Is it possible to draw a mesh on top of a background image in flash ?

Problem i am trying to draw my 3d mesh on top of any image or an object in flash but my model is drawing under the image all the time i don't know how to sort this problem since i am bit new to flash development .
Please help me with this thank you.

Sorry about this messy code its because of this copy pasting stuff but if you could press ctrl + f and type Init mesh and Init Functions thats where everything is happening and this 3d mesh will be loaded
using a preloader function in a separate file thats why i add a event with Added_to_stage to the listener Problem is once i Draw this mesh with their morph target on to the screen i couldn't able to draw anything
in the background of this object everything comes on top of this 3d mesh .
once again sorry for this mess anyway its still in the unit test phase  .
// All the import stuff hided by me ...
          [Event(name="FLACEventEncodingComplete", type="FLACEvent")]
          [Event(name="FLACEventDecodingComplete", type="FLACEvent")]
          [Event(name = "progress", type = "")]
          public class ChatBotMain extends Sprite
                    //Embedded assets
                 Variable which loads all the textures are hided ....
                    //engine variables
                    private var scene:Scene3D=new Scene3D();
                    private var camera:Camera3D = new Camera3D();
                    private var view:View3D = new View3D();
                    private var cameraController:HoverController;
                    private var dlight : DirectionalLight;
                    //material objects
                    //scene objects
                    //navigation variables
                // morph targets
                    // hided ......
                    //Chatbot code
                    //Flac encoding variables
                    //button bitmaps
                    public function ChatBotMain():void
                              var stage1:Stage = Stageobject;
                     * Global initialise function
                    private function init(e:Event= null):void
                              microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
                              microphoneBuffer.length = 0;
                              microphone.rate = 16;
                              flacCodec = (new cmodule.flac.CLibInit).init();
                              fileCount = 8;
                              bootscreenBitmap.x = (width / 2) - (bootscreenBitmap.width / 2);
                              bootscreenBitmap.y = (height / 2) - (bootscreenBitmap.height / 2);
                              headMeshGeometry = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/head3.mesh.xml",onloaded,true);                   
                              headMeshGeometry_blink = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/head3_blink.mesh.xml", onloaded, true);
                              headMeshGeometry_mouthopen = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/head3_mouthopen.mesh.xml", onloaded, true);
                              headMeshGeometry_smile = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/head3_smile.mesh.xml",onloaded,true);
                              eyelMeshGeometry = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/eyeball2_l.mesh.xml",onloaded,true);
                              eyerMeshGeometry = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/eyeball2_r.mesh.xml",onloaded,true);
                             hairMeshGeometry = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/hair3.mesh.xml", onloaded, true);
                              shirtMeshGeometry = new CustomPrimative("C:/Users/Rakesh/Documents/flashport/Chatbot/embeds/shirt.mesh.xml",onloaded,true);
                              //We can use the playerObject class to "analyse" the audio data as it is being played
                              //Currently not needed due to just moving the mouth in random patterns as the speech plays
                              playerObject.outputSnd = new Sound();
                              playerObject.outputSnd.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, processSound);
                    private static const FLOAT_MAX_VALUE:Number = 1.0;
                    private static const SHORT_MAX_VALUE:int = 0x7fff;
                    * Converts an (raw) audio stream from 32-bit (signed, floating point)
                    * to 16-bit (signed integer).
                    * @param source The audio stream to convert.
                     public function convert32to16(source:ByteArray):ByteArray
                          * Called when encoding has finished.
                    private function encodingCompleteHandler(event:*):void {
                    function ioErrorHandler(e:Event):void {
                              thinking = false;
                              microphoneButton.upState = upButton;
                              microphoneButton.overState = downButton;
                              microphoneButton.downState = downButton;
                    function loaderCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
                              var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
                              var str:String =;
                             if (str.length > 0)
                                      _mytext.text = str;
                              thinking = false;
                              microphoneButton.upState = upButton;
                              microphoneButton.overState = downButton;
                              microphoneButton.downState = downButton;
                              //var responseVars = URLVariables( );
                              //trace( "responseVars: " + responseVars );
                     * Called when the encoding task notifies progress.
                    private function encodingProgressHandler(progress:int):void {
                              trace("FLACCodec.encodingProgressHandler(event):", progress);
                              dispatchEvent( new ProgressEvent(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, false, false, progress, 100));
                    private function getElapsedTime():int {
                              var now:int = getTimer();
                              return now - initTime;
                    private function start() : void {
                              initTime = getTimer();
                    public function encode(data:ByteArray):void
                    private function onSampleData(event:SampleDataEvent):void
                    private function onloaded(event:CustomPrimativeEvent):void
                              trace("loaded geometry " + event.asset.url);
          function processSound(event:SampleDataEvent):void
           private function drawButton():void
                    private function buttonPressed(e:Event):void {
                              if (!thinking)
                                if (recording)
                                          //start recording
                                          recording = true;
                    private function StopRecording(): void
                              //stop recording
                              recording = false;
                              microphone.removeEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, onSampleData);
                    private function initChatBot()
                    function keyHandler(e:KeyboardEvent)
                              if(e.charCode == 13)
                private function onOpen(e:Event)
                         debugOutput2.text = "Connection opened";
         private  function onStatusChange(e:HTTPStatusEvent)
                debugOutput2.text = "Status Changed to "+e.status;
        private  function onMessageFailIO(e:Event)
            debugOutput2.text = "IO ERROR: Could not send your request. Please try again later.";
                     private  function onMessageFailSecurity(e:Event){
            debugOutput2.text = "Security ERROR: Could not send your request. Please try again later.";
         private     function sendText()
                              if(_mytext.text != "")
                                        chatHistoryText.text = chatHistory("You : " + _mytext.text);
                                        var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); 
                                        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlToSend); 
                                        variables.sessionid = _sessionid
                                        variables.chattext = _mytext.text; 
                                        chatLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; 
                               = variables; 
                                        request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; 
                chatLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, getAudio); 
                                        _mytext.text = "";
                    function chatHistory(newText):String
                              chatTextArr[0] = chatTextArr[1];
                              chatTextArr[1] = chatTextArr[2];
                              chatTextArr[2] = chatTextArr[3];
                              chatTextArr[3] = chatTextArr[4];
                              chatTextArr[4] = chatTextArr[5];
                              chatTextArr[5] = newText;
                              var chatHistory = chatTextArr[0] != ""?chatTextArr[0]+"\n":"";
                              chatHistory += chatTextArr[1] != ""?chatTextArr[1]+"\n":"";
                              chatHistory += chatTextArr[2] != ""?chatTextArr[2]+"\n":"";
                              chatHistory += chatTextArr[3] != ""?chatTextArr[3]+"\n":"";
                              chatHistory += chatTextArr[4] != ""?chatTextArr[4]+"\n":"";
                              chatHistory += chatTextArr[5] != ""?chatTextArr[5]+"\n":"";
                              return chatHistory;
                    function randomNumber()
                              var rand = Math.random() * 1000000;
                              return Math.round(rand);
                    function getAudio(e:Event)
                              var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
                              //traceTxt.text =;
                              debugOutput.text =;
                              var getStr:String =;
                              var arr:Array = getStr.split("^_^");
                              loadAudio(arr[0], arr[1]);
                    function loadAudio(audioFile, textChat)
                    function completeHandler(event:Event):void
                  * Initialise the engine
                    private function initEngine():void
                              view.antiAlias = 4;
                              view.backgroundColor = backgroundColour;
                              view.scene = scene;
                     = camera;
                              //setup controller to be used on the camera
                              cameraController = new HoverController(camera, null, 25, 10, 70);
                              cameraController.panAngle = 90;
                              cameraController.tiltAngle = 2.5;
                              lastPanAngle = cameraController.panAngle;
                              lastTiltAngle = cameraController.tiltAngle;
                              //Uncomment this to show some stats
                              var stats:AwayStats = new AwayStats(view);
                              stats.y = 100;
                    * Initialise the lights in a scene
                    private function initLights():void
                              //Add a point light
                              // hided
                     * Initialise the materials
                    private function initMaterials():void
                     * Initialise the scene objects
                    private function initObjects():void
                             //default available parsers to all
                              AssetLibrary.addEventListener(AssetEvent.ASSET_COMPLETE, onAssetComplete);
                              var grid:WireframeGrid = new WireframeGrid(14, 140);
                    private function InitMesh()
                              var headMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(new BitmapTexture(new headTexture().bitmapData));
                              var eyeMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(new BitmapTexture(new eyeTexture().bitmapData));
                              var shirtMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(new BitmapTexture(new shirtTexture().bitmapData));
                              var hairalphaMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(new BitmapTexture(new hairalphaTexture().bitmapData))
                              //Not using specular maps at this stage
                              //headMaterial.specularMap = new BitmapTexture(new headSpecularTexture().bitmapData);
                              headMaterial.repeat = true;
                              headMaterial.bothSides = true;
                             headMaterial.alphaThreshold = 0.5;
                             headMaterial.gloss = 100;
                             headMaterial.specular = 3;
                              headMaterial.ambientColor = 0x808080;
                              headMaterial.ambient = 1;
                            //create subscattering diffuse method
                              subsurfaceMethod = new SubsurfaceScatteringDiffuseMethod(2048, 2);
                              subsurfaceMethod.scatterColor = 0xff7733;
                              subsurfaceMethod.scattering = .05;
                              subsurfaceMethod.translucency = 4;
                              eyeMaterial.repeat = true;
                             eyeMaterial.bothSides = true;
                              eyeMaterial.lightPicker = lightPicker;
                              hairalphaMaterial.lightPicker = lightPicker;
                              hairalphaMaterial.gloss = 100;
                              hairalphaMaterial.specular = 3;
                              hairalphaMaterial.ambientColor = 0x808080;
                              hairalphaMaterial.ambient = 1;
                              newmesh = new Mesh(headMeshGeometry, headMaterial);
                              hairmesh = new Mesh(hairMeshGeometry, headMaterial);
                              eyelmesh = new Mesh(eyelMeshGeometry, eyeMaterial);
                             eyermesh = new Mesh(eyerMeshGeometry, eyeMaterial);
                              shirtmesh = new Mesh(shirtMeshGeometry, shirtMaterial);
                              //newmesh.castsShadows = true;
                             newmesh.subMeshes[0].material = headMaterial;
                              hairmesh.subMeshes[0].material = hairalphaMaterial;
                              eyelmesh.subMeshes[0].material = eyeMaterial;
                              eyermesh.subMeshes[0].material = eyeMaterial;
                              eyelmesh.rotationY = 90;
                              eyermesh.rotationY = 90;
                              newmesh.rotationY = 90;
                              hairmesh.rotationY = 90;
                              eyelmesh.rotationZ = 90;
                              eyermesh.rotationZ = 90;
                              newmesh.rotationZ = 90;
                              hairmesh.rotationZ = 90;
                              //hairmesh.y += 1.8;
                              hairmesh.y = 7.9;
                              hairmesh.x = -6.0;
                              eyermesh.y += 8;
                              eyermesh.z += 4.6;
                              eyermesh.x += 10.1;
                              eyelmesh.y += 8;
                              eyelmesh.z -= 4.6;
                              eyelmesh.x += 10.1;
                              shirtmesh.rotationX = -90;
                              shirtmesh.y = -12.0;
                              shirtmesh.x = -3.0;
                              var meshOffset:int = 4;
                              newmesh.y += meshOffset;
                              hairmesh.y += meshOffset;
                              eyermesh.y += meshOffset;
                              eyelmesh.y += meshOffset;
                              morpher = new Morpher(newmesh);
                              morphTarget_mouthopen = new MorphTarget(headMeshGeometry_mouthopen, headMeshGeometry);
                              morphTarget_smile = new MorphTarget(headMeshGeometry_smile, headMeshGeometry);
                              morphTarget_blink = new MorphTarget(headMeshGeometry_blink, headMeshGeometry);
                             var backplane:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(512, 256);
                             var carehomeMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(new BitmapTexture(new carehomeClass().bitmapData));
                             var backplaneMesh:Mesh = new Mesh(backplane, carehomeMaterial);
                              backplaneMesh.rotationX = -90;
                              backplaneMesh.rotationY = -90;
                              backplaneMesh.x = -90;*/
                              var sphereGeometry:SphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(4);
                              var sphereMaterial:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial( 0xffffff );
                              lightmesh = new Mesh(sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial);
                     * Initialise the listeners
                    private function initListeners():void
                              addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
                              //stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
                              //stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
                              stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize);
                     * Navigation and render loop
                    private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
                              this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
                              if (recording)
                                        if ((getTimer() - recordingTime) > 4 * 1000)
                              if (newmesh == null)
                                        if (headMeshGeometry != null && hairMeshGeometry != null && eyelMeshGeometry != null && eyelMeshGeometry != null )
                                                  if (fileCount == 0)
                              cameraController.panAngle = 90;
                              cameraController.tiltAngle = 2.5;
                              if (newmesh != null)
                                        if (bootscreenBitmap.alpha > 0)
                                                  bootscreenBitmap.alpha -= 0.015;
                                                  bootscreenBitmap.alpha = 0;
                                        logo.alpha = 1 - bootscreenBitmap.alpha;
                                        sagalogo.alpha = 1 - bootscreenBitmap.alpha;
                                        chatHistoryText.alpha = 1 - bootscreenBitmap.alpha;
                                        _mytext.alpha = 1 - bootscreenBitmap.alpha;
                                        microphoneButton.alpha = 1 - bootscreenBitmap.alpha;
                                        if (lastblink == 0)
                                                  if (blinkdirection)
                                                            blinkAmount += 0.25;
                                                            if (blinkAmount > 1)
                                                                      blinkAmount = 1;
                                                                      blinkdirection = !blinkdirection;
                                                            blinkAmount -= 0.25;
                                                            if (blinkAmount < 0)
                                                                      blinkAmount = 0;
                                                                      blinkdirection = !blinkdirection;
                                                                      lastblink = 100;
                                        if (animdirection)
                                                  animAmount += 0.20;
                                                  if (animAmount > maxAnimAmount)
                                                            animAmount = maxAnimAmount;
                                                            animdirection = !animdirection;
                                                  animAmount -= 0.20;
                                                  if (animAmount < 0)
                                                            animAmount = 0;
                                                            animdirection = !animdirection;
                                                            var r:int = (Math.random() * 6);
                                                            currentMorph = morphTarget_mouthopen;
                                        if (speechPlaying)
                                                  currentScale = animAmount;
                                                  currentScale = 0;
                                        //Apply the morph targets, first apply the base, then apply the blink and the mouth shape
                                        if (lastblink == 0)
                                                  morpher.ApplyMorphTarget(newmesh, morphTarget_blink, blinkAmount);
                                                  if (currentMorph != null)
                                                            morpher.ApplyMorphTarget(newmesh, currentMorph,currentScale);
                              light.x = Math.sin(-180/*getTimer()/1000*/)*30;
                              light.y = 15;
                              light.z = Math.cos(-180/*getTimer()/1000*/)*30;
                              if (lightmesh != null)
                                        lightmesh.position = light.position;
                     * Listener function for asset complete event on loader
                    private function onAssetComplete(event:AssetEvent):void
                              if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.MESH)
                     * Mouse down listener for navigation
                   private function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void
                              lastPanAngle = cameraController.panAngle;
                              lastTiltAngle = cameraController.tiltAngle;
                              lastMouseX = stage.mouseX;
                              lastMouseY = stage.mouseY;
                              move = true;
                              stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave);
                     * Mouse up listener for navigation
                    private function onMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void
                              move = false;
                              stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave);
                     * Mouse stage leave listener for navigation
                    private function onStageMouseLeave(event:Event):void
                              move = false;
                             stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave);
                     * stage listener for resize events
                    private function onResize(event:Event = null):void
                             view.width = stage.stageWidth;
                              view.height = stage.stageHeight;

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    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
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    ATj The Flow

    Thanx Albee!
    albee wrote:
    > you need to define i explicitly:
    > _root.createEmptyMovieClip("fundo",1);
    > fundo.loadMovie("image3.jpg");
    > var fotosArray:Array = ["image1.jpg", "image3.jpg",
    > var i:Number = 0;
    > function fotosRotativas() {
    > i == 2 ? i = 0 : i++;
    > loadMovie(fotosArray
    , fundo);
    > }
    > setInterval(fotosRotativas,5000);

Maybe you are looking for