Is Oracle Text the right solution for this need of a specific search!

Hi ,
We are on Oracle on Solaris 10. We have the need to be able to do search on data that are having diacritical marks and we should be able to do the serach ignoring this diacritical marks. That is the requirement. Now I got to hear that Oracle Text has a preference called BASIC_LEXER which can bypass the diacritical marks and so solely due to this feature I implemented Oracle Text and just for this diacritical search and no other need.
I mean I set up preference like this:
  ctxsys.ctx_ddl.create_preference ('cust_lexer', 'BASIC_LEXER');
  ctxsys.ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('cust_lexer', 'base_letter', 'YES'); -- removes diacritics
With this I set up like this:
--created Oracle Text index
--sample data to illustrate the problem
Insert into TEXT_TEST
Insert into TEXT_TEST
Insert into TEXT_TEST
Insert into TEXT_TEST
Insert into TEXT_TEST
Insert into TEXT_TEST
   ('CHRISTOPHER Phil');
--Now there is an alternative solution that is there,  instead of thee Oracle Text which is just a plain function given below (and it seems to work neat for my simple need of removing diacritical characters effect in search)
--I need to evaluate which is better given my specific needs -the function below or Oracle Text.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia(p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
   OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
   OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
--now I query for which name stats with  a P%:
--Below query gets me unexpected result of one row as I am using Oracle Text where each word is parsed for search using CONTAINS...
SQL> select * from text_test where contains(name,'P%')>0;
--Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
SQL> select * from text_test where name like 'P%';
--Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
SQL>  select * from text_test where remove_dia(name) like remove_dia('P%');
PAUL HERNANDEZMy entire need was only to be able to do a search that bypasses diacritical characters. To implement Oracle Text for that reason, I am wondering if that was the right choice! More so when I am now finding that the functionality of LIKE is not available in Oracle Text - the Oracle text search are based on tokens or words and they are different from output of the LIKE operator. So may be should I have just used a simple function like below and used that for my purpose instead of using Oracle Text:
This function (remove_dia) just removes the diacritical characters and may be for my need this is all that is needed. Can someone help to review that given my need I am better of not using Oracle Text? I need to continue using the functionality of Like operator and also need to bypass diacritical characters so the simple function that I have meets my need whereas Oracle Text causes a change in behaviour of search queries.

If all you need is LIKE functionality and you do not need any of the complex search capabilities of Oracle Text, then I would not use Oracle Text. I would create a function-based index on your name column that uses your function that removes the diacritical marks, so that your searches will be faster. Please see the demonstration below.
  2    (NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE))
  3  /
Table created.
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> Insert all
  2  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('muller')
  3  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('müller')
  4  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MULLER')
  5  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MÜLLER')
  6  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('PAUL HERNANDEZ')
  7  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('CHRISTOPHER Phil')
  8  select * from dual
  9  /
6 rows created.
  2    (p_value   IN VARCHAR2,
  3       p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
  5  IS
  6    OUTPUT_STR VARCHAR2(4000);
  7  begin
  8    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
  9        OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
10    ELSE
11        OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
12    END IF;
13    RETURN
14        TRANSLATE
15          (OUTPUT_STR,
16           'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ',
17           'AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy');
18  end;
19  /
Function created.
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> show errors
No errors.
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE INDEX text_test_remove_dia_name
  2  ON text_test (remove_dia (name))
  3  /
Index created.
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> set autotrace on explain
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
  2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('mü%')
  3  /
4 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3139591283
| Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
       filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
  2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('P%')
  3  /
1 row selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3139591283
| Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
       filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)

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    A Mac OS X Server box is overkill. The Mac client boxes have 10-client sharing.
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    Hi Christian,
    When you execute enableversioning on the tables, you can specify the complete set of tables that you want to version, instead of having to maintain the correct table order.
    There shouldn't be a need to transport the data between tables. We support DDL changes on versioned tables by using the beginDDL/commitDDL procedures. If you do require the transport of data between databases, then note that we only support a full database import/export. The user guide covers both of these topics in greater detail.

  • Deciding whether TestStand is the right solution for my company

    I'm working at a growing company and we recently started a push in our Test group to try and standardize our future development as much as possible to allow as much re-use of code as possible.  I don't want to say exactly what it is we make for confidentiality reasons, but let's just say that 90% of what we make is the same basic type of product, but it comes in literally hundreds of models ranging in size from about the size of a dime to the size of a small washing machine.  We're considering switching to TestStand on all new stations and on all updates of previous stations to assist in rapid development with increased efficiency.
    Over the years we've made about 20 or so test stations as new versions of our product came out, each able to fit products of a different size and with different test requirements, but because our main products are all so similar to each other, there's only a pool of about 6 different types of tests we need to run, with some products needing only one of those tests and others needing all 6, and plenty in the 2-5 range.  The size differences among different products also mean we have a large amount of different power supplies, and for various other reasons the measurement devices for the test stations aren't terribly standardized as well.
    Step 1 was that we standardized the database we used to store all of the test data.  We now have one database that can store data from all of our test stations in the same way.  A few of the old stations had to have some creative workarounds done (i.e. instead of rewriting their current test program, write something that takes their old output format and converts it to the new database format, then upload it), but this step is 100% complete.
    Step 2 was to abstract out the most common pieces of hardware, so we have started basically putting the IVI types in a LVOOP wrapper.   Now instead of being limited to interchangability among IVI devices we can also swap in any of the other assorted devices we've accumulated over the years, many of which don't have IVI drivers and even a few that don't follow SCPI standards, as this is a great use of inheritance and overrides.  We're also implementing a few device types that don't have IVI classes.  This effort is already well underway and we're OK here.
    Step 3 is where we're at now.  As we standardized on hardware interfacing, we also figured it would be a good idea to attempt to effectively write each of the 6 or so tests one last time each with very flexible setup parameters as inputs, using the abstracted hardware classes so that it wouldn't matter which hardware we had, so that all the tests would run the same way.  So we started looking at solutions to some form of sequence management, and we came up with a couple of possibilities for homegrown versions but after debating those for a while we started to ask ourselves, "Are we just re-inventing TestStand here?"
    We use TestStand on a few stations here already so we had licences for development, but the stations we use it on at the moment fall into the 10% of outliers that we have and are somewhat non-standard.  So none of the 6-ish usual tests were used on them and they're for a very different product type, so we never tried to use them with our standardized database.  They also were all made before I came on board here, so I don't have much experience with TestStand myself, and I've run into some roadblocks when trying to come up with a framework for how to integrate our standard database and our standard instrument LVOOP classes into a TestStand environment that meets our current and future test requirements.
    The first roadblock is that our database standardization and TestStand's built-in reporting don't mesh at all.  Right now, all of our test stations use the same "mega-cluster" to store their data in, which is a type-def cluster of all the things our products could ever be tested for on any of our stations.  We pass it to a common database write function that writes everything that has changed from the default values (NaN and blank strings\arrays) and ignores the rest, so we don't fill the database with zeroes for the tests we don't do.  I do want to emphasize how big this cluster got in order to have all of the potential save values we might ever need in it.  It is a cluster of 13 other clusters, the largest of which has 10 items in it, and one of those is a 1-D array of another cluster with 19 elements in it, and one of those elements is another 1-d array with a cluster of 24 units in it.  If all of the controls in the mega-cluster are shown on the front panel at once, I can't fit them on 2 full-size 1080p screens at the same time.  The context help for the main cluster is 5 screen heights tall just for the listing of all of the elements.  
    So I really can't see this being integrated with the built-in TestStand reporting system.  Additionally, the "Type" system in TestStand appears to be unhelpful when attempting to pass this cluster between steps, and even worse when trying to pass it between sequences.  When I add the mega-cluster to it, it also creates over 30 other types, one for each of the other clusters contained inside of it.  Within LabVIEW alone this is pretty easy to manage, as we just have a centralized repository of typedefs in source control that gets checked out to a common directory on each computer, as we do minor changes to acommodate new products a few times a year.  However, on TestStand, I can't find a method that's the equivalent for just storing a bunch of .ctl files in the same shared directory like we do with LabVIEW.  I see that they can be stored in certain INI files or in sequence files.  The INI files appear to all be station-specific, and since all of our 20ish test stations have different hardware and capabilities, we can't just synchronize those files.  And if I want to pass the mega-cluster type between sequence files that call sub-sequence files, every one of those files will need to be manually updated to get their types to match... and we'lll be needing at least 200 sequence files when we're done, at a guess.  Unless there's some method I'm missing here, I don't see how to use TestStand to move this data around.  We could use something like just passing it by reference, but then if we do that I don't actually see much of a benefit here of using TestStand instead of just pure LabVIEW as two of the things that TestStand is supposed to handle (reporting steps as pass/fail against limits and reporting and logging the results afterwards).  Plus then we have the additional burder of making sure the module holding the reference in LabVIEW doesn't unload before we're done using it.
    Is there some better way of handling massively complex types in TestStand that I am not seeing?
    There may be more that I'm not seeing yet, but if there isn't a way to handle these massively complex types in TestStand, all we'd be getting out of it is a slightly easier method of managing sequencing than we have now, which I don't see as being worth the investment in time and licenses it would take.
    I'd be grateful for any feedback.  Thanks!

    Considering you already seem to be leveraging LabVIEW heavily and before jumping into TestStand I would look at the PTP Sequencer. This seems to be a cutdown version of TesStand but inside LabVIEW and is a simple install from the LabVIEW Tools network using VIPM.
    If you are happy to look at alternative representations then maybe check out NI's StateChart Module or the Open StateChart by Vogel (available as an install from VIPM).
    The advantages of any of the above is they will be alot cheaper than TestStand and the required run time licences if you don't require all the power of TestStand (extensible everything).

  • Is JSP the right technology for this project?

    I'm heavy into core java, but haven't used JSP before. The project manager suggested JSP for this project, but since I'm writing the spec and the code, I need to determine if it's suitable for the task before committing to it.
    Overly-simplified summary:
    web-based application
    simple form interface, fill in the blanks
    user inputs a filename, and a piece of data or two to find within the file
    application finds the (binary) file on the server, parses it into a known data structure, and finds the data element that contains the specified information.
    application formats the data element and displays it in a web page.
    user has the option to save the data in text format or as a binary file on the local machine
    That's pretty much it. There are a few things that I'm concerned about, and am not sure whether JSPs are capable of handling:
    1. searching the local hard drive (in known directories) for a specific file and opening it
    2. creating, for instance, a MappedByteBuffer of a portion of the file and accessing data within it
    3. saving data in text or binary format on the user's hard drive
    If the JSP can run core java style code on the server, that answers 1 and 2 easily. 3 seems like it should be possible, but like I said, I've never used JSP.
    Of course I'll look up the specifics myself, but perhaps someone who has been using this technology for a while can answer my simple question:
    Is JSP a suitable tool for this job?

    So this project looks like one that could be handled not no roughly using a combination of Servlets and JSP.
    web-based application
    simple form interface, fill in the blanksUse JSP for the displays. Forms, and such...
    user inputs a filename, and a piece of data or two to
    find within the file
    application finds the (binary) file on the server,The file is on the server right? Good. Then use a Servlet to find the file. Better, actually, to use a Servlet to call some other PlainOldJavaObject that finds the file for you. That way you can test and code outside of the web environment then just integrate into Servlets/JSPs when needed...
    parses it into a known data structure, and finds the
    data element that contains the specified
    information.Again, use Servlet, or a POJO object the Servlet calls to do this stuff.
    application formats the data element and displays it
    in a web page.Good thing for JSP to do. Just let the Servlet get the results back from the POJO doing the work, then store them such that the JSP can read results and format an HTML page around them.
    user has the option to save the data in text format
    or as a binary file on the local machineOn the client's local machine? That is doable, I think. Again, use a Servlet to pass what and how to save to a POJO that that does the work. Then the servlet streams the data to the client (using a content type that will ensure the download rather than display...)
    That's pretty much it. There are a few things that
    I'm concerned about, and am not sure whether JSPs are
    capable of handling:
    1. searching the local hard drive (in known
    directories) for a specific file and opening itLocal meaning Server? Yes, best for Servlet/Data Access Object rather than a JSP though. Local as in Client machine: No.
    2. creating, for instance, a MappedByteBuffer of a
    portion of the file and accessing data within itServlets have full access to the normal Java API, but they run on the Server, so again, as long as the file is on the server... no problem.
    3. saving data in text or binary format on the user's
    hard driveYeah, easy. Just a quick download servlet. I believe there are a couple examples here in the forums. Other sites may have better ones...
    If the JSP can run core java style code on the
    server, that answers 1 and 2 easily.It can, but a little repetition here... this is best to do in Servlets rather than JSP. JSPs should be kept to display only.
    3 seems like it
    should be possible, but like I said, I've never used
    Of course I'll look up the specifics myself, but
    perhaps someone who has been using this technology
    for a while can answer my simple question:
    Is JSP a suitable tool for this job?

  • Is JMF the right technology for this...

    Hi All!
    I have a requirement to build a client app that is subscribed to a JMS topic. Based on the published message, the client has to select and play the appropriate video clip from a total of n video clips. Here are my questions:
    1) Is JMF the right technology to play video clips (.AVI format)? What are the alternatives?
    2) Can I have these play in full-screen mode?
    3) During idle time, can I display a default image (.JPEG)?
    4) Does Swing or AWT have to also be used?
    5) How can I cache the video clips (16MB * 6 clips) in memory to make it more performant? Is this even neccessary?
    6) I need this application to run 24*7 with minimum failure rate. Is this a realistic expectation for JMF?
    thanx much!
    - Ravi

    1. yes. depends on what you want to do exactly.
    2. why not?
    3. what is "idle time"? you mean the time where your video pauses? yes, you can..
    4. doesn't matter. The visual component which you'll get from jmf (to show video) is of type java.awt.Component
    5. this is not neccessary. You would reach nothing with caching video in memory. Actually, you didn't say if you are talking about sender, server or recipient side..
    6. no. I generally don't trust Applets very much. I would use Macromedia Flash with FlashCom server then, although it has less features and parameters, but it seems to be more stable.
    Best regards from Germany,

  • Is an array the best solution for this problem?

    Hi there,
    I'm working up a demo where a couple of little games would show up in a  panel. There is a main menu that you bounce around to select things (the  games as well as other apps.)
    When a single game is running, it takes up the whole panel. When two or  more are running, they run in a "mini" format. Also, when a game is  running, a special "return to game" button appears in the main menu.
    This is a click through dog and pony show demo. It's not a production  app, but it has to work well enough to be played around with by internal  clients. So it has to work well.
    Right now I have some variables set up like so:
    var gameActive:Boolean = false;
    var gameDual:Boolean = false;
    In my launch game and menu function, I am checking these (and one or two  other) variables to see if I should do things like show a mini version  of the game or show the return to game button. As I add features though,  this is becoming slightly unwieldy.
    The key issue is the games. Let's say I have only two. I could make an  array, and then load in the game name when a game is launched. I could  check this array in my functions to see not only if games are launched,  but which game is launched so I can use the full or mini games as  appropriate.
    Is this a good approach, or is there a better way? I'm rusty with my  coding and not super comfortable making objects right now. But I could  go that way if it was the best.

    there's not much to it.  here are the only 3 things you're likely to need to do with your associative array:
    var yourAA:Object={};
    function addAAItem(aa:Object,o:DisplayObject){
    function removeAAItem(aa:Object,o:DisplayObject{
    function aaLength(aa:Object):int{
    var i:int=0;
    for(var s:String in aa){
    return i;

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