Is something happening with the US datacenter?

Our website is up, but all afternoon, I have been unable to log in to the designer to make changes. Of course this happens just as I realize that one of my links isn't working.

The status page isn't reporting anything.
Check with Live Chat support would be my next step.

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    started from f1 to f12 it doesnt works...they gives totaly diferent commands....Plc ..ho knows how to fix it

    If I understand your question correctly, this just seems like the function key toggle.
    The 'function' keys can either act as traditional F1 - F12 keys, or they can perform specifc system functions such as changing volume, screen brightness, etc.
    You can toggle the function by holding the fn key, and set the default mode in System Preferences -> Keyboard.

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    This is beyond annoying. Is there anything I can do to sort this out?

    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?----------------------->
    Check out the following KB Articles: How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer

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    Hello there klundie,
    I was researching the issue you are experiencing, and have come to the conclusion that the songs in question may need to be converted and re imported. This article, iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format outlines how to re import songs that are already in your itunes library, which I believe will resolve the issue.
    You can find the article here:
    To convert a song's file format:
    Open iTunes Preferences.
    Windows: Choose Edit > Preferences.
    Mac: Choose iTunes > Preferences.
    Click the General button, then click the Importing Settings button in the second section of the window.
    From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the encoding format that you want to convert the song to, then click OK to save the settings.
    Select one or more songs in your library, then from the Advanced menu, choose one of the following (The menu item changes to show what's selected in your Importing preferences):
    Create MP3 version
    Create AAC version
    Create AIFF version
    Create WAV version
    Create Apple Lossless version
    If you haven't imported some songs into iTunes yet, you can import and convert them at the same time. This will create a converted copy of the file in your iTunes Library based on your iTunes preferences. To convert all the songs in a folder or on a disk, hold down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) and choose Advanced > ConvertImport preference setting. The Import preference setting will match what you chose in step 3. iTunes will prompt you for the location of the folder or disk you want to import and convert. All the songs in the folder or on the disk will be converted. Note: Some purchased songs are encoded using a protected AAC format that prevents them from being converted. iTunes Plus purchases are not protected and can be converted.
    The song in its original format and the newly converted song appear in your library.
    All the best,

  • Something weird with the keyboard

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    Quote from: sjay on 18-April-11, 04:52:57
    This is due to the manufacturing of the keyboard itself. The way its setup is that the keys that are giving problems are obviously located on a different chip and are being recognized as a different device, therefor fail to start or function at all in lowlevel driver enviroment.
    There are threads all over the internet about how these expensive keyboards are causing problems with Win7 because of how they are made. Just don't buy too expensive of a keyboard that has a bunch of extra things because those "extra things" are handled differently then a typical keyboard, which is counted as one device. My Saitek red Eclipse works perfectly fine, though it doesn't have extra programmable macro buttons or anything (and thats why it works). It does have volume + -, mute, and backlight adjustment buttons though.
    Surely that cannot be the case.  This keyboard works fine with every other motherboard including the lower-end P67S-C45 that I have sitting next to me.  Also, lets not confuse the issue, this problem does not affect Windows.

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    No, i dont use skype click-to-call, never heard of it.
    Before i upgraded, i was able to go onto then go into the My Pictures folder click and drag an image from that folder onto firefox to make google images become the top window then continue to drag to the search box to make the window show saying "drop image here" the drop it and it searches for that image. No MS Office apps involved.
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    it suddenly happened, without i changed the seeetinggs or else.
    i read every solutiuon on google., etc2, and tried the way, but it still wont work.
    anyone can help ? pleasee ;(

    This is a totally absurd suggestion, except that it worked for me with my iPad.  Forget the network, then when asked for the password, enter a wrong one.  Try again and enter the correct password.  Good luck.

  • HT1848 How do I transfer music from my computer to my iPhone? When I sync the two, nothing is transfered.  I'm not sure what is actually being synced!  I'd also like to save all the phone nbrs on my iPhone to my computer in case something happens to the p

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    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device: Apple Support Communities
    Also you said " I want to add them to my iCloud, and also back to my computer.   " Note that unless  subscribe to iTunes match, only iTunes purchases are stored in iCloud.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • I have a Mid 2009 Macbook Pro 13 with no restore disk; it has OS 10.8.4 I believe there is something wrong with the OS due to I can not install flash player to view Youtube videos and the when we plug in a Bose headset the sound out will work sometimes

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    When trying to view some youtube videos; a window would pop up saying "it needs adobe flash player is required for video play back get the latest flash player" but after downloading the file and during installation would have errors and will not installed.....tried to reboot and install again.....but still the same.
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    Thanks for your feed looks like I have two different issues one is a software issue and the outher is a hardware issue
    <Edited By Host>

    The "restore disk" is built into the Mac. See About Recovery.
    Need more specifics about what error messages you got while installing Adobe Flash.
    However, you can almost avoid Flash altogether by setting YouTube to play the HTML5 version instead.
    Click the Try something new! link at the bottom of the YouTube page.
    I don't know about the sound issue. Might be hardware as you think. Try other headphones to check.

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    hey HAbrakian!
    You may want to try using the information in this article to adjust the behavior of your function keys to see if that resolves the behavior:
    Mac OS X: How to change the behavior of function keys
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

  • HT4918 what happen with the documents in Idisk, how can i see them in iCloud?

    what happen with the documents that i have in my idisk?? how can i move them into icloud??

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately, iCloud does not offer equivalents to Mobile Me’s iDisk, Gallery or Web Hosting services. You will need to find a third party solution to replace these services. You might consider DropBox, SugarSync, MediaFire or any other service that offers online storage. (not all these alternatives offer all the services previously provided by iDisk)

  • I synced. All my music disappeared. Now it will only sync my apps and not my music. Is something wrong with the port on my ipod, the USB cord, or Itunes?On Itunes it says I still have all my music. :(

    I synced my ipod to my computer and all my music disappeared. I tryed resyncing it and it would only sync my apps and not my music. I cant add music to my ipod. I something wrong with the USB port in the IPOD, the USB Cord, or ITUNES itself. Itunes still shows that all my music is there on my ipod. Itunes is recognizing that my ipod is connected, but it doesnt recognize that theres no music on my ipod anymore. Im so sad. Someone please help me. I miss my music.

    The music sync is one way - computer to ipod.  The only exception is itunes purchases.
    The ipod is not a storage/backup device.  It simply mirrors the selected content of your computer.
    As the music came from your computer in the first place, it should still be there and in your backup copy of your computer.

  • "The file 'Acknowledgements.rtf' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in the cabinet file ''.  Is there something wrong with the latest installer? (11.3.1)

    Getting error message as shown: "The file 'Acknowledgements.rtf' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in the cabinet file ''.  Is there something wrong with the latest installer? (11.3.1)

    Installs fine for me, so I'd guess you got an incomplete or corrupt download. See the Further Information area of Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for direct links and download a fresh copy of the installer.

  • Is there something wrong with the IOS 6 update?

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    Never mind, there's definitely something wrong with the IOS 6 update. Sometimes the App Store doesn't show that an app has been purchased & it only shows the price of the app. Other times, it doesn't show that an app is currently being downloaded or that it's installed.
    Still though, Apple, you really do need to fix this IOS 6 because the Purchased Apps section won't finish loading & display the ones that have been purchased. Also, you need to improve the App & iTunes gift card payment method because if you use a credit card & then switch back to gift card, it doesn't remember how much leftover money you had before & you can't combine the change from the previously-used ones together into one lump of money.
    32 cents isn't enough to buy anything, not even a $0.99 app. The money is going by without being used and its a waste of money! If it's possible, please fix these two problems. Thanks if you do & keep up the incredible work!!!!!

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    itunes locks up my computer every time I try to start it.  This has happened with the last few updates so I have not used it.

    Hello oldsurfer250,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help in this situation. It contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice concerning iTunes for Windows issues:
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    If iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7 won't open, stops responding, or unexpectedly quits, try using the steps below. You may want to print this document before following these steps.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

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