Is my HARD DRIVE bigger than 250 GB ??!!

I just picked up my 13" MBP 2.53 GHZ. I checked out the system specs, and my hard drive appears to have 298.09 GB capacity.
Is this normal? I know when you format a drive you never get to use the whole capacity.
This is what I copied and pasted:
I don't know what this means, but am I special? Or am I special just like everyone else?

There's been reports of 250 GB MBPs being shipped w/ 320 instead. It looks like you are in this group.

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    New 1 TB hybrid SSD-disk drives deliver high capacity with an 8 GB SSD buffer that performs at SSD-like speeds.  Google "Seagate 1 TB hybrid-drive 2.5”. 
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    Hi Fabian,
    any 2.5" SATA harddisk with a maximum height of 9.5mm fits in the Mac Mini.
    OSX doesn't "care" about the amount of GB the harddisk has.
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    I guess that you can a better answer if you post your topic under iTunes forum.
    I have not tried yet, but I think it may works in this way
    Open iTunes >preference>advanced>general
    iTunes Music folder location
    change it to your external HD
    Please post here and tell me it works or not

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