Is Structured FM12 the right solution for this problem?

I've been tasked with solving a tricky problem at my office. Briefly: We've got a technical manual that needs to be printed each time we sell a piece of equipment. Currently, the manual is produced using a combination of MS Access DB and a convoluted Word doc that uses Mail Merge to pull data from the Access DB into the appropriate fields. The DB has a hundred tables or so, and some of the tables are "calculated" values - i.e. the value in the fields is calculated based on values entered in other tables within the DB. The Word doc uses some kind of "if-then-else" logic to determine which tables to use for which fields when building the doc. This whole setup is currently maintained by the engineering, sales, and marketing departments.
We currently use FM11 (unstructured) in the Technical Writing department, and my boss is asking me to figure out a way to migrate the Access/Word doc described above to a format we can use so we can take ownership of the documentation process for this particular line of equipment. I suspect the variables involved here go way beyond what we can do with conditional text and variables within FM, but I'm wondering if Structured FM (either 11 or 12) is more suited to this project, either by using some sort of conduit between FM and an SQL DB, or directly within FM using conditinal text, variables, or some other organizational function present in either FM11 or FM12.
Any guidance here would be appreciated. I'm not even sure what questions to ask at this point to get a proper shove in the right direction.

I love this line: Get that SQL queries into XML directly or into CSV and transform the CSV into XML via XSLT. Reminds me of that bit in "Good Morning, Vietnam" where Robin Williams goes through the routine about the Vice President: "Well, sir, since the VP is such a VIP, shouldn't we keep his ETA on the QT? Otherwise, he might get KIA and then we'd all be on KP." And now, back to work...
I'm going to try to answer all of the questions above, in order, and add a little info where appropriate.
TW dept may or may not take over all maintenance of the doc. That's one of the recommendations I'm tasked with providing. My current thinking is, engineering should remain in charge of entering relevant tool data to the data repository, sales should provide TW with a "spec sheet" of what was sold, and TW should then use the specs to "build" the document for customer release.
Will a DB still be used? Unknown. That seems the best way to catalog and access the data, but I'm open to alternatives if there are any that make sense.
I am totally unfamiliar with structure, XML, DITA, HTML, etc. Literally 100% of my experience with FM has been in the unstructured workspace. This whole structured FM inquiry was inspired by a blurb in my "Unstructured FrameMaker 11" book (from p474: "If you need to use complex combinations of condition tags, consider setting up a workflow in the structured interface of FrameMaker. Structured documents allow you to create versions based on attributes, which are easier to use and more powerful than expressions.") A quick Google of this blurb didn't turn up much useful information, but this seems to jive with Lynne's input above re: attributes.
Data is not currently in SQL - it's in Access DB. We can migrate to SQL if necessary - that's one of the answers I'm supposed to be providing.
The reason this is all currently being done in Word is because that's what the Sales & Engineering departments understand, and currently they're responsible for these docs. I'm sure this started out as a simple, nerdy solution to a small problem - some engineer didn't want to maintain two separate Word docs when he could create a database and then use mail merge to automagically build the same thing. Since then, it's grown to hundreds of tables and thousands of possible permutations.
We already have FrameMaker installations in the department. If we can do this with FM11, great, but if not, no big deal - boss has already said he wants to move to FM12 as soon as possible. In other words, purchasing software - unless it's something additional needed to make all this work - isn't really a budgetary consideration.
As mentioned, I have no skills with using FM for any kind of structured project, but I'm willing to learn if it seems like a good solution. Just need to figure out how to proceed.
Thanks for your input - looking forward to hearing what else you folks have to say.

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    thanks - I'm still a little confused re their products and which would fit best so I've sent them some questions (below if you're interested)
    Could you please assist me in understanding which of your products would satisfy my needs. In fact (a) whether JGraph itself would and if not, or if it's not ideal, (b) which other product would.
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      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.create_preference ('cust_lexer', 'BASIC_LEXER');
      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('cust_lexer', 'base_letter', 'YES'); -- removes diacritics
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      NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE)
    --created Oracle Text index
    --sample data to illustrate the problem
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
       ('PAUL HERNANDEZ');
    Insert into TEXT_TEST
       ('CHRISTOPHER Phil');
    --Now there is an alternative solution that is there,  instead of thee Oracle Text which is just a plain function given below (and it seems to work neat for my simple need of removing diacritical characters effect in search)
    --I need to evaluate which is better given my specific needs -the function below or Oracle Text.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia(p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
       OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
       OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
    END IF;
    --now I query for which name stats with  a P%:
    --Below query gets me unexpected result of one row as I am using Oracle Text where each word is parsed for search using CONTAINS...
    SQL> select * from text_test where contains(name,'P%')>0;
    --Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
    SQL> select * from text_test where name like 'P%';
    --Below query gets me the right and expected result of one row...
    SQL>  select * from text_test where remove_dia(name) like remove_dia('P%');
    PAUL HERNANDEZMy entire need was only to be able to do a search that bypasses diacritical characters. To implement Oracle Text for that reason, I am wondering if that was the right choice! More so when I am now finding that the functionality of LIKE is not available in Oracle Text - the Oracle text search are based on tokens or words and they are different from output of the LIKE operator. So may be should I have just used a simple function like below and used that for my purpose instead of using Oracle Text:
    This function (remove_dia) just removes the diacritical characters and may be for my need this is all that is needed. Can someone help to review that given my need I am better of not using Oracle Text? I need to continue using the functionality of Like operator and also need to bypass diacritical characters so the simple function that I have meets my need whereas Oracle Text causes a change in behaviour of search queries.

    If all you need is LIKE functionality and you do not need any of the complex search capabilities of Oracle Text, then I would not use Oracle Text. I would create a function-based index on your name column that uses your function that removes the diacritical marks, so that your searches will be faster. Please see the demonstration below.
      2    (NAME  VARCHAR2(255 BYTE))
      3  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> Insert all
      2  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('muller')
      3  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('müller')
      4  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MULLER')
      5  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('MÜLLER')
      6  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('PAUL HERNANDEZ')
      7  into TEXT_TEST (NAME) Values ('CHRISTOPHER Phil')
      8  select * from dual
      9  /
    6 rows created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_dia
      2    (p_value   IN VARCHAR2,
      3       p_doUpper IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y')
      5  IS
      6    OUTPUT_STR VARCHAR2(4000);
      7  begin
      8    IF (p_doUpper = 'Y') THEN
      9        OUTPUT_STR := UPPER(p_value);
    10    ELSE
    11        OUTPUT_STR := p_value;
    12    END IF;
    13    RETURN
    14        TRANSLATE
    15          (OUTPUT_STR,
    16           'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ',
    17           'AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy');
    18  end;
    19  /
    Function created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> show errors
    No errors.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE INDEX text_test_remove_dia_name
      2  ON text_test (remove_dia (name))
      3  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> set autotrace on explain
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
      2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('mü%')
      3  /
    4 rows selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3139591283
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
           filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('mü%'))
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select * from text_test
      2  where  remove_dia (name) like remove_dia ('P%')
      3  /
    1 row selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3139591283
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name                      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                           |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEXT_TEST                 |     1 |  2131 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEXT_TEST_REMOVE_DIA_NAME |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
           filter("SCOTT"."REMOVE_DIA"("NAME") LIKE "REMOVE_DIA"('P%'))
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)

  • Is an array the best solution for this problem?

    Hi there,
    I'm working up a demo where a couple of little games would show up in a  panel. There is a main menu that you bounce around to select things (the  games as well as other apps.)
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    This is a click through dog and pony show demo. It's not a production  app, but it has to work well enough to be played around with by internal  clients. So it has to work well.
    Right now I have some variables set up like so:
    var gameActive:Boolean = false;
    var gameDual:Boolean = false;
    In my launch game and menu function, I am checking these (and one or two  other) variables to see if I should do things like show a mini version  of the game or show the return to game button. As I add features though,  this is becoming slightly unwieldy.
    The key issue is the games. Let's say I have only two. I could make an  array, and then load in the game name when a game is launched. I could  check this array in my functions to see not only if games are launched,  but which game is launched so I can use the full or mini games as  appropriate.
    Is this a good approach, or is there a better way? I'm rusty with my  coding and not super comfortable making objects right now. But I could  go that way if it was the best.

    there's not much to it.  here are the only 3 things you're likely to need to do with your associative array:
    var yourAA:Object={};
    function addAAItem(aa:Object,o:DisplayObject){
    function removeAAItem(aa:Object,o:DisplayObject{
    function aaLength(aa:Object):int{
    var i:int=0;
    for(var s:String in aa){
    return i;

  • Char arrays is it the right soultion for this problem

    I've got enumerated types with each enum constant a different behavior for some method. (+, - , /, *)
    I take a string i.e "(5 + 4) * (4 - 2)"
    and place each string char into this array
    String expression = "(5 + 4) * (4 - 2)" ;
    char[] c = express.toCharArray();
    I've been trying figure out how inow apply my enums method to the char array. Taking boldBODMAS*bold* in account.
    enum Operation {
    PLUS { double eval(double x, double y) { return x + y; } }
    What fristly was spliting the string at brackets
    String[] temp = express.split("[()]");
    This trunt out not to work weel for nested mathematical
    expressions ie. (4 + (2 * (2 - 1))) * 1.2
    I'm quite new to java programming, any ideas/direction on what i should do would be great guys, thanks.

    Anthony42 wrote:
    A while back I had to write an excel-type spreadsheet application, and we had to evaluate expressions and functions.
    The easiest way we found to do it was to use a binary tree created from reverse polish notation.
    It should be fairly easy to do with a stack as well.Reverse Polish is a stack implementation. But first he will need to translate the infix operator precedence based notation into a postfix notation.
    If this wasn't homework the OP would be able to choose something other than the traditional grade school arithmetic model he describes as BODMAS.

  • I bought my iphone 5 in Houston Texas May 15 2013 IMEI Nr. 013428009645399.The problem is that in the Greece the country which I live the 4G is not working.If you have any solution for this problem pls. let me know.My email is Thank yo

    I bought my iphone 5 in Houston on May 15 2013.
    IMEI 013428009645399.The problem I have is that in the country
    which I live GREECE the 4G is
    not working.Please if you have any solution for this
    problem let me know.My email is [email protected]
    Thanking you in advance
    Philip Couridis

    iPhones purchased in the US are NOT guaranteed to work with 4G bands outside of North America.
    For what crazy reason did you purchase an iPhone in the US if you live in Greece?  If your phone needs servicing, it will have to be brought back to the US.  You cannot get that phone serviced in Greece.

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    I am currently working on a project that includes an iPad app that will direct users to one of 30 brochures. Other developers are working on the iPad app, I am creating the brochures.
    If i use the DPS to publish the brochures, do I need to create 30 custom viewer apps (at $495 a month/$6,000 a year), or is there a more cost-effective way to deliver the brochures? The brochures will be created in Indesign, and I would like them to have some interactive features (image slide-shows, pinch & zoom, etc.) but they have to be viewable on an iPad.

    Well, a DPS professional license would allow you to publish all 30 of those brochures in one app. But that would mean that all your brochures are available to anyone who downloads the app, so depending on your specific needs that could cause a problem.
    I love doing brochures through DPS, but if you already have developers working on the front and back ends of an app, I don't know if you want to replace their work with DPS.
    But long story short, with the limited info you have provided, it sounds like DPS could possibly be the right solution for you.

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    Content and Apple IDs -
    Content is forever tied to the Apple ID that bought it. Apple does not transfer content from one Apple ID to another. Apple does not merge Apple IDs. You will never be able to access your content bought with one Apple ID with a new Apple ID.

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    cant find the right forum for this but as i am having problems booting my macbook pro, keep having to reser pram etc and now wont boot at all.....
    aill this theoretically work?
    a. Restore entire macpro hard drive from time machine to a time over a year ago before problems started
    b. Restore more recent individual files such as logic projects individually from same time machine backup
    c. install any programs manually again only couple of vsts
    please answer direct question as i have tried everything else and nonhardware problems just will no longer boot after months of reseting each time

    oops.  typo:  "I went ahead and befored the restore."  should be... I went ahead and performed the restore.

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    Can anyone solve (or) give me a solution for this problem.....?
    We have used two folders Source & Finalwork. We have get image from Source folder and put silo path & Moved to Finalwork folder.
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    Could you elaborate what you mean by this
    We have get image from Source folder and put silo path & Moved to Finalwork folder.
    Possibly again with a screenshot to illustrate the task?
    // 2012, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    var theFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("select source folder");
    if (theFolder) {
    var theFiles = theFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|eps|psd)$/i)
    var theOtherFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("select target folder");
    if (theOtherFolder) {
    var theOtherFiles = theOtherFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|eps|psd)$/i)
    var missingFiles = new Array;
    var unmatchedProfiles = new Array;
    // work through files;
    for (var m = 0; m < theFiles.length; m++) {
              var check = false;
              var theFile = theFiles[m];
    // find name of the same name;
              for (var n = 0; n < theOtherFiles.length; n++) {
                        var theOtherFile = theOtherFiles[n];
    // if one is found;
                        if ( == {
                                  check = true;
                                  var oneFile =;
                                  var otherFile =;
    // check profiles;
                                  if (oneFile.colorProfileName == otherFile.colorProfileName) {
    // collect umages with unmatched profiles;
                                  else {unmatchedProfiles.push(theFile)};
    // collect missing files;
              if (check == false) {alert ("hahaha");missingFiles.push(theFile)}
    // alert of problems;
    if (unmatchedProfiles.length > 0) {
    alert ("the corresponding files for these do have a different color space:\n"+unmatchedProfiles.join("\n\n"));
    if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
    alert ("these files miss corresponding ones:\n"+missingFiles.join("\n\n"));
    ////// get psds, tifs and jpgs from files //////
    function getFiles (theFile) {
        if (\.(jpg|tif|psd|pdf|)$/i)) {
            return true

  • When I try to install PSE11, I keep getting error 1935, does anyone have a solution for this problem

    When I try to install PSE11, I keep getting error 1935, does anyone have a solution for
    this problem?

    This thread from the Premiere Elements forum may help:

Maybe you are looking for