Is SubmitForm java function support in iOS Reader?

We have a form that uses the SubmitForm command in iOS.  We are using the submit to upload the form to a website.  This works well using the Reader on Windows platform, but not on the iOS device.  No action occurs when the Submit button is clicked.  I am running version 10.4.4 on the iOS device.  Is this feature supported or is it planned to be supported on the iOS device?
Thank you.

We are submitting the whole file. Our JavaScript function will use a hidden field where a dynamic URL was stored for sending the complete pdf to the server where further actions are made with the file. This is the function:
                cURL: getField("strURL").value,
                cSubmitAs: 'PDF'

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  • Calling Java function from java script function

    I have a jsp in which on button click i am calling a java script function. now there is some data that i want to insert in a table on click of the same button. But in order to do that i need to write java code. but if i write java code inside the script function that is called on button click it doesnt work. what i understand is that i need to make a java function inside the jsp & call that from the script function. can someone tell me how to do that ?
    this is the code i have written
    function sendMail(iCount2)
         var eMailAddresses = "";
         var studRegId = "";
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              if(document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked)
                   eMailAddresses = eMailAddresses+document.frmQueryBuilder.hdnEmail.value+",";
                   studRegId = document.frmQueryBuilder.studRegId[i].value;
              <%     if(regTemp != "")
                        MakeConnection mc1 = new MakeConnection();
                        con1 = mc1.DBConnection();
                        String temp = "1";
                        System.out.println("inside the if loop for regTemp");
                        String query1 = "insert into studcompreg (studregid,compid) values(?,?)";
                        stmt1 = con1.prepareStatement(query1);
                        rsinst = stmt1.executeQuery();
         win ='BackupMail.jsp?eMailAddresses='+eMailAddresses);

    <%@ page import = "Utils.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "java.lang.String.*"%>
    <%@ page import = "java.text.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "java.util.*"%>
         String insertValues[] = new String[10];
         String regTemp = "";
         java.sql.Connection con1 = null;
         java.sql.ResultSet rs1 = null;
         java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt1 = null;
         java.sql.Statement stmtinst = null;
         java.sql.ResultSet rsinst = null;
         java.sql.Connection con = null;
         java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt = null;
         java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
    <script language = "javascript">
    /*Client side validations go here*/
    function submitForm()
    function selectAll(iCount2)
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked = true;
    function deselectAll(iCount2)
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked = false;
    function sendMail(iCount2)
         var eMailAddresses = "";
         var studRegId = "";
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              if(document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked)
                   eMailAddresses = eMailAddresses+document.frmQueryBuilder.hdnEmail.value+",";
                   studRegId = document.frmQueryBuilder.studRegId[i].value;
                   document.frmQueryBuilder.temp.value ="newOne";
         win ='BackupMail.jsp?eMailAddresses='+eMailAddresses);
    int MaxCount = 15;
    int iCount1 = 0;
    int iCount2 = 0;
    int iCount3 = 0;
    String query = "";
    String eMailAddresses = "";
    StringBuffer sbMail = new StringBuffer();
    //String strValue[] = new String [MaxCount];
         String strCriteria [] = new String [10];
         String strCondition [] = new String [10];
         String strValue1 [] = new String [10];
         String strCombo [] = new String [10];
         for (iCount3 = 0; iCount3 < 10; iCount3 ++ )
              strCriteria[iCount3] = "";
              strCondition[iCount3] = "";
              strValue1[iCount3] = "";
              strCombo[iCount3] = "";
         if (request.getParameter ("txtAction") != null)
              //String nothing = request.getParameter("chk"+iCount2);
              //System.out.println("Value of checkbox : " +nothing);
              String strQuery[] = new String [MaxCount];     
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              String AccessQuery = "";
              String strTmpQuery = "";
              String strTmpRefType[] = new String [4];
              int QueryLen = 0;
              int ModifyLen = 0;
              int QueryLenNew = 0;
              String strTmpRefType1 = "";
              String strTmpRefType2 = "";
    String strTmpRefType3 = "";
         String strTmpRefType4 = "";
              for (iCount3 = 1; iCount3 < 11; iCount3 ++)
                   strCriteria[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("criteria" + iCount1);
                   strCondition[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1);
                   strValue1[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("value" + iCount1);
                   strCombo[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("combo" + iCount1);
                   if (!request.getParameter("criteria" + iCount1).equals("null"))
                        System.out.println("Started getting parameters");
                        strTmpRefType1 = request.getParameter("criteria" + iCount1);
                        if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("ANYWHERE"))
                                  System.out.println("Entered anywhere if of Anywhere");
                                  strTmpRefType2 = "LIKE";
                        else if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("STARTSWITH"))
                                       strTmpRefType2 = "LIKE";
                                  System.out.println("Anywhere & Startswith not selected");
                                  strTmpRefType2 = request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1);
                        if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("ANYWHERE"))
                                  strTmpRefType3 = "\'" + "%" request.getParameter("value" iCount1)+ "%" + "\'";
                        else if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("STARTSWITH"))
                                       strTmpRefType3 = "\'" request.getParameter("value" iCount1)+ "%" +"\'";
                             else if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("="))
                                            strTmpRefType3 = "\'" + request.getParameter("value" + iCount1)+ "\'";
                                            strTmpRefType3 = request.getParameter("value" + iCount1);
                        strTmpRefType4 = request.getParameter("combo" + iCount1);
                        System.out.println("Value of strTmpRefType2" +strTmpRefType2);     
                   strQuery[iCount3] = " upper(" strTmpRefType1 ") " strTmpRefType2 " upper(" strTmpRefType3 ") " strTmpRefType4 "";
                        System.out.println("Making Qyery"+iCount3);
                   if (request.getParameter ("txtAction") != null)
                             MakeConnection mc = new MakeConnection();
                             con = mc.DBConnection();
                             QueryLen = sb.length();                         
                             ModifyLen = strTmpRefType4.length();
                             QueryLenNew = (QueryLen - ModifyLen);
                             sb.delete(QueryLenNew, QueryLen);
                             AccessQuery = sb.toString();
                             stmt = con.prepareStatement (AccessQuery);
                             rs = stmt.executeQuery();
    <table width="563" >
    <tr><td><DIV CLASS="windowtitle">Student Search</DIV></td></tr>
    <tr><td><DIV CLASS="udGroupBoxHdrDiv">Enter Search Criteria</DIV></td></tr>
    <tr><td CLASS="bgcol">
    <FORM name=frmQueryBuilder METHOD='POST'>
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden Name='txtAction' value='S'>
    <table >
         for(iCount1 = 1; iCount1 < 11; iCount1++)
                   System.out.println (strCriteria[iCount1-1]);
                   if(iCount1 == 9)
    %>                         <TR valign=top>
    %>                          <TR>
    <TD width="47"><LABEL CLASS="assoctext">Criteria </LABEL></td><td width="150">
              <SELECT NAME='<%="criteria" + iCount1%>' size="1">
    <OPTION VALUE='null'>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='AGE' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("AGE")?"selected":""%>>AGE</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='BRANCH' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("BRANCH")?"selected":""%>>BRANCH</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='CPI' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("CPI")?"selected":""%>>CPI</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='DEPARTMENT' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("DEPARTMENT")?"selected":""%>>DEPARTMENT</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='DREAMCOMP' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("DREAMCOMP")?"selected":""%>>DREAM COMPANY</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='PROGRAM' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("PROGRAM")?"selected":""%>>PROGRAM</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='SKILLSET' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("SKILLSET")?"selected":""%>>SKILL SET</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='WORKEX' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("WORKEX")?"selected":""%>>WORK EX</OPTION>
         <TD width="88">
              <SELECT NAME='<%="condition" + iCount1%>'>
                   <OPTION VALUE='<=' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("<=")?"selected":""%>><=</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='>=' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals(">=")?"selected":""%>>>=</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='=' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("=")?"selected":""%>>EXACT MATCH</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='ANYWHERE' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("ANYWHERE")?"selected":""%>>ANYWHERE</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='STARTSWITH' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("STARTSWITH")?"selected":""%>>STARTS WITH</OPTION>
    </TD><TD width="38"><LABEL CLASS="assoctext">Value </LABEL></TD>
    <TD width="186"><INPUT NAME=<%="value" + iCount1%> value='<%=strValue1[iCount1-1]%>' size="20" >
    <TD width="187"><SELECT NAME='<%="combo" + iCount1%>'>
                   <OPTION VALUE='AND' <%=strCombo[iCount1-1].equals("AND")?"selected":""%>>AND</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='OR' <%=strCombo[iCount1-1].equals("OR")?"selected":""%>>OR</OPTION>
    <tr><td align=center>
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Submit" onclick="return submitForm();" >
    <table width="698">
    <tr><td colspan = 6><DIV CLASS="udGroupBoxHdrDiv">Students Matching the Required Crieria</DIV></td></tr>
         <TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="50"></TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="155">Student Name</TD>     <TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="150">Student
    Id</TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="150">Program</TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="150">Branch</TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="62">CPI</TD>
    <%          int i = 0;
         if (request.getParameter ("txtAction") != null)
    <%                         System.out.println("Entered Output Loop"+ rs.getString("Name"));
                             System.out.println("Entered Output Loop.........."+ rs.getString("Email"));     
                             regTemp = rs.getString("STUDREGID");
                             System.out.println("student reg id........."+regTemp);
                             System.out.println("value of i........."+i);
                   <TR CLASS="bgcol">
                             <TD width="25"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME='<%="chk" + iCount2%>' id='<%="chk" + iCount2%>' VALUE=""></TD>
                             <TD width="155"><INPUT NAME=txtName size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("NAME")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="150"><INPUT NAME=txtStudId size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("STUDID")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="150"><INPUT NAME=txtProgram size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("PROGRAM")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="150"><INPUT NAME=txtBranch size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("BRANCH")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="62"><INPUT NAME=txtCpi size=4 value='<%=rs.getString("CPI")%>'></TD>
                             <INPUT type="hidden" NAME=hdnEmail value='<%=rs.getString("Email")%>'>
                             <INPUT type = "hidden" NAME = studRegId value = '<%=rs.getString("studRegId")%>'>
                             <INPUT type ="hidden" NAME =temp value ="">
         eMailAddresses = sbMail.toString();
                   if (con != null)
    //catch( Exception e)
              System.out.println ("ERROR " + e);
              if (con != null)
    <table width="698" align=center>
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" valign=top type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Select All" onclick="return selectAll(<%=iCount2%>)" >
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" valign=top type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Deselect All" onclick="return deselectAll(<%=iCount2%>)" >
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" valign=top type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Send Mail" onclick="sendMail(<%=iCount2%>)" >
    <%     System.out.println("value inside hidden var temp"+request.getParameter("temp"));     
         if((request.getParameter("temp") != null) && (request.getParameter("temp").equals("newOne")))
         //if(regTemp != null)
              MakeConnection mc1 = new MakeConnection();
              con1 = mc1.DBConnection();
              String temp = "1";
              System.out.println("inside the if loop for regTemp");
              String query1 = "insert into studcompreg (studregid,compid) values(?,?)";
              stmt1 = con1.prepareStatement(query1);
              rsinst = stmt1.executeQuery();

  • IPV6 support on IOS for ONS 15540 ESPX

    Can anybody tell me whether IPV6 have been supported on IOS release for ONS 15540 ESPx. I know this sound kinda funny as ONS happen to be a Layer 1 optical transport but my customer wants to know. Have tried to find out via feature navigator on CCO with no results. Appreciate the help. Thanks.

    SNMP parameters are configured on each ONS15540 node (as you would a Cisco router), not the interface itself. The node then has access to the management network via its own NME or through OSC and via another node, each of which can be configured as IP interfaces.
    Typically you would configure the NME port (with IP address etc) on each node and attach to your management network. The OSC provides several functions, including IP connectivity between nodes and can be used for node access (telnet/snmp) even if the NME port or your management VPN has gone down. This can be helpful for troubleshooting if the optical/DWDM layer is up, but some other device has failed.
    Depending on your topology and how you wish to use your management VPN, you could configure an IP routing protocol that would primarily use the NME port for SNMP etc, but could use the OSC as a backup interface to reach your management station via a different node's NME.
    You may also wish to configure a loopback interface on each node, which is always accessible despite the individual status of the other links.
    Hope that helps.

  • Generics for Higher Order Function Support

    Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough, but it seems that all arguments for generics relate to containers. Has anyone considered the impact of generics and at least rudimentary type inference on higher order function support.
    Consider the case in which you want to execute a particular operation under time constraints, or with specified cleanup operations to occur afterwards, for example:
    interface DBOperation
      void doOperation(Connection con);
    void DoDBOperation(DBOperation op)
      Connection c = acquireConnection()
    }One would then call:
    DoDBOperation(new DBOperation() ...);Now what happens if I want to make a DBOperation that returns an integer and throws a specific checked exception. I would need to define an alternative DBOperation2 class, and rewrite DoDBOperation for each possible permutation of checked exceptions, and for each return type.
    Or one would just have:
    interface DBOperation
      Object doOperation(Connection inCon) throws Exception
    }But now when I call it, I need to catch Exception, not just the ones I specifically throw, and I have to cast the return type.
    Clearly, a generics mechanism with type inference could infer the appropriate throws and return type for the DoDBOperation call, given the compile-time type of the parameter.

    Ahh, i think I'm starting to see. My guess is that to achieve that in the current generic Java proposal, it would need to look something like:
    public interface OperationInterface<T extends Object, X extends Exception>
       <T> doOperation() throws <X>
    public class LoggedOperation<T extends Object, X extends Exception> implements OperationInterface<T, X>
      OperationInterface<T, X> delegatee;
      public LoggedOperation<T extends Object, X extends Exception>(OperationInterface<T, X> d)
        delegatee = d;
      <T> doOperation() throws <X>
        try {
          return delegatee.doOperation();
        finally {
    Or somesuch.  The important thing to note is that the genericity is on the objects, not on their methods. So it can behave a little like you suggest, provided the class is created properly in the first place.
    Note: I haven't tried the demo version of the generic compiler, so I'm sure every line of that code is wrong.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Java function activity getting deferred

    I have created a simple Java Class File which set values to the item type attributes and return.
    Placed the class file in jdk/bin folder.
    Then i associated the class name to a function activity as “External Java” type. When i launched this process that function activity is moved to deferred state.
    When i checked the WF_OUTBOUND_TABLE all the java related activities which i executed are still in the Queue.
    And I tried by giving a wrong class name to a function, which is not at all in the server. That process activity also moved to deferred state without showing error.
    So Java Function activity agent not even picks that function/class to process.
    I tried the standard workflow provided by Oracle Workflow Standalone Server for demonstration. For that also same thing is happening (moving to deferred state).
    Your help is much appreciated

    Are you running the external processor for Java? IIRC, it's a .bat script which does the dequeue for you, calls your code, and then puts a message on the inbound queue - but it's been a LONG time since I looked at working with Java in standalone workflow.
    Matt - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website
    Have you read the blog at ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum:

  • Best combination of technologies for Java db-supported web application?

    Hi everyone!
    I was given the task to develop a Java database-supported web application and am now wondering what combination of technologies would best fit my requirements.
    Basically, I am supposed to transform an "Excel-based" application into a Java-based web application that can be run in a browser in our intranet (I know, that's what a web application is supposed to do).
    The Excel application consist of an Excel sheet that holds all the data and a VBA form, that shows and lets you edit all the details/fields of a row and lets you navigate through the rows. Furthermore there are certain macros to filter the data table.
    Now, to transform the application, all data from Excel will be moved to an Oracle relational database and I want to rebuild the functionality with Java.
    Consequently, the Java application is intended to...
    - output the table as is in the browser
    - easily let you filter the data of the table
    - let you create (and save) custom filters
    - show detail view of a row
    - navigate through the rows of the (filtered) table
    - save the data that is entered/edited/deleted in the detail view back to the table in the database
    So, what are the best (and easiest to use) tools and technologies to develop such an application?
    Currently my reasearch has led me to the following conclusions:
    *1.* Architecture: I need a three-tier client-server application, which lead us to using the J2EE platform, right?
    *2.* For the persistence layer I somehow have to map the database table to a Java object,
    - either doing it completely manually (coding) using JDBC
    - or using EJB3 / Java Persistence API / Hibernate to get at least the getters and setters auto-generated, right?
    Please, correct me whenever i got something wrong!
    Oracle JDeveloper supports the mapping process with a wizard when using EJB3 and JPA
    Is there something comparable available for Eclipse?
    *3.* I'd like to use Java Server Faces for the UI. Besides the reference implementation there are several other implementations with additional components for e.g. displaying tables. There are:
    - Apache MyFaces Trinidad (former ADF Faces, although ADF Faces looks different/has different style sheet than Trinidad?)
    - NetBeans Visual Web tools (which look quite nice in the tutorial, but require the NetBeans IDE, I guess?! Tutorial:
    *4.* What IDE would you recommend? Should have a WYSIWYG editor for the JSF files and should support me as much as possible as a Java Learner!
    - JDeveloper
    - Eclipse (+Plugins?)
    - NetBeans
    - MyEclipse (only if there is a free version out there, I have read about an Eclipse plug-in, but don't know if that was free...)
    *5.* Do you know some good and easy-to-understand tutorials covering this problem?
    *6.* What other aspects should I think of? Are there certain technologies for the business logic or just normal JavaBeans? What about SessionBeans and ManagedBeans?
    Any help, answers, ideas, explanations, comments, recommendations, will be highly appreciated!

    Thanks paulcw, for your quick reply and helpful comments!
    The whole thing is getting bigger than I thought...
    Actually this is a 1-man-project, that I am supposed to realise for small department during my internship in a big company.
    Maybe a more detailed description of the structure may help you to understand what I actually need.
    The table of concern, is an overview of certain projects inside the company and read-only, as it is a view on another database uniting data relevant for the department.
    Then there is a second table for additional data (specific for the department) for each project. This data has to be entered, modified, deleted with the new application, while the data from the first table is only displayed.
    1) In this case, is AJAX / JavaScript still necessarily needed?
    2) EJB and Hibernate sound like overkill to me as well, but what would be the alternatives? JDBC, SQL queries and rowSets? And are the first mentioned really so hard to use?
    3) Do you have any recommendations on how to solve the multiple access problem (I'm sure, I'm not the only one with this kind of problem...)?
    Thanks to everyone in advance!

  • JavaFX : How to call java function that returns hashtable and manipulate

    I have a requirement to {color:#0000ff}create a java object in JavaFX script code{color}. Then call a java function using the created java object. The java function returns hashtable. Then traverse through each element of hashtable. Finally I need to create a similar structure in JavaFX.

    If you need to use a Java class that uses generics you need to take special steps. Since JavaFX does not support generics you need to create a java wrapper to hide the calls that use generics and call the wrapper class from FX.

  • Edit? No Editing Tools In iOS Reader Saved Documents? Just Delete?

    There were no results for How Do I Edit Documents That I Have Saved In My iPhone Adobe Reader For iOS? When I Open/Save Pdf's from sites into iOS Reader the name of pdf's is wrong mostly numbers &amp; letters but some are correct? When in readers saved doc's i tap edit to change name, make folder &amp; so on no options show up all i can do is delete them? Which i dont want? Any help please? This is whats said in the readers getting started or information about reader---File Organization Organize and manage all of your documents in Reader's new file organizer UI. You can create folders as well as copy, move, rename, and delete files? How Can I Do This, Where Can I Do This or Can I Even Do This? Thanks For Your Time &amp; To Whoever Helps Me Or Can Give Any Info

    1- Thank you
    2- It only seems rational that if I make a form with LiveCycle that I should be able to view it with Adobe Reader or Adobe Pro.
    Making a form with LiveCycle to be distrubuted to personnel internally that have Adobe Reader and Adobe Pro and cannot open it without it having a digital signature field in it that has just recently been signed just doesn't make sense.  Nor does it seem to make sense to have to purchase 200 additional licenses just for LiveCycle so that people can open a PDF that was made with LiveCycle.  If I make it in LiveCycle and only people with LiveCycle can open it, what is the purpose of making it to begin with?
    3- This also totally sucks.  In a standard Adobe Doc I can at least attach documents to it?
    So, what, exactly then, is the purpose of LiveCycle if the only benefit it seems to provide is ease of creation, but the end product has way less functionality?
    And how do I go about contacting an Adobe rep on the phone in regards to this without getting "there is no support for this product, go to"
    We have millions of dollars of Adobe software and can't get support other than hunting and pecking in these forums?  Really?

  • How to use standard java functions in a XSLT mapping

    Hi All,
    I wish to use a standard java function in a XSLT mapping, The issue is either i am giving incorrect namespace which is used to invoke the function or the signature of the function call is incorrect, I have read all the links in, and i know <b> one can enhance a XSLT mapping by writing one's own java code and thereby using java standard functions </b>, but the requirement is such that i need to try and use java standard function in XSLT mapping itself.
    Please refer to the sample code below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"  
    <xsl:output method="text"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:variable name="input" select="Title">
    <xsl:if test="function-available('javamap:toUpperCase')">
    <xsl:value-of select="javamap:toUpperCase($input)"/>
    Author:<xsl:value-of select="Author"/>
    error encountered is: Illegal number or type of arguments.
    please reply if you have tried a similar scenario in SAP XI.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Varun,
        First of all i want to tell you that as per the documentation you can only call the static function inside xslt mapping. Your toUpperCase method is a non static function.
    What i am getting is that you have an element called Author and you want to convert its value into uppercase.
    you can write your own user defined function which is static.
    Signature of your java method :
    public static string toUpperCase(String Author,Map inputparam)
    try this xslt map.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
         <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
         <xsl:param name="Author">
                 <xsl:value-of select="//Author_name"/>
         <xsl:param name="inputparam" />
         <xsl:template match="/">
                 <xsl:if test="function-available('javamap:toUpperCase')">
                  <xsl:value-of select="javamap:toUpperCase($Author,$inputparam)"/>
    Hope this will work.
    Thanks and Regards
    Vishal Kumar

  • How can I use Seeburger java functions on SAP XI's user defined functions?

    Hi All,
    As my title implies; how can I use Seeburger java functions on SAP XI's user defined functions?  I've tried searching over the net in tutorials regarding this topic but I failed to find one; can someone provide me information regarding my question? thanks very much.
    best regards,

    Hi Mike !
    You should check your documentation about which java classes you need to reference in the "import" section of your UDF. And also deploy the java classes into the java stack or include them as a imported archive in integration should be stated in the seeburger documentation.
    What kind of functions are you trying to use?

  • Error while tesing a Datasource created from Java function

    Hi ,
    I am trying to create a datasource from java function.After build/deploy i am getting the following error . The java class i am using from the EvalGuide Sample. Anybody had similar issues ?
    weblogic.xml.query.exceptions.XQueryStaticException: {lib:TestLayer/xfl/library1}protectSSN:1, line 4, column 1: {err}XQ0017: "{lib:TestLayer/xfl/library1}protectSSN": unknown function (or number of arguments (1) is wrong)
         at com.bea.ld.server.XQuery.createInvocation(
    i am using WLS8.1 sp 6 ,ALDSP 2.5

    I am testing from Test View.
    I tried build-->deploy-->redeploy several times.
    Pls find the complete trace below
    eblogic.xml.query.exceptions.XQueryStaticException: {lib:TestLayer/xfl/library}protectSSN:1, line 4, column 1: {err}XQ0017: "{lib:TestLayer/xfl/library}protectSSN": unknown function (or number of arguments (1) is wrong)
         at com.bea.ld.server.XQuery.createInvocation(
         at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeQuery(
         at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeFunction(
         at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.executeFunction(
         at com.bea.ld.ServerBean.executeFunction(
         at com.bea.ld.Server_ydm4ie_EOImpl.executeFunction(
         at com.bea.ld.Server_ydm4ie_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ReplicaAwareServerRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

  • Problem while calling java function from html

    when i tried to call a java function from html i'm getting an error
    object don't support this property.
    what could be the reason.
    This is my html.
    I got this from this forum only.
    My applet is accessing the system property "user.home".
    I ran it in IE
    <DIV id="dvObjectHolder">Applet comes here</DIV>
    if(window.navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf("netscape")!=-1){ // set object for Netscape:
         document.getElementById('dvObjectHolder').innerHTML = " <object ID='appletTest1' classid=\"java:test.class\"" +
    "height=\"0\" width=\"0\" onError=\"changeObject();\"" +
              ">" +
    "<param name=\"mayscript\" value=\"Y\">" +
    "<param name=\"archive\" value=\"sTest.jar\">" +
    }else if(window.navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('internet explorer')!=-1){ //set object for IE
         document.getElementById('dvObjectHolder').innerHTML = "<object ID='appletTest1' classid=\"clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93\"" +
              " height=\"0\" width=\"0\" >" +
              " <param name=\"code\" value=\"test.class\" />" +
         "<param name=\"archive\" value=\"sTest.jar\">" +
              " </object>"
    <LABEL id="lblOutputText">This text will be replaced by the applet</LABEL>
    <input value="Javascript to java" type=button onClick="document.appletTest1.fromJavaScript()">

    I tried this example using the repy given to an earlier post.
    But its not working with me.
    What i did in addition was adding plugin.jar to classpath to import netscape.javascript.*;
    Let me add some more details
    1) I'll add the stack trace
    2) my java progrma
    3) batch file to sign the applet.
    1) This is the stack trace i don't know whether u will undertand this
    load: class test.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: test.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: C:\FastranJava\AppletObject\bin\test\class.class (The system cannot find the path specified)
         at Method)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter.showLoadingError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.showAppletException(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    2) Java Program
    import netscape.javascript.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class test extends Applet
         private JSObject win;
         private JSObject outputLabel;
         private boolean buttonFromJavaClicked=false;
         checkJavaScriptEvent evt=new checkJavaScriptEvent();
         public void init()
                   outputLabel.setMember("innerHTML", "<center><h1>From Init<br>Your Home directory" + System.getProperty("user.home") + "</h1></center>");
              catch(Exception e)
         public void fromJavaScript()
         public void fromJavaScript2()
              System.out.println("Started Form JavaScript2");
                   String strLbl="<center><h1>From JavaScript<br>Your Homedir:" + System.getProperty("user.home") + "</h1></center>";
                   outputLabel.setMember("innerHTML", strLbl);
              catch(Exception e)
         class checkJavaScriptEvent extends Thread
              public void run()
                             System.out.println("OK buttonfromjava is true");
                        catch(Exception e)
    3) Batch file
    del *.cer
    del *.com
    del *.jar
    del *.class
    javac -classpath ".;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\lib\plugin.jar"
    keytool -genkey -keystore -keyalg rsa -dname "CN=Harm Meijer, OU=Technology, O=org, L=Amsterdam, ST=, C=NL" -alias harm -validity 3600 -keypass password -storepass password
    jar cf0 test.jar *.class
    jarsigner -keystore -storepass password -keypass password -signedjar sTest.jar test.jar harm
    del *.class

  • How do I keep emails from being deleted on my iPhone 6? Emails get deleted from phone when I startup desktop computer and they are downloaded from sever. Is POP3 no longer supported on IOS 8.1?

    How do I keep emails from being deleted on my iPhone 6? Emails get deleted from phone when I startup desktop computer and they are downloaded from sever. Is POP3 no longer supported on IOS 8.1?

    Have you seen this?
    Using a POP account with more than one device - Apple Support
    A better solution is if your email provider uses IMAP. IMAP sync email folders between multiple devices. Meaning any device will receive the email, all sent email can be seen on the devices. If you delete email from one device the email is deleted from all the other devices. Check with your email provider to see if they offer IMAP services.
    If they do not your choices are to 1) configure email on the PC to keep Mail on the mail server or 2) change email providers to something like Gmail or (as examples). FWIW I use Cox IMAP email and fully sync email between a Win 8.1 Update 1 laptop, a Win 7 desktop, an iPad 4, an iPhone 4 and an iPhone 5S.

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