_USER_AGENT constant varchar2(4000) := 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)';
    --// these variables need to be set if web access
    --// is via a proxy server
    proxyServer varchar2(20) default null;
    proxyUser varchar2(20) default null;
    proxyPass varchar2(20) default null;
    --// our local variables
    soapEnvelope varchar2(32767);
    proxyURL varchar2(4000);
    request utl_http.req;
    response utl_http.resp;
    buffer varchar2(32767);
    soapResponse clob;
    xmlResponse XmlType;
    eof boolean;
    --// create the SOAP envelope
    soapEnvelope := replace( SOAP_ENVELOPE, '$CITY', cityName );
    soapEnvelope := replace( soapEnvelope, '$COUNTRY', country );
    --// our "browser" settings
    utl_http.set_response_error_check( true );
    utl_http.set_detailed_excp_support( true );
    utl_http.set_cookie_support( true );
    utl_http.set_transfer_timeout( 10 );
    utl_http.set_follow_redirect( 3 );
    utl_http.set_persistent_conn_support( true );
    --// configure for web proxy access if applicable
    if proxyServer is not null then
    proxyURL := 'http://'||proxyServer;
    if (proxyUser is not null) and (proxyPass is not null) then
    proxyURL := Replace( proxyURL, 'http://', 'http://'||proxyUser||':'||proxyPass||'@' );
    end if;
    utl_http.set_proxy( proxyURL, null );
    end if;
    --// make the POST call to the web service
    request := utl_http.begin_request( SOAP_URL, 'POST', utl_http.HTTP_VERSION_1_1 );
    utl_http.set_header( request, 'User-Agent', C_USER_AGENT );
    utl_http.set_header( request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' );
    utl_http.set_header( request, 'Content-Length', length(soapEnvelope) );
    utl_http.set_header( request, 'SoapAction', 'http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetWeather' );
    utl_http.write_text( request, soapEnvelope );
    --// read the web service HTTP response
    response := utl_http.get_response( request );
    dbms_lob.CreateTemporary( soapResponse, true );
    eof := false;
    exit when eof;
    utl_http.read_line( response, buffer, true );
    if length(buffer) > 0 then
    end if;
    exception when utl_http.END_OF_BODY then
    eof := true;
    end loop;
    utl_http.end_response( response );
    --// as the SOAP responds with XML, we convert
    --// the response to XML
    xmlResponse := XmlType( soapResponse );
    --dbms_lob.FreeTemporary( soapResponse );
    --insert into xx_cv_test values(xmlResponse);
    return( xmlResponse );
    exception when OTHERS then
    if soapResponse is not null then
    dbms_lob.FreeTemporary( soapResponse );
    end if;
    select cv_test_GetCityWeather( 'Cape Town', 'South Africa' ) from dual
    Result is,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetWeatherResponse xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
    <GetWeatherResult><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><CurrentWeather> <Location>Cape Town, Cape Town International Airport, South Africa (FACT) 33-59S 018-36E 0M</Location> <Time>May 28, 2013 - 03:00 AM EDT / 2013.05.28 0700 UTC</Time> <Wind> from the NNW (330 degrees) at 7 MPH (6 KT) (direction variable):0</Wind> <Visibility> 4 mile(s):0</Visibility> <SkyConditions> mostly cloudy</SkyConditions> <Temperature> 57 F (14 C)</Temperature> <DewPoint> 53 F (12 C)</DewPoint> <RelativeHumidity> 87%</RelativeHumidity> <Pressure> 30.03 in. Hg (1017 hPa)</Pressure> <Status>Success</Status></CurrentWeather></GetWeatherResult>
    While running Concurrent Program, by providing PARAMETERS : Cape Town, South Africa,
    the result is ,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetWeatherResponse xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
    <GetWeatherResult>Data Not Found</GetWeatherResult>
    Why the outputs are different for the same procedure..
    Anybody , Please help me to fix this issue.

    duplicate post
    Please see
    Calling webservice from PLSQL
    Please confirm are you the one who post the above thread
    ;) AppsMAsti :)
    sharing is Caring

  • How to restrict only one instance of web service running at a time

    Hi All,
    Have a requirement to ensure that only one instance of java web service is active at any point of time.
    Using Application Server Not the soa suite.

    Thanks for the reply..
    I have a java web service that pulls up some files produced periodically from remote machine and uploads them to some doc mgmt system and then update the database that what files are uplaoded successfully so that during next run it will ignore those files.
    so, if my web service executes second time before completion of first run. It would pick files that were already processed by first run since the first run might have not updated the databse yet.

  • Initiating BPM Process Instances from External Web Service Call

    I'm attempting to update the HelloWorld example so that I can create an instance of the process from an External Web Services Call rather than via the Workspace. Our current SOA Architecture is configured so that all BPM instances are managed through a .NET SmartClient via the Service Bus and the use of PAPI W/S and so I'm wishing to recreate this capability in the new BPM.
    I understand the replacement for PAPI W/S is Human Workflow so I've therefore updated and republished the HelloWorld Example with an Exposed 'TaskService' Service for the Human Task within the BPM Process.
    I've then attempted to reference the TaskService through our existing BPM, and have been able to import a number of generic WSDL's as follows:
    Task Service
    Task Metadata Service
    Task Query Service
    When I examine the available operations for these generic services, there are quite a lot, each of which have a fairly complex schema. I believe I should be using the TaskService: InitiateTask Operation to create an instance of my BPM Process but my questions are:
    - Is the above the correct method of interacting with BPM Instances from an external system such as the Service Bus?
    - Does anyone have any examples of a basic XML payload that would initiate a process instance?

    I created an process with a message start event and can call it from an external web service call. I can also pass input arguments and map those to process data objects. However I can not find how to return data as response to the external web service call as e.g. the process instance id.
    Is it possible to this?
    Gert Jan Kersten

  • Web service application instance

    I am building a LV2009 web services application (main.exe + web services).  The web service VI's share globals with the main.exe.  I think that the web services run under a separate application instance, therefore using globals will not work directly.  My idea was to wrap the global calls on the web service side inside of VI server calls to main.exe.
    Here's what I was thinking:
    So, to get this to work properly, I open an application reference (default port 3363) and VI reference (VI is in memory in the main.exe).  I read the global control value, close the references, and convert the control value into the correct data type.
    From all that I read, I should be able to do all this within the LabVIEW development environemnt with the service deployed to the local machine. My LV has both the web server and VI server (port 3363) enabled.
    I built and deployed the service VI after first disabling the VI server within the service's project (I'm not really sure that this really matters).
    I run my main.exe (.vi) and attempt to call the service, but I get error 1004 (Open VI Reference - VI not in memory).
    I guess my problem seems to lay around the "Open Application" should I open an application reference from a web services VI?
    Go to Solution.

    Even though it's on the local machine, you need to supply the machine name or IP address ("localhost" should work).  Otherwise you'll just get a connection to the local application instance (see the help), which, of course, doesn't help you communicate across instances.

  • Web service interfaces for monitoring Hosts and instances with SAPHostControl, saphostexec and sapstartsrv

    Hi All,
    I need to develop a monitoring application for SAP system which will monitor both Host systems and instances.
    For this I need to collect Host data as well as instance data. In the below links I could find the SAP netweaver
    monitoring agents
    Monitoring Hosts with SAPHostControl and saphostexec - Infrastructure of the SAP NetWeaver Management Agents - SAP Libra…
    Central Monitoring with SAP NetWeaver Management Agents - Infrastructure of the SAP NetWeaver Management Agents - SAP Li…
    Administration/Monitoring of SAP Components with sapstartsrv - Infrastructure of the SAP NetWeaver Management Agents - S…
    These links tell that CCMS agent is replaced by these agents from SAP Netweaver 7.0 Eph 2.
    I found below doc which explains "How to use the SAPControl Web Service Interfaces" exposed by "sapstartsrv" to execute instance specific tasks,
    But it does not tells any methods/APIs/webservice interfaces specific to Host system or get OS data using "saposcol".
    SAP Control WebService
    Similar to this, Is there any API/webservice to retrieve the OS and Host related data??.
    Also, Is there any other doc for SAPHostControl or saphostexec similar to sapstartsrv ??

    Hi Swapnil,
    I too wanted this info and came across these.
    Take a look at these urls :-
    grep saphost /etc/services
    saphostctrl     1128/tcp        # SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTP
    saphostctrls    1129/tcp        # SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTPS
    Hope this helps.

  • Java instance client Web Service

    Hi All
    I am a beginner in Java.
    I am working on a web service project client/server to which i have created a webservice server in VB.NET and have parsed the WSDL through the Apache server in Eclipse which generates the JAVA code but the project in Eclipse requires that i call an instance of this Web Service, to which i must pass the parameters.
    Please could you HELP

    Hi All
    I am a beginner in Java.
    I am working on a web service project.
    Which is to be client/server.
    The client sends a request to the server and the server responds.
    I have created a server based Web Service in VS.NET which is called LoanCalcService and the files that are present are LoanInfo.asmx and Service.vb.
    When i run the server in VS.NET it creates a Web Service document called a WSDL.
    I have parsed the WSDL document through Apache Server in Eclipse platform using the Web Service Client.
    But i understand that i must write about 4 or 5 lines of JAVA code to Call an Instance of the WSDL document to be able to run this in Eclipse to create the Loan Calculator that i have created in VS.NET. I am enquiring to see if anyone can point me in the right direction.
    PS. Sry about the quick entry earlier
    Edited by: learner17 on Nov 7, 2007 7:29 AM

  • Web Services and database instances

    When creating web services, you have to choose which database instance you would like to use. At our company (as I'm sure every other company) we have a test database and a production database. During creation and testing, I would select our TEST database. Great.
    Now, I would like to deploy this to our production database, but this web service is hard coded to look at our test instances. I have read a few topics on this and they say to edit the data-sources.xml file at deployment, but there has to be a better way to handle this.
    Any information on how to go about handling this better would be greatly appreciated.
    Matt Harris

    Hello Matt,
    Actually, modifiing the data-sources.xml (or any equivalent resource file) is the way to do it. You best ought to choose a database/connection neutral name as data-source name and refer to that in data-sources.xml. This file can be modified after deployment, any compiled java-classes where the data-source name is being refered to, can't.
    Best regards,

  • Service Instance remains active when calling Web Service using WCF-BasicHttp binding

    I am trying to call a web service using ESB ToolKit using a dynamic send port. The message went through all the pipeline components successfully. However, after the message is picked up by the WCF adapter, the service instance remains in "Active"
    status, and then eventually it dehydrates itself. There's no error in the event log at all. Have anyone seen this problem before? If so, what is the solution?
    I tried using a static send port with exactly the same configuration and the message reaches the web service successfully and got the response back.
    Please note the web service is RPC-Style web service, not sure if it makes a difference.
    Here is the configuration for the static send port
    <Address>http://myserver:8088/mockLoadDataBinding</Address><TransportType Name="WCF-BasicHttp" Capabilities="899" ConfigurationClsid="467c1a52-373f-4f09-9008-27af6b985f14" />
    <InboundNodeEncoding vt="8">String</InboundNodeEncoding>
    <MessageEncoding vt="8">Text</MessageEncoding>
    <ServiceCertificate vt="8" />
    <InboundBodyPathExpression vt="8">//*[local-name()='return']/node() | //*[local-name()='SecurityException']</InboundBodyPathExpression>
    <OutboundBodyLocation vt="8">UseTemplate</OutboundBodyLocation>
    <StaticAction vt="8" />
    <InboundBodyLocation vt="8">UseBodyPath</InboundBodyLocation>
    <ProxyAddress vt="8" />
    <MaxReceivedMessageSize vt="3">65536</MaxReceivedMessageSize>
    <ClientCertificate vt="8" />
    <AlgorithmSuite vt="8">Basic256</AlgorithmSuite>
    <ProxyUserName vt="8" />
    <OutboundXmlTemplate vt="8">&lt;web:loadData soapenv:encodingStyle="" xmlns:web="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsi=""&gt;&lt;input xsi:type="xsd:string"&gt;&lt;bts-msg-body xmlns="" encoding="string"/&gt;&lt;/input&gt;&lt;/web:loadData&gt;</OutboundXmlTemplate>
    <TextEncoding vt="8">utf-8</TextEncoding>
    <PropagateFaultMessage vt="11">-1</PropagateFaultMessage>
    <SecurityMode vt="8">None</SecurityMode>
    <ProxyToUse vt="8">Default</ProxyToUse>
    <TransportClientCredentialType vt="8">None</TransportClientCredentialType>
    <OpenTimeout vt="8">00:01:00</OpenTimeout>
    <UseAcsAuthentication vt="11">0</UseAcsAuthentication>
    <MessageClientCredentialType vt="8">UserName</MessageClientCredentialType>
    <UseSSO vt="11">0</UseSSO>
    <CloseTimeout vt="8">00:01:00</CloseTimeout>
    <SendTimeout vt="8">00:01:00</SendTimeout>
    here is the configuration for the dynamic send port (using BRE Resolver)
    Set Endpoint Outbound TransportType to WCF-BasicHttp
    Set Endpoint Outbound TransportLocation to http://myserver:8088/mockLoadDataBinding
    Set Endpoint Message Exchange Pattern to Solicit-Response
    Set EndPoint WCF Action to <empty string>
    Set Endpoint Config to InboundNodeEncoding=String&amp;MessageEncoding=Text&amp;InboundBodyPathExpression=//*[local-name()='return']/node() | //*[local-name()='SecurityException']&amp;OutboundBodyLocation=UseTemplate&amp;StaticAction=&amp;InboundBodyLocation=UseBodyPath&amp;MaxReceivedMessageSize=65536&amp;AlgorithmSuite=Basic256&amp;OutboundXmlTemplate=&lt;web:loadData 
    soapenv:encodingStyle=""  xmlns:web="" xmlns:soapenv=""
    xmlns:xsi=""&gt;&lt;input xsi:type="xsd:string"&gt;&lt;bts-msg-body xmlns=""
    encoding="string"/&gt;&lt;/input&gt;&lt;/web:loadData&gt;&amp;TextEncoding=utf-8&amp;PropagateFaultMessage vt="11">-1&amp;SecurityMode=None&amp;ProxyToUse=Default&amp;TransportClientCredentialType=None&amp;OpenTimeout=00:01:00&amp;UseAcsAuthentication=False&amp;MessageClientCredentialType=UserName&amp;UseSSO=False&amp;CloseTimeout=00:01:00&amp;SendTimeout=00:01:00
    Set Endpoint Target Namespace to

    Thanks Birdsven,
    I updated the Resolver policy to as follows, and still I am getting the same result.
    <vocabularylink uri="95dced57-5e9b-4dbe-9cd8-4b166853dd8a" element="4ad331d0-820c-41cb-a98e-7e1f5a9d5360" />
    <classmember member="set_TransportType" sideeffects="true">
    <classref ref="Resolution" />
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    I am from EBS SCM team. From one wiki page, it says OA Framework provides REST framework to expose OAF BC4J objects as web services. Can you provide more details about how to configure REST web service for one EBS instance? Any related information is also helpful.
    Edited by: 936859 on Sep 7, 2012 5:45 PM

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