Is there a dynamic delay for feedback z nodes?

It seems the delay on the feedback node can only be hard coded. Is there a dynamic way to set the delay?

No there is not. The feedback node allocates room for all the data at compile time, so it must know then how large the delay is.
For a dynamic buffer size, you might search the forums or web for a LabVIEW circular buffer example, of which there should be many.
Jarrod S.
National Instruments

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    eval() is a usefull method or function in javascript.. Because we may define our variables via dynamic way..! There are following code is for understanding that how can define dynamic defining variables in javascript.. And Are there a dynamic way for evaluting variables in as3 like following javascript code?
    <script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript">
    var trainOfUfo = "...hi earthling...";
    var handleBlade = eval("train"+"Of" + "Ufo");
    alert(handleBlade);  //-- it appears in dialog box text field area "...hi earthling..."---
    Gürkan Şahin
    Code Developer

    In AS3 you can use the bracket notation...
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    var handleBlade = this["train"+"Of" + "Ufo"];
    AS2 supports the eval() function, but it was done away with in AS3

  • 10g: delay for collecting results from parallel pipelined table functions

    When parallel pipelined table functions are properly started and generate output record, there is a delay for the consuming main thread to gather these records.
    This delay is huge compared with the run-time of the worker threads.
    For my application it goes like this:
    main thread timing efforts to start worker and collect their results:
    [10:50:33-*10:50:49*]:JOMA: create (master): 015.93 sec (#66356 records, #4165/sec)
    worker threads:
    [10:50:34-*10:50:39*]:JOMA: create (slave) : 005.24 sec (#2449 EDRs, #467/sec, #0 errored / #6430 EBTMs, #1227/sec, #0 errored) - bulk #1 / sid #816
    [10:50:34-*10:50:39*]:JOMA: create (slave) : 005.56 sec (#2543 EDRs, #457/sec, #0 errored / #6792 EBTMs, #1221/sec, #0 errored) - bulk #1 / sid #718
    [10:50:34-*10:50:39*]:JOMA: create (slave) : 005.69 sec (#2610 EDRs, #459/sec, #0 errored / #6950 EBTMs, #1221/sec, #0 errored) - bulk #1 / sid #614
    [10:50:34-*10:50:39*]:JOMA: create (slave) : 005.55 sec (#2548 EDRs, #459/sec, #0 errored / #6744 EBTMs, #1216/sec, #0 errored) - bulk #1 / sid #590
    [10:50:34-*10:50:39*]:JOMA: create (slave) : 005.33 sec (#2461 EDRs, #462/sec, #0 errored / #6504 EBTMs, #1220/sec, #0 errored) - bulk #1 / sid #508
    You can see, the worker threads are all started at the same time and terminating at the same time: 10:50:34-10:50:*39*.
    But the main thread just invoking them and saving their results into a collection has finished at 10:50:*49*.
    Why does it need #10 sec more just to save the data?
    Here's a sample sqlplus script to demonstrate this:
    --------------------------- snip -------------------------------------------------------
    set serveroutput on;
    drop table perf_data;
    drop table test_table;
    drop table tmp_test_table;
    drop type ton_t;
    drop type test_list;
    drop type test_obj;
    create table perf_data
         sid number,
         t1 timestamp with time zone,
         t2 timestamp with time zone,
         client varchar2(256)
    create table test_table
         a number(19,0),
         b timestamp with time zone,
         c varchar2(256)
    create global temporary table tmp_test_table
         a number(19,0),
         b timestamp with time zone,
         c varchar2(256)
    create or replace type test_obj as object(
         a number(19,0),
         b timestamp with time zone,
         c varchar2(256)
    create or replace type test_list as table of test_obj;
    create or replace type ton_t as table of number;
    create or replace package test_pkg
         type test_rec is record (
              a number(19,0),
              b timestamp with time zone,
              c varchar2(256)
         type test_tab is table of test_rec;
         type test_cur is ref cursor return test_rec;
         function TZDeltaToMilliseconds(
              t1 in timestamp with time zone,
              t2 in timestamp with time zone)
         return pls_integer;
         function TF(mycur test_cur)
    return test_list pipelined
    parallel_enable(partition mycur by hash(a));
    create or replace package body test_pkg
         * Calculate timestamp with timezone difference
         * in milliseconds
         function TZDeltaToMilliseconds(
              t1 in timestamp with time zone,
              t2 in timestamp with time zone)
         return pls_integer
              return     (extract(hour from t2) - extract(hour from t1)) * 3600 * 1000
              +     (extract(minute from t2) - extract(minute from t1)) * 60 * 1000
              +     (extract(second from t2) - extract(second from t1)) * 1000;
         end TZDeltaToMilliseconds;
         function TF(mycur test_cur)
    return test_list pipelined
    parallel_enable(partition mycur by hash(a))
              pragma autonomous_transaction;
              sid number;
              counter number(19,0) := 0;
              myrec test_rec;
              mytab test_tab;
              mytab2 test_list := test_list();
              t1 timestamp with time zone;
              t2 timestamp with time zone;
              t1 := systimestamp;
              select userenv('SID') into sid from dual;
              dbms_output.put_line('test_pkg.TF( sid => '''|| sid || ''' ): enter');
                   fetch mycur into myRec;
                   exit when mycur%NOTFOUND;
                   mytab2(mytab2.last) := test_obj(myRec.a, myRec.b, myRec.c);
              end loop;
              for i in mytab2.first..mytab2.last loop
                   -- attention: saves own SID in test_obj.a for indication to caller
                   --     how many sids have been involved
                   pipe row(test_obj(sid, mytab2(i).b, mytab2(i).c));
                   pipe row(test_obj(sid, mytab2(i).b, mytab2(i).c)); -- duplicate
                   pipe row(test_obj(sid, mytab2(i).b, mytab2(i).c)); -- duplicate once again
                   counter := counter + 1;
              end loop;
              t2 := systimestamp;
              insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'slave');
              dbms_output.put_line('test_pkg.TF( sid => '''|| sid || ''' ): exit, piped #' || counter || ' records');
         myList test_list := test_list();
         myList2 test_list := test_list();
         sids ton_t := ton_t();
         sid number;
         t1 timestamp with time zone;
         t2 timestamp with time zone;
    procedure LogPerfTable
    type ton is table of number;
    type tot is table of timestamp with time zone;
              type clients_t is table of varchar2(256);
    sids ton;
    t1s tot;
    t2s tot;
              clients clients_t;
    deltaTime integer;
    btsPerSecond number(19,0);
    edrsPerSecond number(19,0);
    select sid, t1, t2, client bulk collect into sids, t1s, t2s, clients from perf_data order by client;
    if clients.count > 0 then
    for i in clients.FIRST .. clients.LAST loop
    deltaTime := test_pkg.TZDeltaToMilliseconds(t1s(i), t2s(i));
    if deltaTime = 0 then deltaTime := 1; end if;
    '[' || to_char(t1s(i), 'hh:mi:ss') ||
    '-' || to_char(t2s(i), 'hh:mi:ss') ||
    ']:' ||
    ' client ' || clients(i) || ' / sid #' || sids(i)
    end loop;
    end if;
    end LogPerfTable;
         select userenv('SID') into sid from dual;
         for i in 1..200000 loop
              myList.extend; myList(myList.last) := test_obj(i, sysdate, to_char(i+2));
         end loop;
         -- save into the real table
         insert into test_table select * from table(cast (myList as test_list));
         -- save into the tmp table
         insert into tmp_test_table select * from table(cast (myList as test_list));
         dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(1) copy ''mylist'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function...');
         delete from perf_data;
         t1 := systimestamp;
         select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
         from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from table(cast (myList as test_list)) tab)));
         t2 := systimestamp;
         insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
         dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
         select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
         dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(2) copy temporary ''tmp_test_table'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function:');
         delete from perf_data;
         t1 := systimestamp;
         select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
         from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from tmp_test_table tab)));
         t2 := systimestamp;
         insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
         dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
         select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
         dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(3) copy physical ''test_table'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function:');
         delete from perf_data;
         t1 := systimestamp;
         select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
         from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from test_table tab)));
         t2 := systimestamp;
         insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
         dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
         select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
    --------------------------- snap -------------------------------------------------------
    best regards,

    I think the delay you are seeing is down to choosing the partitioning method as HASH. When you specify anything other than ANY, an additional buffer sort is included in the execution plan...
    create or replace package test_pkg
    type test_rec is record (
    a number(19,0),
    b timestamp with time zone,
    c varchar2(256)
    type test_tab is table of test_rec;
    type test_cur is ref cursor return test_rec;
    function TZDeltaToMilliseconds(
    t1 in timestamp with time zone,
    t2 in timestamp with time zone)
    return pls_integer;
    function TF(mycur test_cur)
    return test_list pipelined
    parallel_enable(partition mycur by hash(a));
    function TF_Any(mycur test_cur)
    return test_list pipelined
    parallel_enable(partition mycur by ANY);
    create or replace package body test_pkg
    * Calculate timestamp with timezone difference
    * in milliseconds
    function TZDeltaToMilliseconds(
    t1 in timestamp with time zone,
    t2 in timestamp with time zone)
    return pls_integer
    return (extract(hour from t2) - extract(hour from t1)) * 3600 * 1000
    + (extract(minute from t2) - extract(minute from t1)) * 60 * 1000
    + (extract(second from t2) - extract(second from t1)) * 1000;
    end TZDeltaToMilliseconds;
      function TF(mycur test_cur)
      return test_list pipelined
      parallel_enable(partition mycur by hash(a))
      pragma autonomous_transaction;
        sid number;
        counter number(19,0) := 0;
        myrec test_rec;
        t1 timestamp with time zone;
        t2 timestamp with time zone;
        t1 := systimestamp;
        select userenv('SID') into sid from dual;
        dbms_output.put_line('test_pkg.TF( sid => '''|| sid || ''' ): enter');
        fetch mycur into myRec;
        exit when mycur%NOTFOUND;
        -- attention: saves own SID in test_obj.a for indication to caller
        -- how many sids have been involved
        pipe row(test_obj(sid, myRec.b, myRec.c));
        pipe row(test_obj(sid, myRec.b, myRec.c)); -- duplicate
        pipe row(test_obj(sid, myRec.b, myRec.c)); -- duplicate once again
        counter := counter + 1;
      end loop;
      t2 := systimestamp;
      insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'slave');
      dbms_output.put_line('test_pkg.TF( sid => '''|| sid || ''' ): exit, piped #' || counter || ' records');
      function TF_any(mycur test_cur)
      return test_list pipelined
      parallel_enable(partition mycur by ANY)
      pragma autonomous_transaction;
        sid number;
        counter number(19,0) := 0;
        myrec test_rec;
        t1 timestamp with time zone;
        t2 timestamp with time zone;
        t1 := systimestamp;
        select userenv('SID') into sid from dual;
        dbms_output.put_line('test_pkg.TF( sid => '''|| sid || ''' ): enter');
          fetch mycur into myRec;
          exit when mycur%NOTFOUND;
          -- attention: saves own SID in test_obj.a for indication to caller
          -- how many sids have been involved
          pipe row(test_obj(sid, myRec.b, myRec.c));
          pipe row(test_obj(sid, myRec.b, myRec.c)); -- duplicate
          pipe row(test_obj(sid, myRec.b, myRec.c)); -- duplicate once again
          counter := counter + 1;
        end loop;
        t2 := systimestamp;
        insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'slave');
        dbms_output.put_line('test_pkg.TF( sid => '''|| sid || ''' ): exit, piped #' || counter || ' records');
    explain plan for
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c)
    from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from test_table tab)));
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 1037943675
    | Id  | Operation                             | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |    TQ  |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                      |            |  8168 |  3972K|    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |        |      |            |
    |   1 |  PX COORDINATOR                       |            |       |       |            |          |        |      |            |
    |   2 |   PX SEND QC (RANDOM)                 | :TQ10001   |  8168 |  3972K|    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |  Q1,01 | P->S | QC (RAND)  |
    |   3 |    BUFFER SORT                        |            |  8168 |  3972K|            |          |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |   4 |     VIEW                              |            |  8168 |  3972K|    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |   5 |      COLLECTION ITERATOR PICKLER FETCH| TF         |       |       |            |          |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |   6 |       PX RECEIVE                      |            |   931K|   140M|   136   (2)| 00:00:02 |  Q1,01 | PCWP |            |
    |   7 |        PX SEND HASH                   | :TQ10000   |   931K|   140M|   136   (2)| 00:00:02 |  Q1,00 | P->P | HASH       |
    |   8 |         PX BLOCK ITERATOR             |            |   931K|   140M|   136   (2)| 00:00:02 |  Q1,00 | PCWC |            |
    |   9 |          TABLE ACCESS FULL            | TEST_TABLE |   931K|   140M|   136   (2)| 00:00:02 |  Q1,00 | PCWP |            |
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement
    explain plan for
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c)
    from table(test_pkg.TF_Any(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from test_table tab)));
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 4097140875
    | Id  | Operation                            | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |    TQ  |IN-OUT| PQ Distrib |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                     |            |  8168 |  3972K|    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |        |      |            |
    |   1 |  PX COORDINATOR                      |            |       |       |            |          |        |      |            |
    |   2 |   PX SEND QC (RANDOM)                | :TQ10000   |  8168 |  3972K|    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |  Q1,00 | P->S | QC (RAND)  |
    |   3 |    VIEW                              |            |  8168 |  3972K|    20   (0)| 00:00:01 |  Q1,00 | PCWP |            |
    |   4 |     COLLECTION ITERATOR PICKLER FETCH| TF_ANY     |       |       |            |          |  Q1,00 | PCWP |            |
    |   5 |      PX BLOCK ITERATOR               |            |   931K|   140M|   136   (2)| 00:00:02 |  Q1,00 | PCWC |            |
    |   6 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL              | TEST_TABLE |   931K|   140M|   136   (2)| 00:00:02 |  Q1,00 | PCWP |            |
       - dynamic sampling used for this statementI posted about it here a few years ago and I more recently posted a question on Asktom. Unfortunately Tom was not able to find a technical reason for it to be there so I'm still a little in the dark as to why it is needed. The original question I posted is here:
    Pipelined function partition by hash has extra sort#
    I ran your tests with HASH vs ANY and the results are in line with the observations above....
    myList test_list := test_list();
    myList2 test_list := test_list();
    sids ton_t := ton_t();
    sid number;
    t1 timestamp with time zone;
    t2 timestamp with time zone;
    procedure LogPerfTable
    type ton is table of number;
    type tot is table of timestamp with time zone;
    type clients_t is table of varchar2(256);
    sids ton;
    t1s tot;
    t2s tot;
    clients clients_t;
    deltaTime integer;
    btsPerSecond number(19,0);
    edrsPerSecond number(19,0);
    select sid, t1, t2, client bulk collect into sids, t1s, t2s, clients from perf_data order by client;
    if clients.count > 0 then
    for i in clients.FIRST .. clients.LAST loop
    deltaTime := test_pkg.TZDeltaToMilliseconds(t1s(i), t2s(i));
    if deltaTime = 0 then deltaTime := 1; end if;
    '[' || to_char(t1s(i), 'hh:mi:ss') ||
    '-' || to_char(t2s(i), 'hh:mi:ss') ||
    ']:' ||
    ' client ' || clients(i) || ' / sid #' || sids(i)
    end loop;
    end if;
    end LogPerfTable;
    select userenv('SID') into sid from dual;
    for i in 1..200000 loop
    myList.extend; myList(myList.last) := test_obj(i, sysdate, to_char(i+2));
    end loop;
    -- save into the real table
    insert into test_table select * from table(cast (myList as test_list));
    -- save into the tmp table
    insert into tmp_test_table select * from table(cast (myList as test_list));
    dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(1) copy ''mylist'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function...');
    delete from perf_data;
    t1 := systimestamp;
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
    from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from table(cast (myList as test_list)) tab)));
    t2 := systimestamp;
    insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
    dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
    select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
    dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(2) copy temporary ''tmp_test_table'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function:');
    delete from perf_data;
    t1 := systimestamp;
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
    from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from tmp_test_table tab)));
    t2 := systimestamp;
    insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
    dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
    select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
    dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(3) copy physical ''test_table'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function:');
    delete from perf_data;
    t1 := systimestamp;
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
    from table(test_pkg.TF(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from test_table tab)));
    t2 := systimestamp;
    insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
    dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
    select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
    dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(4) copy temporary ''tmp_test_table'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function ANY:');
    delete from perf_data;
    t1 := systimestamp;
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
    from table(test_pkg.TF_any(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from tmp_test_table tab)));
    t2 := systimestamp;
    insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
    dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
    select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
    dbms_output.put_line(chr(10) || '(5) copy physical ''test_table'' to ''mylist2'' by streaming via table function using ANY:');
    delete from perf_data;
    t1 := systimestamp;
    select /*+ first_rows */ test_obj(a, b, c) bulk collect into myList2
    from table(test_pkg.TF_any(CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(tab,5) */ * from test_table tab)));
    t2 := systimestamp;
    insert into perf_data (sid, t1, t2, client) values(sid, t1, t2, 'master');
    dbms_output.put_line('... saved #' || myList2.count || ' records');
    select distinct(tab.a) bulk collect into sids from table(cast (myList2 as test_list)) tab;
    (1) copy 'mylist' to 'mylist2' by streaming via table function...
    test_pkg.TF( sid => '918' ): enter
    test_pkg.TF( sid => '918' ): exit, piped #200000 records
    [01:40:19-01:40:29]: client master / sid #918
    [01:40:19-01:40:29]: client slave / sid #918
    ... saved #600000 records
    (2) copy temporary 'tmp_test_table' to 'mylist2' by streaming via table function:
    [01:40:31-01:40:36]: client master / sid #918
    [01:40:31-01:40:32]: client slave / sid #659
    [01:40:31-01:40:32]: client slave / sid #880
    [01:40:31-01:40:32]: client slave / sid #1045
    [01:40:31-01:40:32]: client slave / sid #963
    [01:40:31-01:40:32]: client slave / sid #712
    ... saved #600000 records
    (3) copy physical 'test_table' to 'mylist2' by streaming via table function:
    [01:40:37-01:41:05]: client master / sid #918
    [01:40:37-01:40:42]: client slave / sid #738
    [01:40:37-01:40:42]: client slave / sid #568
    [01:40:37-01:40:42]: client slave / sid #618
    [01:40:37-01:40:42]: client slave / sid #659
    [01:40:37-01:40:42]: client slave / sid #963
    ... saved #3000000 records
    (4) copy temporary 'tmp_test_table' to 'mylist2' by streaming via table function ANY:
    [01:41:12-01:41:16]: client master / sid #918
    [01:41:12-01:41:16]: client slave / sid #712
    [01:41:12-01:41:16]: client slave / sid #1045
    [01:41:12-01:41:16]: client slave / sid #681
    [01:41:12-01:41:16]: client slave / sid #754
    [01:41:12-01:41:16]: client slave / sid #880
    ... saved #600000 records
    (5) copy physical 'test_table' to 'mylist2' by streaming via table function using ANY:
    [01:41:18-01:41:38]: client master / sid #918
    [01:41:18-01:41:38]: client slave / sid #681
    [01:41:18-01:41:38]: client slave / sid #712
    [01:41:18-01:41:38]: client slave / sid #754
    [01:41:18-01:41:37]: client slave / sid #880
    [01:41:18-01:41:38]: client slave / sid #1045
    ... saved #3000000 recordsHTH

  • If there's not gonna be dynamic wallpaper for iPhone 4's with iOS 7, can there at least be a panoramic feature??!!

    If there's not gonna be dynamic wallpaper for iPhone 4's with iOS 7, can there at least be a panoramic feature??!!

    No. From the iOS 7 features page:
    Panorama format is available on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and iPod touch (5th generation). Square and video formats and swipe to capture are available on iPhone 4 or later, iPad (3rd generation or later), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation).
    Sorry, but if you want those features, you'll need a newer iPhone.

  • I just set up my Site 5 email account on my iPhone, but there is a delay of over 2 hours for the iPhone to receive the emails.  Can anyone provide a solution to this problem?

    I just set up my Site 5 email account on my iPhone, but there is a delay of over 2 hours for the iPhone to receive the emails.  Can anyone provide a solution to this problem?

    Hey Garlicdaisy,
    Thank you for the follow up.
    With iCloud, you can have iTunes automatically download new music purchases to all your devices the moment you tap Buy. You can also access past music, movie, and TV show purchases from any of your devices — wirelessly and without syncing.
    For more information, see the following:
    Apple - iCloud - All your music on all your devices.
    To download past purchases on your devices, follow these steps:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    If you want the benefits of iTunes in the Cloud for music you haven’t purchased from iTunes, iTunes Match is the perfect solution:
    Apple - iTunes - Match
    Matt M.

  • There is a delay in skipping tracks in the music app. Is this normal for the 5s? It didn't happen with 4s! It's so annoying!

    There is a delay in skipping tracks in the music app. Is this normal for the 5s? It didn't happen with 4s! It's so annoying!

    Hi ...
    i also wanted to have a copy of the installation disc in case of a crash
    If you have problems with your Mac you use Lion Recovery
    However, you can create your own installation disc >  How to create an OS X Lion installation disc | MacFixIt - CNET Reviews
    Since Lion came pre installed on your Mac, the App Store doesn't not recognize that as a purchase so you if you want to re download Lion to create a boot disk you will have to pay for it. You can then re download Lion on all your authorized Macs for free.

  • Dynamic dependency for filters

    I need to implement dynamic dependency for the filters inside webi report.
    I can use "cascading prompts". But this will will be like (filter 2 dependent on filter 1, filter 3 dependent on filter 2).
    But in my case I need all the filters to be interdependent to each other. This means at any time if I select any filter, other filters should show only those values available for selection (NOT ALL VALUES).
    Could you please suggest me the best approach to achieve this requirement?
    Saranga T A

    Thanks for the response guys. (Sorry for my delayed reply)
    I inquired some of my friends who are using different Reporting tools (BrioIntelligence, MicroStrategy).
    Those tools support dynamic dependency for block level filters.
    To be more clear, my question is:
    Consider there is a table:
    Branch     Segment     Employee
    A                    01               100
    B                    02               101
    B                    03               102
    C                    04               103
    D                    04               104
    D                    05               105
    Here, if we have filters or Branch, Sement and Employee,
    User should be able to see only those value in the filter which satisfies other filter values in a row.
    For example: If Branch "B" is chosen, only Segement "02","03" should be available for selection.
    In thesame way, If Segment "04" is chosen, only Branch "C","D" should be available for selection.
    (Beacuse any other combination would retrieve no rows).
    In ourcase we have 4-5 filters which are not in the hierarchy. Even if they do, the depedency is linear and will not be interdepedent.
    i believe it is the inbuit feature of many of the other Reporting Tools, but is there a turn around to achieve this in BO 3.1?
    Kind Regards,
    Saranga T A

  • How to know the dynamic values for this :AND category_id_query IN (1, :3, )

    Hi Team,
    R12 Instance :
    Oracle Installed Base Agent User Responsibility --> Item Instances -->
    Item Instance: Item Instances > View : Item Instance : xxxxx> Contracts : Item Instance : xxxxx> Service Contract: xxxxx>
    In the above page there are two table regions.
    -------------------------------------Table Region---------------------------
    -------------------------------------Table Region---------------------------
    --the attachments are shown using the query from the fnd_lobs and fnd_docs etc...
    I want to know what are the document types are displayed in this page ?
    --We developed a custom program to attach the attachments to the  services contracts and the above seeded OAF page displays those needed.
    But after recent changes..the Attachments--> table region is not showing the attachments.
    I have verified the query..and could not find any clue in that..
    but i need some help if you guys can provide..
    SELECT *
    *(SELECT message_text*
    FROM fnd_new_messages
    WHERE message_name = 'FND_UNDEFINED'
    AND application_id = 0
    AND language_code  = userenv('LANG')
    *), d.FILE_NAME)FileName,*
    ad.category_id attachment_catgeory_id,
    DECODE(ad.category_id, NULL, d.category_id, ad.category_id) category_id_query,
    *) QRSLT*
    WHERE ((entity_name    ='OKC_K_HEADERS_V'-- :1
    AND pk1_value          IN ( 600144,599046) --:2
    AND category_id_query IN (1, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7) )
    AND datatype_id       IN (6,2,1,5)
    OR PUBLISH_FLAG        ='Y')))
    --='000180931' -- 'ADP118'
    The above seeded query is the one which is used for table region to retrieve the data..
    how to know the dynamic values for this : AND category_id_query IN (1, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7) )

    Hi Patricia,
    is it working for restricted key figure and calculated key figure ??
    Note Number Fisc Period Opening Days
    1 1 2
    2 1 3
    3 1 0
    because I have other restriction, so I create two restricted key figure..
    RK1  with restriction :  Total Number of Note,
    RK2  with restriction :  Total Opening Days ,
    then I Created a calculated key figure, average opening days in a period
    CK1 = RK2 / RK1..
    in this case, I am not sure if it will work or not..
    for example, during RK2 calclation, it might be this   2+3 = 5, the line with 0 will be ignored..
    during RK1 calcualtion, it might be 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. ---> Not sure in this case, the line with opening days 0 will be calculated or not..
    could you please confirm..

  • ASA 5505 -Can I use outside dynamic IP for webserver DMZ?

    ASA 5505
    ASA Version 9.1(2)
    ASDM Version 7.1(3)
    I have basic license, using only three vlans (outside, inside, DMZ).
    I want to find a way (if possible) to use the single DYNAMIC IP (dhcp'd from ISP) on the "outside" interface, as a means to setup a web-server on the DMZ? I just want to allow my WHS-2011 (server) to talk to microsoft's free DDNS service where my domain name is hosted (ports 80,443,4125).
    So far, every setup option I have tried does not make it past the implicit deny acl's (on the outside interface) to the web-server (DMZ).
    I understand that the VLAN1 (inside) had to be disabled. I understand that objects now replace some of the older NAT'd components.
    object network webserver-external-ip
    host <X.X.X.X>
    ! I had set this to match my ISP DHCP address
    object network webserver
    nat (DMZ,outside) static webserver-external-ip service tcp www www
    nat (DMZ,outside) static webserver-external-ip service tcp 443 443
    nat (DMZ,outside) static webserver-external-ip service tcp 4125 4125
    access-list outside_acl extended permit tcp any object webserver eq www
    access-list outside_acl_https extended permit tcp any object webserver eq 443
    access-list outside_acl_rww extended permit tcp any object webserver eq 4125
    access-group outside_acl in interface outside
    access-group outside_acl_https in interface outside
    access-group outside_acl_rww in interface outside
    ! added the dns statements below because the cisco doc (below) says it's required or dmz traffic can't get out despite default rule allowing it to do so.
    ! (ctrl-F) ... "all traffic would be blocked from the dmz to hosts on the internet"
    object network dns-server
    access-list dmz_acl extended permit udp any object dns-server eq domain
    access-list dmz_acl extended permit ip any any
    access-group dmz_acl in interface DMZ
    I just want to allow my WHS-2011 (server) to talk to microsoft's free DDNS service where my domain name is hosted (ports 80,443,4125).
    I want to find a way (if possible) to use the single DYNAMIC IP (dhcp'd from ISP) on the "outside" interface, as a means to setup a web-server on the DMZ?
    As an interim alternative, I have been able to setup & connect to the ASA using clientless vpn (web-ssl), and from there getting over to my WHS2011 server...-but the problem is, I have no way of knowing, or updating my DDNS once that IP changes since the ASA keeps blocking the return traffic to theh outside interface. My only assumption is that becasue I am using a single dynamic IP (outside interface) that it has nothing to re-direct the traffic to....???
    Thank You for any help you can provide!!

    I cant really help with the DDNS portion but I would imagine you already have that sorted out.
    The ASA configurations however seem a bit off to me.
    Here is what you should configure
    There are some changes that need to be done to both ACL and NAT configurations. First of the NAT configurations for each port require their own "object network" to be configured.
    Also since you are using a DHCP address from the ISP to act as the NAT address then you can use the keyword/parameter "interface" in the actual "nat" command. This basically tells the ASA that it should use whatever IP address is currently on the "outside" interface of the ASA. So you wont have to configure any separate "object network" for the public IP address every time it changes.
    Also, with regards to the ACL configurations. You should only configure one ACL per interface in the "in" direction. So all the rules you need to configure for traffic inbound from the Internet need to be in the same ACL that you then attach to the "outside" interface with the command "access-group"
    object network WEBSERVER-TCP80
    nat (DMZ,outside) static interface service tcp www www
    object network WEBSERVER-TCP443
    nat (DMZ,outside) static interface service tcp 443 443
    object network WEBSERVER-TCP4125
    nat (DMZ,outside) static interface service tcp 4125 4125
    access-list outside_acl extended permit tcp any object WEBSERVER-TCP80 eq www
    access-list outside_acl extended permit tcp any object WEBSERVER-TCP443 eq https
    access-list outside_acl extended permit tcp any object WEBSERVER-TCP4125 eq 4125
    access-group outside_acl in interface outside
    The above NAT configurations only handles the NAT for situations where the remote hosts on the Internet contact your DMZ server.
    If you want to configure Dynamic PAT for all your LAN and DMZ users which basically enable them to use the "outside" interface public IP address for Internet traffic, then you could configure this single "nat" configuration
    nat (any,outside) after-auto source dynamic any interface
    This would enable Dynamic PAT for all users behind the ASA
    I am not sure if you will run into problems since you are using a single public IP address and trying to forward TCP/443. This port is both used for SSL VPN and ASDM management of the ASA.
    If you want to change the default port of the ASDM management you can use this command
    http server enable
    If you want to change the default port of SSL VPN you can use these commands
    Naturally before doing either of the above changes, make sure that you are not relying to them for management purposes if something was to go wrong. If you have SSH management access to the ASA then it should naturally be ok.
    I am not sure if all of the above are enough to get your setup working but it should be the basics. Naturally if there is still problems after the above suggestions it might be helpfull to see the current ASA configurations. For example NAT might not work if the ordering of NAT rules is wrong even though the actual configurations are otherwise valid.
    Hope this helps
    Please do remember to mark a reply as the correct answer if it answered your question.
    Feel free to ask more if needed
    - Jouni

  • My recirculating pump in sub vi simulation link doesnt work in the second iteration .It opens for maybe half a second whereas i gave the time delay for 5 secs..plz help very urgent

         I have attached my simulation loop.In the model attached i hav eone main pump with constant rpm which drives the 5 smaller pumps and fills the tank at the same time.As soon as the tanks reach their 90% level,the valves of the five pumps close(SP1,SP2,SP3,Sp4,Sp5).After that the recirculating pumps opens for 5 secs of the first tank.As soon as the recirculation finishes,the drain valve(SV1) for tank 1 open and the volume goes to interim storage.This happens for all the remaining tanks.
    My simulation works the first time,but when the second time the loop starts,it skips the recirculation pump even though i gave a time delay for 5 secs.Plz help ..I have attached the simulation.
    Spatial ‏223 KB

    I suspect that you have a race condition. The widespread use of local variables frequently leads to race conditions. Your subVI (Spatial Logic was not included) so I cannot run the VI. You have no way of knowing whether the subVI or the inner case structure will execute first, because there is no data dependency between them.
    I think a shift register or a few and some dataflow thinking would allow you to eliminate the inner case structure, the local variables, and, probably, most of your problems.
    Some of the SPi are indicators and some are controls. How are they used?
    The last case of the inner loop retursn to Case 1. Would case 0 be better?
    As for the second time through issue, it may be related to the Elapsed time function Auto Reset. From the help file: "Resets the start time to the value in Present (s) when the Express VI reaches the Time Target (s)." If more than 5 seconds elapses between the first time you use this and the next, it will exit immediately on the subsequent calls.

  • There is a delay to the provision of your Broadban...

    OK I've just moved home.  My sole source of income is from the Internet so am temporily living round my parents until my "Broadband - Unlimited BT Infinity 2" is activated.  Was supposed to be activated on Friday, but got a message on my BT page saying:
    "There is a delay to the provision of your Broadband order which we are currently investigating with our suppliers. We will keep you informed of any progress, please keep checking online for further updates".
    I've been in communication with a couple of people from BT, but they both claimed to be in the wrong department to help me.  I got 2 different phone numbers to ring tomorrow 0800 731 0286 and 0800 800 150.  Which would be the correct number to ring?
    Is it likely to go on for a long time before I get connected?  What would people advise me to do in order to speed up the process as much as possible?  I'm still paying rent on my old home in case I don't like it in this new area.  So I'm paying 2 lots of rent, 2 lots of council tax and living at my parents!

    Featured Products
    Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Downstream Range(Mbps)
    Availability Date  HighLowHighLow    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 15
    8.5 to 18.5
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 15
    Up to 1.5
    8.5 to 18.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 7.5
    6.5 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    This line has jumpers in place.
    For FTTC Ranges A and B, the term "Clean" relates to a line which is free from any wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions, and the term "Impacted" relates to a line which may have wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Oct-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If you have already placed an order for Broadband and now wish to change to a new supplier, then you will need to cancel the existing order with your service provider or your new request will be rejected. If you do not know who the current Service Provider is, please contact your new Service Provider, who should be able to help you to resolve this issue.
    Note: If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service. 
    Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • HT204053 My husband and I are divorcing and we have used his apple ID for our 2 apple tv's.  He changed his password and now I no longer have access to the 300 or more movies, tv shows and music.   He keeps saying that there is no way for us both to have

    My husband and I are divorcing and we have used his apple ID for our 2 apple tv's.  He changed his password and now I no longer have access to the 300 or more movies, tv shows and music.   He keeps telling me that , there is no way for us both to have it. So, since his Apple ID was the one programmed into our Apple TV's he has custody to everything.  I know there has to be a solution for this, because I can't be the be the only person this has ever happened too!

    Unfortunately the situation is thus...
    Anything Downloaded with a Particular Apple ID is tied to that Apple ID and Cannot be Merged or Transferred to a Different Apple ID.
    Apple ID FAQs
    I know it doesn't help you in your current situation... but you can leave Feedback for Apple here...

  • Dynamic Configuration for two file adapters communication channels

    Hello Experts!!!!!!
         In one of the interface in my landscape, I am using two file adapters for creating two files with different names and at two different destination on F.T.P.
    However the receiver service for both the communication channel are same.
    In message mapping I am using multi mapping to create two files out a single message.
    Now i have a requirement of changing file path and file name using dynamic configuration for both the comm channel.
    When i doing dynamic coniguration for both the comm. channel. My interface is creating two files but with same name and on same destination which is set for second communication channel through dynamic configuration.
    Here, I guess the second dynamic configuration is over writing the first dynamic configuration and hence creating two files with same name and at same destination.    
    Please suggest, if separate dynamic configuration for separate communication channel of same receiver service can be done?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks for your prompt responses!!!!!
        Is there any way, By which in dynamic configuration I can find out the communication channel name and then change its parameter.
    I mean if iam using say comm. channel A and B.
    Then in dynamic configuration for A, I will first take communication channel A by calling it and then change its path/file name.
    and then do samething for comm. channel B in its dynamic conf.

  • Dynamic Header for a website.    DOUBLE POINTS FOR ANSWER!!

    I don't even know where to start with this one, let me try explain this:
    I am looking for ideas on how to create some sort of dynamic header for an affiliate website, we have launched a new affiliate program for the affiliate program is done through and each affiliate is given an ID like:
    Once the affiliate signs up they choose their own website URL like:, then we point the affiliate URL to which in turn comes to our main website: now here is where the problem comes in, how do I make the website display Mikes Health instead of African Cures .
    I hope I was able to explain this well enough as it seems to be a bit confusing to me when I write it down. I really hope there is someone out there who has worked on something like this before or if there is someone who thinks they know how to do this.
    Thank you
    So here is something else I was thinking of, but I am not much of a programmer anymore:
    Have a list of all the affiliate ids and their corresponding website names, eg:
    Affiliate ID=812264 Website name= Mikes Health, then when someone comes to the site the jave works out which affiliate id sent them to the site, eg
    Get(AffiliateID)from Refering.URL then Display.Header(AffiliateID) on main page, do you think you could help me now Sabre150?

    I'm still trying to see what this has to do with Java. Each host name such as will need to be registered with name servers with the IP address of Your web server will then need to be configured to perform perform any mapping.
    Again, what has this to do with Java?

  • Error editing task sequence: Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" From XML into WMI

    I've started getting an intermittent error editing my Windows 7 OSD task sequence.  Sometimes I can open the TS to edit, but when I try to apply changes I get the error.  Other times I get the error when trying to open the TS.  If I try again
    right away, I still get the error, but if I wait a few minutes and try again sometimes it will open the TS. 
    The error reads:
    ConfigMgr Error Object:instance of SMS_Extended Status{Description = "Failed to load dynamic properties for class \"SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction\" from XML into WMI";Error Code = 2147943746;File = "e:\\qfe\\nts\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\ssptspackage.cpp";Line = 3454;Operation = "ExecMethod";ParameterInfo = "SMS_TaskSequencePackage";ProviderName = "WinMgmt";StatusCode = 2147749889;}
    Coinciding with this error, I show the following entries in the TaskSequenceProvider.log file: 
    [PID: 7608] Invoking method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml
    Failed to protect memory buffer, hr=0x80070542
    Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" from XML into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load node Apply Windows Settings from XML into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "PostInstall" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "Execute Task Sequence" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load XML for the task sequence into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    [PID: 7608] Done with method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml
    Setting status complete:  status code = 0x80070542; Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" from XML into WMI
    I exported the task sequence and checked in "object.xml" for the "ApplyWindowsSettingsAction", to see if there was something odd in the xml, but I don't find anything that jumps out as being wrong.  Here's the section of XML for
    that step.  I've removed identifying info, and replaced it with a generic term in bold.
    <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" name="Apply Windows Settings" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0" runFromNet="false"><action>osdwinsettings.exe /config</action><defaultVarList><variable name="OSDLocalAdminPassword" property="AdminPassword"></variable><variable name="OSDComputerName" property="ComputerName">%_SMSTSMachineName%</variable><variable name="OSDProductKey" property="ProductKey"></variable><variable name="OSDRandomAdminPassword" property="RandomAdminPassword">false</variable><variable name="OSDRegisteredOrgName" property="RegisteredOrgName">COMPANY NAME</variable><variable name="OSDRegisteredUserName" property="RegisteredUserName">COMPANY NAME</variable><variable name="OSDServerLicenseConnectionLimit" property="ServerLicenseConnectionLimit">5</variable><variable name="OSDTimeZone" property="TimeZone">Central Standard Time</variable></defaultVarList></step><step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction" name="Apply Network Settings" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0" runFromNet="false"><action>osdnetsettings.exe configure</action><defaultVarList><variable name="OSDDomainName" property="DomainName">DOMAIN.COM</variable><variable name="OSDJoinPassword" property="DomainPassword"></variable><variable name="OSDJoinAccount" property="DomainUsername">DOMAIN ACCOUNT</variable><variable name="OSDEnableTCPIPFiltering" property="EnableTCPIPFiltering" hidden="true">false</variable><variable name="OSDNetworkJoinType" property="NetworkJoinType">0</variable><variable name="OSDAdapterCount" property="NumAdapters" hidden="true">0</variable></defaultVarList></step>
    Is there any other log I should check for a clue on this issue?  What could be causing this error?

    Thanks for sharing that!  I tend to save contacting MS support until after I've exhausted other options.  I'm always afraid that I'll spend the $500 to open a case and then it turns out to be something simple that I would have found if I had just
    kept working on it myself a little longer.
    It looks like that link is for an update released in February as KB3023562.  I downloaded and installed it. I'll try opening/editing/saving the task sequence a few times today to see if the issue is resolved.  
    After I had already installed it, I thought to look up that update in configmgr.  The update is listed as superseded by 2 other updates.  The newest of those is KB3046049, which just installed last night with the other March patches, so it's possible
    that I didn't need to install KB3023562 after all.  

Maybe you are looking for

  • Download Error (480) when trying to download rented movie

    Hello all. Managed to install the update. Everything seems to be working fine. Then decided to rent a movie, accepted the payment etc. but when I try to download I keep getting "Download Error (480)" and a notification to go to "Check Downloads" and

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  • B2B - Requested Delivery Date

    Hello ISA users, I'm having some problem's regarding the Requested Delivery Date, and i'm asking for your help to pass this problem's 1'st problem is when i change the header requirement date, i don't want to be ask about the RDD of the items i wan't

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  • Lost captions in upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0

    I downloaded the upgrade to 3.0, found the photos, found the tags, but lost the captions. I don't want to go through and replace the captions on all my photos. So any suggestions?