Is it true that iPod and QT has a file size limit of 1.2GB?

I just purchased the DVD to iPod converter from Xilisoft. I converted a movie that resulted in a 2.371 GB file. When I tried to import it to iTunes, nothing happens. When I try to open it, it gives me a error message "Error -2048: file is not a movie file". Xilisoft support claims that iPod and QT have a limit of 1.2GB for their files. Has anyone successfully loaded a larger movie file into iTunes/iPod or viewed it on QT?

Yes, 4.2.1 is the end of the line. Apple is not on these forums so you will not get a reply from them.

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    Restore, if iTunes will let you.  Everything except the password will be restored.  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  Be forewarned that it takes a long time.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
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    Hi Kenneth L,
    Please use the below link to convert your raw files to DNG files then you would be able to import the files in Lightroom 4.4
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh : Adobe DNG Converter 8.6 For Mac
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Adobe DNG Converter 8.6 For Windows

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    The duplication is unnecessary. Exporting creates a duplicate of the file. So now you'll have a duplicate of a duplicate. Exporting is not "working on" a file.
    No it's not merging, it's exporting from one to the Finder and into another. No matter what lose something. If you export the Original you leave behind all the work you've done in iPhoto. If you export anything else, you lose the non-destructive editing and the ability to revert to the original. With merging you preserve that work. Yes, you can trash the old Library when you have completed the manoevre but no it's not the same thing as merging.
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue. But in brief:
    Current gets you the iPhoto Preview, used for sharing via media browsers. It's a jpg, medium quality missing metadata. Original gets the file you imported, unchanged and then you can export different version of the current version at different qualities. If you choose to export anything except the Original you do not get a Raw. There's no such thing as an "edited Raw", and you lose the connection between the original and the exported version. That means you've taken a non-destructive workflow and turned it into a destructive one.
    The Tiff will certainly be higher qulaity and less likely to suffer generational loss in future editing but the file sizes are vast, often more than 10 times the size of the jpeg.
    Put it this way, it would be cheaper to buy Library Manager than the disk you'll need to contain all the Tiffs. Unless you plan on a lot of editing, I'd go for a high quality jpeg as a reasonable compromise.
    To be clear:
    So, I guess my new question is, how can I edit the Raw image and keep it in a RAW format that IPhoto recognizes so that I can reprocess without any loss at a future time, or is it that once you edit a RAW image, then it is no longer a RAW image?
    Once you edit a Raw it can no longer be a Raw. End of.

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    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: user10236075 on May 25, 2009 4:12 PM
    Edited by: user10236075 on May 25, 2009 4:14 PM

    Ok Here are the steps
    1. Create an inbound file adapter as you normally would. The schema is opaque, set the polling as required.
    2. Create an outbound file adapter as you normally would, it doesn't really matter what xsd you use as you will modify the wsdl manually.
    3. Create a xsd that will read your file. This would typically be the xsd you would use for the inbound adapter. I call this address-csv.xsd.
    4. Create a xsd that is the desired output. This would typically be the xsd you would use for the outbound adapter. I have called this address-fixed-length.xsd. So I want to map csv to fixed length format.
    5. Create the xslt that will map between the 2 xsd. Do this in JDev, select the BPEL project, right-click -> New -> General -> XSL Map
    6. Edit the outbound file partner link wsdl, the the jca operations as the doc specifies, this is my example.
    <jca:binding  />
            <operation name="MoveWithXlate">
              SourceSchemaRoot ="Root-Element"
              TargetSchemaRoot ="Root-Element"
          </jca:operation> 7. Edit the outbound header to look as follows
            <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified"
                <element name="OutboundFileHeaderType">
                            <element name="fileName" type="string"/>
                            <element name="sourceDirectory" type="string"/>
                            <element name="sourceFileName" type="string"/>
                            <element name="targetDirectory" type="string"/>
                            <element name="targetFileName" type="string"/>                       
        </types>   8. the last trick is to have an assign between the inbound header to the outbound header partner link that copies the headers. You only need to copy the sourceDirectory and SourceGileName
        <assign name="Assign_Headers">
            <from variable="inboundHeader" part="inboundHeader"
            <to variable="outboundHeader" part="outboundHeader"
            <from variable="inboundHeader" part="inboundHeader"
            <to variable="outboundHeader" part="outboundHeader"
        </assign>you should be good to go. If you just want pass through then you don't need the native format set to opaque, with no XSLT

  • Why the files my program create are created twice each file double ? And why sometimes the files size are too small ?

    My program is using Queue of type Uri to create Queue of urls and then i'm using webbrowser to navigate each Uri from the Queue in it's turn and get the url(html) source content and save it to the hard disk.
    The problem is sometimes the text files on the hard disk are small like 90KB or 60KB and sometimes they are as they are suppose to be 300KB or 200KB.
    This is a button click event where i'm calling two methods:
    private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    This is the GetHtmls method code:
    private Queue<Uri> myUrls = new Queue<Uri>();
    private bool isBusy = false;
    private void GetHtmls()
    for (int i = 1; i < 49; i++)
    adrBarTextBox.Text = sourceUrl + i;
    targetHtmls = (combinedHtmlsDir + "\\Html" + i + ".txt");
    Uri targetUri = new Uri(sourceUrl + i);
    sourceUrl contain website address:
    And i'm adding to it the numbers and create the pages.
    And add them to the Queue.
    THen the CheckQueue method:
    Uri uri;
    private void CheckQueue()
    if (isBusy)
    return; // We're downloading some page right now, don't disturb
    isBusy = true; // OK, let's get started
    if (myUrls.Count == 0) // No more pages to download, we're done
    isBusy = false;
    uri = myUrls.Dequeue(); // Get one URL from queue
    It suppose to Navigate to each Uri(html address) in the Queue.
    And the browser document completed event:
    private void Form1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
    // If page loaded completly then do something
    int urlnumber = uri.ToString().IndexOf("pagenumber=");
    string number = uri.ToString().Substring(urlnumber + 11);
    int num = Int32.Parse(number);
    targetHtmls = (combinedHtmlsDir + "\\Html" + num + ".txt");
    StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(targetHtmls);
    isBusy = false; // We're done
    CheckQueue(); // Check next page in queue
    In the completed event i'm getting the page number and build the string for the text file then write the html source content to the text file.
    In the end i have on my hard disk 48 text files.
    The problems are:
    1. Sometimes it seems like it's not finishing navigating to the current uri or maybe some other reason maybe server side problem and creating small size files with source content inside but not all the source content. Sometimes the text files size are each
    file 99KB or 70KB and sometimes the size of them are about 300KB and 200KB and this is the right sizes 300KB 200KB.
    2. The text files on my hard disk suppose to be 48 different files each file should contain the source if the html page of the 48 pages. But on my hard disk the 48 text files are duplicated for some reason.
    This is the file on my hard disk:
    Some of the files are 205KB 350KB 175KB and some of the files sizes are 85KB 94KB 35KB 
    Why some of the files it didn't navigated to the end or maybe didn't got all the source ?
    And why it's making each second file the same like the one before ? It suppose to create 48 different files but i'm getting two identical files each navigation.

    I solved it now.
    This is what i did:
    It's a bit slow process since i'm waiting for each page to be loaded into the webbrowser but it does the work.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net;
    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    private string sourceUrl = "http://test.test";
    private string htmlsTargetDirectory = "Test Htmls";
    private string appDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(@"C:\Users\chocolade1972\AppData\Local\Test_Images\Test Images\Test Htmls");
    private string combinedHtmlsDir;
    private String targetHtmls;
    private int counter = 1;
    private StreamWriter w;
    private string uri;
    private bool htmlloaded = false;
    public Form1()
    webBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
    combinedHtmlsDir = Path.Combine(appDir, htmlsTargetDirectory);
    if (!Directory.Exists(combinedHtmlsDir))
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    timer1.Enabled = true;
    private void GetHtmls()
    uri = sourceUrl + counter;
    targetHtmls = (combinedHtmlsDir + "\\Html" + counter + ".txt");
    private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Url.ToString() == uri)
    targetHtmls = (combinedHtmlsDir + "\\Html" + counter + ".txt");
    htmlloaded = true;
    StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(targetHtmls);
    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(targetHtmls);
    var size = fi.Length;
    w = new StreamWriter(combinedHtmlsDir + "\\test.txt", true);
    w.WriteLine("File Size " + size);
    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (htmlloaded == true)
    uri = sourceUrl + counter;
    htmlloaded = false;
    counter += 1;

  • What is the cisco ironport C680 and M680 configuration backup file size?

    what is the cisco ironport C680 and M680 configuration backup file size?

    Size of the XML itself?  That is going to vary based on what you have configured, total lines of code, and # of appliances you may/may not have in cluster.
    M680, based on SMA as stand-alone, should be similar --- you are probably looking @ < 1 MB... 
    Looking @ my test environment, in which I have a nightly cron job set to grab a backup of...
    -rw-rw----  1 robert robert 161115 Sep 26 02:00 C000V-564D1A718795ACFEXXXX-YYYYBAD60A5A-20140926T020002.xml
    So, 161115 bytes = .15 MB

  • Hello my name is Juan and I own a iPod, the newest one, and 3 days ago I rented 2 movies from iTunes on the iPod and one has expired but doesn't remove itself from the downloads pg is there a way where I can get rid of it? Its takin up my memory

    Hello my name is Juan and I own an iPod touch, the newest one, and I rented 2 movies the other day in itunes through the ipod and I was able to download one movie and watch it but the with the other one I havent downloaded it and watched like 3 minutes of it then I had to download it again but it had already expired but it's still in the download page in iTunes and it says error to download tap again to retry and I did but it didn't work so I don't know what to there anyway I can take it out of my download page? Because its takin to much space in my iPod >_<

    Transfer all of your content to the computer:
    Tunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
    Then try turning the device off and on again. I'd leave it off for 10-15 minutes, but that is up to you:
    If the item is still there, you may need to restore the device:
    Hope that helps . Worst case scenario, you may need to write into iTunes support to see if they can also help!!

  • Error: Check that sender and reciever has same contract and the same bindin

    I created a client proxy for a dot net web service.  Configured logical port in soamanager tcode.  Then tested the client proxy using the report program.  It gives an error response like this:
    - <s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    - <s:Body>
    - <s:Fault>
      <faultcode xmlns:a="">a:ActionNotSupported</faultcode>
      <faultstring xml:lang="en-US">The message with Action '' cannot be processed at the receiver,
    due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched
    Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver. Check that sender
    and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport,
    I recorded the request/response in SICF tcode.  I took the request that is recorded there in SOAP UI tester, I get the correct response there.  Only when i run the client proxy from SAP it gives the above error.
    it would be great if any one has solved this before. 
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Selva,
    Depending the ECC version you're on & the SP level, SAP note 1229690 resolves this problem.
    Regards, Trevor

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