Is it possible to load web content?

I'd like to know if its possible to load a file (an xml file) from a web resource with a given address like:
I tried to do this with
but this does not seem to work.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Here is an example -- works for me: imports an XML file from a web site into the active document.
if (app.documents.length == 0) {
     alert("Please open a document and try again");
var doc = app.activeDocument;
if (! doc.saved) {
     alert("Please save document somewhere first");
var url = "";
var fileName = url.split("/");
fileName = fileName[fileName.length - 1];
var xmlFilePath = File(doc.filePath + "/" + fileName);
var xmlData = GetURL(url, false);
if (xmlData != null && xmlData.body != null) {"w");
if (xmlFilePath.exists) doc.importXML(xmlFilePath);
function GetURL(url,isBinary)
  // This function consists of up to three 'nested' state machines.
  // At the lowest level, there is a state machine that interprets UTF-8 and
  // converts it to Unicode - i.e. the bytes that are received are looked at
  // one by one, and the Unicode is calculated from the one to four bytes UTF-8
  // code characters that compose it.
  // The next level of state machine interprets line-based data - this is
  // needed to interpret the HTTP headers as they are received.
  // The third level state machine interprets the HTTP reply - based on the
  // info gleaned from the headers it will process the HTTP data in the HTTP
  // reply
  // If things go wrong, GetURL() will return a null
  var reply = null;
  // Below some symbolic constants to name the different states - these
  // make the code more readable.
  const kUTF8CharState_Complete = 0; 
  const kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte = 1;
  const kUTF8CharState_Binary = 2;
  const kLineState_InProgress = 0;
  const kLineState_SeenCR = 1;
  const kProtocolState_Status = 1;
  const kProtocolState_Headers = 2;
  const kProtocolState_Body = 3;
  const kProtocolState_Complete = 4;
  const kProtocolState_TimeOut = 5;
    // Chop the URL into pieces
    var parsedURL = ParseURL(url);
    // We only know how to handle HTTP - bail out if it is something else
    if (parsedURL.protocol != "HTTP")
    // Open up a socket, and set the time out to 2 minutes. The timeout
    // could be parametrized - I leave that as an exercise.
    var socket = new Socket;   
    socket.timeout = 120;
    // Open the socket in binary mode. Sockets could also be opened in UTF-8 mode
    // That might seem a good idea to interpret UTF-8 data, but it does not work out
    // well: the HTTP protocol gives us a body length in bytes. If we let the socket
    // interpret UTF-8 then the body length we get from the header, and the number of
    // characters we receive won't match - which makes things quite awkward.
    // So we need to use BINARY mode, and we must convert the UTF-8 ourselves.
    if (! + ":" + parsedURL.port,"BINARY"))
    // Dynamically build an HTTP 1.1 request.
    if (isBinary)
      var request =
        "GET /" + parsedURL.path + " HTTP/1.1\n" +
        "Host: " + parsedURL.address + "\n" +
        "User-Agent: InDesign ExtendScript\n" +
        "Accept: */*\n" +
        "Connection: keep-alive\n\n";
      var request =
        "GET /" + parsedURL.path + " HTTP/1.1\n" +
        "Host: " + parsedURL.address + "\n" +
        "User-Agent: InDesign ExtendScript\n" +
        "Accept: text/xml,text/*,*/*\n" +
        "Accept-Encoding:\n" +
        "Connection: keep-alive\n" +
        "Accept-Language: *\n" +
        "Accept-Charset: utf-8\n\n";
    // Send the request out
    // readState keeps track of our three state machines
    var readState =
      buffer: "",
      bufPos: 0,
      // Lowest level state machine: UTF-8 conversion. If we're handling binary data
      // the state is set to kUTF8CharState_Binary which is a 'stuck' state - it
      // remains in that state all the time. If the data really is UTF-8 the state
      // flicks between kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte and kUTF8CharState_Complete
      curCharState: isBinary ? kUTF8CharState_Binary : kUTF8CharState_Complete,
      curCharCode: 0,
      pendingUTF8Bytes: 0,     
      // Second level state machine: allows us to handle lines and line endings
      // This state machine can process CR, LF, or CR+LF line endings properly
      // The state flicks between kLineState_InProgress and kLineState_SeenCR
      lineState: kLineState_InProgress,
      curLine: "",
      line: "",
      isLineReadyToProcess: false,
      // Third level state machine: handle HTTP reply. This state gradually
      // progresses through kProtocolState_Status, kProtocolState_Headers,
      // kProtocolState_Body, kProtocolState_Complete.
      // contentBytesPending is part of this state - it keeps track of how many
      // bytes of the body still need to be fetched.
      protocolState: kProtocolState_Status,
      contentBytesPending: null,
      dataAvailable: true,
      // The HTTP packet data, chopped up in convenient pieces.
      status: "",
      headers: {},
      body: ""
    // Main loop: we loop until we hit kProtocolState_Complete as well as an empty data buffer
    // (meaning all data has been processed) or until something timed out.
      ! (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Complete && readState.buffer.length <= readState.bufPos)
      readState.protocolState != kProtocolState_TimeOut
      // If all data in the buffer has been processed, clear the old stuff
      // away - this makes things more efficient
      if (readState.bufPos > 0 && readState.buffer.length == readState.bufPos)
        readState.buffer = "";
        readState.bufPos = 0;
      // If there is no data in the buffer, try to get some from the socket
      if (readState.buffer == "")
        // If we're handling the body of the HTTP reply, we can try to optimize
        // things by reading big blobs of data. Also, we need to look out for
        // completion of the transaction.
        if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Body)
          // readState.contentBytesPending==null means that the headers did not
          // contain a length value for the body - in which case we need to process
          // data until the socket is closed by the server
          if (readState.contentBytesPending == null)
            if (! readState.dataAvailable && ! socket.connected)
              // The server is finished with us - we're done
              socket = null;
              readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Complete;
              // Attempt to read a byte
              readState.buffer +=;
              readState.dataAvailable = readState.buffer.length > 0;
            // If the socket is suddenly disconnected, the server pulled the
            // rug from underneath us. Register this as a time out problem and
            // bail out.
            if (! readState.dataAvailable && ! socket.connected)
              socket = null;
              readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_TimeOut;
              // Try to get as much data as needed from the socket. We might
              // receive less than we've asked for.
              readState.buffer =;
              readState.dataAvailable = readState.buffer.length > 0;
              readState.contentBytesPending -= readState.buffer.length;
              // Check if we've received as much as we were promised in the headers
              // If so, we're done with the socket.
              if (readState.contentBytesPending == 0)
                readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Complete;
                socket = null;
              // If we're downloading binary data, we can immediately shove the
              // whole buffer into the body data - there's no UTF-8 to worry about            
              if (isBinary)
                readState.body += readState.buffer;
                readState.buffer = "";
                readState.bufPos = 0;
        else if (readState.protocolState != kProtocolState_Complete)
          // We're reading headers or status right now - look out
          // for server disconnects
          if (! readState.dataAvailable && ! socket.connected)
            socket = null;
            readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_TimeOut;
            readState.buffer +=;
            readState.dataAvailable = readState.buffer.length > 0;
      // The previous stretch of code got us as much data as possible into
      // the buffer (but that might be nothing, zilch). If there is data,
      // we process a single byte here.
      if (readState.buffer.length > readState.bufPos)
        // Fetch a byte
        var cCode = readState.buffer.charCodeAt(readState.bufPos++);
        switch (readState.curCharState)
          case kUTF8CharState_Binary:
            // Don't use the UTF-8 state machine on binary data
            readState.curCharCode = cCode;
            readState.multiByteRemaining = 0;
          case kUTF8CharState_Complete:
            // Interpret the various UTF-8 encodings - 1, 2, 3, or 4
            // consecutive bytes encode a single Unicode character. It's all
            // bit-fiddling here: depending on the masks used, the bytes contain
            // 3, 4, 5, 6 bits of the whole character.
            // Check
            if (cCode <= 127)
              readState.curCharCode = cCode;
              readState.multiByteRemaining = 0;
            else if ((cCode & 0xE0) == 0xC0)
              readState.curCharCode = cCode & 0x1F;
              readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte;
              readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 1;
            else if ((cCode & 0xF0) == 0xE0)
              readState.curCharCode = cCode & 0x0F;
              readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte;
              readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 2;
            else if ((cCode & 0xF8) == 0xF0)
              readState.curCharCode = cCode & 0x07;
              readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte;
              readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 3;
              // bad UTF-8 char
              readState.curCharCode = cCode;
              readState.pendingUTF8Bytes = 0;
          case kUTF8CharState_PendingMultiByte:
            if ((cCode & 0xC0) == 0x80)
              readState.curCharCode = (readState.curCharCode << 6) | (cCode & 0x3F);
              if (readState.pendingUTF8Bytes == 0)
                readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_Complete;
              // bad UTF-8 char
              readState.curCharCode = cCode;
              readState.multiByteRemaining = 0;
              readState.curCharState = kUTF8CharState_Complete;
        // If we've got a complete byte or Unicode char available, we process it
        if (readState.curCharState == kUTF8CharState_Complete || readState.curCharState == kUTF8CharState_Binary)
          cCode = readState.curCharCode;
          var c = String.fromCharCode(readState.curCharCode);
          if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Body || readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Complete)
            // Once past the headers, we simply append new bytes to the body of the HTTP reply
            readState.body += c;     
            // While reading the headers, we look out for CR, LF or CRLF sequences           
            if (readState.lineState == kLineState_SeenCR)
              // We saw a CR in the previous round - so whatever follows,
              // the line is now ready to be processed.
              readState.line = readState.curLine;
              readState.isLineReadyToProcess = true;
              readState.curLine = "";
              readState.lineState = kLineState_InProgress;
              // The CR might be followed by another one, or
              // it might be followed by a LF (which we ignore)
              // or any other character (which we process).
              if (cCode == 13) // CR
                readState.lineState = kLineState_SeenCR;
              else if (cCode != 10) // no LF
                readState.curLine += c;
            else if (readState.lineState == kLineState_InProgress)
              // If we're in the midsts of reading characters and we encounter
              // a CR, we switch to the 'SeenCR' state - a LF might or might not
              // follow.
              // If we hit a straight LF, we can process the line, and get ready
              // for the next one
              if (cCode == 13) // CR
                readState.lineState = kLineState_SeenCR;
              else if (cCode == 10) // LF
                readState.line = readState.curLine;
                readState.isLineReadyToProcess = true;
                readState.curLine = "";
                // Any other character is appended to the current line
                readState.curLine += c;
            if (readState.isLineReadyToProcess)
              // We've got a complete line to process
              readState.isLineReadyToProcess = false;
              if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Status)
                // The very first line is a status line. After that switch to
                // 'Headers' state
                readState.status = readState.line;
                readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Headers;
              else if (readState.protocolState == kProtocolState_Headers)
                // An empty line signifies the end of the headers - get ready
                // for the body.
                if (readState.line == "")
                  readState.protocolState = kProtocolState_Body;
                  // Tear the header line apart, and interpret it if it is
                  // useful (currently, the only header we process is 'Content-Length'
                  // so we know exactly how many bytes of body data will follow.
                  var headerLine = readState.line.split(":");
                  var headerTag = headerLine[0].replace(/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/,"$1");
                  headerLine = headerLine.slice(1).join(":");
                  headerLine = headerLine.replace(/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/,"$1");
                  readState.headers[headerTag] = headerLine;
                  if (headerTag == "Content-Length")
                    readState.contentBytesPending = parseInt(headerLine);
                    if (isNaN(readState.contentBytesPending) || readState.contentBytesPending <= 0)
                      readState.contentBytesPending = null;
                      readState.contentBytesPending -= (readState.buffer.length - readState.bufPos);
    // If we have not yet cleaned up the socket we do it here
    if (socket != null)
      socket = null;
    reply =
      status: readState.status,
      headers: readState.headers,
      body: readState.body
  while (false);
  return reply;
function ParseURL(url)
  if (url[2] == "undefined") url[2] = "80";
  var parsedURL =
    protocol: url[0].toUpperCase(),
    address: url[1],
    port: url[2],
    path: ""
  url = url.slice(3);
  parsedURL.path = url.join("/");
  if (parsedURL.port.charAt(0) == ':')
    parsedURL.port = parsedURL.port.slice(1);
  if (parsedURL.port != "")
    parsedURL.port = parseInt(parsedURL.port);
  if (parsedURL.port == "" || parsedURL.port < 0 || parsedURL.port > 65535)
    parsedURL.port = 80;
  parsedURL.path = parsedURL.path;
  return parsedURL;

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    "bregent" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    > >The content is from another web site
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    Firstly an external content type designed to work with SharePoint list and there is no way to read apart from this.
    If you are looking the solution out of the " Business Connectivity" then find that data source has been exposed through WCF and  Web Service ?
    So you can use REST API and CSOM to consume those data in SharePoint.
    You can also leverage the ADO.NET option if the datasources based on MS technologies.
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    I have already come across these "solutions".
    I am on v27 and have been since its release.
    I have tried method number one.  It partially works however it is buggy.  When the overlay initially loads, it flashes the Twitter URL before showing the feed in the overlay frame on the article.  Additionally, it sometimes flashes back and forth from the Twitter Feed's URL and displaying the feed itself.  This, for me is not a wholly valid solution but it will do for now since the only thing that remotely works. I suspect the URL flash has alot to do with the network connectivity of the device one is viewing the feed on.  However, to flash that URL before the feed loads makes the overlay appear buggy. 
    And the second method most definitely crashes ID ever single time I attempt to preview the overlay either on desktop or iPad.  And I have tried this method on several different machines, thinking it was my copy of ID.  It still crashes upon preview, so mehtod two is not a valid solution at all, unless there is something special that needs to be in the HTML file (besides the twitter widget) for it to not crash ID, that I am unaware of.
    Thank you for your assistance.

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    <div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="facebook.png" alt="Facebook" width="40" height="40" border="0" /></a></div>
    <div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="facebook.png" alt="Facebook" width="40" height="40" border="0" /></a></div>
    <div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="facebook.png" alt="Facebook" width="40" height="40" border="0" /></a></div>
    <div> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check%20out%20this%20story%20&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fsharesitegoes" target="_blank"><img src="email.png" alt="Email" /></a></div>
    Here's some examples of the web overlay opening inside the small frame instead of the browser:
    It seems like the first time we try the share button from a new article, it loads in the frame instead of the in-app browser, but every time after it behaves correctly. Is there any way to prevent this?

    I've had this problem too. Here's a solution from my notes:
    <UL><LI>Note on moving items
    <P>Sometimes the blue "move up" arrow
    disappears or stops working (as
    expected). The reason is usually that
    the regions "Group By" and "Sort By"
    to properties have been set so that the order of items
    is either completely determined or the
    items you wish to rearrange belong in
    different groups (or so as expose a bug
    in Portal -- I still think this might be
    a possibility).</P>
    This sorting is set under the specific
    Folder Style. Check
    Folder Properties
    -> Folder Style tab
    -> Layout tab
    -> Edit region icon.
    Try setting "Group By" to "Category" or
    "Author", and "Sort By" to

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    Is It possible to load Html page Inside Adobe Flash CS5.
    Any help would be a great help...!
    Originally, i wanted to bring in through <IFRAME> but i don't see that flash understands that.
    Thanks in advance!

    Not exactly sure how you where planning to display that HTML content in relation to the overall page, but given the limitations of Flash... that may just not be possible...
    But, it would be a simple matter to display an HTML iframe over the top of or behind a Flash .swf... So while the iframe would not be a part of the .swf, it certainly could be designed to make it look as though it were.
    Controling the stacking order or layering of content on a Web page is accomplished through z-indexing. Correctly positioned and z-indexed, the iframe could apear over the top of the .swf... the .swf in effect being the background... OR the iframe could appear behind the .swf and with a transparent section in the .swf, the iframe would appear through that hole. If there is navigation or links in the iframe, they will be blocked by the .swf though.
    But this may be an option....
    Best wishes,

  • YouTube embed in web content overlay crashes InDesign when previewing

    I created an HTML file with this code:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    I then created a box in InDesign and used the Web Content Overlay and selected the HTML file I created.
    When I go to preview my pub on the connected iPad InDesign stops responding during "Checking Folio Contents x of x"
    Is something wrong with my HTML file? Is it even possible to do this?
    For background info: I'm trying to get the same effect of streaming a video from YouTube as I would if I were to directly embed the mp4 into my pub. I don't know if this is even possible or what is the best way to do this.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks Bob.
    Okay, so here are the steps I'm taking:
    1. Go to YouTube
    2. Copy embed code
    3. Go to InDesign
    4. Paste embed code
    This creates a web content area with the video embeded. So the user can click play on the video once it loads and can then click full screen on the video controls.
    What I'm trying to do is have a button on my page which links to a full screen view of the YouTube video so when the page loads the video doesn't load but when the user clicks the button it would then load the YouTube video full screen. I'm looking for the same functionality that is possible were I to embed an mp4 straight into my document, hide it, and then create a button that plays the video in full screen mode.
    Is the above possible?

  • No connection message for Web Content areas.

    I have a live twitter panel loading into a Web Content overlay. In the event they do not have a connection, is there an alternate page that can be displayed with a simple message? I'm looking through the docs/search and oddly nothing has come up for this. I know I've come across it in the past.
    Figuring it just needs another html file in the same folder called "error.html"... or the like.

    Quick followup.
    I created a poster-image and dropped it into the rectangle that the web content will be assigned to. I've linked to a local .html file and have it set to AutoPlay and Allow User Interaction. And I left the background transparency unchecked.
    Unfortunately, it seems to be creating a similiar scenerio to what Alistair was suggesting, where the image is visible while the web content loads. Possible I'm missing something or is this to be expected? Are both approaches essentialy the same?

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