Is it possible to recover microsoft office 2004 documents?

I have recently updated to Lion and am now unable to access any of my microsoft word documents.
Is there any way I can get to them?

bettena wrote:
I have recently updated to Lion and am now unable to access any of my microsoft word documents.
Is there any way I can get to them?
Uodate to Office 2011, or use Pages, Text Edit or a host of other Apps such as OpenOffice etc. Keeping them in Word format depends on whether or not you intend using MS Office in the future.

Similar Messages

  • Microsoft Office 2004 (Word) unable to save files  I have been running Office 2004 on my Intel iMac with Snow Leopard for some time and all of a sudden I cannot save a document. Word just stopped responding and I have to force quit. I can open Word and cr

    Microsoft Office 2004 (Word) unable to save files
    I have been running Office 2004 on my Intel iMac with Snow Leopard for some time and all of a sudden I cannot save a document. Word just stopped responding and I have to force quit. I can open Word and create a new document but I cannot save it. I reinstalled Word but that didn’t help. Then went to the Internet and found at least one other Mac user having the same problem which it suggests is caused by a recent Mac Security Update: l-not-open-or-save-documents/b04eb870-9b0d-4f3b-bb47-b122301e36f6
    So I check for a new Mac Security Update and sure enough there was one. I downloaded it and now Word seems to be working, as it should. I can both open and save files. The only problem remaining is that when I open Word I get the following error message “An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework library”. I contacted Apple but they were unable to help.
    How can I get rid of this error message?

    Look, I realize you might have to get your machine working, so this is how you revert back.
    Restore proceedure to pre-Security Update 2012-001 v 1.0 & v 1.1
    #1 Backup your personal data off the machine.
    Backup files off the computer (not to TimeMachine). If you don't have a external drive, get one and connect to the USB/Firewire port and simply drag and drop copy your User folder to the external drive, it will copy all your files. It's best to have two backups of your data off the machine when trying to restore.
    Disconnect all drives now to prevent any mistakes from occuring.
    #2 Reinstall OS X 10.6 from disk
    Get out your 10.6 install disk and make sure it's clean and polished (very soft cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol, no scratches) If your disk is borked, you'll have to order a new one from Apple with your serial number.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6 disk (wired keyboard, internal optical drive), use Disk Utility First Aid to >Repair Disk  of your internal drive  (do not format or erase!!), Quit DU and simply re-install 10.6.
    Note: Simply reinstalling 10.6 version from disk (without erasing the drive) only replaces 10.6.8 with 10.6.x and bundled Apple programs, won't touch your files (backup anyway)  or most programs, unless they installed a kext file into OS X itself. (only a few on average do this)
    #3 Update to 10.6.8 without Security Update 2012-001 v1.0 or v1.1
    Reboot and log in, update to 10.6.8 via Software Update, but EXCLUDE THE Security Update 2012-001 by checkinig the details and unchecking the blue check box.
    #4 Reinstall any non-working third party programs
    When you reboot, make sure to reinstall any programs that require kext files installed into OS X, you'll know, they won't work when you launch them or hang for some reason as they are missing the part they installed into OS X.
    If for some freakish reason you get gray screen at any time when booting (possible it might occur when you reinstall older programs), hold the shift key down while booting (Safe Mode, disables kext files) and update your installed third party software so it's compatible with 10.6.8.
    That's it really.

  • I have Microsoft Office 2004 on my MacBook (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo).  It is currently up to date with Microsoft updates.  I am running Mac OS 10.6.8.  I just updated my Mac software with "Security Update 2012-001".  I am now unable to print (Epson NX510

    I have Microsoft Office 2004 on my MacBook (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo).  It is currently up to date with Microsoft updates.  I am running Mac OS 10.6.8.  I just updated my Mac software with "Security Update 2012-001".  I am now unable to print (Epson NX510 printer) from Excel or Word.  When I click on the Print menu item in Excel, there is a flash in the background like it is trying to open the print window, but nothing else.  I am able to print from other programs like TextEdit, Mail or KakeidaGraph.  As far as I know I have the latest Epson print driver.
    Also, I am also unable to open an existing Excel or Word file from the open menu - both programs lock up and do not respond.  I have to force quit.  After I restart Excel or Word I can open an existing file by double clicking on the file, but if I again try to open another file from the open menu, Excel or Word lock up.
    Any similar problems?

    Apparently some are reporting that this causes the older PowerPC (PPC) applications that are supported in 10.6 via 'Rosetta' to crash upon attempting to open/save/print using any dialog box, or fail in other similar ways such as simply not printing or quitting, or freezing/hanging/crashing of the application.
    I have read of some companies that have indeed submitted proper bug reports to Apple, but that is not a guarantee of a bug-fix being issued.
    You might wish to read:
    If you are unsure if you are still using PowerPC apps, if the application is currently running, look under the 'Activity Monitior' (in Applications -> Utilities), or alternatively you could check in the System Profiler, Applications. Check the column "Type".
    Here is a fairly simple way you can restore you system and restore you applications functionality again, if you don't have a recent clone or good Time Machine backup that you can restore from. If you do, restore from your backup prior to having installed the Security Update 2012-001.
    Time Machine restore:
    If you are restoring a backup made by a Mac to the same Mac
    With your backup drive connected, start up your Mac from the Lion recovery partition (Command-R at startup) or Mac OS X v10.6 installation disc. Then use the "Restore From Time Machine Backup" utility. Select the backup prior to your issues, and it will be restored back to the state it was in at that time.
    If you can't easily restore from a backup, you can instead do the following:
    - You first start by reinstalling your OS X 10.6.x, this will preserve all your user data, your applications, no worries there.
    - Then install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 (links provided below)
    - Make sure you're printers are showing up correctly in your system preferences, if not, re-add the printers
    - Then finally, run the Apple Software Update (by pulling down the Apple Menu), and install any and all remaining updates, except do not then re-install the Security Update 2012-001. It is possible that you may have to reboot after installing some of the updates, and you may even need to run it a 2nd time to make sure that you've got all updates, except NOT the Security Update 2012-001.
    Links for 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1:
    or the link to directly download this 1.09GB combo updater:
    Daniel Feldman
      Certified Member of the
      Apple Consultants Network
      Apple Certified (ACHDS)
      E-mail:  [email protected] 
      Phone:   1-408-454-6649
      URL :

  • Reinstalling fonts in microsoft office 2004

    Hi there -
    I recently bought an iBook G4, OS X 10.4.3. I installed Microsoft Office 2004 (which I had on my iMac G3, OS X 10.3.9)
    Following the installation, the first time I opened the Office applications, an error message appeared stating that several fonts were corrupt and should be deleted (this had not happened on the iMac.)
    I deleted these fonts in Applications/Office/Fonts.
    Since then have been able to use Office 2004 without issue, albeit it without the said fonts. As the fonts were only deleted from Office fonts, they are available in other Applications such as Mail.
    I would like to reinstall these fonts in Office. Is that possible? If so, how?
    Apologies if there have been similar posts, but my search of topics did not turn up specific enough answers...
    Thanks for your help, caroline

    I've had a similar problem -- dozens of fonts that I had installed in my font library (luckily I had isolated them in their own folders) were recognized as "corrupt" by my Microsoft Office 2004 software. I pulled them from my font library and dragged them onto my desktop, then restarted. That solves the problem for my Office apps, but I need these fonts when I work in my Adobe CS2 files. Right now, to access those fonts, I have to close my Office apps, drag the fonts back into my font library, then restart my computer. To use Office, I have to reverse the procedure. Any suggestions on how to keep the fonts in my main font library, but make them inaccessible to Office?
    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • I just installed the Lion operating system, basically to upgrade my iPhone. I didn't realize that my Microsoft Office 2004 application would no longer work. I have been using Word for my writing and I receive most of my emails with Word attachments. I hav

    I just installed the Lion operating system, basically to upgrade my iPhone. I didn't realize that my Microsoft Office 2004 application would no longer work. I have been using Word for my writing and I receive most of my emails with Word attachments. I have been using Apple products for years, always touting their reliability and customer service. I am not a techie, I just want to be able to do what I do on the computer and Apple always fulfilled my needs. Now I am told because of some operating system gobbledygook, I have to go out and purchase new software to use Word. This is despicable. I see no particular benefit to using Lion, but I do see a lot of detriments. Apple now seems to have turned into Microsoft, making software obsolete so they can make more money and to **** with the customer. You can be sure that my next computer will be a PC. I have completely lost confidence in Apple.

    I seem to never tire of saying this. It was for Apple when they first announced 10.7 to disclose this. Yes, it was widely reported -- or rather, rumored -- but not by Apple. And many people who have gotten caught by this assumed that Apple itself would have told them beforehand about the loss of this very important feature which they had come to rely on. As far as I know, not even in fine print, does this appear anywhere on the Lion announcement or any of its links.
    I am not saying Apple had to continue Rosetta in Lion, or forever, just that if it was going to be dropped, it should have been made known.
    As relative "insiders" we should not forget that many people don't have the time, habit or interest to do this kind of research. I think it is a breach of trust that Apple has never directly made this announcement or given people the opportunity to decide beforehand if giving up their PPC apps for a new OS is a worthwhile tradeoff.

  • IMac G5 no longer able to use Microsoft Office 2004

    I have had Microsoft Office 2004 installed on my G5 for several years but I am not able to access any of the Microsoft applications anymore. I get the following message when trying any of the Office applications: "Microsoft (Entourage, or whatever) has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It provides an error report that can be sent to Microsoft which I have done several times.
    I did a verify using the installed disk utility app and received the following message: "Volume bit map needs minor repair Macintosh HD" "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit" "1 HFS volume checked" "Volume needs repair."
    The installed Disk Utility doesn't allow me to click on REPAIR. I have 118 GB available. If I use the Disk Utility on the install disk will it allow me to do a REPAIR to the HD and can I mess up anything else?
    Any help I can get will be appreciated. I have some important stuff on Word that I would hate to lose.
    Thanks in advance for any help offered.

    In order for Disk Utility to work, it has to be on a differnet disk than the internal drive:
    Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk.
    Then reboot from your internal drive and repair permissions.
    It will not mess up any of your data.
    Message was edited by: MGW

  • Iv'e upgraded my iMac to 10.6.8 and now microsoft office 2004 and my canon powershot camera software will not work. any suggestions?

    I just upgraded my iMac to 10.6.8. Now my Microsoft office applications,(word, excel, ppt) and my camera software to transfer picts from my camera will not launch. (Separate apps but all stopped working as soon as I upgraded from 10.5.8). The software for the Canon Powershot is Ver.37.2. Image browser 6.2 EOS utility 1.1.  Any help would be appreciated.
    Also if you could tell me what happens to the individual jpegs that get imported through iPhoto, I would go back to using that instead of the Canon software. I want to be able to go into a folder and see all the jpegs and not have to rely on iPhoto's one enormous file. What happens if that iPhoto file gets corrupt? Thanks, Leesha

    Leesha wrote:
    I just upgraded my iMac to 10.6.8. Now my Microsoft office applications,(word, excel, ppt) and my camera software to transfer picts from my camera will not launch. (Separate apps but all stopped working as soon as I upgraded from 10.5.8).
    Actually, Microsoft Office 2004 works fine with Snow Lepoard OS 10.6.x. However, it does require Rosetta, Apple's app for Classic apps. In your upgrade from Lepoard 10.5.8, Rosetta may not have installed but you can manually install it with the instructions here.
    On another note, when upgrading the OS, some anomalies get resolved by repairing disk permissions with Disk Utility in the Utilities folder.
    One more note, there was an issue with Rosetta crashing with OS 10.6.8 in February 2012. Apple released a security update that fixed it. You can see if Software Update (launch from the Apple menu) shows it or manually download Security Update 2012-001 v1.1 and install it. Software Update will also show other applicable apps available for updating for your upgraded system.
    Rosetta is no longer available with OS 10.7 Lion and beyond. Then you will need to upgrade MS Office 2011 for Mac.

  • Design flaw in Microsoft Office 2004 - Anyone can get it for free!

    Hello all.
    This is going to sound a bit strange, but I've been in the pub today giving my new MacBook owning friend a lesson in the joys of Mac goodness. One of the best things was discovering that I could use Bluetooth to beam across some of my favourite freeware application from my PowerBook to his MacBook. All small stuff, usually in the 5 - 10 megabyte range. I sent him a solitaire game, some media viewers, all the usual non-Apple things that make a Mac even more useful to run. I know, nothing strange so far, but bear with me.
    My friend volunteered the question of whether Bluetooth would time out during the transfer of large files. An experiment was needed. I was also curious to find out if larger applications would beam across and still work. After all, if a 5 megabyte freeware app works when copied from my applications folder to his, would a larger piece of commercialware work as well? I mean, it shouldn't right? As a recent Mac switcher myself (5 happy months) I thought it would be appropriate to try a Microsoft application. I bought my PowerBook second-hand and I inherited a copy of MS Office that I've never used (and never will).
    So here is the curious thing. I used Stuffit to compress the entire Microsoft Office 2004 folder. Minus Entourage, which I had already deleted as being surplus to requirements, the SIT file weighed in at a whopping 250 megabytes. I was very impressed to find out that it transferred across in a little over half an hour. No timeout limitation for large file transfers, Macs rock. I was however, extremely disturbed to discover the that unzipped file played perfectly well on my friend's computer. To clarify, by just copying across the entire Microsoft Office 2004 folder he was now in possession of a free, activated, and 100% working copy of the program. Surely this can't be right? I know that piracy is a major issue, and for Microsoft to just allow people to copy across the entire application means that a single copy released on a fileshareing network would be usable by an unlimited number of people potentially.
    I would like to stress that I absolutely do NOT endorse piracy in any way. This was just a drunken experiment to see what would happen, and I'm reporting it here so that Microsoft and Apple can close this loophole and make sure that future versions of the application can be protected. This application retails at £350 and a simple copy and paste of the entire folder means it is available free for the pirates out there. It is not fair that some people should get for free what others have to pay a premium rate for.
    My friend has deleted the copied program from his computer as neither of us wish to indulge in illegal activity. This was just an accidental discovery made during a casual "what if?" experiment. We did a search on Google (we are still in the pub as I write) and I can't find any mention of this having been found before. I hope the forum admins can bring this to the attention of someone higher up as I'm sure that it will be of great interest. It is bad enough that some people crack open applications for use by the less scrupulous out there, but this application is able to be freely copied by all and sundry. It might as well have a big "steal me" sign posted on the boxes.
    Um, I'm guessing that as it is a Microsoft application that it is their mistake right? Just another reason why I am no longer running a Windows computer if this is an example of their attention to detail. It is breathtaking that some people are paying a huge amount of money for a program that can just be copied and pasted between computers.

    That is the way Microsoft Office 2004 works. It's a drag and drop install of the folder itself. (Although, it's usually done from the install CD, not someone else's computer.) Any missing support files (not entire applications like Entourage, though) will re-install themselves the first time an Office application is launched. This is how Microsoft designed it, so it would be simple to install and self-repairing. The registration information is saved, somewhere, inside that folder.
    If you wanted to alert someone, you should probably tell someone at Microsoft.

  • Problems Installing Microsoft Office 2004 on 10.4.3!

    Hi all,
    A friend of mine just purchased 10.4.3 from the Apple Store for use with his G5 (the original single 1.8). My friend is not very skilled with computers, so I have been helping him get 10.4 running.
    • We wrote zeros to his hard drive.
    • We then did a fresh installation.
    • We then ran software update.
    • Apps like Photoshop Elements have installed without problems.
    Microsoft Office 2004 (Student and Teacher) will not install using the installer or drag-and-drop.
    • The installer finishes but the Office 2004 apps are not on the Hard Drive!
    • Drag-and-Drop encounters an error (-36 I think) and stops installing.
    Obviously, my friend is disappointed that Office will not install on a fresh OS - Please help!
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hi all,
    Templeton Peck may have been correct after all! I just got this message from Microsoft Support moments ago:
    Thank you for requesting support for Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac. My name is Mike and I will be working with you to resolve this issue.
    As I Understand you are Recieving an Error when installing Office 2004, which is not allowing you to Complete the installation.
    With Error 36 There is only one thing to do, you will need to contact our Replacment Product Department for a new disc, you can contact them by calling 1-800-360-7561
    Please let me know if this resolves your issue.
    Thank you for using Microsoft Technical Support...
    I guess I'll give a new disk a try -- I'll report back once I've tried that. :~)

  • Hi I've just upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion now Quarkxpress 6.5, Adobe creative suite CS2, Adobe Acrobat 7.0 professional and Microsoft Office 2004 will nolonger open. Can anyone please advise me what I can do to get these programs running.

    Hi I've just upgraded my MacBook Pro from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion. Now my installed programs:- Quarkxpress 6.5 - Adobe creative suite CS2 - Adobe Acrobat 7.0 professional and Microsoft Office 2004 will not open - I get a banner saying not supported by power mac. Can anyone please help me I really need these programs for my work. Thank you!

    hi tuggerose
    i think it is bad new for you. if it's any consilation i went through the same thing when i loaded mountain lion when it first came out. i think the problem is that mountain lion is a pure 64bit operating system and the software you have is 32bit. earlier os's were able to emulate 32bit but the new system does not. the answer is new software. i did it and it cost me a load of money and much angst so your not alone.

  • TS3938 how do i uninstall microsoft office 2004 from my new macbook pro intel 5.....

    When it won't allow me. I get the same popup window message. "You can't open the app...beacause PowerPC apps are no longer supported."
    Can anyone help or offer advice please.
    kind regards

    vickynsimon wrote:
    When it won't allow me. I get the same popup window message. "You can't open the app...beacause PowerPC apps are no longer supported."
    Can anyone help or offer advice please.
    kind regards
    Vicky:  The initial question is why do you want to uninstall Microsoft Office 2004?
    If your answer is that you are upgrading to Office 2011, my recollection is that the installation process of Office 2011 will do all of the proper "uninstalling" that is necessary as it installs all of the necessary new files.
    If your answer is that you do not intend to ever use Office again, including any of the data files that were created from it: then at this point, I would suggest that you just leave it alone.  Manually uninstalling raises more risks than it cures.
    Even if you do upgrade to Office 2011, if you have continuous need to have access to your Office 2004 data files, you may find that Office 2011 does not properly translate some of your old files correctly.  I have this problem with an Excel 2004 chart that I access on a weekly basis and it gets trashed by Office 2011. 
    I have solved this problem by installing Snow Leopard (with Rosetta) into Parallels 7 in Lion (and reinstalling Office 2004 inside the Snow Leopard environment):
                             [click on image to enlarge]
    In this way I can access my Excel 2004 chart, modify it as needed and save the changes.
    Full Snow Leopard installation instructions:

  • How can I revert to previous Entourage prior to Microsoft office 2004 update

    I have a 2002 eMac  OS X 10.4.11 bought second hand 5 years ago.
    I have been successfully using Entourage for all my email.
    On Friday the system updates required(?) me to update Adobe Reader.
    Immediately afterwards there appeared an update for Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac. I let it run the update.
    A new and different Entourage appeared, without all my emails, addresses etc.
    Just one email in it welcoming me to 'Microsoft office 2004 for Mac 11.6.3 update'.
    I don't have OS X 11.6.3
    I have tried everything to get rid of this and get my old Entourage back.
    I tried to Edit the Accounts in Entourage  - tools - Mail (tab) but it won't highlight the Edit, so I couldn't configure it manually, and delete the existing Entourage Account.
    I tried putting Microsoft Office into the Trash but that didn't seem to work either.
    Nothing seems to work.

    margaretfromsouthampton wrote:
    I have a 2002 eMac  OS X 10.4.11 bought second hand 5 years ago.
    I have been successfully using Entourage for all my email.
    On Friday the system updates required(?) me to update Adobe Reader.
    Immediately afterwards there appeared an update for Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac. I let it run the update.
    A new and different Entourage appeared, without all my emails, addresses etc.
    Just one email in it welcoming me to 'Microsoft office 2004 for Mac 11.6.3 update'.
    I don't have OS X 11.6.3
    I have tried everything to get rid of this and get my old Entourage back.
    I tried to Edit the Accounts in Entourage  - tools - Mail (tab) but it won't highlight the Edit, so I couldn't configure it manually, and delete the existing Entourage Account.
    I tried putting Microsoft Office into the Trash but that didn't seem to work either.
    Nothing seems to work.
    Restore your backup

  • Updating Microsoft office 2004

    I'm trying to download updates for Microsoft office 2004. The automatic updater runs into the same problem. When it gets to the microsoft site and tries to download the update I need I get an error message saying it couldn't find the server. I've gotten that message in both Firefox and Safari. Any ideas?

    First off make sure you are using the Office 2004 retail. Some Macs ship with a "Test drive" version of Office which says so on its folder in the Applications folder. These typically can't be updated. Uninstall the Test Drive version first, before installnig the retail Office, so your updater has the correct file to update.
    You can find Office's update on this link:

  • Microsoft office 2004 update

    Hi there,
    I recently did a software update for my microsoft office 2004 on my laptop but stopped it about a quarter of the way through and now only WORD and POWERPOINT works. The EXCEL logo in the dock now has a question mark over it. Is there a way I can update the whole software from a link on the internet or would it be easier if i just went straight back to the beginning and re-install it all back onto my laptop using the software disc?
    I hope someone comes back to me with the solution.

    This forum is for troubleshooting Apple Software Update for Windows, a software package for Windows designed to update Apple products that run on Windows, and not related to Microsoft Office or your question in any way. If you have issues or questions about Office, it's probably best you post Office related questions on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac products.

  • Microsoft Office 2004 Mac OSX run with Imac (INTEL) ?

    I run on my PowerBook (PPC) with Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac OSX.
    The updates are recent.
    I have just bought Imac (INTEL).
    Can I install the Microsoft Office 2004 Mac OSX version which turns very well on PowerBook (PPC) on my new Imac (INTEL)?
    In fact; Is it compatible with it?
    Thank you.

    *"Can I install the Microsoft Office 2004 Mac OSX version which turns very well on PowerBook (PPC) on my new Imac (INTEL)?"*

Maybe you are looking for